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01-22-2014, 11:39 PM
Update 7/5/15:

Sprouts Market to be 30,265 square feet versus the 18,729 SF at NW 63rd & May.
Center to feature 62.010 SF of retail (including Sprouts) and 8,500 SF of restaurant space.

Sprouts Farmers Market has signed a lease to open a new location in the Oak Grove Plaza shopping center, at the southeast corner of of NW 122nd and MacArthur Boulevard.

Site work has already commenced, with extensive grading to manage a creek that runs through the property.

The property lease excludes certain other tenants but specifically allows for a CVS drug store and a Corner Bakery restaurant. The site plan for the center shows additional lease space with two drive-thru lanes.

This will be the fourth Sprouts location in the Oklahoma City area, in addition to NW 63rd and May, 2nd and Broadway in Edmond, and Main Street in Norman.

The company's first location in the state at NW 63rd & May is in the process of $470,000 full-store remodel which will include an expanded deli area.

Sprouts operates over 150 stores in 12 states focusing on fresh foods, produce, healthy foods and vitamins/supplements. Its corporate headquarters are in Phoenix.

01-23-2014, 10:00 AM
I know there will be a large senior housing center south of that intersection along MacArthur.

01-23-2014, 10:13 AM
I think there should be a grocery store at that intersection. I am not a huge fan of the Homeland at 122nd and Rockwell but it's as good as it gets without driving to SuperTarget or Buy for Less on NW Expressway. I would love to see a Sprouts or something go in there. There is a lot of money in that area so it seems like it would be a good fit.

01-23-2014, 10:20 AM
What are the chances of getting another Whole Foods in OKC, perhaps up in this area? Not that I think it's necessarily that much better than Sprouts. My wife and I love the Sprouts in Edmond. Was just wondering if anyone's heard talk of more Whole Foods coming.

Jim Kyle
01-23-2014, 10:36 AM
I think there should be a grocery store at that intersection. I am not a huge fan of the Homeland at 122nd and Rockwell but it's as good as it gets without driving to SuperTarget or Buy for Less on NW Expressway. I would love to see a Sprouts or something go in there. There is a lot of money in that area so it seems like it would be a good fit.Thirty yeats ago, there was one -- in the middle of that strip on the SW corner, where Wall's used to be.

Several of them failed in that location. Difficulty getting in or out of the parking lot was apparently the primary cause, but nobody seems to have tried in the last 15 to 20 years...

The space is still available if anyone wants to try again. Meanwhile, the Crest at Hefner and Rockwell is always better stocked than the Homeland a mile to its north, although it still doesn't have a great selection. There's room for improvement in this area, definitely -- and with a new housing development going in on Hefner a bit west of Council, potentially a better demographic for success...

01-23-2014, 11:00 AM
This is a little off from there but does anyone know what's happening at Memorial rd and Rockwell on the north side of the road. They just widened the road on Rockwell but a quarter mile in they put in traffic lights that lead out into the middle of fields. I can assume its for future development but I have no idea what it could be.

01-23-2014, 11:10 AM
This is a little off from there but does anyone know what's happening at Memorial rd and Rockwell on the north side of the road. They just widened the road on Rockwell but a quarter mile in they put in traffic lights that lead out into the middle of fields. I can assume its for future development but I have no idea what it could be.

Yes, there is a big future development on the NE corner of that intersection and they are widening Rockwell and putting in a traffic light just north of Memorial for when the area gets built out.

01-23-2014, 11:19 AM
Well I'm hoping for a grocery store of some kind. The closest grocery for the whole deer creek area is the homeland and crest mentioned above and they are lacking.

01-23-2014, 11:34 AM
Well I'm hoping for a grocery store of some kind. The closest grocery for the whole deer creek area is the homeland and crest mentioned above and they are lacking.

I agree. I am generally supportive of Crest but not the Hefner/Rockwell location. As many people are living in the Deer Creek area I think a store could be supported.

01-23-2014, 11:55 AM
What are the chances of getting another Whole Foods in OKC, perhaps up in this area? Not that I think it's necessarily that much better than Sprouts. My wife and I love the Sprouts in Edmond. Was just wondering if anyone's heard talk of more Whole Foods coming.

Slim and none. I asked the manager at the Whole Foods about potentially opening another store and he said they have NO plans right now. Now if a deep pockets sugar daddy like Aubrey used to be would front the cost then maybe.

01-23-2014, 01:07 PM
I know there will be a large senior housing center south of that intersection along MacArthur.

Not necessarily what I was hoping for but anything is better than that strip of empty land. Thanks Pete!

01-23-2014, 01:13 PM
The clearing taking place now just west of the library is not the senior living center, it's gunna be located the next lot to the south. Not sure what the clearing on the corner is for, but I think First American Title owns that site.

01-24-2014, 07:26 PM
Looking east:

Looking south:

01-25-2014, 01:05 AM
I would bust a gut if it's a CVS. The CVS at 122nd and May is an old school strip shopping center Eckerds. That would be a prime location for CVS and it's about the size of one of there store lots.

It's tied to the people that own/manage the old ATT/Lucent plant. It will probably just be an office building.

01-25-2014, 07:50 AM
I drove by this yesterday on the way to my mom's house. It's unfortunate that they ripped up all of those trees that lined the creek running through that area.

01-25-2014, 08:01 AM
I would bust a gut if it's a CVS. The CVS at 122nd and May is an old school strip shopping center Eckerds. That would be a prime location for CVS and it's about the size of one of there store lots.

It's tied to the people that own/manage the old ATT/Lucent plant. It will probably just be an office building.

Yes, plus its catty corner from Walgreens, which is CVS' preferred place to be.

01-26-2014, 01:54 AM
I drove by this yesterday on the way to my mom's house. It's unfortunate that they ripped up all of those trees that lined the creek running through that area.

They kept (so far) the lot of trees right next to 122nd on the inside island. It's my belief they ripped out everything else because they're going to storm drain the creek to an underground setup so the property will be more visually pleasing.

01-26-2014, 07:38 PM
They kept (so far) the lot of trees right next to 122nd on the inside island. It's my belief they ripped out everything else because they're going to storm drain the creek to an underground setup so the property will be more visually pleasing.

All of the trees are gone haha....The trees were already quite visually pleasing :)

01-27-2014, 03:33 PM
All of the trees are gone haha....The trees were already quite visually pleasing :)

No, I drove by today and the trees on the inside island right next to 122nd are still there. They may yet go. They have red plastic tied around them. Don't know what that means necessarily.

02-11-2014, 11:58 AM
I've heard from a good source that a Sprouts Market and CVS are going into a new retail development on this corner.

02-11-2014, 12:02 PM
That is great news!! This area has been needing something like that.

02-11-2014, 12:25 PM
that's awesome news (re: Sprouts)

02-11-2014, 05:56 PM
I've heard from a good source that a Sprouts Market and CVS are going into a new retail development on this corner.

Awesome news about Sprouts. That side of town has needed something like that for a long, long time. CVS is pretty much expected being that Walgreens is on the opposite corner. Hopefully the CVS is 24-hours.

02-11-2014, 08:39 PM
I hadn't heard anything about anymore Sprouts coming into the metro area. Sprouts is planning on a large expansion in the number of stores to something like 500 in the next few years. They are currently building stores in Ga. It would make sense for them to add stores here. I think that they are doing far better business then they thought in Oklahoma. Humm, low prices, good produce, an alternative to Walmart, no wonder they are doing good business.


02-12-2014, 06:09 AM
It's a recurring theme for retailers of all types; they tend to avoid OKC because our numbers look abysmal from afar (due to our lack of density) and they make spreadsheet-only decisions. Then, once they land here they are shocked by the amount of product that retail-hungry Okies will buy from them and how far they will drive to buy it.

02-12-2014, 09:01 AM
I don't see how this would all fit in that corner, I think the Sprouts might be a pipe dream unfortunately. Heritage Memory Care is going in from NW 118th St to where NW 120th Ct would be if it crossed that land. That doesn't leave much on that north parcel.

02-12-2014, 09:20 AM
I don't see how this would all fit in that corner, I think the Sprouts might be a pipe dream unfortunately. Heritage Memory Care is going in from NW 118th St to where NW 120th Ct would be if it crossed that land. That doesn't leave much on that north parcel.

It could possibly go in the empty grocery store across the street though. That would make the most sense as Sprouts usually goes into existing construction rather than building new.

02-12-2014, 09:27 AM
I don't see how this would all fit in that corner, I think the Sprouts might be a pipe dream unfortunately. Heritage Memory Care is going in from NW 118th St to where NW 120th Ct would be if it crossed that land. That doesn't leave much on that north parcel.

The retail parcel on this corner -- totally separate from the senior housing to the sourth -- is 9 acres.

The entire center at the Sprouts location on 63rd & May is 3.5 acres. The Sprouts location on 2nd in Edmond is 1.6 acres.

02-12-2014, 10:09 AM
The retail parcel on this corner -- totally separate from the senior housing to the sourth -- is 9 acres.

The entire center at the Sprouts location on 63rd & May is 3.5 acres. The Sprouts location on 2nd in Edmond is 1.6 acres.

But a Sprouts AND CVS? Great if they can fit it all there, maybe I'm just underestimating the size of that north parcel (sad because I pass it daily)

02-12-2014, 10:10 AM
I guess not many people understand how far you can go in this city in less than half an hour. I've lived in places where it took that long just to get a few miles.

02-12-2014, 10:16 AM
But a Sprouts AND CVS? Great if they can fit it all there, maybe I'm just underestimating the size of that north parcel (sad because I pass it daily)

Yes, very easily plus room for more.

9 acres is a very large site.

Jim Kyle
02-12-2014, 10:20 AM
It could possibly go in the empty grocery store across the street though. That would make the most sense as Sprouts usually goes into existing construction rather than building new.Sprouts might be able to make it in that location, but at least three other grocers have failed there in the past 30-plus years, not to mention a Wall's discount place. Getting into and out of that SW corner parking area is next to impossible during rush hours, and difficult at all other times...

02-12-2014, 03:23 PM
Sprouts might be able to make it in that location, but at least three other grocers have failed there in the past 30-plus years, not to mention a Wall's discount place. Getting into and out of that SW corner parking area is next to impossible during rush hours, and difficult at all other times...

I know several people in this area that drive down to 63rd & May to go to that Sprouts. Considering how far people drive to go to certain grocery stores, this area is prime for all the residential that's filling in north and west of the Kilpatrick Turnpike.

Jim Kyle
02-12-2014, 05:29 PM
I'm not knocking the entire intersection, just the old SW corner location (that has seen very few businesses survive in its largest strip center). I'm looking forward to development of the SE corner if the prediction proves to be accurate; we could definitely use a better grocer out here, although I'm not at all sure that Sprouts qualifies. I was quite disappointed in the selections available at the old CompUSA site at NW 63 and May, but have not been back to see if they have improved since that one and only visit...

02-12-2014, 06:46 PM
Sprouts is what it is, great for meats and produce, but it's definitely not somewhere to fill your whole list.

That SW corner is crazy, part of the problem is it's so sunken and getting out of that drive on to NW 122nd is a crapshoot at times with cars coming down the hill.

Drove by there again today, I'm having a tough time picturing a CVS and Sprouts on that piece of land, but I certainly welcome it.

02-12-2014, 07:44 PM
I used to live near 63rd and May and I would buy my groceries at that Sprouts but now I tend to just skip it all around because traffic is horrendous there almost all hours of the day so I only go there to buy ground pork now and it's not very often. If they put one up here, I'll be eating pork burgers left and right!

02-12-2014, 08:17 PM
May from NW Expressway to Wilshire, and then again from Hefner to NW 122nd is one of the worst congestion spots in the city. Especially that Expressway to Wilshire segment, I don't blame you for avoiding it.

02-12-2014, 11:08 PM
I used to live near 63rd and May and I would buy my groceries at that Sprouts but now I tend to just skip it all around because traffic is horrendous there almost all hours of the day so I only go there to buy ground pork now and it's not very often. If they put one up here, I'll be eating pork burgers left and right!

I usually end up going to Sprouts at 63rd and May or Buy for Less on NW Expressway. Like you say though, Sprouts is usually so busy its a pain to get in and out of. Having a location up this way will be awesome.

I also still say Crest should close their store at Hefner and Rockwell and build a new larger store at Memorial and MacArthur. I will usually drive farther to the Edmond Crest before I will go to the Hefner/Rockwell location.

02-12-2014, 11:32 PM
Hefner & Rockwell Crest isn't that bad, geez

02-14-2014, 06:26 PM
I drove by this intersection today and I think it's definitely big enough for a CVS and a Sprouts.

Hefner & Rockwell Crest isn't that bad, geez

Yes it is. I like most Crest stores but the Hefner/Rockwell store and the one on Reno in Midwest City are kind of sketchy and are smaller than most locations.

02-14-2014, 06:49 PM
There isn't any debate over whether they will fit.

That's 9 acres... They could put three of each on that property.

02-14-2014, 08:40 PM
There isn't any debate over whether they will fit.

That's 9 acres... They could put three of each on that property.

Pete, you seem to be pretty offended that I questioned it. Sorry man, upon initial thought I thought it seemed a bit cramped, especially after looking at the plans for the memory care facility the other day. I studied it a bit today from the intersection while waiting at the light, and then from Wild Turkey's parking lot. I see it a little bitter now. Looking at Walgreen's footprint and then imagining it on this parcel it makes sense. I hope it all comes to fruition.

02-14-2014, 08:47 PM
Pete, you seem to be pretty offended that I questioned it. Sorry man, upon initial thought I thought it seemed a bit cramped, especially after looking at the plans for the memory care facility the other day. I studied it a bit today from the intersection while waiting at the light, and then from Wild Turkey's parking lot. I see it a little bitter now. Looking at Walgreen's footprint and then imagining it on this parcel it makes sense. I hope it all comes to fruition.

No, sorry not at all...

That was in response to the post directly before mine.

02-14-2014, 08:54 PM
I drove by this intersection today and I think it's definitely big enough for a CVS and a Sprouts.

Yes it is. I like most Crest stores but the Hefner/Rockwell store and the one on Reno in Midwest City are kind of sketchy and are smaller than most locations.

Dude, you're not cut out for urban living. That Crest is "sketch?" My wife and I workout at that Anytime Fitness, and both of us have no problem walking that parking lot late at night or early in the AM from the gym to store to pick up a short grocery list after a workout. Yeah it's small, and it's why I prefer the Expressway Buy For Less over it, but I've never feared shopping there.

If that's sketch, I'd love to hear your take on the Homeland on 18th.

Joe Kimball
02-14-2014, 09:18 PM
I LOVED the wooded section of Spring Creek on that corner! But, this is the way you use land.

Any store moving into the old Foodworld/IGAs/Wall's space has a gut-job ahead of them, and some plumbing issues to address. I worked there, and that building is QUIR-KAY. As repeatedly mentioned, the place was thrown in right on old pasture with hardly an attempt to level it. Heck, in my neighborhood there's ponds present on the 1969 aerial maps where houses now sit! Work for the ram-jacks!

Originally Posted by bchris02

I drove by this intersection today and I think it's definitely big enough for a CVS and a Sprouts.

Yes it is. I like most Crest stores but the Hefner/Rockwell store and the one on Reno in Midwest City are kind of sketchy and are smaller than most locations.

Dude, you're not cut out for urban living. That Crest is "sketch?" My wife and I workout at that Anytime Fitness, and both of us have no problem walking that parking lot late at night or early in the AM from the gym to store to pick up a short grocery list after a workout. Yeah it's small, and it's why I prefer the Expressway Buy For Less over it, but I've never feared shopping there.

If that's sketch, I'd love to hear your take on the Homeland on 18th.

Sketch as in selection as compared to something else, or as to dangerousness? Because if it's the latter, I'm laughing (with all respect!). I go there overnight with much regularity and see no issue whatsoever.

LATE EDIT Now, you want sketch? Try going into, what is it, Whittaker's on 10th and May-ish, for a two-liter to go with your Bobo's on a Saturday night before church. That place smells like old milk and has hardware hanging over the freezer bins. Now THAT's sketch.

02-15-2014, 12:10 AM
Dude, you're not cut out for urban living. That Crest is "sketch?" My wife and I workout at that Anytime Fitness, and both of us have no problem walking that parking lot late at night or early in the AM from the gym to store to pick up a short grocery list after a workout. Yeah it's small, and it's why I prefer the Expressway Buy For Less over it, but I've never feared shopping there.

If that's sketch, I'd love to hear your take on the Homeland on 18th.

It's sketch as in selection and quality. The only grocery store in OKC I've ever bought produce that was mold by the time I got around to eating it was at the Crest at Hefner/Rockwell. The store is small and lacks the selection that most Crest stores have.

02-15-2014, 11:58 AM
It's sketch as in selection and quality. The only grocery store in OKC I've ever bought produce that was mold by the time I got around to eating it was at the Crest at Hefner/Rockwell. The store is small and lacks the selection that most Crest stores have.

No argument on that aspect. It's why I drive a couple extra minutes to Buy For Less

Joe Kimball
02-15-2014, 05:51 PM
Well...while the selection is not exactly encyclopedic, I also wouldn't nail it as "sketch" either. Maybe if you compare it to the absolute top-rung, and then the prices wouldn't be the same. That's the thing with Crest: some of their items are a normal "sale" price, but their sales in name are RIDICULOUS. And their'll get things for STUPID cheap. Admittedly, this is unpredictable.

And, they're doing as good as they can with that 1984-ish building.

As to the intersection, now, I passed by today to see that fertilized sod was added, on a downward slope, toward the edges of Spring Creek. The said edges are bordered with short blue drape-fencing of some kind -- what's that called? -- to presumably keep debris out of the creek. This points to its preservation, yes? An outright paving would be efficient, but an eyesore.

02-17-2014, 07:34 AM
That's called silt fence. It does indeed keep dirt & sand from construction activities from eroding into the creek. It is only temporary and will gone once construction is completed.

02-18-2014, 11:09 AM
I was told over a year ago by the manager at the old carls jr just north of this area that CVS was trying to buy some land around that area. I think she said CVS was looking to buy the old gas station and carls jr lots and build. So it was true! This means there will be 2 each CVS/Walgreens within about 3 miles of each other.

02-19-2014, 12:00 AM
I was told over a year ago by the manager at the old carls jr just north of this area that CVS was trying to buy some land around that area. I think she said CVS was looking to buy the old gas station and carls jr lots and build. So it was true! This means there will be 2 each CVS/Walgreens within about 3 miles of each other.

That really isn't unusual. There is a CVS at MacArthur and NW Expwy and both a CVS and Walgreens at MacArthur and 39th. That is less than 3 miles apart.

02-19-2014, 02:47 AM
I LOVED the wooded section of Spring Creek on that corner! But, this is the way you use land.

Any store moving into the old Foodworld/IGAs/Wall's space has a gut-job ahead of them, and some plumbing issues to address. I worked there, and that building is QUIR-KAY. As repeatedly mentioned, the place was thrown in right on old pasture with hardly an attempt to level it. Heck, in my neighborhood there's ponds present on the 1969 aerial maps where houses now sit! Work for the ram-jacks!

Sketch as in selection as compared to something else, or as to dangerousness? Because if it's the latter, I'm laughing (with all respect!). I go there overnight with much regularity and see no issue whatsoever.

LATE EDIT Now, you want sketch? Try going into, what is it, Whittaker's on 10th and May-ish, for a two-liter to go with your Bobo's on a Saturday night before church. That place smells like old milk and has hardware hanging over the freezer bins. Now THAT's sketch.

You probably won't ever see anything major move into the old Wall's/Jim's IGA/Foodworld. Back in the 90's there used to be a place called Time Out Grill on the South end of the center. Time Out burned down and they tore down the south end of the building. Unless I am mistaken, I think the fire is what closed the grocery store. If anything, I would expect the store to be torn down and more residential added or an office park of some sort. Then again maybe somebody like Westlake may make good use of it and used that paved slab at the end as a garden center.

Jim Kyle
02-19-2014, 07:35 AM
If anything, I would expect the store to be torn down and more residential added or an office park of some sort.There's a small office park on the south side of the parking lot already, but it doesn't seem to be very popular. The difficulty of getting in and out of the area affects more than just simple retail operations...

Joe Kimball
02-19-2014, 10:14 AM
You probably won't ever see anything major move into the old Wall's/Jim's IGA/Foodworld. Back in the 90's there used to be a place called Time Out Grill on the South end of the center. Time Out burned down and they tore down the south end of the building. Unless I am mistaken, I think the fire is what closed the grocery store. If anything, I would expect the store to be torn down and more residential added or an office park of some sort. Then again maybe somebody like Westlake may make good use of it and used that paved slab at the end as a garden center.

I remember "Time Out! For Burgers" so well! That was one of the big local restaurants back then. They didn't last too long, though, for reasons over which I'm unclear. (There was another restaurant where Italia Express is now, called "Vito's Pizza" or such. They weren't there long either.) If I may divert a second, that was a happening strip in the late eighties and early 1990s, with Time Out!, a video rental store, what in that time frame was Foodworld/Jim's IGA, Hyde Drug/Eckerd, and a vacant spot until it became the Little Caesar's which is now located one mile west. Of course, 122nd was two lanes west of MacArthur until 1995, so the traffic issues were not THAT bad back then as I recall, until toward the end of its narrow existence of course.

After Time Out! closed, it had a bit of turnaround with vacant times in between: first as a barbeque place (or two; I cannot remember), and then as a great Mexican restaurant with friendly owners who used to bring us over salsa at MacArthur IGA, as the store was then called. The fire that is well-remembered happened during the spot's Mexican incarnation at the turn of the millennium. We were all very sad, naturally, but the owners managed to rebuild over at the shopping center on Council and Expressway which once housed Buy For Less. That location became another restaurant in that vein, and then its current incarnation as Abuelito's.

The fire did not end MacArthur IGA to my knowledge. I'm not certain as to what exactly did, but certainly the noble attempt at triple coupons did not help matters. Really, though, the loss of Jim's a few years prior was the big thing with me then, because MacArthur IGA closed at 11. Foodworld and Jim's were 24 hours, and it was great having such a place nearby with my youthful insomnia. The area really devolved since MacArthur left, which itself was a decent store in its own right, with a nice selection of grocery items that was pined over like a lost love until the boutique markets came in. There was an Uncle Jim's barbeque stand that was well appointed, and Melba of the Swap Shop used to buy her ribs there. A very pleasant lady, and it was nice to see her jump off the page from her avatar, as it were.

EDIT: I remember rumors of a bowling alley between the tenancies of MacArthur and Wall's. Boy, if the planning commission fight over Road Dogs Pool Room (which once sat where some art place is now in the strip west of Eden spa) was any indication, that wouldn't have went over well! And there were no issues with Road Dogs that I knew of either....friendly, hospitable owners who ran a clean facility with a strict dress code, and took the game VERY seriously, who would jump in if they saw some ignorant rule being cited, pointing to the great hand-painted signs with the BCA rules, even citing a tournament game in one instance with the players and year.

04-20-2014, 04:53 PM
Little update on this site. Apparently all that clearing that was done along the creek was done so without approval from the city. They are going to redo the creek banks with gabions and vegetation (basically a copy of what the channel behind Whole Foods is lined with). Should look really good when complete.

04-21-2014, 10:57 AM
Smooth move...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Joe Kimball
04-24-2014, 09:13 PM
Little update on this site. Apparently all that clearing that was done along the creek was done so without approval from the city. They are going to redo the creek banks with gabions and vegetation (basically a copy of what the channel behind Whole Foods is lined with). Should look really good when complete.

Very much a shame. It's heartening that they presumably would not have approved that pillaging of an area that was an urban tie to pre-statehood times.

Do you have a link explaining this update in detail?

04-24-2014, 10:29 PM
no link, just a conversation with a friend (about all i'm comfortable posting publically)

06-16-2014, 10:11 PM
Feel free to move this to the proper thread.

What is being built on the SE corner of 122nd and MacArthur?

06-16-2014, 10:28 PM
Feel free to move this to the proper thread.

What is being built on the SE corner of 122nd and MacArthur?

Sprouts and CVS from what I've heard.