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Plutonic Panda
11-11-2021, 09:32 PM
Get ready for the orange cones multiple new construction projects coming in the next few years!

Plutonic Panda
10-10-2022, 06:25 PM
Upcoming projects:

Engineering presentation – two intersections

EST’s engineering presentation focused on two intersections within the Broadway and Eastern Avenue Widening project; the Broadway/Tower and 19th intersection as well as the Broadway/Eastern intersection.

Broadway/Tower and 19th street intersection is not ready to handle future traffic as the city expands. EST recommended several strategies to increase its capacity.

The intersection may be widened to accommodate left turn lanes, or it may be completely reconstructed and split.

The Broadway/Eastern intersection is a more complex project, as engineers believe traffic will far outpace the current intersection’s carrying capacity and should employ more advanced engineering.

The intersection will likely be replaced with a roundabout, since it is one of the best traffic solutions for an intersection with complex geometry and multiple nearby roads. Other proposals needed land from nearby businesses, which the Council wanted to avoid.

The City Council agreed with the engineer’s recommendations, but decided to wait until more Councilors are present before making a decision.


10-11-2022, 08:04 AM
Id like to see Eastern shaved down all down the length of Moore. The concrete is so jagged and bumpy now.

10-13-2022, 11:32 AM
Id like to see Eastern shaved down all down the length of Moore. The concrete is so jagged and bumpy now.
If they do fix eastern I would love to see eastern have a center turn lane from n.e27th all the way to s.e19th.

10-14-2022, 09:37 AM
That would be nice, but im not holding my breathe. That's a WHOLE lot more money. Rush hour seems to be when Eastern is the worst. Especially far north from 240. That line from 27th goes all the way up to The Waters.

I wish OKC would put a light in at the 240/Eastern junctions too. Same thing, at rush hour, the line waiting to go north is back past The Diamond every day.

10-14-2022, 11:10 AM
That would be nice, but im not holding my breathe. That's a WHOLE lot more money. Rush hour seems to be when Eastern is the worst. Especially far north from 240. That line from 27th goes all the way up to The Waters.

I wish OKC would put a light in at the 240/Eastern junctions too. Same thing, at rush hour, the line waiting to go north is back past The Diamond every day.
agree. I am in that morning and evening commute on eastern to 240 mon-fri and it is getting really bad. I know there is stop lights planned in the future with the new industrial park development planned on eastern from 240 to 89th

10-17-2022, 07:40 AM
agree. I am in that morning and evening commute on eastern to 240 mon-fri and it is getting really bad. I know there is stop lights planned in the future with the new industrial park development planned on eastern from 240 to 89th

Yeah and im not excited about that even though it will totally be needed once that development really gets moving. It was nice to have that 2 mile stretch where you only had the lights at the mile marks. But hey, we're supposed to finally get a gas station up in these parts with this project ... lol.