View Full Version : April 1st Election

04-01-2014, 08:27 PM
Ballot tonight was minimal for most.

The Public Safety Sales Tax is currently winning by 50.9% to 49.1% with 45 of 49 reporting.

Ward 2 appears to have elected Clint Williams as its new councilman replacing outgoing Tom Kovich. I believe Tom is going to be retiring with his partner Will to their ranch in NM.

Ward 4 appears to be re-electing Greg Jungman to City Council. His blog: Greg Jungman - Ward 4 ( He is one of the main opponents to High Density development in Norman

Ward 6 has voted out incumbent Jim Griffith for Jerry Lang.

04-01-2014, 08:51 PM
Ballot tonight was minimal for most.

The Public Safety Sales Tax is currently winning by 50.9% to 49.1% with 45 of 49 reporting.

Ward 2 appears to have elected Clint Williams as its new councilman replacing outgoing Tom Kovich. I believe Tom is going to be retiring with his partner Will to their ranch in NM.

Ward 4 appears to be re-electing Greg Jungman to City Council. His blog: Greg Jungman - Ward 4 ( He is one of the main opponents to High Density development in Norman

Ward 6 has voted out incumbent Jim Griffith for Jerry Lang.

I’m happy the tax passed, but Lang will be horrible for Norman. He’s opposed to the idea of a sports complex or aquatic center, opposed to increased connectivity between downtown and Campus Corner, opposed to high density, and opposed to spending money on amenities like the bike lanes that have been going in around town and the fountains at Legacy Park. This is very frustrating.

04-01-2014, 09:00 PM
Jungman was re-elected in Ward 4. Not good since he is not an advocate for higher density development. Hopefully he will at least support the planning that OU is facilitating, and the formation of form-based zoning codes including high density in certain areas while still preserving the SFH neighborhoods.

His responses to questions that I believe are important for Norman's future:
2. What is your position on light/commuter rail?

Answer: Commuter rail is the more cost effective and reachable option (when compared to light rail). While there are major cost hurdles to achieving a functional commuter rail system, I see real value in planning for a future rail connection from Norman to the greater metro area. Ultimately, rail solutions are complex and require considerable planning and coordination by local governments. These solutions will not be achieved easily or by Norman alone.

5. Would you characterize Norman as a "pro-development" or "anti-development" city? And what direction should a growing city like Norman take as we head into the future?

Answer: I support Norman's 2025 Land Use Plan. The plan was negotiated by our citizens and adopted as the policy of the City of Norman.

6. What is your position on the development of trails (Green belt, etc.) throughout the city and how do you assuage concerns of people concerned about private-property rights being infringed upon?

Answer: I support our community's green spaces and look forward to being a good steward of these valuable resources, if elected. City Council has a dual responsibility to protect our community and acknowledge citizen's individual rights.

Norman Ward 4 candidate Greg Jungman answers Tea Party questions | Red Dirt Report (

04-02-2014, 10:51 AM
It looks like there will actually be a run-off election for the Ward 2 seat, as Clint Williams was just short of receiving the 50% + 1 vote necessary to seal the deal.