View Full Version : Ideas for canal extension

08-03-2005, 01:06 PM
I know this has been discussed before and there aren't any current plans to extend the canal, other than to link it to the Oklahoma River.

However, the discussion about the need for a large convention hotel got me thinking about what a great enticement a canal extension to the Galleria site would be for a large, up-scale developer -- as well as a fanstastic opportunity to bridge in all the hotels and convention facilities.

To do so would mean a real tourist draw and completely transform the and invigorate the CBD.

Also, the southern end could easily be extended to the east to tie in what is likely to be a very nice and upscale residential area. The current Walnut Grove area has been almost completely procured by Dr. William Canfield, the guy heading The Hill development. No doubt he plans to turn it into more townhouses... It would bring great vitality to the canal to add residences.

Anyway, here's some daydreaming on my part:

08-03-2005, 01:09 PM
I had the idea a long time ago of tunneling a large area of the canal (actually converting the conncourse and turning it into an "animatronic" ride that would be a history of Oklahoma, including the future. This could be the expansion, but not converting the conncourse.

08-03-2005, 01:13 PM
Also, "Option 2" could easily be threaded through the Myriad Gardens and up to the Galleria site.

Dungeon Master
08-03-2005, 01:31 PM

That's funny you mention the animatronic ride of the history of Oklahoma. When first approaching bricktown, one of my original plans were to build the ride (which is currently the Dungeon) and have the theme of Oklahoma history thru-out the ride. Although this is not currently in place. I'm in the works to re-theme the ride for the 2007 summer season to celebrate the 100th birthday of Oklahoma.
With scenes of settlers, indians, rivers & streams, T.P.s, buffalo and more, I vision it to be a nice addition to the events surrounding the year long celebration. There won't be anything else like it.
As I have already started my homework and search to meet this goal, I see it to be in place by the spring of 2007.
Dungeon Master

I had the idea a long time ago of tunneling a large area of the canal (actually converting the conncourse and turning it into an "animatronic" ride that would be a history of Oklahoma, including the future. This could be the expansion, but not converting the conncourse.

08-03-2005, 01:39 PM
That sounds like a good idea for a themed ride... there are some discussions on expanding the canal on - we could use some input on new projects for Oklahoma. It's a national board and some people are expressing surprise that we even have a skyline. I've tried to add some pictures but I need an expert over there.

08-03-2005, 02:05 PM
I'll post a few pictures over there, Karrie.

I've registered but I guess it takes a little time to activate the account.

08-03-2005, 02:49 PM
We definitely could use more canal in already developed areas (unlike the recent direction) but I don't think it is practical for it to turn west at sheridan. Your two option have the canal going west on either Sheridan or Reno which already have way too much traffic. I think I would have to follow the boulevard west and then turn north at maybe hudson on the other side of the gardens. You can't really expect that sort of a construction project to occur amidst any part of the CBD. I say take it around to "Arts Central." The day that is completed, I'll pay to bring it full circle through Midtown and the Flatiron. Good luck.

08-03-2005, 03:36 PM
But the new boulevard could also take a lot of traffic off of Reno & Sheridan.

Also, there is probably enough room on the south side of the Myriad to bring the canal through there and still keep Reno open to at least a couple lanes of traffic.

But following the boulevard is certainly another idea that could be explored.

08-03-2005, 03:41 PM
Good point, but when I think of Reno/Sheridan traffic west of the tracks, I don't think of crosstowners (which will use the boulevard instead of the new I-40). Reno/sheridan users that I think of are the 5:00 CBD'ers and any Ford Center/Myriad/Ballpark spectator which will need those streets.

08-03-2005, 05:02 PM
I agree, there is too much traffic on both Reno and Sheridan to run the canal through. These are the main entrances to Bricktown, as well as the Cox and Ford Centers, the Myriad gardens, and a couple of parking garages. Better to keep them open to traffic. I remember some old plans showed the canal going down Sheridan, but Main was extended through the Galleria garage. I think they couldn't do that because of security concerns with the IRS building.

This would also be very expensive. Numerous utilities would have to be moved and bridges built for the cross streets. Also, new bridges would have to be built for the BNSF tracks since excavation could not ocur around the existing structure; and coordinating with the railroad can be difficult, especially as busy as that line is.

08-03-2005, 05:18 PM
On a separate note, am I correct in believing that with the the new Galleria construction, Harvey will be extended down to Sheridan? I know that it will at least go half-way to meet the dueling garages that will be there (new one behind the library). This leads to me question Malibu's though of a hotel on the north side of Sheridan. I don't think there is enough room, nor a need to put it there. If we want more development i that specific area, go west of stage center to the other side of Walker between California and Sheridan. It is empty. Then there's always Midtown...

08-03-2005, 05:30 PM
I hope you are right about extending Harvey through, and I would hope they would extend Main from the west to meet it. This would make downtown navigation in that area much easier; especially with the one way streets. This would also make smaller blocks, which are easier to develope and provide greater store front access.

08-03-2005, 05:35 PM
I think any expansion of the canal through downtown could be done with a new concept that maybe wouldn't require replacing streets and disrupting the flow of downtown, but still ad a high profile attraction that connects it to the present day canal. It would be cool to maybe see a series of water fountains linked by some visible aqueduct that is connected to the canal. Sort of a Roman kind of theme, but done it in a modern way. It could be viewed as and sold as one large fountain or one large work of art connecting all of downtown. It could be funded through private donations by local downtown groups who may want to identify themselves with the fountain centerpiece of their district. Done properly you may even get a bit of competition between the districts on who could raise the most money and get the nicest fountain.

I don't know... just thoughts.

08-03-2005, 06:21 PM
There's a million reasons *not* to do something but progressive leaders and cities are the ones that are willing to tackle true challenges -- that's how you distinguish yourself.

With the planning of the new boulevard it seems like a good time to consider some options, as we have a few years before the old I-40 is torn down. With some planning, the traffic issues could be resolved. Remember, the traffic patterns will change greatly when I-40 is relocated, as many of the interstate exits and entrances will also change. Plus, there will be a new Bricktown / Deep Duece exit off I-235 in the near future.

If we really want to put OKC on the map, imagine a city where tourists and conventioneers could hope on a water taxi from any number of hotels and ride it to the arts district and all the way to the OK River. To me, that would be a very exciting prospect and one that could help OKC take a step to the next level.

08-03-2005, 09:53 PM
I definitely agree with the vision, however, keep in mind that three new hotels are planned for the district that you speak of. I don't oppose the canal idea nor hotel development west of the tracks. I just don't think there is room for anything else at the Galleria development. On a seperate note, Main will never be extended west of Robinson because the completed parking garage blocks its path to the Harvey extension.