View Full Version : Medieval Fair

04-05-2014, 11:38 PM
For anyone who has never been, this is always one of the most unique and fun yearly events in the OKC area. Sunday is the last day.

Middle Ages return to Norman with annual fair | News OK (

Just the facts
04-08-2014, 02:21 PM
I wish we had one down here.


04-08-2014, 02:46 PM
In talking to at least a dozen mostly OU graduates all have stopped going to this event in recent years because of the horrible traffic congestion....most also limit where else they go in Norman while this is in town.

Jersey Boss
04-08-2014, 02:54 PM
Anybody who has lived in Norman for any length of time can get around quite nicely by knowing the backstreets that are also through streets. If you think Norman has horrible traffic congestion on event days, you have never been in a large metropolitan area.

04-08-2014, 03:20 PM
So . . . Simply speaking, theoretically . . . If someone showed up in a Darth Vader costume, with a Light Saber/Sabre instead of a real sword (like the one that the young King Arthur (of the Britons)) might carry, would they be denied admittance to The Fair Medieval? And would that constitute a violation of the Time/Space Continuum regarding play acting? Even if they (that is, said Imaginary Actor) had Triumph the Insult Dog on one shoulder and a boom box blasting Enya, LorenaMcK and the Chieftans on the other? =)

Sorry . . . I used to be a Jester.
Now I take this stuff seriously . . . =)

(cue the Steve Miller Band audio clip . . . the one with "Maurice" in it . . . )

04-08-2014, 03:57 PM
If you think Norman has horrible traffic congestion on event days, you have never been in a large metropolitan area.
That makes zero difference to anyone one but fringe elements in Norman and is in no way justification for what is wrong with Normans traffic.

04-08-2014, 05:00 PM
Outside of 90 minutes, give or take, on some Saturday mornings, navigating Norman is easier than it has ever been in the 27+ years I have lived here.

So, to all ou grads who strive to avoid driving around Norman, I tip my hat and thank you for staying home so the grads, hipsters, geeks, freaks, high brows and low borns and regular working janes and joes can scoot around so freely.

04-08-2014, 05:09 PM
That makes zero difference to anyone one but fringe elements in Norman and is in no way justification for what is wrong with Normans traffic.

What's wrong with the friggin Norman traffic is the dad-gummed Anglo-Saxons.
Somebody needs to notify the proper authorities, posthaste, so's we can redraft the Magna Carta.
(sorry . . . I was up all night playing poker with Steven Wright using Tarot Cards)

04-08-2014, 05:10 PM
Outside of 90 minutes, give or take, on some Saturday mornings, navigating Norman is easier than it has ever been in the 27+ years I have lived here.

So, to all ou grads who strive to avoid driving around Norman, I tip my hat and thank you for staying home so the grads, hipsters, geeks, freaks, high brows and low borns and regular working janes and joes can scoot around so freely.

Yet . . . Where are the wandering troubadors and minstrals in that scenario?
Not to mention the non-wandering ones of their ilk?

Inside of 90 minutes? . . . Ain't gonna happen. =)

Just the facts
04-08-2014, 05:25 PM
In talking to at least a dozen mostly OU graduates all have stopped going to this event in recent years because of the horrible traffic congestion....most also limit where else they go in Norman while this is in town.

Just making a note of this for future reference. :)

04-08-2014, 05:33 PM
Leave it to OU48 to derail this into another traffic thread about Norman. I'm really still trying to figure out where all these terrible traffic is. Maybe I just avoid it all by driving on the lesser used streets - you know, like Main, Robinson, Alameda, Highway 9, 12th SE, and Lindsey. If too much traffic is keeping people away from going to the Medieval Fair, then is it really a bad thing? I would be more worried if you could park right by the vendors with no traffic around.

04-08-2014, 05:39 PM
Leave it to OU48 to derail this into another traffic thread about Norman. I'm really still trying to figure out where all these terrible traffic is. Maybe I just avoid it all by driving on the lesser used streets - you know, like Main, Robinson, Alameda, Highway 9, 12th SE, and Lindsey. If too much traffic is keeping people away from going to the Medieval Fair, then is it really a bad thing? I would be more worried if you could park right by the vendors with no traffic around.

To be fair, I did struggle with traffic in Norman last year on game days and the Medieval fair, but I lived right off of Jenkins just south of Lindsey. For the vast majority of people (and myself too, now that I'm on the far SE side), there is hardly any appreciable traffic here.

04-08-2014, 05:47 PM
To be fair, I did struggle with traffic in Norman last year on game days and the Medieval fair, but I lived right off of Jenkins just south of Lindsey. For the vast majority of people (and myself too, now that I'm on the far SE side), there is hardly any appreciable traffic here.

Which that would be expected if you are in the right location and I can understand that. To claim Norman has a horrible traffic problem because of game day or special event traffic is just silly.

04-08-2014, 06:08 PM
"Medieval" . . . "Fair or Unfair or Just Plain Silly" . . . Channel K-4 at 10 when Mike "The Soothsayer" of Morgan gives a prediction regarding traffic based on weather. (pay no attention to those three hags stirring that big pot in the background and quoting Shakespeare. He, Shakespeare, was post Medieval and, therefore, anachronistic.)

04-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Don't drive to it, just walk and clap 2 halves of a coconut together. Delivery of coconuts by African or European Swallows. Your choice.

04-08-2014, 09:20 PM
They really should add an inflatable castle from the top of which French Soldiers could fart in the general direction of all the Fairgoers. I'm not sure if that would help or hinder the traffic problem. Somebody text Merlin.

In the meantime . . . (while waiting for Merlin to respond) . . .
Some rogue varlet is allegedly giving archery lessons down by ye olde duck pond.

I think he is calling himself Sir Elmer the Fudd.
(which don't ringeth true to me, somehow)

04-08-2014, 09:24 PM
Friday afternoon, I saw a client at his home, then popped to another one who happens to live down off of Constitution and east of Jenkins. Long about 3ih I wrapped up and hit the 7/11 over near 12th and Constitution then headed west. Drove right through the 'thick' of afternoon first day traffic. Except for stopping to let some folks cross the their parking lot to the south of the fare, no more traffic that day than a typical Friday afternoon, and way less than the early arrivers for a home game Saturday.

Didn't feel up to wandering the grounds as my back has been bugging me for several days now. But, I saw lots of happy faces of all ages as I left the fair area behind on Jenkins and then slipped across on Timberdell to Picard, up to Boyd, west to 24th and on north to my next stop. No worries, even with school is out traffic throughout town. Were there cars and trucks? Oh, sure. We're the third largest city after all. But nothing to lay on horns, rev motors or even sigh about. And that is coming from someone who is not typically described as being one of those folks with excellent patience.

04-08-2014, 09:35 PM
Virtual "Cosplay" is way more fun than Real "Cosplay" . . . Is it not?
Sort of like "jousting" as compared to "jesting" . . . 'r sumpin'
'specially when one considereth the vile traffic down there in Norman Territory. =)

04-09-2014, 07:38 AM
Leave it to OU48 to derail this into another traffic thread about Norman. I'm really still trying to figure out where all these terrible traffic is. Maybe I just avoid it all by driving on the lesser used streets - you know, like Main, Robinson, Alameda, Highway 9, 12th SE, and Lindsey. If too much traffic is keeping people away from going to the Medieval Fair, then is it really a bad thing? I would be more worried if you could park right by the vendors with no traffic around.
What a leap to the histrionics. But that very typical for you and a few others on this board.

04-09-2014, 10:22 PM
What a leap to the histrionics. But that very typical for you and a few others on this board.

LOL, that's about the furthest from a post with histrionics that I've ever seen. Again, you just can't stand someone showing you that you aren't totally correct about anything.

04-10-2014, 12:03 AM
Speaking of Lords and ladies, wretches and wenches, anyone know if the SCA or the Order of Avalon are still active in the Norman area?