View Full Version : Question: What are OKC drivers like compared to other cities?

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03-27-2014, 12:49 PM
This is for those of you who have spent any amount of time driving in other cities as I have only spent the majority of my driving life in central oklahoma.

Are drivers in other cities as rude as the drivers in okc? I know rude can mean a couple of things, so I will just add a couple of my own stories to get the conversation going. I've noticed, a little too frequently, that drivers can be extremely rude when merging onto a major highway. There have been quite a few times lately when I see a gap when merging, and as i match speeds to hit it, the driver in the other lane behind me notices and guns it to close the gap so I can't merge. This has happened quite a few times lately. You kinda get stuck in no-man's land when that happens and typically have to merge going slower than the pace of the traffic.

I've also noticed than when lanes end, people will not give a gap to let you merge.

Finally, when you have the people that gun it to the front of the line when you have a lane that ends, they just merge even when there is no gap between cars. They seem perfectly content on running in to you. (I know...this is a little contradictory to the previous point.)

Now, I know this happens everywhere to some degree. I just notice this stuff all the time here. What are other's experiences? How would you rate the drivers here as far as "rudeness" is concerned?

03-27-2014, 01:05 PM
I don't think OKC drivers are that rude. Now in the parking lot yes, people in their big F-350s feel the need to park so close to me on the drivers side they almost hit me and I have to get into my car on the passengers side because I cannot fit on the drivers side. That happens all the time and wish I knew of a way to stop it. Never had it happen once in Charlotte. Other than that though, I haven't had much problem on the roads here. OKC drivers do tend to go at or below the speed limit for the most part. In big cities traffic generally flows at 10-15 mph over the limit and if you are going below the speed limit under normal traffic conditions you are likely to spark road rage.

03-27-2014, 01:42 PM
Slow slow slow. And what is it about Oklahoma that they refuse to put in left hand turn lanes? Even on major streets like May.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 01:53 PM
Slow. Don't understand how to merge on highway. Don't understand how to move out of the way for people in the fast lane. Although, it does seem traffic in OKC is beginning to speed up lately.

03-27-2014, 02:19 PM
My biggest gripes:

I don't understand the need for people to drive so slow here. NW Expressway and Classen are the worst in regards to people going 5-10 under the speed limit. I shouldn't blow past people going 40-45 on these streets.

Merging is a serious issue for a lot of drivers here. If I had a dollar for every person who I've been stuck behind who thinks they can get on a freeway moving 60-70 MPH going 35-40 I would be a millionaire. I guess I should be lucky as I've never been behind someone who STOPPED on the on ramp, which I have seen several times.

Something I have noticed here as well is people are afraid to pass a slower driver, even if another lane is clear. They would rather ride their bumper and impede the flow of traffic behind them. Once you get onto the rural interstates this is not a problem. I don't get it.

All in all, drivers here are not bad but could stand to be a bit more aggressive and defensive, which are not always bad things.

03-27-2014, 02:25 PM
I have the same complaints about other drivers in basically any city I've ever been in haha.

Roger S
03-27-2014, 02:26 PM
You guys do realize the "fast lane" isn't the break the speed limit lane... Right?

Biggest problems I see in OKC are the people that weave in and out of traffic because they can't schedule properly so they speed everywhere they go.

People making exits from the Interstate from the inside lane crossing 2 or 3 lanes of traffic. See this happen almost daily now.

And as has already been mentioned.... Not knowing how to merge properly.

Oh and my biggest pet peeve.... People that think a blinker being put on for a lane change means speed up and get next to the person trying to make the lane change.

03-27-2014, 02:28 PM
Too slow driving in general (clear blue sky, flat, visibility for miles, 4-lane road, not heavy traffic - why do they go 10 MPH under???)

Too slow to notice a red light has changed (I've missed dozens of lights because #3 in line sat like an idiot, the sensors didn't detect anybody and changed to red, leaving about 10 of us behind the idiot for at least another cycle, who finally realizes the light has changed and goes, but runs the red light)

Too slow while turning (literally sometimes 2-3 MPH, and yes, there are sometimes reasons for turning really slow, but it happens ridiculously often)

Don't use signals

Can't figure out how to merge onto a highway

Can't figure out how to navigate curves on the Hefner Parkway at more than 50 MPH

Jump across many lanes of traffic all of a sudden because they need to turn left instead of right within 30 feet of the intersection

Don't understand what someone behind them on the highway flashing their headlights means

Don't understand that the left lane on a highway is for passing, they just dawdle along

When I try to get around or pass someone, a disturbing amount of the time the driver seems to think this is a personal affront and fights with me (just let someone pass you and get out of their way, absolutely no reason to do anything otherwise), happens 5-10 times every day to and 5-10 times every day from work on the Hefner Parkway and Kilpatrick Turnpike, all I do is go 7-10 MPH over the limit, start flashing my headlights in enough advance time and want to get off the road and to work or home, I don't want to race or figure out who has the biggest ****

Not as much of a problem as in other cities, but red-light-running has been increasing and the runners seem to have no care in the world they're doing it (I honk and flash my lights at them and they don't seem to even notice that what they did is horribly dangerous)

NO BRAKE LIGHTS! I can't begin to tell you how many vehicles I've seen here with absolutely no brake lights, way way more than any other place I've lived or driven. Taillights/headlights/signals out too - way more than average, I believe.

Lots of pick-em-ups that can't seem to figure out how to park between the lines (not exclusive to OKC, but the percentage of vehicles over the line that are pick-em-ups is huge, in my estimation)

Don't seem to realize that you should not go through an intersection unless you can clear it on the other side

When someone's turning left, the drivers slam over into the right lane without much looking, signaling, or anything else on their minds other than "MUST NOT STAY MORE THAN 1 MORE SECOND BEHIND A LEFT TURNER!!!!!!" Almost been hit many times because of that

Slowing down to a crawl when they're in the right lane of a 4-lane road passing someone who's turning left (probably because they've been hit by someone who pulled the last stunt I listed)

Swinging out into the left lane when turning right (basically, not knowing how their car handles/operates and what its parameters/limits are)

The lack of left (and right) turn lanes in OKC is appalling on major streets. In IL and WA, major streets were almost always 5 lanes, if not more - 2 one-way, 2 the-other-way, middle left turn, and maybe a right turn lane. Left and right turn lanes help traffic flow *so* much more smoothly. Great stretch of road that shows that is May between Britton and Hefner, but south of Britton and north of Hefner, May turns into a cluster**** because of all the retail that people turn into and out of. Left-turn lanes will never be constructed on major streets, though, because all the infrastructure is usually *right* beside the street and it's not gonna be moved just so traffic can flow more smoothly, no return on the cost.

Horribly unsynchronized traffic lights are also a problem - try driving up/down May from 36th to Memorial almost any time of day, NW 63rd light changes to green, you go north, floor it trying to get through the light at NW 65th, can't, changes to red almost immediately when NW 63rd light changes to green, very consistently. Same goes for the 50th/Target lights, and Hefner/Taco Cabana lights, etc. Other streets are as bad, I just use May as an example 'cos I drive on it more than other streets.

Last two aren't really driver problems, but thought I'd just stick 'em in there for fun...

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:29 PM
My biggest gripes:

I don't understand the need for people to drive so slow here. NW Expressway and Classen are the worst in regards to people going 5-10 under the speed limit. I shouldn't blow past people going 40-45 on these streets.

Merging is a serious issue for a lot of drivers here. If I had a dollar for every person who I've been stuck behind who thinks they can get on a freeway moving 60-70 MPH going 35-40 I would be a millionaire. I guess I should be lucky as I've never been behind someone who STOPPED on the on ramp, which I have seen several times.

Something I have noticed here as well is people are afraid to pass a slower driver, even if another lane is clear. They would rather ride their bumper and impede the flow of traffic behind them. Once you get onto the rural interstates this is not a problem. I don't get it.

All in all, drivers here are not bad but could stand to be a bit more aggressive and defensive, which are not always bad things.Agreed!

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:30 PM
You guys do realize the "fast lane" isn't the break the speed limit lane... Right?

Biggest problems I see in OKC are the people that weave in and out of traffic because they can't schedule properly so they speed everywhere they go.

People making exits from the Interstate from the inside lane crossing 2 or 3 lanes of traffic. See this happen almost daily now.

And as has already been mentioned.... Not knowing how to merge properly.

Oh and my biggest pet peeve.... People that think a blinker being put on for a lane change means speed up and get next to the person trying to make the lane change.It really is more known as the passing lane....

03-27-2014, 02:30 PM
I am convinced the slow driving is kind of a cultural thing. Spend some time in Arkansas or in Texas outside of the big cities and its same thing. It's a much slower pace of life here and that is reflected in the way people drive. I also think the aggressiveness of police also may be a factor. When driving to North Carolina, I try to not go more than 5 mph over the limit through Oklahoma and Arkansas, but once I get to Tennessee I bump the cruise control up to 10 mph over the limit. In NC I go 15 mph over because not only does traffic flow at that speed but the cops generally won't pull you over until you are above 15mph over the limit.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:34 PM
Oh and another complaint I have is the douchebags in pick-up trucks that throw their garbage in the bed and then it flies out on the highway. That really grinds my gears. I have recorded people doing it(with my dash cam) but never reported anyone mainly because I don't want to be "that guy".

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:36 PM
I am convinced the slow driving is kind of a cultural thing. Spend some time in Arkansas or in Texas outside of the big cities and its same thing. It's a much slower pace of life here and that is reflected in the way people drive. I also think the aggressiveness of police also may be a factor. When driving to North Carolina, I try to not go more than 5 mph over the limit through Oklahoma and Arkansas, but once I get to Tennessee I bump the cruise control up to 10 mph over the limit. In NC I go 15 mph over because not only does traffic flow at that speed but the cops generally won't pull you over until you are above 15mph over the limit.Yeah, the police here are assholes. The only good ones are really Oklahoma County Sheriff. I was pulled over for doing 8 over by an Edmond cop one time on I-35 and I've had OKC police flash their lights at me for doing 10 over, but they haven't pulled me over for it.

03-27-2014, 02:47 PM
Yeah, the police here are assholes. The only good ones are really Oklahoma County Sheriff. I was pulled over for doing 8 over by an Edmond cop one time on I-35 and I've had OKC police flash their lights at me for doing 10 over, but they haven't pulled me over for it.

I'm not trying to be the goody goody poster here, because I speed between 5-10 mph everywhere too, but are you really going to complain about the cops being a-holes because they actually do their jobs?? ;)

Roger S
03-27-2014, 02:48 PM
It really is more known as the passing lane....

And it's still not the break the speed limit lane.

You personally admitted that you drive 7-10 over the limit. That's not the other drivers problem that is doing the speed limit. It is a problem you have created by breaking the law.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:52 PM
I'm not trying to be the goody goody poster here, because I speed between 5-10 mph everywhere too, but are you really going to complain about the cops being a-holes because they actually do their jobs?? ;)Well, I honestly can't argue with you. The law is the law no matter what. The police could show some leniency however. In most big cities, they won't mess with you for going 5-10 over and a bunch of places I know of don't really do anything until you hit 16MPH or above. Speeding makes up for a small part of accidents. I could try and find the graphic, but the majority of accidents are related to distracted driving(texting), being under the influence of something, and disregarding traffic signals(stop signs, stop lights etc.).

03-27-2014, 02:54 PM
I'm not trying to be the goody goody poster here, because I speed between 5-10 mph everywhere too, but are you really going to complain about the cops being a-holes because they actually do their jobs?? ;)

Well, I kind of agree with the Panda, and yes, the cops are doing their jobs, but there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more dangerous things that happen on the road that cops ignore (I have seen them sit there as the first car while 2 cars run the left-turn red light, for example), but they'll bust you for speeding in an instant, even if you're the only one on the road and not really creating much of a safety problem. Low-hanging fruit that brings in tons of money and is usually an easy stop is what I'm thinking is happening. A friend has heard that Edmond cops (and others, probably) have a saying - "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine", which is why I usually don't go above 10 over (yes, I have a radar detector, but going much more than 10 over here *is* dangerous due to all the other weirdness).

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 02:57 PM
And it's still not the break the speed limit lane.

You personally admitted that you drive 7-10 over the limit. That's not the other drivers problem that is doing the speed limit. It is a problem you have created by breaking the law.I don't have an issue with people that drive the speed limit in the passing lane. My issue is with people that purposely match the persons speed next to them to be a dick and block traffic. A ton of people do it. I have even witness troopers pulling slow drivers over on occasion. I have a truck that swerved over 2 lanes to block me when I was doing about 10 over with a trooper behind me and a guy in a lifted Chevy truck got right in front of me and matched to persons speed next to him(which was about 65mph) and the trooper turned his lights on(I got nervous and thought he was pulling me over) and I moved, he went right pass me and pulled the guy in the truck over. I can only assume he was busted for obstructing traffic unless his vehicle matched a description put out by a police abd.

03-27-2014, 03:00 PM
When coming to the base of the on-ramp and about to merge, the driver on the ramp behind me will rush over the double white lines and try to cut me off from behind. It's like they're so anxious to merge that they can't control themselves and wait 5 more seconds.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 03:04 PM
Well, I kind of agree with the Panda, and yes, the cops are doing their jobs, but there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more dangerous things that happen on the road that cops ignore (I have seen them sit there as the first car while 2 cars run the left-turn red light, for example), but they'll bust you for speeding in an instant, even if you're the only one on the road and not really creating much of a safety problem. Low-hanging fruit that brings in tons of money and is usually an easy stop is what I'm thinking is happening. A friend has heard that Edmond cops (and others, probably) have a saying - "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine", which is why I usually don't go above 10 over (yes, I have a radar detector, but going much more than 10 over here *is* dangerous due to all the other weirdness).Yeah, I see people all the time weaving in and out of traffic driving like a maniac, not even speeding, just driving recklessly; that is way more dangerous than doing 5-10 over. I never weave through traffic and am actually very patient with people driving slow in the fast lane. The majority of my driving ends up being behind some slowpoke because two or three people will sit there and drive like 5-10 UNDER! It gets really annoying, but I think as OKC grows and becomes bigger(along with fixing our screwed up highways and interchanges) people will gradually drive faster; we are also seeing an aging baby boomer population and my grandmother is one of them and drives 10-15 under and thinks people drive aggressive here because people start getting on her tail. That is one thing I can understand, but if you are unable to keep up to speed, maybe it's best you stay off the highway lol

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 03:05 PM
When coming to the base of the on-ramp and about to merge, the driver on the ramp behind me will rush over the double white lines and try to cut me off from behind. It's like they're so anxious to merge that they can't control themselves and wait 5 more seconds.Man, I have problems with people driving too slow when merging :p

03-27-2014, 03:25 PM
When coming to the base of the on-ramp and about to merge, the driver on the ramp behind me will rush over the double white lines and try to cut me off from behind. It's like they're so anxious to merge that they can't control themselves and wait 5 more seconds.

I will actually do this sometimes, but I go over the white lines and into the middle or left lane, going faster than the person I was behind, who was going way under the speed limit, so I don't cut anybody off, I just get ahead of the slow person (not saying *you're* slow, just that I do it when someone ahead of me gets on the highway at 45 and the rest of the highway is going 65, for example). Oh, and as far as I know, my driving has not caused an accident that I was not involved in, nor have I been in an accident because of my driving habits, not in over 30 years of driving, just to head anybody off that thinks I'm a maniac leaving wreckage in my wake...

03-27-2014, 04:01 PM
When coming to the base of the on-ramp and about to merge, the driver on the ramp behind me will rush over the double white lines and try to cut me off from behind. It's like they're so anxious to merge that they can't control themselves and wait 5 more seconds.

Oh man! This x10000000!!!! This happens on a nearly daily basis. I once had a guy tailgate me for 5 miles because he jumped the lines, and I merged in front of him still. I may have been slightly irritated that he jumped the lines and forced myself in, but you know...:p

03-27-2014, 04:08 PM
I've lived in several cities across the USA and overseas. And no matter where you live the people there complain about the local drivers. It's universal and what separates us from the chimps.

My least favorite drivers are Philadelphians. Holy cow they honk and flip you off for stopping at an amber light. But hey what can you expect from a lot who boo Santa clause. City of brotherly love my arse.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2014, 04:31 PM
I've lived in several cities across the USA and overseas. And no matter where you live the people there complain about the local drivers. It's universal and what separates us from the chimps.

My least favorite drivers are Philadelphians. Holy cow they honk and flip you off for stopping at an amber light. But hey what can you expect from a lot who boo Santa clause. City of brotherly love my arse.Whenever they do that... this is what you do

Be Terry Crews in the Corvette. I have that song on my phone and an extremely loud stereo system and I blasted it after he pulled up next to me to cuss me out because I let an older lady out of Sprouts parking lot onto 2nd street and caused him to have to wait through another red light.

03-27-2014, 06:00 PM
Man, hate to do this, but saw 4 more things on my 30 minute drive home that I see in OKC that I haven't seen anywhere else very much, if at all...

"They got brakes" - people pulling out onto a main street almost literally right in front of other cars, then going slow. Saw this 3 times happening to someone else, and once to me, just on the way home. Could be a by-product of Okie drivers expecting all other Okie drivers to be going slow...

Can't figure out 4-way stops - if you get there first, do *not* wait for the person coming up to it that's 2 blocks away, then decide to wave them on. Just go if you're the first, and if you're not the first, right-of-way is called that for a reason. Can't count how many times I've sat there waiting for the dumb*** waving me on to go, because they either got there first or they were on my right, not going to continue the stupidity...

In the left lane and wanting to turn right (or vice versa) 20-30 feet (or whatever distance) ahead and just sitting there with your turn signal on (most of the time) holding up all traffic behind you and just generally screwing things up in both lanes.

Can't figure out friction and gravity - if you're holding your accelerator pedal steady, you will slow down going up a hill and speed up going down a hill, most of the time. Watch your speedometer, don't go between 30 and 50 when the speed limit is 40, just stay consistent, really not that hard.

Hopefully no more....

03-27-2014, 06:32 PM
One of my pet peeves is taking up a 1/4 mile to slow down to a stop light.

Besides just chewing through your brakes, it's just ridiculous. If I see I won't make it through a light and I am a good distance away, I'll coast and then apply brakes as I am several hundred feet away from stopping. Instead of a slow constant braking for a 1/4 mile. Plus if I am coasting, I will slowly lose speed and maybe as I get closer the light will change and I don't have the wear on my brakes or a lot of speed to pick back up. (Good on gas)

Edit: Distracted Poster: eating nachos and typing.

03-27-2014, 06:32 PM
Two things I've also noticed:
1.) Rubbernecking. Several times I've noticed traffic on the highway slow in all lanes and I've wondered what the deal was. Then a mile of so later I'll see someone in the opposite flow of the highway across the median changing a flat, or a two car fender bender. Then the traffic disappears and everyone speeds up.
2.) When two cars at each other's eleven o'clocks, opposite directions, are both turning left on unprotected lights.....YOU CAN BOTH GO AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

03-27-2014, 07:56 PM
Oh and another complaint I have is the douchebags in pick-up trucks that throw their garbage in the bed and then it flies out on the highway. That really grinds my gears. I have recorded people doing it(with my dash cam) but never reported anyone mainly because I don't want to be "that guy".
Wow man up son. I do it all the time. Especially drunk drivers.

I'm not trying to be the goody goody poster here, because I speed between 5-10 mph everywhere too, but are you really going to complain about the cops being a-holes because they actually do their jobs?? ;)
The Nazis were just doing their job too. Yes people are responsible for what happens when they "do their jobs." Or at least they should be, but are rarely held accountable (e.g. Tinseltown killing).

03-27-2014, 08:03 PM
A friend has heard that Edmond cops (and others, probably) have a saying - "9 you're fine, 10 you're mine"

I just figured that was the rule everywhere. That's the same way it is up in Kansas and KC. In fact back when I was in HS our school security guard (an off-duty state trooper) told us that exact same phrase. That's why I always keep my speeding to no more than 10 over. Especially now that the interstates in KS raised their speed limit to 75. If you hit 85 on the radar gun there's no hesitation these days, it's pretty much automatic.

Everyone speeds ~15-20 mph over the speed limit up here in NY/PA. But that's because all the interstates and highways have 65 mph speed limits, and sometimes 55 mph. So I guess the state troopers and highway patrolmen are just more lenient because of it.

03-27-2014, 11:26 PM
I think the drivers here are fine. Sure they might be a bit slow, but I don't mind it. I just go around them if I can, or just be patient and be grateful I don't have to drive in a big city somewhere. My last home area, Orlando, FL, the drivers were either inept (British tourists especially, but tourists in general) or VERY impatient and aggressive (mostly NYC transplants). I once sat with a dropped jaw as I was honked at and passed, PASSED (!) at a stop sign in a residential neighborhood! I could not believe it. I don't miss being constantly passed on residential streets like I was there. And I am not a slow driver, generally a 5 MPH over guy.

03-28-2014, 09:13 AM
Most people have already covered it.


Seriously, I took driver's education in OK and not once was any mention of interstate/highway merging. Probably the most dangerous part of OK driving, IMO.

03-28-2014, 10:33 AM
Most people have already covered it.


Seriously, I took driver's education in OK and not once was any mention of interstate/highway merging. Probably the most dangerous part of OK driving, IMO.

Yep, this thread nailed it. Merging is my number one peeve here. The slow driving is bad, but it is a nice break for me coming from the unbelievably aggressive driving of NJ.

The other thing that drives me up a wall here is the lack of turn signals. Worse than anywhere else I've ever driven. I was beginning to think they were optional in the state of Oklahoma for a while....

Mississippi Blues
03-28-2014, 10:34 AM
What's funny is, a few months back I made a comment about the people OKC having problems merging and I was told I was just looking for something else to bash the people of Oklahoma about and said poster had never encountered any problems merging. Oh irony, how you make ignorance so much funnier.

03-28-2014, 11:19 AM
It may have been mentioned before, but why does everyone slow way down for the slightest curve on an interstate or freeway? Do all the drivers forget that the highway continues on the other side of the curve, even though they can't see it? Are they Flat Earth people who think they're going to drive into the abyss?

03-28-2014, 11:33 AM
Yep, this thread nailed it. Merging is my number one peeve here. The slow driving is bad, but it is a nice break for me coming from the unbelievably aggressive driving of NJ.

The other thing that drives me up a wall here is the lack of turn signals. Worse than anywhere else I've ever driven. I was beginning to think they were optional in the state of Oklahoma for a while....

I felt the same way moving here from back North. Granted nothing gets your nerves going then driving down LSD heading for the interstate in downtown Chicago - during the last bit of rush hour - with 4 intoxicated people yapping away. LOL

Merging is probably the biggest issue here. Those in Norman are definitely familiar with the annoyance of Hwy 9 to I-35 NB. The very end really has no merging room at all anymore with the construction, but you have a good quarter mile to match speeds of those on 35 to integrate in perfectly. Which of course doesn't happen. People take their time getting up to speed and then you have everyone slamming on their brakes right at the end. Granted you have people from Lindsey entering on that don't bother looking and get in front of you (who is doing 50-60 mph already) while only doing 30-40 mph. I can understand some people just don't have the mental capacity or concentration to visualize spacing and trends in where everyone is going, but you should still be able to fit yourself in without causing problems. My opinion, if merging in and you cause the person behind you to brake - you did it wrong.

I would also point out yield signs are there for a reason. If you are going to impact the flow of traffic by ignoring it, you are in the wrong.

The only other major issue I have are those that feel the need to do 10 over all the time and zip in an out. Depending on how many cops I see out, I probably average around 5 over in most cases unless the flow of traffic is set higher than that - in most cases it isn't here. I also find it entertaining that some idiot flew passed me usually ends up right in front of me at the traffic light at the exit ramp I'm taking. :) other thing. Speeding in construction. Especially when workers are out, I can not stand people that have such ill regard for those working that they'll keep going well over the posted limit in construction zones. They are only maybe a mile or so long, doing 55 for a couple minutes instead going to hurt. Personally I think the fines for speeding through construction should be way more than doubled. Just start at a minimum of $1500 and go up from there. People will learn quickly. :)

03-28-2014, 12:09 PM
On the way to work earlier this week I seen an idiot coming up behind me tailgating another car. We were on I-35 N just north of 19th steet in Moore, traffic was stop and go and really no way the guy in front could have gotten over. The idiot behind was weaving back and forth and literally 1'-0 behind the other guy. Idiot passed me, he was driving a old piece of junk cavelier or something similar and on the back glass had had placed stickers that read "Oklahoma State Law 11309 - <------Left lane for passing only. Slower Traffic keep right ------>". I wish I could have expressed to the idiot how stupid and imature he looked. He continued to tailgate and eventually passed the guy on the right hand side but continued weaving in and out of traffic tailgating everybody he got behind. I wish idiot had gotten behind me, I'd have let him tasted my bumper. :D
Back to the topic I think in general OKC drivers are pretty mild compared to other cities such as Dallas/Ft. Worth. Folks down there do not know how to drive! It's like a 24/7 Nascar race, get out of the way or get ran over.

Roger S
03-28-2014, 12:47 PM
The other thing that drives me up a wall here is the lack of turn signals. Worse than anywhere else I've ever driven. I was beginning to think they were optional in the state of Oklahoma for a while....

I think it's a result of what I said earlier. If you signal to make a lane change some jacka$$ in that lane will speed up so you can't get over. So people don't use them at all and make the stealth lane change.

03-28-2014, 10:08 PM
From my trip log, my first drive in the City of New York -- some of it, anyway:

I'm sure there's a reason why it's the Bronx, although I admit to spending more time looking at the exit for the Throgs Neck Bridge and wondering just who the hell was Throg. Actually, I got to spend a lot of time looking at signs, what with the usual traffic congestion exacerbated by construction here and there. And I executed a fair number of what I would normally consider to be startling moves in traffic, operating under the assumption that New Yorkers wouldn't care what kind of crap I pulled so long as I didn't inconvenience them in so doing. From the absence of horns sounded in anger rather than sorrow (and with WQXR on the radio, I'd have heard them had they been sounded), I must conclude I was right.

This was twelve years ago, but I stand by my conclusions.

03-28-2014, 10:23 PM
From my trip log, my first drive in the City of New York -- some of it, anyway:

This was twelve years ago, but I stand by my conclusions.

I drove around NYC (Manhattan) for the first time a couple months ago. I have to say, it wasn't near as hard to drive around as I would've thought. It was basically just me and the taxis, along with an occasional Escalade or Benz. But OMG, the taxis. I kid you not, I got horned trying to turn right at just about every intersection because I had to wait for all the pedestrians when the light would turn green. Now I truly understand what people are talking about when they talk about NYC taxis. I had a taxi PASS ME (go around and cut in front of me to turn right) while I was waiting to turn, and he just slammed right through a tiny gap in the pedestrians walking through the crosswalk. I don't know how he didn't hit anybody. Those guys alone would be enough to make me never step foot in a car while I was in the city.

03-28-2014, 11:36 PM
The car taking pictures here wasn't totally innocent but LOL.

03-29-2014, 12:57 PM
Interesting news follow-up interview with the lady that filmed the video above. She said the speed limit was 55 and she had slowed down to 50 as it was coming down. I assume the speed limit slows at some point, but she never said to what and when it slowed down. She admitted to going 5 under and riding the left lane. I too would be a little PO'ed if I was following her. I guess technically, that is like an every day drive in Oklahoma ;)

Anyway, she's proud that she caught this guy doing that and got her moment in the sun, but she is part of the problem too as she clearly antagonized this guy.

It is interesting because the speed limit in our neighborhood is 25 and I swear, there are a couple of people out here that will drive 15 just to prove a point that you need to drive slow in a neighborhood. My truck won't even idle that slow. It drives me absolutely insane!!

The Full Story Behind That 'Instant Karma' Viral Video - Video (

03-29-2014, 06:08 PM
About half the people driving anywhere (not just OKC) shouldn't be allowed to drive....but it is what it is.

03-30-2014, 05:00 PM
Traffic in OKC is pretty good IMO. People drive a safe 10 mph over, generally know where they're going, and are polite enough and get along.

I think Cleveland and St Louis are the fastest driving cities I've been in, 20 mph over is standard.. Many cities move ridiculously slow IMO.

03-31-2014, 01:59 PM
Interesting news follow-up interview with the lady that filmed the video above. She said the speed limit was 55 and she had slowed down to 50 as it was coming down. I assume the speed limit slows at some point, but she never said to what and when it slowed down. She admitted to going 5 under and riding the left lane. I too would be a little PO'ed if I was following her. I guess technically, that is like an every day drive in Oklahoma ;)

Anyway, she's proud that she caught this guy doing that and got her moment in the sun, but she is part of the problem too as she clearly antagonized this guy.

It is interesting because the speed limit in our neighborhood is 25 and I swear, there are a couple of people out here that will drive 15 just to prove a point that you need to drive slow in a neighborhood. My truck won't even idle that slow. It drives me absolutely insane!!

The Full Story Behind That 'Instant Karma' Viral Video - Video (

I fully understand your point, and I've certainly been the angry follower at times, but at no time should you take your 4,000 lb weapon and use it to intimidate someone. Odd and sad that we can consider road rage to be justifiable.
ETA: I wonder how capable she was filming AND driving.

03-31-2014, 02:12 PM
Drivers here aren't too bad, except for a bunch of a-holes who always honk at me when I'm merging onto the interstate.

Plutonic Panda
03-31-2014, 04:19 PM
I fully understand your point, and I've certainly been the angry follower at times, but at no time should you take your 4,000 lb weapon and use it to intimidate someone. Odd and sad that we can consider road rage to be justifiable.
ETA: I wonder how capable she was filming AND driving.that's a nice spin

04-01-2014, 08:03 AM
The left lane may be the passing lane or fast lane, but it's not the "break the law" lane. It's not your own personal lane to drive 90mph

04-01-2014, 12:47 PM
The left lane may be the passing lane or fast lane, but it's not the "break the law" lane. It's not your own personal lane to drive 90mph

So are you saying the other lanes are for going 5-10 UNDER? I'm confused as to what you mean per "the law"

Roger S
04-01-2014, 12:57 PM
So are you saying the other lanes are for going 5-10 UNDER? I'm confused as to what you mean per "the law"

Interstates have a minimum and maximum allowed speed limit..... Most generally 45 MPH is the minimum by law.

04-01-2014, 01:52 PM
I am familiar with codified "traffic suggestions" but are you saying it's implicitly acceptable to go 45 on the freeway when the rest of traffic is not?

Roger S
04-01-2014, 02:26 PM
I am familiar with codified "traffic suggestions" but are you saying it's implicitly acceptable to go 45 on the freeway when the rest of traffic is not?

I am saying it is legal to drive the minimum posted speed limit if conditions warrant.

What exactly are you trolling for?

04-01-2014, 08:19 PM
I didn't realize insinuating reality was trolling?

Roger S
04-02-2014, 08:23 AM
I didn't realize insinuating reality was trolling?

Well now you know.... So what was your point with that question? Are you saying that driving within the legally posted speed limits is a problem?

04-02-2014, 01:49 PM
I'll put it this way. The far left lane is not the lane to poke along in and let traffic build up behind you. If somebody comes up behind you, it's your obligation to get over and let them by however fast you are they are going.

Roger S
04-02-2014, 02:04 PM
I'll put it this way. The far left lane is not the lane to poke along in and let traffic build up behind you. If somebody comes up behind you, it's your obligation to get over and let them by however fast you are they are going.

I will agree it is not the lane to be doing the minimum speed limit in. Slow traffic should remain to the right.

You come up and get on my a$$ and flash your lights at me while I'm in that lane doing the maximum speed limit passing vehicle(s) to my right. You will probably get something flashed back at you. I have no obligation to break the law to allow you to break the law.

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2014, 03:07 PM
I will agree it is not the lane to be doing the minimum speed limit in. Slow traffic should remain to the right.

You come up and get on my a$$ and flash your lights at me while I'm in that lane doing the maximum speed limit passing vehicle(s) to my right. You will probably get something flashed back at you. I have no obligation to break the law to allow you to break the law.
You need to move over for faster vehicles, plain and simple. If they are speeding, let the police take of them down the road. In the mean time don't obstruct traffic. Even if traffic is moving 10 over the limit, you still need to go with the flown of traffic; it is more dangerous going slower and blocking the flow of traffic.

Roger S
04-02-2014, 03:19 PM
You need to move over for faster vehicles, plain and simple. If they are speeding, let the police take of them down the road. In the mean time don't obstruct traffic. Even if traffic is moving 10 over the limit, you still need to go with the flown of traffic; it is more dangerous going slower and blocking the flow of traffic.

Did you even read the part about passing vehicles to my right? Where the heck do you expect me to move over to?

As I said.... I have no obligation to break the law to move out of that lane for another vehicle. Once I have safely passed any vechicles to my right. Then I am obligated to move to the right and allow a faster moving vehicle to pass.

Except in Oklahoma that vehicle will swerve to the right lane, despite my signal flashing, as I reach a safe distance to make that lane change and attempt to pass me improperly on the right.

04-02-2014, 08:11 PM
Do you really pass anyone going 60? This would be interesting - your homework is to count cars that you pass as well as cars passing you.

04-02-2014, 08:23 PM
OK BBQ Eater, Exactly. ^^

Most heavy speeders are so impatient to not even allow you a chance to safely move over.

I will do 5-8 over in the far left lane only if traffic is moving at that pace. If someone is approaching me at a faster rate, I will move over, but only when I get a chance to. I won't increase my speed to get over.

I leave for work, to arrive approximately 30 minutes before my shift. It's not my problem others do not allow themselves enough time to get where they are going. And I do not allow it to become my problem. If it takes me a half mile to find a spot to safely merge to yield the lane to the faster car, then so be it. I'm not going out of my way to make it happen for them. They should have set their alarm 1 minute earlier, because literally that is all the time they are saving by going 10 mph over.

For example, 8 miles of pure highway at 65mph is a 7 minute, 23 second trip time.

at 75 mph 6 minutes 24 seconds

at 85 mph 5 minutes 38 seconds

It's not my problem you left the house 10 minutes late. Guess what? Speeding at 85 mph will only make you 8 minutes late. It will make you 2 hours late when you blow a tire at 85. Or 30 minutes late when you get pulled over. Or two weeks late when the interstate ahead is at a sudden standstill from congestion, and you plow into the back of someone at 50 mph.

If I am ever late for work, I drive like I do if I am 30 minutes early. The extra minute or two I save, will not make a difference in my pay or my attendance point system. I get a point for being late either way, and I am paid by 1/4 hour. So there is no reward for me in speeding and causing any undue risks to my safety or the safety of others.