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02-27-2014, 06:11 PM

I've been watching this program for quite a while. Now the last few
episodes are available on Netflix streaming. This is one of the best series I've
ever watched.

Are there any fans? Walt has the same Pork Pie hat that I have. I bought
it before knowing about the series. There have been a couple of science
issues I've had, I'll need to watch the series with more scrutiny and take

Please, if you comment and are talking about the finale or the last few
episodes put SPOILER ALERT at the beginning of your post. Some of us
are seeing this for the first time and would like to see it unhampered.

02-27-2014, 06:23 PM
Love love love BB!!!! I have seen every episode and the series finale is one of the best finale's I have ever seen.

02-27-2014, 07:06 PM
It is generally recognized that Breaking Bad is neck in neck with The Wire and The Sopranos (with Homicide Life on The Streets, Deadwood and Carnivale) being the best things ever shared on television.

I still can't believe Malcolm in the Middle's Dad is such a good actor.
Playing a bad acter. =)

Breaking Bad is the best argument ever for not getting involved with speed on any level.
(without being all preachy about it)

(sorry . . . the American version of House of Cards just objected to not being included in the "best of" list.)

(and there's a whole bunch of Brit productions whining off camera)

02-27-2014, 09:11 PM

02-28-2014, 03:31 PM
Breaking Backwards (

02-28-2014, 08:39 PM
Love love love BB!!!! I have seen every episode and the series finale is one
of the best finale's I have ever seen.
I have this fear that it will be as bad as the Monk finale. Talk about a total
let down. It was like they ran out of money and had to create an irrelevant

02-28-2014, 08:40 PM
Breaking Backwards (
I'll check this out after I see the end of the series.

02-28-2014, 08:45 PM
I have this fear that it will be as bad as the Monk finale. Talk about a total
let down. It was like they ran out of money and had to create an irrelevant
You will not be disappointed! My all time worse series finale has to be the Soprano's.

02-28-2014, 08:53 PM
I have this fear that it will be as bad as the Monk finale. Talk about a total
let down. It was like they ran out of money and had to create an irrelevant

One of the best endings ever. You will not be disappointed.

02-28-2014, 09:05 PM
One of the best endings ever. You will not be disappointed.
I'm sure you're right.

02-28-2014, 11:00 PM
Yeah Breaking Bad is really good. I love the way that it ends. Especially what Walt makes Skinny Pete and Badger do.

03-01-2014, 08:22 AM
Are there any fans?

Prune...I had to check the date on your post 3 times to make sure I wasn't reading an old thread! "Breaking Bad" was only around for 5 years! Where have you been? LOL To answer your question...yes, there are a TON of fans! Many of whom have been following that show since it first aired. Don't feel bad...I'm old like you and I was also late to the game. We had to play "catch up" on Netflix so we'd be up to speed before the finale aired. Great show, don't you think? I don't have HBO, so I had to search the pawnshops for DVDs of "The Wire". Finally found a set of the first season so now we're going to try and catch up to what everyone else has known all along. Damn...I hate getting old. lol

03-01-2014, 10:12 AM
Trending (off to the side) on Facebook, yesterday: "Aaron Paul in Serious Talks Regarding Sequel to Breaking Bad."



Working Title: "Breaking Bad Wind"

Synopsis: Aaron Paul, in order to stay one step ahead of the Feds (and other cops and criminals) for past misdeeds, moves to a peaceful valley in Central California where he buys a rundown bean farm and gets involved with arranging old-fashioned Western Cookouts around the campfire in addition to growing beans. Mr. Haney will be played by Saul the Former Lawyer disguised a a migrant laborer.

03-02-2014, 11:05 AM
One of the best endings ever. You will not be disappointed.
I saw it! Fantastic. Not at all what I expected. Truthfully I set myself up for a
let down because so many last episodes are lame, i.e. Monk is an example.

I wonder if there will be a sequel with Jesse?

03-02-2014, 11:24 AM
No sequel but there is a prequel planned.
Better Call Saul is in the works. Jesse will probably appear in some episodes but probably no Walt or Hank.

03-02-2014, 12:47 PM
They could have a sequel with Walt and Hank appearing in flashbacks . . .

Here is one thing that I found extra good about Breaking Bad:
I knew that Brian Cranston was a good actor from his work in Malcolm in the Middle (not to mention his role as the converted-to-Judaism dentist on Seinfeld) yet who would have thought that his acting range extended so far? Not me.

Problem is--on account of he ain't no Billy Bob Thornton--he will always be Walt in most people's eyes.
Sort of like the guy who played Tony Soprano or Commander Data on Star Trek.

03-02-2014, 12:51 PM
Dean Norris (Hank) has indicated he's not interested. Which I find surprising.
Aaron Paul wants to be on Better Call Saul, Dean Norris trying to go straight · Newswire · The A.V. Club (

03-02-2014, 01:09 PM
So Dean Norris is thinking about pulling a Pernell Roberts prequel?
As good as he was in that role, and since now he is typecast anyway, I'm sort of surprised.

03-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Dean Norris (Hank) has indicated he's not interested. Which I find surprising.
Aaron Paul wants to be on Better Call Saul, Dean Norris trying to go straight · Newswire · The A.V. Club (

So Dean Norris is thinking about pulling a Pernell "Bonanza Boy" Roberts prequel here?
As good as he was in that role, and since now he is typecast anyway, I'm sort of surprised.
(by "he" I mean Dean. Not Pernell.)

03-02-2014, 02:57 PM
I Dvr'd Breaking Bad when they did the marathon before the finale. Still have it on there and am currently re-watching it. Great show. One of the best.

Lord Helmet
03-03-2014, 10:36 AM
No sequel but there is a prequel planned.
Better Call Saul is in the works. Jesse will probably appear in some episodes but probably no Walt or Hank.

I really wish they would just leave Breaking Bad alone. It's a perfect show from beginning to end, and I'm afraid that a spinoff, prequel, sequel, or whatever will dilute what may be one of the greatest shows of all time.

03-03-2014, 10:52 AM
I really wish they would just leave Breaking Bad alone. It's a perfect show from beginning to end, and I'm afraid that a spinoff, prequel, sequel, or whatever will dilute what may be one of the greatest shows of all time.
Yeah, the odds of it being good are pretty low. However if they stick to filling in the back story of how all the pieces start to fall together there is a chance of it being ok.

03-03-2014, 10:29 PM
I'm starting from the beginning. LOL!

I love the pop quiz, i.e. the periodic table designations, during the credits.

03-04-2014, 11:31 AM
I really wish they would just leave Breaking Bad alone. It's a perfect show from beginning to end, and I'm afraid that a spinoff, prequel, sequel, or whatever will dilute what may be one of the greatest shows of all time.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, Better Call Saul will have very little to do with Breaking Bad. Since Saul was the comic relief in BB, his series is supposed to have a more humorous feel. Not a comedy but more light and homorous. It's supposed to be about Saul and his goofy clients etc.

03-04-2014, 11:50 AM
From what I understand, and I could be wrong, Better Call Saul will have very little to do with Breaking Bad. Since Saul was the comic relief in BB, his series is supposed to have a more humorous feel. Not a comedy but more light and homorous. It's supposed to be about Saul and his goofy clients etc.

All the Huell you can handle, which isnt a bad thing.

03-04-2014, 01:08 PM
They could have a sequel with Walt and Hank appearing in flashbacks . . .

Here is one thing that I found extra good about Breaking Bad:
I knew that Brian Cranston was a good actor from his work in Malcolm in the Middle (not to mention his role as the converted-to-Judaism dentist on Seinfeld) yet who would have thought that his acting range extended so far? Not me.

Problem is--on account of he ain't no Billy Bob Thornton--he will always be Walt in most people's eyes.
Sort of like the guy who played Tony Soprano or Commander Data on Star Trek.

Now Bryan will take on Godzilla.

03-04-2014, 01:12 PM
All the Huell you can handle, which isnt a bad thing.

And Kuby. Loved Bill Burr in this role.

03-04-2014, 01:14 PM
I'm really hoping for the back story on the connection between Saul, Mike, and Gus. I imagine there are some good stories there.

03-04-2014, 04:22 PM
I like the pop quiz during the credits. Br, Ba, etc...

03-04-2014, 05:42 PM
The first few notes of "Baby Blue" start up and it just hits you with a rush.

03-04-2014, 07:37 PM
I just read a message on my prunepickerpedia ( site. Someone who's full of
hate tried to ruin the ending for me. I only know one person who's that full
of hate. I'm glad that person failed in their diabolical and extremely hateful

I'm sure that most on OKC Talk know who that hateful person is. I can't
imagine being controlled by abject hatred.

03-04-2014, 07:39 PM
The first few notes of "Baby Blue" start up and it just hits you with a rush.
I'm not sure I understand what you're implying. However, the tune "Crystal
Blue Persuasion" was certainly a high point.

03-04-2014, 08:10 PM
I thought you had seen the end. If not disregard my former posts. Don't wanna be a spoiler.

03-04-2014, 08:27 PM
I thought you had seen the end. If not disregard my former posts. Don't wanna be a spoiler.
I've seen the incredible ending and you are in no way a spoiler. I'm talking
about someone on OKC Talk who is so full of hate that he can't see straight.

That person knows who he is. And believe me, he's full of hate. I've never
known anyone so full of hate. Never.

To tell the truth, he probably doesn't realize it. Not that I'm surprised. I
honestly don't believe he knows better. Hate is very natural to him.

03-04-2014, 10:40 PM
Back in the day . . .
I knew some pretty bad characters (in real life).
Ex-Cons and so forth from back when a Prison Sentence wasn't a picnic with fences.

Yet, I have to say, that I never met any ex-Con as evil as the crew with whom Walt "The King o' Meth" eventually got involved.

I was as glad to see Walt orchestrate his part in the finale as I was to see his confused remorse when that doll fell into his swimming pool in the backyard at the end of Season 1 or 2.

Is Pure Evil possible? Or only an oxymoron?

p.s.: The ending of "Deadwood" was very disappointing.

03-05-2014, 09:53 PM
I just read a message on my Prunerpickia site.

This person tried to ruin the ending of Breaking Bad by revealing the end of
the story. Is this a low life attempt or what. I'm laughing because the moron
failed big time. You've got to love it. LOL! Low life's are such losers.

Naturally the coward didn't reveal who he is.There's only one person I know
who is low life enough to try and pull this off. He knows who his is because
he understands everything about being a low life due to being a low life for
years.. LOL!

What a low life.

03-07-2014, 10:36 PM
Oh, of course we all know who that lowlife is. It doesn't take a rocked
scientist to figure this out. LOL

What a low life.

03-08-2014, 11:35 AM
Someone accidentally ruined the ending for me also, but it was still a great series.

03-08-2014, 12:49 PM
Someone accidentally ruined the ending for me also, but it was still a great series.

So does anyone know when " Better call Saul" comes out?

03-08-2014, 02:19 PM
Someone accidentally ruined the ending for me also, but it was still a great series.
I didn't see the message until several days after I saw the ending.

03-08-2014, 06:16 PM
My most favorite opening may be the Negro y Azul. The mariachi's playing
with the Winnebago in the background and the following scenes.

Sooooooooo cool!

03-08-2014, 06:28 PM
Meth is bad for you. Mmmkay.

03-08-2014, 09:57 PM
Meth is bad for you. Mmmkay.

Expect an unexpected visit from the South Park Entertainment Mafia to question your use of their meme. OK? =)

(please allow me to apologize for that remark: we finally got Season 1, Episodes 1-3 of "Homicide: Life on The Streets" for our viewing pleasure--as a sort of refresher course in Originality as compared to Cloning--and watched the entire DVD (from Netflix) in a binge of entertainment affirmation. H:LoTS was Original. The Wire only improved upon it. Breaking Bad took the concept to the next level of excellence. one could compare H:LoTS to The Beatles. if you know what I mean.)

03-09-2014, 02:54 PM
Can't leave out 'Justified'. Also 'Dexter', 'Weeds', 'Californication'. . . .

03-09-2014, 05:31 PM
True Detective tonight should be good....

Breaking Bad is one of the all time great shows. The ending lived up to the hype and was one of the best ever.

03-10-2014, 06:30 PM
Expect an unexpected visit from the South Park Entertainment Mafia to question your use of their meme. OK? =)

(please allow me to apologize for that remark: we finally got Season 1, Episodes 1-3 of "Homicide: Life on The Streets" for our viewing pleasure--as a sort of refresher course in Originality as compared to Cloning--and watched the entire DVD (from Netflix) in a binge of entertainment affirmation. H:LoTS was Original. The Wire only improved upon it. Breaking Bad took the concept to the next level of excellence. one could compare H:LoTS to The Beatles. if you know what I mean.)

Homicide is probably my favorite tv show of all times. I would pay to watch Andre Braugher eat dirt. I was in Baltimore for a conference in September and happened upon the building where they filmed the show. What a thrill for me. But I think you might add Hill Street Blues to the Original TV Series list.

My husband and I watched the entire Breaking Bad series over the Christmas break. We just got hooked like I have never been with a tv series. My son watched it before we did and I was afraid it was going to glamorize meth dealing. I think it is safe to say it did not.

White Peacock
03-26-2014, 03:35 PM
Breaking Bad really set the bar higher than ever when it comes to writing for TV. It was nearly perfect from beginning to end, with only one loose end that the writers never intended to tie up (how did they administer the Lily of the Valley to Brock?). It was intriguing throughout, perfectly acted by everyone involved, and the atmosphere was delivered flawlessly.

03-26-2014, 09:34 PM
Breaking Bad really set the bar higher than ever when it comes to writing for
TV. It was nearly perfect from beginning to end, with only one loose end that
the writers never intended to tie up (how did they administer the Lily of the
Valley to Brock?). It was intriguing throughout, perfectly acted by everyone
involved, and the atmosphere was delivered flawlessly.
What bugs me is why movie makers think it's important to tie up every
loose end. I believe there are instances when the viewer should be left to
his/her own imagination. Personally I don't want to be spoon fed with every
boring detail.

That's what ruined the ending to Monk. There was no reason to tie any
loose ends. It should have just ended. Maybe Monk should have been
killed by Dale the Whale. Or maybe shot in the head by Stottlemeyer who
finally broke because he couldn't take it any more. The last two episodes
were bad and unnecessary.

At any rate...

I'm watching BB for the 3rd time. Although I don't see it as a philosophical
study, as Catch Twenty-two was, there are some undercurrent messages
throughout the program like the previous relations to past decades.

03-27-2014, 09:03 AM
Not all movies tie up in a neat bow at the end. A couple of farily recent examples I can think of is No Country For Old Men and Inception. The Sopranos was a TV show that didn't tie up at the end and it made a lot of people angry and upset.

I don't think BB is really all that philosophical. I don't know that it was designed to be. It's more of a character study. But it does have plenty of symbolism. Fly being an episode that comes to mind right of the top of my head as having a lot of symbolism.

03-27-2014, 09:16 AM
I never saw "Inception" but "No Country For Old Men" is probably on my Top 15 List.
That Javier Bardiem (or whatever) character has to go down in history as one of the baddest, most evil, characters ever.
He could have kicked the entire collective ass of the gang Walt had to deal with. (as did Walt, btw. =)
That coin-flipping scene in the remote filling station was chilling.
(i would have been the poor old guy on the other side of the counter. =)
(and, if anyone in here says they wouldn't, they are a liar. =)

A lot of people hated the way that "The Sopranos" ended, but I can't really think of a better way that it could have been done.
(and then there was the ending of "Seinfeld" . . . =)

As I said before, probably more than once, if Breaking Bad had ended with the aircraft debris landing in Walt's swimming pool I wouldn't have been disappointed in it. Thankfully, they took the story arc full circle. Breaking Bad was a Masterpiece.

(p.s.: one of my favorite episodes of Breaking Bad was the one where Walt figured out how to get the RVMethLab with a dead battery started. another favorite was the one in which Jesse was held hostage by the Meth Heads who had the stolen safe or ATM or whatever it was. the writers of this show were beyond genius.)

White Peacock
03-27-2014, 05:48 PM
I never saw "Inception" but "No Country For Old Men" is probably on my Top 15 List.
That Javier Bardiem (or whatever) character has to go down in history as one of the baddest, most evil, characters ever.
He could have kicked the entire collective ass of the gang Walt had to deal with. (as did Walt, btw. =)
That coin-flipping scene in the remote filling station was chilling.

Watching that scene actually made me feel fear. I was scared of the dude, probably more disturbed by him than any other villain in any other film. Bardem really nailed that role (with a captive bolt gun!)

White Peacock
03-27-2014, 06:36 PM
What bugs me is why movie makers think it's important to tie up every
loose end. I believe there are instances when the viewer should be left to
his/her own imagination. Personally I don't want to be spoon fed with every
boring detail.

Ambiguous endings are fine with me. But I can think of no scenario that would have made it possible for Huell, Bill Burr's character, or Saul to actually get near enough to something that Brock was eating in order to put the Lily of the Valley in it without him noticing. One moment of laziness in a whole series isn't bad, though.

Richard at Remax
03-27-2014, 09:13 PM
Stop what you are doing and watch Inception

03-31-2014, 02:41 PM
Ambiguous endings are fine with me. But I can think of no scenario that would have made it possible for Huell, Bill Burr's character, or Saul to actually get near enough to something that Brock was eating in order to put the Lily of the Valley in it without him noticing. One moment of laziness in a whole series isn't bad, though.

I think Walt did the deed himself. Remember when he went to Brock's house trying to find Jesse in season 5. Brock kept giving Walt the stinkeye. And I think it would be very easy to do something like that. I can see Walt hanging out at the park saying "Hey kid. Wanna ice cream cone?" There's any number of ways it could've been done.

03-31-2014, 03:56 PM
Stop what you are doing and watch Inception
Is it on Netflix?

04-01-2014, 10:55 AM
Is it on Netflix?

Probably not. Every time I look on Netflix for a movie, they don't have it. I think their strength is supposed to be TV shows.

Plutonic Panda
10-11-2022, 10:08 AM
Just wanted to say I finally watched this show and holy f@cking sh’t what an amazing piece of work. I usually don’t like TV shows but I said “what the hell” I’ll give a watch for the first episode and man I was hooked. Started binge watching the entire series.

Now I’m watching Better Call Saul and frankly I think it’s even superior to BB. El Camino was incredible too. I think Todd is one of the best portrayals of a complete sociopath I’ve ever seen. Yes we see him kill a little kid in complete cold blood without hesitation with no problem in BB but in El Camino the way he treats Jesse is just chilling like he’s a dog. Just great writing.

I’m on Season 5 Episode 3 of BCS and I guess I’ll have to purchase AMC+ for Season 6. Jimmy is a really a heart breaking character because though he certainly isn’t Mother Teresa he is a decent guy just dealt a bad hand of cards and knows what he got into like anyone of us but it is what it is. What an incredible show. The only series that isn’t animated I’ve ever watched in full was Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But boy do I love this one. Any other fans here??

10-11-2022, 10:34 AM
Just wanted to say I finally watched this show and holy f@cking sh’t what an amazing piece of work. I usually don’t like TV shows but I said “what the hell” I’ll give a watch for the first episode and man I was hooked. Started binge watching the entire series.

Now I’m watching Better Call Saul and frankly I think it’s even superior to BB. El Camino was incredible too. I think Todd is one of the best portrayals of a complete sociopath I’ve ever seen. Yes we see him kill a little kid in complete cold blood without hesitation with no problem in BB but in El Camino the way he treats Jesse is just chilling like he’s a dog. Just great writing.

I’m on Season 5 Episode 3 of BCS and I guess I’ll have to purchase AMC+ for Season 6. Jimmy is a really a heart breaking character because though he certainly isn’t Mother Teresa he is a decent guy just dealt a bad hand of cards and knows what he got into like anyone of us but it is what it is. What an incredible show. The only series that isn’t animated I’ve ever watched in full was Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But boy do I love this one. Any other fans here??

BB and BCS are 2 of the best shows in TV history.

Plutonic Panda
10-11-2022, 10:45 AM
BB and BCS are 2 of the best shows in TV history.
I completely agree.

This scene in particular got me. This isn’t the same shot from BB. The reshot it for BCS and they are on point. I feel so bad for Saul even though he knew what he was getting into it shows how Walt f@cked everyone’s life up around him. Just incredible story telling.

10-11-2022, 11:28 AM
I'm coincidentally rewatching Breaking Bad. We really enjoyed it during its original run, but we never really got into Better Call Saul. The goal now is to rewatch BB for the purpose of refreshing on it so we can binge through BCS.