03-30-2014, 10:29 PM
This is soooooooooooooooo cool. I've seen documentaries in the past but
nothing like this one. Pay attention how the snake appears threatened and
then becomes quite docile.
For those scoring at home, a snake cannot be trained to be a pet.
03-30-2014, 10:43 PM
I read you 5x5 on the "No Pets" reminder . . .
Yet . . . I have to wonder: Is this a PSA for "Snakes on Dope" or "Dope with a Snake"?
In either case, I'm amazed that Hinduism knows stuff that Backwoods Church Hillbillies don't.
(and I really liked that primitive clarinet/pennywhistle.) =)
Putting on some Diana Krall does the same thing for me.
03-30-2014, 10:49 PM
I'm not sure how this would play over there in India . . .
(as far as Snake Charming goes . . .)
Yet . . . Perhaps there's some Karma 101 involved?
03-30-2014, 11:16 PM
The big question is could you train a snake to work in a microsoft customer svc center
Snakes sound more apple-ish.
03-30-2014, 11:42 PM
The big question is could you train a snake to work in a microsoft customer svc center
Given enough time (around the vicinity of, like, eternity) the answer is a qualified "yes".
03-30-2014, 11:45 PM
Snakes sound more apple-ish.
I think you are lumping snakes in with serpents.
The Bible indicates that what we refer to as "snakes" ain't 'zackly the same thing.
And apples ain't The Fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil neither.
(even if one a day keeps the doctor away)
03-31-2014, 12:52 PM
The big question is could you train a snake to work in a microsoft customer svc center
Why not ... some would opine they already train some to sell cars, advertising, and amazing knives microphones, ovens, etc.
03-31-2014, 07:02 PM
And don't forget the "pocket fisherman".
03-31-2014, 11:42 PM
And don't forget the "pocket fisherman".
From Popeil (or whatever . . . the Ron Dude) . . . Long before QVC, HSN [et. al.] =)
(and then there was . . . The VegeMatik . . .)
(Did I forget The Great Wok of China? with the carnival huckster (with a British accent)
doing a dish involving broccoli and animal protein? =)
In reality . . . The Great Wok of China introduced me to "The Joy of Cooking" . . .
so I shouldn't be what might be misconstrued as "snarky" in this connection. =)
(from what i hear/tell them fresh caught rattlesnakes from down around Mangum or Waurika taste a lot like chicken.
without the risk =)
(i hope Antler Dad has me on "Ignore". . . =)