View Full Version : New Urban Hipster Sports?

04-18-2014, 10:23 PM
With all the recent talk--in here and in the Oklahoman/and/or Gazette--about the recent rave regarding Cricket (and, on account of I'm watching an episode of Inspector Morse [from '89] revolving around Cricket), is there any chance that a Professional Croquet Court could be incorporated into the proposed Central Park?

Perhaps with a Full Contact Badminton Court off to the side?

04-19-2014, 07:39 AM
Spa king for myself, I am hopeful the crickets in the park do not have bats, and the bats do have crickets.

04-19-2014, 11:49 AM
Let's hope no belfries are involved in the final design . . . =)

So . . . There was a game invented by a marketing professor, up there at OSU, back in the Dark Ages ('70s or '80s?), that was akin to the Japanese game of Go . . . except it was, like "Go For Dummies." It was called, "Pente" (google it). I think it would be sort of cool to have a life-sized grid where people could represent the pebbles/stones that are involved in the game. This would be so much more trendy than that old, mundane, "Living Chess" thing that is now passé. (it's a great game . . . I still have my original copy. replete with the scroll-like playing surface that tucked neatly into a cardboard tube. =)

04-22-2014, 02:03 AM
... Perhaps with a Full Contact Badminton Court off to the side?
I've entered several full contact buffets in my day.