View Full Version : Suicide among veterans - 22 every day

03-24-2014, 08:08 PM
We have seen a disturbing trend of increasing suicide among veterans. The best data available says 22 veterans die by suicide every day. That is 8000 every year - more than we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 100,000 since 9/11. This is a national tragedy.

I am a member of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. IAVA is a non-partisan, non-profit organization started by an Iraq veteran for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

I am honored to have been selected to be one of 31 veterans from across the country to spend this week in Washington DC taking our policy proposals and agenda directly to Congress. This annual event is called Storm the Hill. We are asking for Congress to pass a comprehensive package of legislation to address the issue in a more effective manner. We are asking President Obama to issue an Executive Order directing executive agencies to take immediate steps to reverse the trend.

The 22 deaths by suicide a day includes all veterans - not just Iraq and Afghanistan vets. Below are links to IAVA and Storm the Hill. The policy agenda we are presenting this week is available and live updates for STH are available at these sites.

Storm the Hill 2014 (

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (

If you would like to support this effort, you may make a monetary donation at this site:

Any support you offer will be greatly appreciated. If you choose not to make a monetary donation, please call your Congressional representatives and the White House asking them to support the legislation that will begin to address this national tragedy. We cannot do this without the support of all Americans. If there is anything Congress should be able to agree on, it is this.

If we abandon these veterans in their hour of greatest need, it will be a national shame. You can support the troops in a meaningful manner by joining us in addressing this very difficult issue.

Thank you for reading this, and for any phone calls or donations you make to support us. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will answer them to the best of my ability.

03-24-2014, 08:11 PM

03-24-2014, 08:13 PM
For any veterans in crisis or just having a tough time, please call the Veterans Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255

Veterans Crisis Line | Hotline, Online Chat & Text (

03-24-2014, 09:14 PM

Group pushes Capitol Hill to help end vets' suicides - Washington Times (

Veterans group to launch suicide-prevention campaign (

03-24-2014, 10:39 PM
And, should you be, or know, a veteran who could benefit from legal assistance, for the past few years the Oklahoma Bar Association and its member volunteers have been operating the Oklahoma Lawyers for America's Heroes program.

About the Program (

03-24-2014, 10:45 PM
I salute both of you for being part of actually doing something to make a positive difference rather than simply whining about the problem.
And that was a sincere salute.

03-24-2014, 10:55 PM
Thank you RadMod. We are out front on this, but we need support from all of America to make this happen. The Oklahoma Lawyers for America's Heroes program Kevin mentioned is an excellent resource for veterans who need legal assistance. There are many people doing great things for veterans, and I am grateful for every one of them. But we really need to push hard to give the President and Congress to act sooner rather than later on this issue. It truly is a life and death issue for people who have paid a high price to defend the nation's interests.

I found out my schedule includes meetings with Sen Coburn and Rep Lankford tomorrow. Phone calls from Oklahoma constituents asking them to support this legislation will be very effective in helping us earn their support.

03-25-2014, 10:35 PM
I met with Congressman Lankford for about an hour today. I am happy to report he fully supports IAVA's plan to combat suicide among our veterans. I am grateful for his interest and support.

Senator Coburn was a little different - but exactly what I expected. I disagree with him many times but I respect him. He tells you exactly where he stands and doesn't try to blow sunshine in unpleasant places. He supports 80% of our proposal but is "adamantly opposed" to the rest. I hope he will not filibuster this bill. Any delay will only result in prolonging the time until we start taking action that will begin to reverse the trend in suicide by veterans.

As is the case many times, the work we will do for our service members and veterans will also benefit all Americans. As we better understand the neuroscience behind the factors that lead to suicide, that knowledge will be passed on to the entire medical community.

03-26-2014, 02:21 PM
I met with Congressman Lankford for about an hour today. I am happy to report he fully supports IAVA's plan to combat suicide among our veterans. I am grateful for his interest and support.

Senator Coburn was a little different - but exactly what I expected. I disagree with him many times but I respect him. He tells you exactly where he stands and doesn't try to blow sunshine in unpleasant places. He supports 80% of our proposal but is "adamantly opposed" to the rest. I hope he will not filibuster this bill. Any delay will only result in prolonging the time until we start taking action that will begin to reverse the trend in suicide by veterans.

As is the case many times, the work we will do for our service members and veterans will also benefit all Americans. As we better understand the neuroscience behind the factors that lead to suicide, that knowledge will be passed on to the entire medical community.

Do you mind saying what differences Senator Coburn has with the bill? and did he say why? Do you mind saying your opinion of the parts that Senator Coburn has problems with?

Appreciate your efforts and reports back.

03-29-2014, 06:08 PM
Do you mind saying what differences Senator Coburn has with the bill? and did he say why? Do you mind saying your opinion of the parts that Senator Coburn has problems with?

Appreciate your efforts and reports back.

We tried to get him to say specifically what parts he opposes but he refused to do so. He already had his mind made up when he came into the room. So there is a little work to do there. Best thing I can suggest is to call his office and ask him to NOT filibuster the bill Senator Walsh introduces and to vote for it.

03-29-2014, 06:09 PM
Why did I go to DC? This is why.....

Marine battled back, yet fell to suicide | ( 216053cbc530c46a8

03-29-2014, 06:12 PM
Thursday, March 27 2014. National Day of Action. We placed one flag for each veteran suicide in 2014 alone. There were 1892 flags on the Mall.

Senator Walsh (MT) announced he is introducing the bill we presented to members of Congress. Rep Miller is on track to introduce the House version very soon.