View Full Version : 1227 N Walker

02-24-2014, 02:42 PM

County Assessor Record (

Meg Guess Coture is moving to a larger location on May and 63rd. Their current location (between Louie's and the Edge) is now up for lease. Should be interesting to see what ends up there.

02-24-2014, 02:49 PM
Yes, there is a thread on their new location, which they own:

8005 N. May Ave - Harlow Properties - OKCTalk (

02-24-2014, 03:05 PM
Yep, it's almost finished, they'll likely be moving into it toward the end of March. They speculated that MidtownR is hoping to lease to a small bar/restaurant but that is the most I've heard about the tenant search.

02-24-2014, 03:11 PM
It's too bad because they were one of the few pure retail uses in that area, and it's a beautiful store.

Most everything else is food-oriented or services.

02-24-2014, 04:08 PM
It's too bad because they were one of the few pure retail uses in that area, and it's a beautiful store.

Most everything else is food-oriented or services.

But is a high-end (dresses $5,000+) boutique wedding/special event retailer the best fit for the area? If it was a GAP, I could go for it, but it's a very high end bridal/formal retailer. As a resident in the area, and a frequent patron of surrounding restaurants, I've NEVER seen any of their customers add street life to the area.

02-24-2014, 04:20 PM
But is a high-end (dresses $5,000+) boutique wedding/special event retailer the best fit for the area? If it was a GAP, I could go for it, but it's a very high end bridal/formal retailer. As a resident in the area, and a frequent patron of surrounding restaurants, I've NEVER seen any of their customers add street life to the area.


02-24-2014, 04:32 PM
But is a high-end (dresses $5,000+) boutique wedding/special event retailer the best fit for the area? If it was a GAP, I could go for it, but it's a very high end bridal/formal retailer. As a resident in the area, and a frequent patron of surrounding restaurants, I've NEVER seen any of their customers add street life to the area.

I lived at Claremont for a year and literally never saw one person enter or leave the store. I would always joke that the wedding stuff must be a cover for something else. With all the residents moving into this area, there seem to be a lot of better uses of this space.

01-22-2016, 04:41 PM
The area between this building and Louie's is now fenced off I presume for the upgrade.