View Full Version : Minimum Wage...How Much Were You Paid?

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02-12-2014, 12:18 PM
It's a little small, but if you click on the image, then click on the image again, it zooms in really well and is very easy to read.
C. T.

02-12-2014, 02:02 PM
When you go to McWalmart part of the new hire sales pitch is the government benefits you qualify for. All the employee cares about is total compensation (wage + social benefits) just like all workers at every level care about (wage, fringe benefits, healthcare, 401K etc...). McWalmart pay $9/hr plus you get $200 per month in food stamps, ACA healthcare subsidy of $300 per month, etc... All the employee cares about is the bottom line and all employer cares about is there share of it, and finding ways to reduce that share. As taxpayers, we have a 3rd party financial interest in this arrangement. We aren't getting any of the direct benefits and are getting stuck with an increasingly large bill.

Companies need to pay their workers enough to keep them off the public dole. If they won't do it themselves we need to make them do it.

I went to the gov't site for SNAP to see if a single person making 9.00 hour qualifies and according to their prescreening tool...they wouldn't.

FNS SNAP Program Eligibility Screening Tool (

People have to be responsible for themselves. I started making 3.35 hour in high school. I knew that my expensive tastes couldn't survive on 3.35 hour so I got off my ass and went to school. I paid for it with student loans and working. I got my BA and started working for the Boy Scouts making 22k per year with nice benefits. I was still single and that was decent money in 1992. I could see that it wouldn't pay for what I wanted in life so I got off my ass again and went to law school. Paid for it with student loans and busting my ass building fences on the side. Worked at DA's office making 42,500 year. Nice little income but still wanted a higher standard for family so my wife worked two jobs and I still built an occasional fence while I started a little practice in a one room office which has grown to the point that we are building our own 6500 sq ft office.

The government doesn't owe anyone a living NOR does any employer owe someone a living based on their family size. I have employees that make anywhere from $10 hr (student interns) to almost 100k per year and they are paid based on what the skills they bring to my business and what the market will bear. The employee making the least has an 800 credit score, just bought a house, no other debt and has savings because she is thrifty and lives within her means. She takes responsibility for herself. Her decision to have kids is hers but if she decides she wants to have 5 kids and that puts her on food stamps...that is her fault and not my responsibility to raise her income level.

The market will determine the wage. If I am not paying enough, I will lose them to someone that will pay better. If I pay better than market rates, I will attract better employees that do better work. We provide and pay medical benefits for our employees because we found that we attract a better mature class of applicant pool because they are concerned about their well being and are looking long term versus short term.

Just the facts
02-12-2014, 02:17 PM
I went to the gov't site for SNAP to see if a single person making 9.00 hour qualifies and according to their prescreening tool...they wouldn't.

How many hours a week did you use?

The market will determine the wage.

No, the market will determine the total compensation. Part of the total compensation is paid by the employer and part is paid by the taxpayers. Here is the problem in a nutshell.

Most Walmart Store Workers Didn't Earn $25,000 Last Year (

Anthony Goytia, a Walmart store worker in California who spoke on Capitol Hill Wednesday, said he earns $9.60 per hour after working a year for the company. Given his hours, Goytia said he's on a schedule to earn about $12,000 this year. He said his family relies "off and on" upon food stamps, as well as their state-run health insurance program for the poor, and he's gone so far as to donate blood plasma and volunteer in clinical trials to make ends meet.

02-12-2014, 02:49 PM
I used 9.00 per hour for forty hours a week and single person. Straight facts. The example you use from the link is misleading. He says he makes 9.60 an hour and makes $12000 a year. That means he works approximately 24 hours a week. Damn...sign me up if I can work part time and force the company to pay me enough to support my family. Why doesn't he get off his ass and find a full time job or get a second job to fill in the hours where he is at least working full time. Simple math...a person making $9.60 hr working 40 hours a week times 52 weeks equals $19,968/yr.

The market will determine wage. If I follow your reasoning, I can lower the pay I pay my employees and because gov't assistance will kick in,,,,they will be happy. Bull. I wouldn't have the quality level employees I have if I didn't pay what I do and offer the benefits I do.

Just the facts
02-12-2014, 03:08 PM
Walmart considers 28 hours a week full-time.

02-12-2014, 09:15 PM
Sold Sunday papers @ Reno & Douglas Blvd in 1962 for 25 cents(my share..5 cents) EA, Then worked at Gas station ...1963.. Full Service ..12 hr shifts (17 yoa then too) ..6 days a wk for 1.00 per hour ... then got job @ TAFB for WG5 step 1...1.00 p/h ...forty hr week and benfits ...1965 ...

02-15-2014, 11:32 PM
Sold Sunday papers @ Reno & Douglas Blvd in 1962 for 25 cents(my share.
.5 cents) EA, Then worked at Gas station ...1963.. Full Service.12 hr shifts
(17 yoa then too) ..6 days a wk for 1.00 per hour ... then got job @ TAFB for
WG5 step 1...1.00 p/h ...forty hr week and benfits ...1965 ...
Did feel like you were being taken advantage of or did you KNOW KNOW
KNOW KNOW that you were making money?