View Full Version : WTH is wrong with people

03-23-2014, 08:44 AM
Wish I had an answer or a solution. I think it will take a combination of actions but nobody wants to spend the money, is this the Catch 22 discussed in another thread?

New York (CNN) -- For Angel Rojas, the daily bus ride through the streets of Brooklyn provided a respite from a hardscrabble existence juggling two low-paying jobs.

"It was his time to relax," his wife's cousin, Josie Guerrero, said Saturday. "His time to take the load off. He usually listened to music or talked on the phone. It was a few minutes of calmness."

That peace was shattered Thursday evening as Rojas shuttled between jobs, hoping to make a quick stop at home to see his wife and two children. It was his final bus trip.

A young man boarded the bus, police said. In the rear, a 14-year-old boy police described as a member of a street gang called the Stack Money Goons allegedly spotted a member of a rival gang and pulled out a .357-caliber revolver.

Shots were fired, the bullets missing the intended target, police said.

Rojas, 39, was hit in the head and declared dead later at a hospital near where his bus trip began.

"Pretty big gun for a pretty small man," Police Commissioner William Bratton said of the suspected gunman.

On Friday, Kathon Anderson was charged with second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon, according to the Brooklyn district attorney's office. He is to be tried as an adult.

"Just as everyone in New York probably feels terrible about it, we feel terrible about it too," Anderson's lawyer, Frederic Pratt, told reporters, according to CNN affiliate WCBS. "I'm just going to ask everyone not to rush to judgment."

Anderson allegedly belonged to Stack Money Goons and targeted a rival from another group known as TWAN Family, police said.

"The stupidity of those gangs that basically, over nothing, are trying to kill each other and, unfortunately, in the process, kill innocents as they did with this hard working young man trying to raise his family," Bratton said. "A life needlessly lost, taken by a 14-year-old who felt it necessary to carry a gun on a city bus and shoot it."

On Saturday, Rojas' wife was raising money for a wake and to fly her husband's body home to his native Dominican Republic.

"He was the sole provider," Guerrero said. "She never thought she would have to bury her husband and raise the children alone."

The couple has two children: a 12-year-old son, Saury, and 8-year-old daughter, April.

"Why he did that to my dad?" Saury asked, according to WCBS.

Guerrero said, "He was just sitting on a bus. He had nothing to do with this."

Angel Rojas and his wife came to New York from the Dominican Republic about five years ago, Guerrero said. She held occasional part-time jobs; he stocked shelves at two Brooklyn bodegas.

"He was a hard worker and a family man devoted to giving his family a better life," Guerrero said. "He was the funniest man you would ever meet. Everyone loved him. His laughter and his presence stayed with you."

Dennis Heaton
03-23-2014, 09:14 AM
WTH is wrong with people? Here's a clue..."China Arnold, Mom Convicted For Cooking Baby In Microwave, Wants New Trial"

03-23-2014, 09:19 AM
WTH is wrong with people? Here's a clue..."China Arnold, Mom Convicted For Cooking Baby In Microwave, Wants New Trial"

That's more of a WTF rather than a WTH

Jim Kyle
03-23-2014, 10:49 AM
What's wrong with people? Try 50 years of being told "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" and see the results in the daily news. Total polarization, taken to the limit and starting early.

Hardly anyone, and nobody in a position of power, can see the shades of gray any more, between the extremes. Vilifying "the Left" is just the closest example of that...

03-23-2014, 12:11 PM
This is sickening....

"Just as everyone in New York probably feels terrible about it, we feel terrible about it too," Anderson's lawyer, Frederic Pratt, told reporters, according to CNN affiliate WCBS. "I'm just going to ask everyone not to rush to judgment."

Translated what this means is cue his poor childhood excuse and just a product of his environment.

03-23-2014, 12:46 PM
That's more of a WTF rather than a WTH

Of course, if folks involved in trials would show restraint and simply go forward with clear and valid evidence, even in ugly cases, it would end a lot of the reversals and retrials. I served several, several years as an appellate counsel for indigent persons. Most reversals I am aware of are not a result of nit picking or so called technicalities. A defendant is not entitled to a perfect, error free trial, but he or she is due a fair trial. Some folk just can't resist mucking things up though (and it can happen from either side.)

03-23-2014, 03:40 PM
We've cracked down on puppy mills, time to work on baby mills.

03-23-2014, 03:55 PM
We've cracked down on puppy mills, time to work on baby mills.

What's that supposed to mean?

03-23-2014, 04:12 PM
What's that supposed to mean?

I think what he meant was just because you can breed dosnt mean you should or something to that effect.

03-23-2014, 06:31 PM
I think what he meant was just because you can breed dosnt mean you should or something to that effect.

Well with all the planned parent hoods shutting down , birth rates might start climbing up creating more useless eaters.

03-23-2014, 07:33 PM
Well with all the planned parent hoods shutting down , birth rates might start climbing up creating more useless eaters.

Read "Freakonomics". They have a chapter where they suggest a correlation between legal abortion and declining crime rates.

03-23-2014, 11:10 PM
What in the world does WTH mean?

03-24-2014, 06:48 AM
What in the world does WTH mean?

what the he!!

03-24-2014, 09:08 AM
Well with all the planned parent hoods shutting down , birth rates might start climbing up creating more useless eaters.

So you complain about PP but now are complaining there may be more mouths to feed if it shuts down? Calling it "planned parent hoods" is just ignorant.

03-24-2014, 09:55 AM
So you complain about PP but now are complaining there may be more mouths to feed if it shuts down? Calling it "planned parent hoods" is just ignorant.

Or, perhaps, it was a play on words? A pun of sorts?
(with "racist/culturalist" undertones?)

(but what do I know . . . I thought WTH meant Whut The [Huck] . . .)

03-24-2014, 10:41 AM
Or, perhaps, it was a play on words? A pun of sorts?
(with "racist/culturalist" undertones?)

(but what do I know . . . I thought WTH meant Whut The [Huck] . . .)

Perhaps but I doubt it...

Whut The [Huck] was pretty popular back in Tom Sawyer days :)

03-24-2014, 05:02 PM
Well with all the planned parent hoods shutting down , birth rates might start climbing up creating more useless eaters.
That's awful. Shall we round up the ones already born and kill them? Useless eaters? Is that really how people see them and is that why they want abortion?

03-25-2014, 08:35 PM
what the he!!
OY! Thanx.

03-25-2014, 08:45 PM
What's wrong with people? Try 50 years of being told "If you're not part of
the solution, you're part of the problem" and see the results in the daily news.
Total polarization, taken to the limit and starting early.
I somewhat agree. I've also seen how we've stepped away from many of
the successful answers to problems and implemented ideas that don't work.
Especially in government education. There's been too much emphasis on
feelings or self esteem that are supposed to make people feel better about
themselves yet avoid any consequences for disruptive behavior.

03-25-2014, 11:22 PM
Jim Kyle,


03-26-2014, 01:11 AM
Neuter and release programs work.

Dennis Heaton
03-31-2014, 09:14 AM
If folks gotta get a license to get married...why don't folks have to get a license to have children?????

03-31-2014, 09:53 AM
how much different were our society be if you couldn't have a child until you were 20?

03-31-2014, 09:54 AM
If folks gotta get a license to get married...why don't folks have to get a license to have children?????

Stay Tuned: They already have a program like that in place in [Communist/Red] China.
(since just about everything we buy originates there isn't the next logical step . . . =)
(apologies to Antler Dad)

03-31-2014, 11:06 AM
Isn't saying [Communist/Red] China redundant? It's like saying red, white & blue Democratic America.

03-31-2014, 11:10 AM
Isn't saying [Communist/Red] China redundant? It's like saying red, white & blue Democratic America.

I have no clue about that of which you speek (eth) . . . =)
(where's thet danged ol' 'ignore' button . . .)