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07-13-2024, 04:18 PM
There were a few around but nothing like now. There was one on 39th too but everyone went to Bonaparte's.

Sonic? Bonapartes? Charcoal Oven?

I fondly recall Coit's Drive In. I also bought Christmas trees at Coits for many years.

Anyway, I'd cruise around from Coits to Bonapartes to whatever, including many Saturday nights just cruising around.

07-13-2024, 04:32 PM
But drive-ins were still going out to eat.

A very different culture than one person going through the drive-thru and bringing back a big sack for everyone.

Dob Hooligan
07-13-2024, 05:35 PM
Anyone remember the Charcoal Oven or Bonapartes style drive-through that was on the north side of Britton Road at, maybe, Georgia? I recall it was in the 1960s-70s. The lot is now part of Casady School new construction. There was a Hot Tub and Spa business there for several years.

Maybe it was Carraige House?

Dob Hooligan
07-13-2024, 05:49 PM
But drive-ins were still going out to eat.

A very different culture than one person going through the drive-thru and bringing back a big sack for everyone.

I agree. In the 1960s-70s, my mom would make something. And she did not like doing it. A good week would have us going to Val Genes in Penn Square on Saturday dinner and a Pizza Hut take out on Sunday.

07-13-2024, 06:00 PM
Anyone remember the Charcoal Oven or Bonapartes style drive-through that was on the north side of Britton Road at, maybe, Georgia? I recall it was in the 1960s-70s. The lot is now part of Casady School new construction. There was a Hot Tub and Spa business there for several years.

Maybe it was Carraige House?

It was indeed the Carriage House Restaurant. Looks like it operated in the late 60s.


07-13-2024, 09:41 PM
I may have missed them mentioned but Quick's 19cent burgers on Classen and Holloways burgers on 23rd and about Brookline.

08-07-2024, 03:41 AM
I actually remember the place. They didn't last long enough and. Chequres lasted too long. Driving through that the other day and with Heritage park mall still setting dead in the water, one is reminded how far most of Midwest city has fallen. The shine is even gone carom Town Center on 29th.

02-24-2025, 01:48 PM
Former Haunted House ( restaurant up for sale!

02-24-2025, 08:45 PM
I actually remember the place. They didn't last long enough and. Chequres lasted too long. Driving through that the other day and with Heritage park mall still setting dead in the water, one is reminded how far most of Midwest city has fallen. The shine is even gone carom Town Center on 29th.

The old Chequeres restaurant in MWC has finally been razed.

02-24-2025, 08:49 PM
Anyone remember the Charcoal Oven or Bonapartes style drive-through that was on the north side of Britton Road at, maybe, Georgia? I recall it was in the 1960s-70s. The lot is now part of Casady School new construction. There was a Hot Tub and Spa business there for several years.

Maybe it was Carraige House?

Back in the 90's there used to be a drive-thru in that area called Bases. My sister worked there for a bit. They had a pretty decent burger.

02-25-2025, 07:55 AM
Former Haunted House ( restaurant up for sale!

Looks like being a restaurant for years really took a toll. Hopefully somebody brings it back to it's glory.

02-25-2025, 08:25 AM
You all that grew up in the City are lucky... when I was a kid, we had two restaurants (a cafe and a Mexican restaurant) and two convenient stores to choose from... I guess you could count the ice cream at the drug store. Never underestimate a pizza pocket and potatoes wedges, though!

floyd the barber
02-26-2025, 02:28 PM
You all that grew up in the City are lucky... when I was a kid, we had two restaurants (a cafe and a Mexican restaurant) and two convenient stores to choose from... I guess you could count the ice cream at the drug store. Never underestimate a pizza pocket and potatoes wedges, though!

I've always wanted to try the Hunt Brothers pizza they have at C-Stores, but I feel like if I am paying for food, I may as well get something with nutritional value.