01-29-2014, 03:16 PM
Texas-Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study - Get Involved (
I hate to start yet another rail thread to have a re-hash of the same debates, but this didn't seem to fit into the existing threads, even though those threads have all kind of blended together. Anyway, ODOT tweeted this a short time ago, but it's an event being put on by TXDOT, which is interesting. If you want to skip the link, be at MetroTech Springlake on Monday 2/3 at 6pm for the OKC meeting.
I hate to start yet another rail thread to have a re-hash of the same debates, but this didn't seem to fit into the existing threads, even though those threads have all kind of blended together. Anyway, ODOT tweeted this a short time ago, but it's an event being put on by TXDOT, which is interesting. If you want to skip the link, be at MetroTech Springlake on Monday 2/3 at 6pm for the OKC meeting.