View Full Version : Toughest Music Trivia Question Ever

02-12-2014, 07:51 AM
Maybe this is more of a "music mystery" than "trivia" but since there are a lot of people who visit this site who are far more in tune with modern music and artists than I am, I thought I'd try to get an answer to my question in here.

I often find myself listening to The Spy during my (usually later than most people's) PM Drivetime.
Last Thursday night, just before 8:00 pm, I was tuned into The Oklahoma Rock Show. At least I think it had to be that program, but other factors have me wondering if it was. When they finally posted the playlist for that edition of the show there was nothing on it, that would have played at the time I was listening, that matches up with what I heard on air. The on-air announcer mentioned just having played the entire new Jessie Aycock album and that's what the playlist indicates it was. However, I did some checking online and nothing by Jessie A. matches what I listened to.

The song featured a female vocalist (or at least the vocalist sounded female). Both the lyrics and the arrangment were . . . "surrealistic" (for lack of a better term). The sound reminded me a lot of some of those old Cowboy Junkie songs (sort of weird and "echo-y").

Part of the song, that is, the part that was near the end of the first cut by whoever this was or just before a "break" in the song leading into the second part of the same song by the same artist, had something to do with driving down a long, dark, highway--apparently looking for something--taking an exit ramp, encountering a rusted (or rusty) sign, turning around and driving back home.

As I said, the arrangement was "surrealistic", heavily layered, and included some of that 'being played backwards' music that you might have heard on some of the old, more "progressive" tunes by the Beatles.

This is like having a song stuck in my head . . . except only the shadow of a song that I can't identify. It will bug me for awhile, then it won't, but in the meantime, any guesses on what this piece might have been and who might have performed it? I know the clues are extremely vague, but those are all I have to give.

P.S. I did NOT imagine all this, nor was I under the influence of anything organic or otherwise. =)

02-12-2014, 09:46 AM
The description of female voice, echoey and Cowboy Junkie sound make me think of Mazzy Star. Could it be them? Have you tried Googling any lines or lyics that you remember?

Roger S
02-12-2014, 09:59 AM
The description of female voice, echoey and Cowboy Junkie sound make me think of Mazzy Star. Could it be them? Have you tried Googling any lines or lyics that you remember?

I had this happen with the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star..... It was playing one morning as my radio alarm came on and the chord changes caught my attention but the DJ never said who it was. Took me a couple of years to find out who it was.

02-12-2014, 10:03 AM
Hmmm...if it was the Oklahoma Rock Show that means all local (or with Okie ties) so that rules out Mazzy Star. Did you listen to the playlist on there?
Wonder if it was St. Vincent?

02-12-2014, 11:51 AM
Hmmm...if it was the Oklahoma Rock Show that means all local (or with Okie ties) so that rules out Mazzy Star. Did you listen to the playlist on there?
Wonder if it was St. Vincent?

But he's not convinced it was Oklahoma Rock Show. So that leaves the gate wide open. Hard to narrow this one down.

02-12-2014, 12:19 PM
Hope Sandoval does have an ethereal voice. Besides Mazzy Starr she has collaborated with a few groups.

02-12-2014, 12:22 PM
ok rock show is 7-9 thursdays, so if he was listening around 8, then it must've been that show.

email 'em and see if they can figure it out for you:

02-12-2014, 12:38 PM
Hope Sandoval does have an ethereal voice. Besides Mazzy Starr she has collaborated with a few groups.

Mmmmmm Hope Sandoval....

02-12-2014, 12:41 PM
Ohh man, don't tease me with doughnuts. I can't have them anymore.

02-12-2014, 03:31 PM
The description of female voice, echoey and Cowboy Junkie sound make me think of Mazzy Star. Could it be them? Have you tried Googling any lines or lyics that you remember?

I tried Googling the lyrics. In fact, I tried several times. Result: Nada. Zip.
This is not to say it wasn't Mazzy Star.
In any case, it was a very interesting drivetime radio moment.
In, fact, it was exceptionally interesting.

02-12-2014, 03:36 PM
I had this happen with the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star..... It was playing one morning as my radio alarm came on and the chord changes caught my attention but the DJ never said who it was. Took me a couple of years to find out who it was.

I promise that I won't spend a couple of years on getting the answer to this question. =)
(yet . . . maybe I will attempt to research Mazzy Star . . .)

02-12-2014, 03:39 PM
ok rock show is 7-9 thursdays, so if he was listening around 8, then it must've been that show.

email 'em and see if they can figure it out for you:

I already did all that. Plus the Facebook page. This all still remains a mystery.
Not an "important" mystery . . . just a trivial one.

02-12-2014, 03:40 PM
Ohh man, don't tease me with doughnuts. I can't have them anymore.

I'm hoping I hit 200 about the time I figure out the answer to this mystery.
I will have a donut to celebrate.

02-12-2014, 04:11 PM
Ohh man, don't tease me with doughnuts. I can't have them anymore.

I wasn't teasing you with doughnuts......I was teasing you with Hope Sandoval

02-12-2014, 04:14 PM
I promise that I won't spend a couple of years on getting the answer to this question. =)
(yet . . . maybe I will attempt to research Mazzy Star . . .)

Music trivia is something that I excel at and I have been racking my brain trying to figure out the mystery with no answers.
Caught this on some bumper music from the Art Bell show years ago and had to know who the artist was.

02-12-2014, 05:38 PM
Just this afternoon, again on an NPR affiliate, right after some lady bitc.....noting how offensive it was for Sports Illustrated to be featuring Barbie next to the regular swimsuit models for the Swimsuit Edition on account of conversations you have with your kids, etc., regarding "the objectification of females" and whatnot, they played some pretty cool, "retro-cover" stuff (of the Beatles) by some group named "Temple" or "Temples" or something like that. I thought they were the next best Beatles imitators since Badfinger. =)

Maybe this--that is, the solution to The Mystery of The Unnamed Audio Clip--could make a great answer--when phrased in the form of a question--for the Ultra Championship on Jeopardy?
(nah . . . even Alex Trabek would be non plussed. and he's Canadian!)

P.S. to Achilles: I was a genius at the original Genus Edition of Trivial Pursuit.

02-12-2014, 05:50 PM
"I thought they were the next best Beatles imitators since Badfinger".

LOL classic...........

02-12-2014, 06:01 PM
"I thought they were the next best Beatles imitators since Badfinger".

LOL classic...........

p.p.s. see above p.s.

02-12-2014, 06:10 PM
Heck all the time I thought Paul McCartney and Wings were the best Beatles tribute band. I will have to check out this Badfinger band you speak of. Are any of the members still hanging around?

02-12-2014, 06:13 PM
Hmmmm..temple is still pretty broad lol. But at least we got a word this time. Here goes.

02-12-2014, 06:14 PM
I will have to check out this Badfinger band you speak of. Are any of the members still hanging around?

Well played. (Tasteless, to be sure, but definitely well played.)

02-12-2014, 06:16 PM
Well played. (Tasteless, to be sure, but definitely well played.)

Thank you....
And for the record I do love me some Badfinger.

02-12-2014, 06:20 PM
Hmmmm..temple is still pretty broad lol. But at least we got a word this time. Here goes.

That was very Cowsill-esque.
I think after all this there needs to be a monetary award for whoever gets the mystery to the quotient.

02-12-2014, 06:48 PM
Although this, that is, the video clip below, is a Cowboy Junkie cover of an old Lou Reed song, the song in question was sort of like it.

(except it had more instrumental layering than this and some of that reverse music effect c/o the pioneering sound of The Beatles.)

Edited to Add: The first time I heard this song, it was when I was roused from my sleep, while watching Saturday Night Live and (the artist) Beck was playing some sort of antique squeeze box to accompany the band. Or maybe that was simply a Beck impersonator. Perhaps on Austin City Limits. =)

02-12-2014, 06:55 PM
That was very Cowsill-esque.
I think after all this there needs to be a monetary award for whoever gets the mystery to the quotient.

I'll admit I'm not familiar with the cowsills. The name sounds kind of familiar but that's about it

02-12-2014, 06:59 PM
I'll admit I'm not familiar with the cowsills. The name sounds kind of familiar but that's about it

02-12-2014, 07:03 PM
Ok lol. I've heard references (Simpsons maybe?) to this and never knew the source.

02-12-2014, 07:08 PM
Ok lol. I've heard references (Simpsons maybe?) to this and never knew the source.

Watched a 2 hour documentary about them a few months back and had no clue the Partridge Family were modeled after them.

02-12-2014, 07:59 PM
The one thing that I know for sure is that the mystical (and trivial) music in question wasn't done by the band that played Green Tambourine. (on account of NPR is non-commercial and The Green Tambourine players--not to be confused with The Lemon Pipers always had their hand out for a hand out. a hand or their tambourine. you can't put a lot of cash in a flute.)

02-12-2014, 08:01 PM
Watched a 2 hour documentary about them a few months back and had no clue the Partridge Family were modeled after them.

Sorry. Crossed posts. I find it hard to believe that there still exists 2 hours of watchable documentation on The Cowsills. I find it even harder to believe there would be viewers if there were. I think Art Bell or his replacement needs to start investigating all this. What's Jessie Ventura doing these days? . . . =)

Please tell me that Ken Burns wasn't behind the Cowsills documentary . . .

02-12-2014, 08:16 PM
Sorry. Crossed posts. I find it hard to believe that there still exists 2 hours of watchable documentation on The Cowsills. I find it even harder to believe there would be viewers if there were. I think Art Bell or his replacement needs to start investigating all this. What's Jessie Ventura doing these days? . . . =)

Please tell me that Ken Burns wasn't behind the Cowsills documentary . . .

Sometimes I wonder about you and if you've been Puffin Stuff?

02-12-2014, 08:49 PM
Wonder no longer: I never touch the stuff.
Nor did I ever have my brain washed or warped by videos such as that.

I'm on a "natural high"--disrupted only by the failure of all the current music aficionados in here to provide an answer to my nagging question . . . =)

(remember? the one posted at the top of this thread? =)

I suppose, in the final analysis, that the solution is not to listen to anything broadcast from The Spy OKC/Stillwater KOSU after the sun goes down. Yeah. That way no question will be raised. =)

02-12-2014, 08:53 PM
Yes apologies for derailing your thread.
Wish we had an answer for yas and maybe someone can get a correct one soon.

02-12-2014, 09:07 PM
Yes apologies for derailing your thread.
Wish we had an answer for yas and maybe someone can get a correct one soon.

What? Did you miss the smiley?
I love Derailing . . . and Derailers.
No need to apologize . . .


'course, the mystery trivia song warn't nothin' like that one there.

02-13-2014, 08:16 AM
if you don't have it already, get the shazam app for your smartphone... it's unlocked many mysteries for me about "who's playing that song?"

Roger S
02-13-2014, 08:47 AM
This reminds me of the Married With Children episode where all Al can remember is Hmmm Hmmm Himmmm.

02-13-2014, 09:14 AM
if you don't have it already, get the shazam app for your smartphone... it's unlocked many mysteries for me about "who's playing that song?"

That is a great idea except for two things: 1) I dont' have a "smartphone" (just a simple dumbphone. you know, the flip-style that was once cutting-edge. like, for making emergency phone calls=) and 2)I doubt I will ever hear the song I'm wondering about again. The Shazam app really is pretty amazing. The first time someone showed it to me I thought it was magic. (sort of like the first time I saw Google. Or that music sampling thing they used to have at Barnes and Noble.)

btw: The group is The Temples. I sure think they sound like the Beatles.

When I mentioned that "backwards" or "backmasking" in the opening question, here is an example of what I was talking about.
Now . . . Imagine a record that sounds like that Cowboy Junkies clip with some of this sort of thing worked into it.

Did I say "record"? . . . Geez I'm getting old.
(I still think that Revolver was, all things considered, the best LP ever pressed.)

02-13-2014, 09:19 AM
That is a great idea except for two things: 1) I dont' have a "smartphone" (just a simple dumbphone) and 2)I doubt I will ever hear the song I'm wondering about again. The Shazam app really is pretty amazing. The first time someone showed it to me I thought it was magic. (sort of like the first time I saw Google.)

btw: The group is The Temples. I sure think they sound like the Beatles.

So, you finally the song?

02-13-2014, 09:29 AM
So, you finally the song?

Nope. Not yet. And hope is fading fast. =)
Maybe I should re-email or re-Facebook The Oklahoma Rock show again.
(but I would hate for them to think I'm nagging or bugging them.)

02-13-2014, 09:36 AM
you gave us some hints as to what the song was talking about... can you remember any specific phrases from the lyrics exactly how they were worded? that might help in a search. -M

02-13-2014, 10:02 AM
you gave us some hints as to what the song was talking about... can you remember any specific phrases from the lyrics exactly how they were worded? that might help in a search. -M

As I said: the only lyric I actually even vaguely remember was something like:
"I took an exit ramp, saw a rusted sign, turned around and drove back home."

Keywords: "something like"

I can't remember any of the hook lines or anything like that.
What I found most fascinating and hypnotic about the song was the singer's voice and the musical arrangement.