View Full Version : 'More interested in power than in justice'

08-16-2005, 05:47 AM
From the Washington Post:

Conservatives Rally for Justices

Leaders Ask for Nominees Who Will End Abortion and Gay Rights

By Thomas B. Edsall
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 15, 2005; Page A02

NASHVILLE, Aug. 14 -- Prominent conservative political and religious leaders called Sunday night for Senate approval of Supreme Court nominees who will vote to end the constitutional right to abortion, against recognition of same-sex marriage and for fewer restrictions on religious expression in public places.

The Supreme Court has sanctioned "the right to kill unborn children" and opened the door to legalized "homosexual sodomy," declared Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which co-sponsored "Justice Sunday II."

The Supreme Court has sanctioned "the right to kill unborn children" and opened the door to legalized "homosexual sodomy," declared Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which co-sponsored "Justice Sunday II."

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) said "activist courts" are imposing "state-sanctioned same-sex marriage" and "partial-birth abortion" and are "ridding the public square of any mention of our nation's religious heritage" in what amounts to "judicial supremacy, judicial autocracy."

DeLay was the star in a procession of speakers that included former senator Zell Miller (D-Ga.), Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Chuck Colson and Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly.

Miller criticized the court because it "removed prayer from our public schools . . . legalized the barbaric killing of unborn babies, and it is ready to discard like an outdated hula hoop the universal institution of marriage between a man and a woman."

Speakers compared the civil rights movement of the 1960s to demands now by Christian groups for restoration of traditional morality. "It's time we move to the front of the bus and that we take command of the wheel," said William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League.

Liberal religious leaders denounced Justice Sunday at a news conference. "The people who are putting together Justice Sunday seem to be far more interested in power than in justice," said Barry Lynn, head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. "They now control the White House and the Congress. This is an effort to guarantee they will control the courts as well."

Juxtapose the article above with contemporary Christian musician Steve Camp's analysis of the issue discussed in the previous thread "Food for thought for evangelicals ("

Can you feel the "love"?

These Christian leaders are feeling that great commandment taught by Jesus, "Thou shalt go impose morality on others because that is the true way to salvation."

08-16-2005, 12:45 PM
Although I'm more of a liberal, I personally favor conservative judges. I can't imagine what this country would become if extremist liberals were ruling from the bench.

However, I think you can also draw something else from this. I think the church is gonig at this from the wrong perspective. You are not going to change people and make them better, more religious people by forcing them with laws. Thus, invading the political system with right-winged evangelicals is not the answer. The church is using politics as an excuse for their own failures in recent years. The reason the church no longer has as much influence as it once had is its own fault. Squabbling, bigotry, and judgemental hearts turned many people away. That's contrary to the loving acceptance that Jesus tried to show. It's issues like the Southern Baptist Convention along with many other denominations boycotting the Disney Corp. that turn many people off.

09-27-2005, 02:24 PM
Well, just a thought, but I thought every citizen in this country was supoosed to get equal rights.

Are women's bodies the possession of the state? No? Then how do you outlaw abortion?.

Are homosexuals citizens of this country? Yes? Then how do your strip them of rights that heterosexuals enjoy?

It is not a matter of religious organizations covering up for their own failings as stated by Patrick, it is more an issue of private organizations, which required a choice of free will to join trying to pass their internal laws onto every citizen of this country. It is wrong, it needs to stop. I choose not to be christian, and therefore I am not subject to your dogma. I swear the next person who says "gays shouldn't be able to marry because god says its bad" is going ot make me scream. Your god has no business in my laws. The Constitution says so.

09-27-2005, 04:28 PM
Well, just a thought, but I thought every citizen in this country was supoosed to get equal rights.

Are women's bodies the possession of the state? No? Then how do you outlaw abortion?.

The baby isn't a state possesion either. How can you approve of someone killing him/her?

09-27-2005, 06:02 PM
A portion of this thread has been move to create a new thread called "SPINOFF TOPIC: Abortion (" since the discussion was chasing that rabbit.

Discussion in this thread should try to stay more to the point of the original topic. Thanks! :backtotop