View Full Version : Is it time to replace Arrow to Atoms Space Tower?

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09-16-2014, 09:40 AM
You're a year or two off. It's been closed since 2009.

Wow. I guess my nephew was even younger then. I think I've been to the state fair maybe once since then.

09-17-2014, 02:18 PM
News 9 reported last night on the dismay of some fair goers who had concerns about Space Tower. Let's hope the State Fair Board can begin plans to replace some of the iconic structures that once branded the Great State Fair of Oklahoma.

Iconic structures at State Fairs in Tulsa & Dallas: oCqc_VQrjab8eA9U5K2
Tulsa's Golden Driller, 76 ft tall rp6MEaj2atqSF35osiY 7jXyb1xRT6k-8ENTS1P

Big Tex, 55 ft tall & Texas Star, 212 ft high with Super Gyro Tower 500 ft tower in background.

What's next?

70 ft high arch "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

09-18-2014, 08:26 AM
I've never quite understood the arch thing and why its there.

If the thing downtown takes off (which I bet it wont), then it would be a bit redundant to have one at the fair too. I think the comment about it being free hit it on the head as to why they wont fix it. They're probably just waiting for money to tear it out. I just hope they come up with a GOOD use of the central location other than more parking or another freaking barn.

09-18-2014, 09:33 AM
Since when was it free? The times I've ridden it you had to pay to ride it. By the way, the State Fair of Texas recently ADDED a very similar ride/tower ( I rode it last year after the OU/TX game.

09-18-2014, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I seem to remember having to pay extra to ride it, too.

09-18-2014, 10:58 AM
There was a time you paid a price to ride it. the last few years it was free and subsidized by the daily oklahoman one year and another company another year I believe. but before I think it was like a 5.00 ticket.

09-19-2014, 08:21 AM
I don't think ive ever pad to ride it in my life. But I should note that it's been probably almost 15 years since I rode it the last time.

09-22-2014, 12:36 AM
A TV news report said the bottom of the Space Tower was ruined when flood water got into it. It should be replaced like the one at the Texas State Fair. Also a big new Ferris wheel should go in at the fairgrounds, big enough to knock the recently outdated Texas claim in having the nation's biggest Ferris wheel further down the list. The nation's biggest Ferris wheel is now in Las Vegas. A rich person should come forth and pay to build all that. But since I'm not rich, I don't know how the rich dream of spending their millions. before they die. But probably mostly on projects that will make more millions.

09-24-2014, 08:48 AM
One problem with all these big rides like a needle or a ferris wheel is what do you do with it the other 350 days of the year? Buildings run shows and still bring in money to pay for them and the staff/maintenance. But these things don't make any money the rest of the year and just rot.

That's why I feel like if they do add a needle back, they need to make it a 365 day a year type project of restaurant/observation/etc like the REAL towers are. Otherwise, I'd really just rather see the thing taken out instead of sit and rust until it falls over. The monorail was another example of that type of project, but with it, at least the track was concrete and didn't really require much maintenance. And the cars were so simple...same thing. They just finally ran out of life when the grandstands got dozed (cause we could have built a platform if we really wanted to keep the rail). It would have been a much better project if the rail served a purpose, like as a people mover instead of a ride. Expand the track out to parking and whatnot and use it to get people around. Trouble is the golf cart trams are cheaper and easier to get around.

The point being, that the fair folks are going to look at what's sustainable. We had so many decades of mismanagement that allowed the place to fall to pieces that a lot of things have had to be sacrificed in order to keep the money makers open. And at the end of the day, we don't want the fair to be in the hole every year with the city/county being asked to bail them out.....or have it close. Unfortunately, that means things like a need replacement become a dollars discussion.

09-24-2014, 11:47 PM
One problem with all these big rides like a needle or a ferris wheel is what do you do with it the other 350 days of the year? Buildings run shows and still bring in money to pay for them and the staff/maintenance. But these things don't make any money the rest of the year and just rot.

Then try asking the Texas State Fair what they do with their tower ride and Ferris wheel the rest of the year.

09-24-2014, 11:56 PM
Then try asking the Texas State Fair what they do with their tower ride and Ferris wheel the rest of the year.

They have a virtual permanent amusement park there. I'm not sure that's the direction we want to go.

Summertime theme park opens Saturday at Fair Park | Dallas Morning News (

09-25-2014, 08:29 AM
Pretty sure we don't....just ask Bells in Tulsa how that worked out for them. It would also serve no purpose other than to pull business away from Frontier City, causing it to be even less "fun" than it is today, which isn't saying much.

Look around and see how many rides are permanent. I think, and correct me if im wrong, that the carpet slide is the only one that is permanent now. And it didn't exactly cost much to build.

The whole landscape of the place is going to change with the expo center too. Won't be sad to see the other buildings go, especially the transportation building...holy crap it's in bad shape.

09-25-2014, 11:55 AM
It seems like the current climate at the fairgrounds is one of not wanting people in there unless it's for a specific thing. They have all but one or two entrances permanently closed to vehicles. I believe this was done in response to some vandalism/burglary being done to the animal trailers (and possibly RVs) while they were parked there for events.

Before that occurred, I thought it was fun to cut through there from time to time (when there weren't any big events going on) on my way home, to let my little girl look at things, to occasionally stop the car and get out to wander about, etc. It was also a great "shortcut" between Reno and the area where our house is. Not so any more. They don't want you to have the freedom to drive around the campus. They want to funnel you through that one entrance, then direct you to a particular lot to park. It's gone from a neat place to explore to this tightly-controlled and sterile environment.

Having said that, in my opinion, If they were going to repair/replace the space needle and keep it open year-round, they'd have to do a pretty serious about-face to to make the area more welcoming to people who might come in on a whim. I'm not sure whether they're interested in doing that, in light of the increased security measures taken in recent years. It's probably just a sign of the times.