View Full Version : Commercials That Creep You Out

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03-14-2014, 10:21 PM
Oh yes, the Bob commercials and that catchy little tune. The Tall Paul commercials never creeped me out, I kind of liked them. I bought my first car from Alan Merrill...torture time again.

Neighbor, how long's it been since you had a big, thick, steamin' bowl of woof [Wolf] bran' chili? Heh heh, well that's too long.

03-14-2014, 10:32 PM
"That's what I said, Mead's fine bread."

03-14-2014, 10:53 PM
Brown's Furniture in Shawnee. Any commercial about Viagra or anti-depressants and the side effect statements. NBA players telling me not to use the word Gay or Bart and Nadia telling me to not say retarded. I actually do not use the words in a derogatory manner but I do not need athletes telling me what words I can say and not say especially since athletes use a lot of words I find offensive. The Mukembe Mutambo commericals. The I am... and I am Chickasaw commercials. They should say, The Chickasaws: More than just casinos.

Bigray in Ok

So . . . Apparently you have something against Indians? =)
(you hit on many of the same things that bother me, too.)
(and i'm simply a euro-mongrel Scandinavian on the cusp of St. Patrick's Day =)

03-16-2014, 10:43 AM

03-18-2014, 10:36 PM
So . . . Apparently you have something against Indians? =)
(you hit on many of the same things that bother me, too.)
(and i'm simply a euro-mongrel Scandinavian on the cusp of St. Patrick's Day =)

No, I like Native Americans, Indians, and other indigenous peoples. I just think it is funny that the Chickasaws think they have to mount a public relations campaign to show they do more than operate casinos. I actually admire what the Chickasaws have accomplished with their charitable fundraising activities over the last 30 years. Bill Anoutubby and the other leaders of the tribe are brilliant business people. Donald Trump has nothing on them.

Bigray in Ok

03-19-2014, 04:45 AM
Rejuvena (SP) and Signature Skincare. Both doctors look like if they smiled or laughed too hard their faces would shred.