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Jersey Boss
03-19-2014, 09:48 AM
You're telling us that a Boeing 777 can't fly 2,000 miles? That would make their New York to London flights pretty interesting then. Actual range of a 777 200 is 5,200 miles.

True' nuff. However it has already been reported that the plane had only sufficient fuel plus a little extra for error to get to Beijing. The tank was not full.

03-19-2014, 09:54 AM
Sightings of Missing Malaysian Airlines Jet over Maldives 'Not True' - NBC News (

Investigators hunting for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 have discounted reports the plane may have been spotted over the Maldives, an official said Wednesday.

Malaysia's Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the sightings had been investigated by police in the Maldives and were determined to be untrue.

And yes, I am quoting Malaysian authorities when it suits my purposes, and disparaging them when they don't! :D

03-19-2014, 09:59 AM
True' nuff. However it has already been reported that the plane had only sufficient fuel plus a little extra for error to get to Beijing. The tank was not full.

Not sure about the tank not being full. NPR posted this graphic showing 634 airport runways that were in range of Flight 370. 7065

Edit to add hyperlink:

03-19-2014, 10:02 AM
You're telling us that a Boeing 777 can't fly 2,000 miles? That would make their New York to London flights pretty interesting then. Actual range of a 777 200 is 5,200 miles.

MH370 was reported over the Maldives at 6:15 local time, 8:15 Malaysia time (point of origin). That's EIGHT HOURS in the air. The B777-200ER doesn't have that ENDURANCE.

03-19-2014, 10:09 AM
Not sure about the tank not being full. NPR posted this graphic showing 634 airport runways that were in range of Flight 370. 7065

Edit to add hyperlink: Did The Malaysian Airliner Land? Here Are Possible Runways : The Two-Way : NPR (

Don't just toss up a graphic and the source - provide context. Did they say that MH370 landed at one of them? Are the runways adequate for a B777 to land? How about take off? Do they have Jet-A?

03-19-2014, 10:21 AM
The context is provided in the NPR link.

03-19-2014, 11:02 AM
Stick – I corrected your earlier erroneous posting (you don’t “ascention” to 45,000 feet to depressurize the cabin), and clarified that MH370 exceeded its endurance at the time it was reportedly over the Maldives. You then tossed up an NPR story without context or explanation why (which you’ve since edited) and tried to throw down on me (also since edited) for calling you out on it. The NPR story is garbage, and they even admit it in their introductory paragraph, “Experts say it isn’t likely to have landed – in part because the large plane would attract notice.”

I’m engaged in this thread to eliminate some of the crazy theories being put out there which confuse people about how aviation really works. I either know what I'm talking about, or have immediate access to those with technical knowledge of other things (ACARS, ADS-B, in-flight fire procedures on airliners), and will take the time to share what I can.

03-19-2014, 11:27 AM
Stick – I corrected your earlier erroneous posting (you don’t “ascention” to 45,000 feet to depressurize the cabin), and clarified that MH370 exceeded its endurance at the time it was reportedly over the Maldives. You then tossed up an NPR story without context or explanation why (which you’ve since edited) and tried to throw down on me (also since edited) for calling you out on it. The NPR story is garbage, and they even admit it in their introductory paragraph, “Experts say it isn’t likely to have landed – in part because the large plane would attract notice.”

I’m engaged in this thread to eliminate some of the crazy theories being put out there which confuse people about how aviation really works. I either know what I'm talking about, or have immediate access to those with technical knowledge of other things (ACARS, ADS-B, in-flight fire procedures on airliners), and will take the time to share what I can.

Actually I will post my source for the bit about going to 45,000 feet.

An Asia-based pilot of a Boeing 777-200, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to reporters, said an ascent above the plane's service limit of 43,100 feet, along with a depressurized cabin, could have rendered the passengers and crew unconscious, and could be a deliberate maneuver by a pilot or hijacker

Flight 370 Soared Above 45,000 Feet After Vanishing: Report (

Not what is your source?

You then tossed up an NPR story without context or explanation why (which you’ve since edited)

"context or explanation" Are you making up new word meanings? Now since when is a story with a hyperlink to the story not in "context or explanation"?
Edited b/c I thought I was being too rude when I called out another poster for incorrect statements.

and tried to throw down on me (also since edited) That's not true.

The NPR story is garbage, and they even admit it in their introductory paragraph
I don't read it that way. Can you point it out in the first paragraph below?

Did The Malaysian Airliner Land? Here Are Possible Runways
March 15, 2014 3:02 PM
The fate of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 isn't known — and officials have stated their search will now focus on a large area to the west of the plane's planned flight path from Kuala Lampur to Beijing. Experts say it isn't likely to have landed — in part because the large plane would attract notice.

I really hate to see this story turned into a religion by some of the posters on here. IE: they seem to believe they have a lock on the truth and nobody else can have an opinion.

I’m engaged in this thread to eliminate some of the crazy theories

03-19-2014, 04:05 PM
I think this is what happened also. Expect a new push to put some kind of navigation beacon and power source on aircraft that is not accessible and can't be turned off while the plane is in the air.


All systems on an aircraft are subject to fire and failure. All systems on an aircraft are designed to have the ability to cut power and isolate.

If your beacon system suddenly starts to short, the pilots need to be able to isolate the problem so the problem doesn't spread.

Integrating a live circuit (which carries enough power to operate a transmitter for several hundred miles) to which no one has control over is a very bad idea.

03-19-2014, 04:10 PM
Actually I will post my source for the bit about going to 45,000 feet.

An Asia-based pilot of a Boeing 777-200, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to reporters, said an ascent above the plane's service limit of 43,100 feet, along with a depressurized cabin, could have rendered the passengers and crew unconscious, and could be a deliberate maneuver by a pilot or hijacker

Flight 370 Soared Above 45,000 Feet After Vanishing: Report (

Not what is your source?

"context or explanation" Are you making up new word meanings? Now since when is a story with a hyperlink to the story not in "context or explanation"?
Edited b/c I thought I was being too rude when I called out another poster for incorrect statements.

That's not true.

I don't read it that way. Can you point it out in the first paragraph below?

I really hate to see this story turned into a religion by some of the posters on here. IE: they seem to believe they have a lock on the truth and nobody else can have an opinion.

If you depressurize any airplane and take it above 10,000 feet people will begin to pass out...

The oxygen masks are designed to deploy automatically in the case of the cabin pressure reducing to 10,000 feet or above. If the pilots somehow depressurized the aircraft, the masks would deploy and the passengers would be receiving oxygen via those.

The pilots would be receiving oxygen from oxygen bottles isolated from everyone elses. So, if they decided to keep the plane that high to choke the passengers, they would eventually die themselves as their bottles ran out.

03-19-2014, 04:18 PM
I agree with that but the statement needs to be quantified. How many minutes will the cabin oxygen supply last and how many for the pilots? If there is only one person in the cockpit does he have access to numerous bottles oxygen? A lot there that doesn't lead in any conclusive direction.

03-19-2014, 04:24 PM
The oxygen bottles are not accessible and flow automatically. So if no one is using one mask, it is flowing at the same rate as someone who is occupying a mask. I am uncertain of the amount of time available. Less than 30 minutes most likely. In the event of a depressurization the main goal is getting down below 10,000. So only enough oxygen to achieve that. Plus oxygen for landing in the event of smoke.

Just the facts
03-19-2014, 07:13 PM

All systems on an aircraft are subject to fire and failure. All systems on an aircraft are designed to have the ability to cut power and isolate.

If your beacon system suddenly starts to short, the pilots need to be able to isolate the problem so the problem doesn't spread.

Integrating a live circuit (which carries enough power to operate a transmitter for several hundred miles) to which no one has control over is a very bad idea.

So there you have it - Congress will mandate it by the end of the year. They never miss an opportunity to support a bad idea. :)

03-19-2014, 09:34 PM
What if the plane survived and is now in the hands of terrorist that plan on using it to crash into a building

03-19-2014, 11:37 PM
Another new possibility to be checked on.

03-19-2014, 11:47 PM
Satellites picked up a 24 meter "object".

03-20-2014, 08:28 PM
I've seen it referred to as "possible object".

A trivial question on my mind is, what is the H in MH Airlines?

03-20-2014, 08:49 PM
Malaysian Hospitality according to Wikipedia.
C. T.
I've seen it referred to as "possible object".

A trivial question on my mind is, what is the H in MH Airlines?

03-20-2014, 09:56 PM
So far I've seen nothing that involves foul play but that's only from the main
stream media reports which I believe to always be questionable via their
usual accounts, i.e. track records. There's at least one report that the aircraft
continued to fly for over 4 hours after the "sign off".

All of the passengers were accounted for, including 2 Iranians who may have
been seeking asylum. That's according to the msm.

03-20-2014, 09:57 PM
What if the plane survived and is now in the hands of terrorist that plan on
using it to crash into a building
I give up. What if?

03-20-2014, 10:06 PM
All we have is speculation, and media sources of all stripes are losing credibility by the minute with their asinine coverage.

03-21-2014, 07:39 AM
All we have is speculation, and media sources of all stripes are losing credibility by the minute with their asinine coverage.

I think mainstream media reached a new high in low when they seriously entertained the black hole nonsense. I couldn't believe that.

It's a measure of just how collectively stupid the MSM either perceives us to be, or perhaps just how stupid they are themselves, that they would put something like that on the air. Its stupefying.

03-21-2014, 08:01 AM
I think mainstream media reached a new high in low when they seriously entertained the black hole nonsense. I couldn't believe that.

It's a measure of just how collectively stupid the MSM either perceives us to be, or perhaps just how stupid they are themselves, that they would put something like that on the air. Its stupefying.

Thankfully I missed that

Richard at Remax
03-21-2014, 08:55 AM
As usual, conspiracies are more exciting than the truth.

heard a guy on a news channel who said he thought the plane was being flown by remote control. I thought the host was going to lose it

03-21-2014, 11:28 AM
It was on CNN from the same reporter(?) that speculated it might have been supernatural. His name is Don Lemon.
C. T.
Thankfully I missed that

03-21-2014, 12:16 PM

03-21-2014, 12:23 PM
I think mainstream media reached a new high in low when they seriously entertained the black hole nonsense. I couldn't believe that.

It's a measure of just how collectively stupid the MSM either perceives us to be, or perhaps just how stupid they are themselves, that they would put something like that on the air. Its stupefying.

What's sad is that there are people who actually fall for that crap.

03-21-2014, 02:30 PM
This theory is fun. Well, perhaps to a few folks out there. Oy! Erik Rush Thinks Obama 'Murdered' Everyone On Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane | Right Wing Watch (

03-21-2014, 04:44 PM

I think you now have to reclassify the 777 as a submarine and not a plane. Much easier to be stealthy when its 2 miles underwater.

03-21-2014, 07:58 PM
I think its kind of silly how the media has a breaking news banner every time search planes begin and end their day. I think we can assume that their going to be conducting search missions as soon as its daylight on that side of the world.

03-21-2014, 08:25 PM
I think its kind of silly how the media has a breaking news banner every time search planes begin and end their day. I think we can assume that their going to be conducting search missions as soon as its daylight on that side of the world.

I think you may overestimate the attention span of a large percentage of the global populace.

03-21-2014, 08:46 PM
Maybe CNN has found its niche in Flight 370, 24-7. Their ratings are up and should remain until there's "real" news, at which time all news outlets will be reporting and folks resume normal tv habits.

I am annoyed that Crossfire hasn't been on. Why can't Newt, Van and guests discuss the flight mystery for 30 minutes!
That's CNN's only program we DVR. As a result, we caught several Don Lemon broadcasts when he was filling in for Erin Burnett. We rather enjoyed watching, knowing absolutely nothing about the guy.

And, to think I complained about Watergate hearings pre-empting regular programming. LOL

It was on CNN from the same reporter(?) that speculated it might have been supernatural. His name is Don Lemon.
C. T.

03-22-2014, 03:22 AM
I think its kind of silly how the media has a breaking news banner every time search planes begin and end their day. I think we can assume that their going to be conducting search missions as soon as its daylight on that side of the world.

"Breaking News," "Alert," and "Update" have become meaningless terms in television news, and I have learned to ignore them. We could be invaded and if they ran it as "Breaking News" I'd never know it.

03-22-2014, 09:14 AM
"Breaking News," "Alert," and "Update" have become meaningless terms in television news, and I have learned to ignore them. We could be invaded and if they ran it as "Breaking News" I'd never know it.

Agree completely. All the local stations do this, but I will note that Ch 9 in the mornings is especially bad about it. Heck, an update to week-old news gets classified as "breaking" these days.

All goes back to my post over in another forum about the death of American journalism. Pitiful.

03-22-2014, 09:17 AM
Maybe CNN has found its niche in Flight 370, 24-7. Their ratings are up and should remain until there's "real" news, at which time all news outlets will be reporting and folks resume normal tv habits.

I am annoyed that Crossfire hasn't been on. Why can't Newt, Van and guests discuss the flight mystery for 30 minutes!
That's CNN's only program we DVR. As a result, we caught several Don Lemon broadcasts when he was filling in for Erin Burnett. We rather enjoyed watching, knowing absolutely nothing about the guy.

And, to think I complained about Watergate hearings pre-empting regular programming. LOL

I remember those!!! When they started, they were wall-to-wall on all three networks (lol am I dating myself or what). When all the housewives started griping about ALL their soaps being pre-empted, the networks opted to rotate coverage among them - one day ABC, next day NBC, then CBS, etc. PBS might have been involved, but I won't swear to it.

I remember getting sick to death of the phrase "Not to the best of my recollection." Kind of an unabashed telegraph of "I'm lying through my teeth, but just not enough for you to prosecute me for it."

03-22-2014, 01:27 PM
This just in....
These three common household items that could cause cancer.
Details at 10.

Plutonic Panda
03-22-2014, 01:31 PM
Oh boy!!!! CNN just said the planes will be searching when the sun come back out in the mornin' I can't wait bout' loose it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-23-2014, 08:03 AM
Agree completely. All the local stations do this, but I will note that Ch 9 in the mornings is especially bad about it. Heck, an update to week-old news gets classified as "breaking" these days.

That's a BREAKING NEWS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any story that - when first reported - isn't "breaking," and any additional information that doesn't make it an "update?"

Like having an "inventory reduction sale!" Aren't they all?

03-23-2014, 05:38 PM
I can't help but say that most of the news carriers are spouting speculation
and "what if" scenarios. Some are even trying to connect this to that "religion
of peace".

One would think, at least it's reasonable to believe so, that a group would
want the world to know they did it. Someone like SPECTRE or THRUSH.
or CRUSH or al qaeda.

This really isn't funny but the analysis and commentary is. Of course it's
about making $$$ which I'm all for. I just want accuracy and not
speculation, etc...

03-24-2014, 09:46 AM
The UK has concluded that the plane was indeed in the middle of the ocean when it stopped transmission. This is based on an analysis of satellite data. I guess they can somehow determine angle and time it takes to receive a transmission to get a rough estimate on where the plane ended up.

03-24-2014, 10:38 AM
The UK has concluded that the plane was indeed in the middle of the ocean when it stopped transmission. This is based on an analysis of satellite data. I guess they can somehow determine angle and time it takes to receive a transmission to get a rough estimate on where the plane ended up.

Yeah I don't have a link, but I have read articles this morning (perhaps just in the last few minutes) saying the highly reliable (sarcasm) Malaysian Government now says MH370's journey "ended in the Indian Ocean."

I know I recall reading stories to the effect of US intelligence suggesting and having communicated precisely this to the Malaysian officials as soon as the second or third day following the plane's disappearance, but nothing came of it at that time.

03-24-2014, 10:39 AM
My thoughts and prayers to the families.

Flight 370 passenger's relative: 'All lives are lost' - (

03-24-2014, 12:26 PM
I won't believe anything until they have a serial # linking anything to the plane.

03-24-2014, 12:41 PM
I won't believe anything until they have a serial # linking anything to the plane.

That very well may never happen. Even if they do find debris, they drifted 100+ miles from the initial crash site.

They can use drift modeling, but that's like trying to find a screwdriver you dropped in a muddy Oklahoma lake using only your feet. lol

Just the facts
03-24-2014, 01:03 PM
I won't believe anything until they have a serial # linking anything to the plane.

I agree. One the other hand, if nothing else this whole episode has brought to light just how polluted with floating junk the ocean is.

03-24-2014, 04:59 PM
I can't believe they tweeted the surviving family members the news that, "so sorry, your loved one is at the bottom of the ocean." Or words to that effect. WTH? Can you imagine looking down at your phone and getting that message about your child? I understand the logistics of telling the families but that wasn't the way to do it.

03-24-2014, 06:16 PM
I can't believe they tweeted the surviving family members the news that, "so sorry, your loved one is at the bottom of the ocean." Or words to that effect. WTH? Can you imagine looking down at your phone and getting that message about your child? I understand the logistics of telling the families but that wasn't the way to do it.

That's was pretty bad. The only thing that makes it less bad is that I'm sure the majority of them have probably already came to that conclusion. There probably are some that are still hoping pirates or terrorist are holding their loved ones captive.

03-25-2014, 04:39 PM
I won't believe anything until they have a serial # linking anything to the plane.


03-25-2014, 08:25 PM
I just heard today that Malaysian Airlines is going to start paying money to
the families. I don't know what to expect.

From Money CNN (
Malaysia Airlines offered initial financial assistance to the families of Flight
370 passengers on Tuesday, and promised that additional compensation was
being prepared.

The payments of $5,000 per passenger should help families cope with the
immediate financial strain caused by a long search for the plane. But the
airline is eventually likely to pay next of kin compensation that ranges into
the millions of dollars per passenger.

Under an international treaty known as the Montreal Convention, the airline
must pay relatives of each deceased passenger an initial sum of around
$150,000 to $175,000.

Relatives of victims can also sue for further damages -- unless the airline
can prove that it took all necessary measures to prevent a crash or any
other incident that prevented passengers from arriving safely.

Plutonic Panda
07-15-2014, 05:15 AM
Haven't kept up with this and too lazy to Google search it... but what happened with this? Did they find the plane? I really think someone Hijacked it...

07-15-2014, 02:56 PM
Nothing yet, still doing sonar scans of the bottom, I believe, will take a year, they said.

Plutonic Panda
12-27-2014, 10:11 PM
I'm not going to post another thread in case this turns out to be nothing, but another disappearance has been noted.

AirAisa Flight To Singapore Disappears with 155 On Board - Business Insider (

12-28-2014, 11:25 AM
Next thing you know, "They" are going to start talking about "The Pacific Polygon" . . .

12-28-2014, 11:39 AM
Next thing you know, "They" are going to start talking about "The Pacific Polygon" . . .

Similar to what I said to the Wife this AM, sans the geometrics...

Jim Kyle
12-28-2014, 11:49 AM
Wonder how close that area is to being antipodean with Bermuda???

12-28-2014, 12:17 PM
Similar to what I said to the Wife this AM, sans the geometrics...

The first thing my wife said was: "Ooooooo. Aliens."

12-28-2014, 12:18 PM
Wonder how close that area is to being antipodean with Bermuda???

I'm not sure what antipodean is, but it sounds sinister.
Almost as sinister as The Pacific Pentagram.
(my wife also said something regarding The Rapture)

(remember The Weekly World News? i do.)

12-28-2014, 01:15 PM
Antipodes Map (AKA Tunnel Map) (

12-28-2014, 02:12 PM
So...pretty dang close. That's weird.

Jim Kyle
12-28-2014, 03:55 PM
As a longtime student of, and occasional believer in, the Bermuda situation -- and recognizing that magnets have poles at their opposite ends -- I suspected that might be the case...