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08-01-2005, 10:10 PM
OK.....Some of you know, I travel a lot.....I'm spending this week in Baltimore, MD.
I thought I'd post my observations of what I see happening. I'm in an Embassy Suites hotel. So far it's me, and four other males I'm here with. Just so "I" can keep track of them, I'm gonna call them: Leon (me, 41, pseudo-single), Tech (late 30's, married), VIP (mid 40's, married), Gramps (late 40's, divorced), and Iraq (late 30's, married).

Checked in around 2:00pm. Gramps chatted with a girl in the check-in line.

9:00 pm: The girl Gramps chatted with at check-in took approached him and took him away from us at the hotel bar to a table, those two alone. She appears to be mid 20's....and a ring indicates she's married.

BTW: The hotel is hosting a Beautician coloring, all week....more females here than usually in a business hotel.

The rest of us of left around 10:30 eastern time.

08-01-2005, 10:48 PM
Leon, I have a question to ask you. Do you strike up a conversations with strangers?

08-01-2005, 11:10 PM
I do.....when given the opportunity....but I'm not a player, like Gramps.

08-02-2005, 10:03 PM
Day two: Nothing happened....all us old farts are still recouperating from last night.....Gramps' chick friend managed to find him again tonight though....What's up with that? A few of us were talking about him earlier today....seems the young thangs gravitate to him for some unknown reason.