View Full Version : Facebook Filtering

03-26-2014, 07:23 AM
Did anyone else read Steve Lackmeyer's article in the Oklahoman the other day regarding Facebook cutting off the flow of postings from various business sites to "followers'" timelines? I don't play with Facebook much, but I noticed that everything coming from a couple of my favorite restaurants disappeared. Big Truck Tacos wasn't one of those, but they were the place featured in the article. What is this all about? Like I said, I don't "do" Facebook a lot, but I'm curious.

Roger S
03-26-2014, 07:59 AM
I read it and was aware of it. I tend to get about a 33% view of my regular status updates but that also varies depending on how I update.

If I share an update from another page those tend to hardly be seen at all. Sharing photos the number goes down as well. There is an option to boost posts by paying to do so but as I'm a hobbyist and not making any money at what I do. I have not tried using that option to see how well it works.

On the plus side I've noticed on the occasion that someone shares one of my updates to their timeline that my views can really go viral to people that are not followers of my page.

03-26-2014, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the info.
It didn't really clarify the "Huh? Say Wha'?" on my part, re: The Facebook Network Article in The Newspaper" thing.
But thanks, anyways . . . =)

So . . . Is the deal, like, if an Official Business (e.g. a fine restaurant, e.g.g. Big Truck Tacos) wants to let folks out there that know that it is a fine restaurant (or whatever) they have to, like, pay extra money to Facebook to get their message across?

If that is the case, then I can imagine an alternative to Twitter or even Angry Birds . . .
Perhaps something along the lines of . . . "Happy Valet Passenger Pigeons Cooing"? =)

03-27-2014, 09:29 AM
The comments were more enlightening than the story, especially the ones referring to content control on the part of Facebook and the lack of content control on the part of many people using social media to advertise, pushing mostly all advertising type posts and not so much on the social engagement end.

03-27-2014, 12:30 PM
The comments were more enlightening than the story, especially the ones referring to content control on the part of Facebook and the lack of content control on the part of many people using social media to advertise, pushing mostly all advertising type posts and not so much on the social engagement end.

Dang. I reckon' the time is overdue to make a Federal Case out of it. =)
"Facebook is acting in restraint of trade" . . . "Facebook is . . . etc."

Thank you for the concise observation. Really.
(I honestly don't know how to "navigate" Facebook on account of I don't go there much and don't really care enough to really be concerned about this particular non-issue. However: I do know people who were so wrapped up in The Farming Game or whatever it was that they didn't have time to carry on a normal conversation or move when the left turn signal turned green. =)