View Full Version : OSU Most Desirable College in Oklahoma

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05-08-2014, 12:18 PM
FROM: The Most Desirable College In Each State [MAP] - Business Insider (!K7tu6)

Higher-education information website eCollegeFinder has put together this great map showing the most desirable college in each state based on the number of applications they received this year.

The map is an interesting mix of large state universities and more prestigious — and selective — private schools. The University of California, Los Angeles, had the most applications of any college in the country, with 72,676 potential students vying for admission in fall 2013.

eCollegeFinder's Mike Simmons put the map together using data from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Via eCollegeFinder, these are the most desirable colleges in the country:

05-08-2014, 12:42 PM
Those numbers are just for applicants, not those who actually enrolled; the difference between OU and OSU was 73 applications as each received about 11,000.

OU had a larger amount of enrollees, with higher admission standards.

Also, just comparing the Norman and Stillwater campuses, OU has the largest number of undergrads and total students (including graduate programs).

05-08-2014, 12:44 PM
Florida is surprising with UCF.

05-08-2014, 01:01 PM
Was thinking the same thing. Hard to believe.

05-08-2014, 01:08 PM
Florida is surprising with UCF.

It's a huge commuter school.

Has almost 60,000 students on several campuses.

05-08-2014, 01:09 PM
It's a huge commuter school.

Has almost 60,000 students on several campuses.

Thanks... I didn't know it was that big.

05-08-2014, 01:11 PM
Those numbers are just for applicants, not those who actually enrolled; the difference between OU and OSU was 73 applications as each received about 11,000.

OU had a larger amount of enrollees, with higher admission standards.

Also, just comparing the Norman and Stillwater campuses, OU has the largest number of undergrads and total students (including graduate programs).

Pete nailed it with that one fact. To me, this doesn't say a whole lot about anything. Take Missouri, for example. Wash U in St. Louis is a private, very expensive, elite school that gets tons of applications from all over the world. It's probably the closest prestigious school to Oklahoma. But, it's small and they only accept a fraction of the applicants. I'm not sure this map means much, it's just kind of.....interesting.

05-08-2014, 03:04 PM
Those numbers are just for applicants, not those who actually enrolled; the difference between OU and OSU was 73 applications as each received about 11,000.

OU had a larger amount of enrollees, with higher admission standards.

Also, just comparing the Norman and Stillwater campuses, OU has the largest number of undergrads and total students (including graduate programs).

OU in Norman has more enrolled that OSU Stillwater but OSU has the most enrollment when factoring in OSU-Okmulgee, OSU-OKC, OSU Osteopathic, and OU's Health Science Center and law school.

Just the facts
05-08-2014, 03:22 PM
It's a huge commuter school.

Has almost 60,000 students on several campuses.

They must have only counted 4-year schools because Miami-Dade College has 170,000 students on 8 campuses.

05-08-2014, 03:24 PM
OU in Norman has more enrolled that OSU Stillwater but OSU has the most enrollment when factoring in OSU-Okmulgee, OSU-OKC, OSU Osteopathic, and OU's Health Science Center and law school.

Yes, when you add in two junior colleges for OSU that don't even require a HS diploma and compare them to professional advanced-degree programs at OU, OSU does indeed have more enrolled.

05-08-2014, 04:09 PM
Yes, this headline was written just to generate traffic. The methodology is clearly flawed when Columbia isn't tops in New York, UPenn doesn't hold pole position in PA, MIT in MA, Johns Hopkins in MD, Emory in GA, and UChicago in IL aren't in their obvious places. Wash U. in Missouri seems right, though.

05-08-2014, 04:21 PM
Yes, when you add in two junior colleges for OSU that don't even require a HS diploma and compare them to professional advanced-degree programs at OU, OSU does indeed have more enrolled.

I was thinking along the same lines but also that these advance degree programs also have admission limits on the size of the class they take each year. OU Dental , law, and medical limit incoming class size.

05-08-2014, 08:15 PM
Glad to see my alma mater (Colorado) is on there. Honestly not surprised though. As far as desirability I think we all know OU is desired more from an academic standpoint which is the only thing I think that matters.

05-11-2014, 08:53 AM
OSU took out a full page add about this in The Oklahoman today. My theory on this is that a lot of students apply to OSU as a fall back option in case they don't get admitted to OU. :)

05-11-2014, 09:00 AM
McDonald's also apparently has the most desirable hamburgers in the U.S..

Not a swipe at OSU in any way, but the entire map isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and it ain't even printed on paper to begin with.

05-11-2014, 09:00 AM

05-11-2014, 09:01 AM
That's embarrassing. OSU has plenty of REAL distinctions to hang its cowboy hat on. They shouldn't dignify flawed fluff by taking out a full page ad to celebrate it.

05-11-2014, 09:30 AM
I suppose its fine if your university made that list, but trying to make hay out of it in anyway is a sure sign of internal feelings of inferiority and desperation that can become like a form of spin and propaganda.
I hope that most OSU people are disappointed that their leadership would print something this cheap.

05-11-2014, 10:53 AM
^^^pffft, WTF? Still reeling cause you haven't heard any results from the SI Scandal? Sounds like you have an inferiority complex, lol.

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05-11-2014, 11:33 AM
I, for one, am shocked - shocked! - that ou48a showed up to poop all over OSU and their fans in this thread.

05-11-2014, 12:31 PM
Didn't it come out that ou48...never even went to OU?

05-11-2014, 01:21 PM
Didn't it come out that ou48...never even went to OU?

Who knows but that's just how it is with OU fans. There's not one OSU fan I don't know that didn't attend OSU for at least a semester.

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05-11-2014, 01:29 PM
Who knows but that's just how it is with OU fans. There's not one OSU fan I don't know that didn't attend OSU for at least a semester.

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Wow. That IS very impressive data. You should get a trophy. Everybody gets a trophy now days.

05-11-2014, 02:13 PM
You must lead a sheltered life. I know lots of them and they're great fans, they hate OU and love their Cowboys and very few of them were fair weather fans. Show me the definition of fan that says they must have a relationship with whatever they are a fan of. I didn't attend OU or OSU, does that mean I can't be a fan of either team?
C. T.
Who knows but that's just how it is with OU fans. There's not one OSU fan I don't know that didn't attend OSU for at least a semester.

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05-11-2014, 02:19 PM
Who knows but that's just how it is with OU fans. There's not one OSU fan I don't know that didn't attend OSU for at least a semester.

So OSU lacks the marketing expertise of OU? And anecdotally at least, that's just not very true. One of my best friends is a hardcore OSU fan, tailgates every single game--it's a massive operation. Never went there.

Having received both of my degrees from two other in state schools, I don't really have an official alliance, but if I had to pick, it'd be OU. It's much more fun to root for a winner.

That said, I don't know what a football team has to do with the academic desirability of a university. Pretty typical that a conversation about academic desirability would be dragged down into a football pissing contest by people with degrees from no schools.

05-11-2014, 02:30 PM
You must lead a sheltered life. I know lots of them and they're great fans, they hate OU and love their Cowboys and very few of them were fair weather fans. Show me the definition of fan that says they must have a relationship with whatever they are a fan of. I didn't attend OU or OSU, does that mean I can't be a fan of either team?
C. T.

CT, I haven't had quite as many years as you to develop relationships with people who are fans of OSU that didn't go there. ;-)

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05-11-2014, 03:30 PM
^^^pffft, WTF? Still reeling cause you haven't heard any results from the SI Scandal? Sounds like you have an inferiority complex, lol.

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Since you brought the topic up......I have no idea if its true or not but an osu person told me that the results of the osu investigation will be announced late this month or sometime next month and to expect violations to be announced. This person did not know how severe these violations would be? But with all the rumors circulating about turmoil and this being Gundys last year nothing should be that shocking?

05-11-2014, 03:41 PM
I, for one, am shocked - shocked! - that ou48a showed up to poop all over OSU and their fans in this thread.

Who knows but that's just how it is with OU fans. There's not one OSU fan I don't know that didn't attend OSU for at least a semester.

Emotionally immature fans like you 2 are really very easy to offend and take almost any criticism personally.
Its what causes poke fans to throw turkey legs and such all while making excuses for said behavior.
The criticism over this started long before I posted on this thread.

05-11-2014, 04:20 PM

I don't have a horse in this race, because I'm from KU which is on the map ;) , but that seems pretty silly to take out a full page ad using a random internet article as the centerpiece. I'm sure OSU has much better things to brag about than that.

05-11-2014, 05:10 PM
Emotionally immature fans like you 2 are really very easy to offend and take almost any criticism personally.
Its what causes poke fans to throw turkey legs and such all while making excuses for said behavior.
The criticism over this started long before I posted on this thread.

Laughable you presume to know my thoughts about your situation...hahaha.

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05-11-2014, 06:25 PM
I don't have a horse in this race, because I'm from KU which is on the map ;) , but that seems pretty silly to take out a full page ad using a random internet article as the centerpiece. I'm sure OSU has much better things to brag about than that.

That was my point. Not an OSU dig at all. Just seems like a weak excuse for an ad. The have much better (and more substantial) distinctions to sell.

05-11-2014, 08:02 PM
While I'll say I was a little surprised to see this ad. However, this isn't some buzzfeed crap, it legitimately measures who was applied to most. OSU has always protrayed themselves as a college for everyone, maybe they just wanted to show it's popularity.

05-11-2014, 08:03 PM
Point well taken.
C. T.
CT, I haven't had quite as many years as you to develop relationships with people who are fans of OSU that didn't go there. ;-)

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05-11-2014, 08:16 PM
I believe that more people go to osu than ou in every county in the state except maybe 3.

So no surprise here that people from gotebo, Woodward, and Alva think osu is more desirable.

05-11-2014, 09:09 PM
A pissing match between OU and OSU is kind of like arguing between whether Minnesota State University, Mankato is better than University of Northern the grand scheme of things.

OSU is making a lot of progress and I would imagine in many fields an OSU degree is slightly more valuable than an OU degree.

05-11-2014, 09:11 PM
Here's a more important statistic; however, OU probably won't take a full page out for having the highest graduation rate in the state. OU's latest data shows 66% grad rate after six years, while OSU shows 60%

05-11-2014, 09:19 PM
I disagree, I think for land grant universities, it is essential to weed students out. These universities all have doors that stand a little too open, and there is no other "fair" way to really test students when a university is supposed to be "open to the people." The main state universities are all just degree factories in the end.

Having this argument between OU and OSU is silly because Oklahoma doesn't really have any "prestigious" universities, so there's little to act pretentious about.

05-11-2014, 10:11 PM
OSU is making a lot of progress and I would imagine in many fields an OSU degree is slightly more valuable than an OU degree.

You don't need to imagine, there are all types of objective sources that rate academic programs. It's an easy thing to research, especially through US News which is the most respected of all the academic rankings. I was not able to find a single program where OSU ranked ahead of OU (apart from fields not offered in Norman). I found about 20 where OU was rated higher.

I get this isn't Harvard vs. Princeton but both schools are improving and if you want to compare, it's easy to do so.

Also, this ad is not only dubious it's wildly misleading.

The graphic represents the total number of applications yet the the ad actually claims two completely different things: 1) "More Oklahomans Choose OSU". This graphic has absolutely nothing to do with just in-state applications so why is it the title? (Don't know if it's true or not but the map certainly doesn't address that claim. And is this something to trumpet anyway? Why is it a point of pride to attract a lower percentage of out-of-state students??); and 2) "Rankings are based on the number of people who want to attend the university." That's absolutely not true. It's based only on the number of applications, so why not just say that? Lots of people apply completely independent of the wanting to attend. You apply because you *might* want to attend based on a number of things that happen between the time you have to submit an application and when you actually make a decision, not the least of which being getting into a better school and choosing them instead. Or simply learning more about the school through visits and other means and deciding against it. (This was the case for me after applying to UC Berkeley MBA school.) Or settling on a major a particular school doesn't offer, etc., etc.

Especially in today's competitive environment, most applicants apply to a bunch of schools. Applying to a school is not choosing or even desiring it.

05-12-2014, 12:18 AM
I think all of you OU fans have gotten your digs at us OSU grads. Your academic programs are ranked higher, your athletic programs are better, your endowment is bigger, and you'll always be big brother. Did I get that right or did I miss something? I'm sorry my degree isn't as valuable as yours. Can we move on to more important things like talking about OKC and not things like is my dick bigger than yours?

05-12-2014, 12:30 AM
A pissing match between OU and OSU is kind of like arguing between whether Minnesota State University, Mankato is better than University of Northern the grand scheme of things.

OSU is making a lot of progress and I would imagine in many fields an OSU degree is slightly more valuable than an OU degree.

Very true, Spartan. Arguing over state universities seems about as petty a thing to argue over than anything. Bringing the whole athletic competition between universities to every discussion regarding the schools completely misses the point on why these institutions are there in the first place.

05-12-2014, 08:40 AM
I think all of you OU fans have gotten your digs at us OSU grads. Your academic programs are ranked higher, your athletic programs are better, your endowment is bigger, and you'll always be big brother. Did I get that right or did I miss something? I'm sorry my degree isn't as valuable as yours. Can we move on to more important things like talking about OKC and not things like is my dick bigger than yours?

I apologize if my comments seemed like a slap at OSU grads. It's just that this graphic was silly to start then it's featured in a full-page ad by the school with some pretty misleading claims.

I'm glad to see OSU improving as the state needs better universities. And even though the OU v. OSU thing is often stupid, the competition between the two should make both better and that certainly seems to be happening.

05-12-2014, 02:51 PM
Both universities are part of the same school system, so when it comes down too it they aren't that far apart.

Dennis Heaton
05-12-2014, 03:02 PM
If only the Oklahoma City University School of Law had a football team? :)

05-12-2014, 03:10 PM
OP spelled miserable wrong.

Mods, please correct title.

05-12-2014, 03:14 PM
OP spelled miserable wrong.

Mods, please correct title.

Thanks for your valuable contribution to intelligent discourse.

05-12-2014, 03:17 PM
Both universities are part of the same school system, so when it comes down too it they aren't that far apart.

This. I don't understand this obsession with comparing and fighting between the two schools. It's primarily sports motivated. I applied and was accepted into both Universities, and ended up choosing the one that I felt provided the better programs that I wanted to participate in. It's that simple.

What really gets me is the obsession that some of the folks from the bigger, older, more successful school seem to have with "little brother". You'd think those fans are the ones with the inferiority complex.

05-12-2014, 03:20 PM
Both universities are part of the same school system, so when it comes down too it they aren't that far apart.

They are actually part of completely separate systems but both receive funding from the state (as do all public colleges in Oklahoma).

State funding as a percentage of total budget is shrinking... For OU, it's only about 18% now and falling all the time; would drop to just 15% under the proposed new state budget. They rely much more on tuition, housing and their endowment and all that is unique to each school.

05-12-2014, 03:39 PM
Thanks for your valuable contribution to intelligent discourse.

Lighten up, Francis.

05-12-2014, 03:39 PM
They are actually part of completely separate systems but both receive funding from the state (as do all public colleges in Oklahoma).

State funding as a percentage of total budget is shrinking... For OU, it's only about 18% now and falling all the time; would drop to just 15% under the proposed new state budget. They rely much more on tuition, housing and their endowment and all that is unique to each school.

I was referring to this mostly.

05-12-2014, 03:50 PM
I was referring to this mostly.

This looks like it just confirms which schools are considered public shools and therefore under the state system.

In terms of actual governance and control, OU is under the OU Board of Regents along with Cameron and Rogers State. OSU is controlled by the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents along with Panhandle State, Langston, and NEO.

05-12-2014, 04:21 PM
These are the latest rankings from US News for all the Big XII schools.

OU held at 101; OSU fell from 139 to 142:

Texas 52
Baylor 75 (Private)
TCU 82 (Private)
Oklahoma 101
Iowa State 101
Kansas 101
Kansas St. 135
Oklahoma St. 142
Texas Tech 161
West Virginia 170

Other regional schools of note:

Rice 18 (Private)
SMU 60 (Private)
Texas A&M 69
Tulsa 86 (Private)
Missouri 97
Nebraska 101
Arkansas 128

National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges (

05-12-2014, 07:49 PM
These are the latest rankings from US News for all the Big XII schools.

OU held at 101; OSU fell from 139 to 142:

Texas 52
Baylor 75 (Private)
TCU 82 (Private)
Oklahoma 101
Iowa State 101
Kansas 101
Kansas St. 135
Oklahoma St. 142
Texas Tech 161
West Virginia 170

Other regional schools of note:

Rice 18 (Private)
SMU 60 (Private)
Texas A&M 69
Tulsa 86 (Private)
Missouri 97
Nebraska 101
Arkansas 128

National University Rankings | Top National Universities | US News Best Colleges (

Colorado #86

TCU was a good pickup for the Big 12, but it's a shame we lost CU, MU, UNL, aTm. Academically speaking they were good players. I'm really surprised Kansas State Community College ranks higher than OSU. I've always heard that school was a joke academically hence the reason I call it what I do.

05-12-2014, 08:03 PM
This looks like it just confirms which schools are considered public shools and therefore under the state system.

In terms of actual governance and control, OU is under the OU Board of Regents along with Cameron and Rogers State. OSU is controlled by the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents along with Panhandle State, Langston, and NEO.

Yeah I get that those along with RUSO are the regents that govern, but it still seems like the state controls a lot of what OU and OSU do. I've always heard OU and OSU will never separate in sports because the state doesn't allow it. Because of this I would think they have a lot of power and so I really don't see them being all that separate.

05-12-2014, 10:10 PM
Colorado #86

TCU was a good pickup for the Big 12, but it's a shame we lost CU, MU, UNL, aTm. Academically speaking they were good players. I'm really surprised Kansas State Community College ranks higher than OSU. I've always heard that school was a joke academically hence the reason I call it what I do.

OSU is in an academic free fall. K State probably isn't.

05-13-2014, 08:09 AM
This thread makes me want to become a Longhorns fan.

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05-13-2014, 08:14 AM
So OSU lacks the marketing expertise of OU? And anecdotally at least, that's just not very true. One of my best friends is a hardcore OSU fan, tailgates every single game--it's a massive operation. Never went there.

Having received both of my degrees from two other in state schools, I don't really have an official alliance, but if I had to pick, it'd be OU. It's much more fun to root for a winner.

That said, I don't know what a football team has to do with the academic desirability of a university. Pretty typical that a conversation about academic desirability would be dragged down into a football pissing contest by people with degrees from no schools.

Typical OU fan (not pointing at you, Midtowner b/c you said you don't have an alliance). Didn't attend the school. Only likes them because they are good. Go Lakers. Go Yankees.

05-13-2014, 09:13 AM
Typical OU fan (not pointing at you, Midtowner b/c you said you don't have an alliance). Didn't attend the school. Only likes them because they are good. Go Lakers. Go Yankees.

He makes a point though. If you have no affiliation with a town that has a team or went to a D1 school a lot of people gravitate to winners, mostly because winning programs tend to be marketed more, talked about more on channels like ESPN, etc. So people tend to watch these teams, and in a way form a relationship. IMO that's okay if they do that and stick with the team, even when in 10 years the team starts to not be that good. The annoying people are the flip floppers and bandwagon fans. A lot of people around here are Dallas Cowboys fans. Sure we people could consider them local to some degree, but why not the Chiefs? Probably because Dallas during the 90's got a lot of exposure, and that coupled with closeness made them a an easy team to root for. Teams that are good are going to attract fans with no affiliation other than them winning. Nothing wrong with that.

05-13-2014, 12:08 PM
I actually became a fan because my Boy Scout/Explorer troop (troop 47) in South OKC participated in the "usher" program for home games in Norman. We wore our uniforms and helped people find their seats when they asked. I was there in 1957 when Notre Dame won, halting the win streak at 47. Since I didn't attend a school in Oklahoma, my Oklahoma loyalties stayed with OU all because of my ushering days. I did become a fan of OSU when my next door neighbor played baseball for them in the early 60's. His name was Ray bond and he was quite a catcher. He hit a home run to win one of the CWS games in 64(?). Other than that, I have been an OU fan most of my adult life.
C. T.

05-13-2014, 12:18 PM
He makes a point though. If you have no affiliation with a town that has a team or went to a D1 school a lot of people gravitate to winners, mostly because winning programs tend to be marketed more, talked about more on channels like ESPN, etc. So people tend to watch these teams, and in a way form a relationship. IMO that's okay if they do that and stick with the team, even when in 10 years the team starts to not be that good. The annoying people are the flip floppers and bandwagon fans. A lot of people around here are Dallas Cowboys fans. Sure we people could consider them local to some degree, but why not the Chiefs? Probably because Dallas during the 90's got a lot of exposure, and that coupled with closeness made them a an easy team to root for. Teams that are good are going to attract fans with no affiliation other than them winning. Nothing wrong with that.

I find this^ to be true.
There are examples that show how OU football has made OU a better academic institution.

05-13-2014, 12:20 PM
To a large extent university's are ranked by the amount of research they do.
The information on this link about the Carnegie Foundation ranking is a very important and is of substance, unlike the original posted information.