View Full Version : 10 Brutal North Korean Secrets

04-03-2014, 11:34 AM
10 Brutal North Korean Secrets - Listverse (

If the Kim family had their way, the entire world would think North Korea was a beautiful paradise and that every one of its leaders was a blessing sent straight from heaven. Needless to say, North Korea’s media has a slight penchant for bias, and thanks to their strict tourism policy (anyone can visit as long as they’re already in the country), it’s difficult to get a firm grasp on what actually goes on inside the borders of this closed, totalitarian state. But thanks to a few daring undercover journalists who snuck in, along with gruesome reports from defected North Koreans who snuck out, we’re getting a better picture of how the cogs turn behind the veil of this great propaganda machine. And it’s not pretty.

10 Labor Camps

9 Three Generations Of Punishment

8 Insurance Fraud

7 Arms Dealing

6 Electricity

5 Three-Caste System

4 Human Feces Fertilizer

3 South Korean Citizenship

2 Cannibalism

1 Torture Prisons

04-03-2014, 09:31 PM
You forgot to add:

0 Welcoming Dennis Rodman more than once with open arms.
(an indirect tribute to David Letterman)

04-03-2014, 10:07 PM
Cue the Alex Jones intro music...:D

04-03-2014, 10:09 PM
Cue the Alex Jones intro music...:D

"Blaze On" . . . (some poet a long time ago =)
Yet never forget: The Internets Don't Lie.

(sidebar: That Chrissy Hines RiverBurning in Ohio Bumper Music that Rush Limbaugh co-opted about the time that David Letterman quit being funny is now about as passé as . . . [fill in the blank]. My pick might be linear tracking turntables. Those . . . or Feng Shui. =)

10 Plus One To The Negative:

-1 The Korean Kim Dynasty Requires Square Records With Lots of Waves.

04-03-2014, 10:14 PM
Those "Kims" have been pretty bad but the newest one is crazier than an outhouse rat. If he didn't claim to be a communist I think even China would have stepped on him by now.

04-03-2014, 10:23 PM
Those "Kims" have been pretty bad but the newest one is crazier than an outhouse rat. If he didn't claim to be a communist I think even China would have stepped on him by now.

I'm not sure . . . Yet . . . I think I hear the rustling of some pissed off outhouse rats.
(it is one thing to "read between the lines" . . . it is not the same thing to "read between the ellipses" . . . =)

Is is "coincidence" that one of The Kardassians is name "Kim"? =)
(i don't think so either. =)

04-03-2014, 10:26 PM
Not too bad of a name in the U.S.A. but prolly not a real fan fav in North Korea.

04-03-2014, 10:36 PM
Counterfeiting US currency didn't make the list?

04-03-2014, 10:51 PM
Counterfeiting US currency didn't make the list?

Damn sure should've. (dadgummit)

So . . . Can we put that down as a Negative 2? (-2)?
Them North Koreans just don't get math.
(yet they welcome dennis rodman . . .)
Probably why their missile tests are less than effective.
(except, possibly, for generating the earthquake that caused a significant degree of disturbance over there in Japan a while back.)
(no . . . not the tsunami involving the nuclear power plant . . .
the dinosaur that didn't make it onto the Ark and was a bit angry =)

Just Kidding.
(and factoring..... =)

(sorry . . . part of my actual formative years (pre-computer)
were spent on just this side of the threshold of The Korean "UN Police Action". =)

Apparently it remains a No-Win situation.

04-04-2014, 10:46 AM
On the plus side, awesome haircuts.

04-04-2014, 11:13 AM
On the plus side, awesome haircuts.

No kidding right....
Looks like they were all done with a medium sized salad bowl.

04-04-2014, 11:17 AM
I suspect the young Kim may take after his father who kidnapped hundreds of foreigners.
North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

04-04-2014, 11:47 AM
No kidding right....
Looks like they were all done with a medium sized salad bowl.

I was thinking a knock-off North Korean Flowbee.

04-04-2014, 11:48 AM

04-04-2014, 11:49 AM

04-05-2014, 12:09 AM
I suspect the young Kim may take after his father who kidnapped hundreds of foreigners.
North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

I thought we were discussing the Brutal aspects of the current North Korean Kim Dynasty . . .
Rather than the Semi-comprehendible aspects . . .
In regard to historical conflicts over The Sea of Japan
And other Eastern Co-Prosperity Plan concerns. =)

Like, the Japsanese have good cars and cameras. =)
Not to mention music-players.

From, of course, the pre-Modern, non-digital, world.

Please don't misinterpret any of that as being pro-North Korean.
My uncle fought in that Police Action over there.
(and later became a really good Baptist preacher
then a missionary to The Native Americans
in Gallup New Mexico)

North Korea totally sucks.
No matter what one's historical perspective.
It only exists to keep the controversy going.

Sure wish that Bro. Demming was still around to advise us on the situation . . .
(you have to scroll way down to the end of the article to get the reference . . .
yet it is easy to do. =)