08-08-2014, 03:16 PM
I've heard from a good source that a Sprouts Market and CVS are going into a new retail development on this corner.
Any idea if this is still the case?
Any idea if this is still the case?
View Full Version : Oak Grove SSEiYah 08-08-2014, 03:16 PM I've heard from a good source that a Sprouts Market and CVS are going into a new retail development on this corner. Any idea if this is still the case? Pete 08-08-2014, 03:19 PM Any idea if this is still the case? I believe so. OKCisOK4me 08-11-2014, 06:31 PM Beautifying the corner like ol lasomeday would do! bchris02 09-18-2014, 11:36 PM Any updates on this? Last time I was by there, I noticed a lot of dirt was moved and some construction was starting to happen. It seems like they are doing a ton of work for just a CVS. Has it been confirmed yet what is being built? Is there any rendering/plans? bchris02 10-11-2014, 12:06 PM Well there is a building starting to go up but it doesn't look like a CVS or a Sprouts. Any idea what is going in on this corner? Pete 10-11-2014, 12:24 PM Well there is a building starting to go up but it doesn't look like a CVS or a Sprouts. Any idea what is going in on this corner? There is a retirement home going up south of 122nd, not on the corner. bradh 10-12-2014, 07:57 PM Heritage Point (?) Memory Care MikeLucky 11-30-2014, 10:36 PM 9583 Is this the retirement center? Pete 12-01-2014, 10:42 AM Yes. bradh 12-01-2014, 10:46 AM someone's at Wild Turkey :) bchris02 12-01-2014, 10:53 AM What ever happened to the CVS and Sprouts that were speculated for that site? I don't see how they would fit with the retirement center taking up so much space. OKCisOK4me 12-01-2014, 12:29 PM What ever happened to the CVS and Sprouts that were speculated for that site? I don't see how they would fit with the retirement center taking up so much space. Patience young Padawan. MikeLucky 12-01-2014, 12:44 PM someone's at Wild Turkey :) Somebody would only know that if they also frequented Wild Turkey themselves. I love that place. It is a nice benefit that I could also walk there and back from my home if I had to. Just sayin. :) bradh 12-01-2014, 01:58 PM Somebody would only know that if they also frequented Wild Turkey themselves. I love that place. It is a nice benefit that I could also walk there and back from my home if I had to. Just sayin. :) Hey, guilty! My go to liqour stop bradh 12-01-2014, 01:58 PM What ever happened to the CVS and Sprouts that were speculated for that site? I don't see how they would fit with the retirement center taking up so much space. That was speculative, plus there is more than enough land there to do both of those. Pete 04-27-2015, 09:22 AM Sign up and lots of work being done on the creek that bisects this property. No new building permits but I'll contact the developer and see if we can confirm the Sprouts. That area is in desperate need of a good grocery store, and Sprouts would kill it there. bchris02 04-27-2015, 09:41 AM Sign up and lots of work being done on the creek that bisects this property. No new building permits but I'll contact the developer and see if we can confirm the Sprouts. That area is in desperate need of a good grocery store, and Sprouts would kill it there. I agree, it would be nice. Hopefully it ends up happening. The Homeland about a mile west is one of the nicer Homelands in the chain since they remodeled it. I used to hate going into it but now its an acceptable grocery store. It's by no means great or anything to brag about, but its acceptable. I really wish Crest would build one of its newer formats on this side of town. The one at Hefner and Rockwell is one of the older, small formats and it is crazy packed every time I go there. At least Crest has the staffing to handle it unlike Wal-Mart. bradh 04-27-2015, 10:18 AM I hate that Crest, before we moved I'd always drive the extra 5 or 10 minutes to Buy for Less. That Homeland is now where we go, it's not a bad store, has friendly employees as well. bchris02 04-27-2015, 10:23 AM I hate that Crest, before we moved I'd always drive the extra 5 or 10 minutes to Buy for Less. That Homeland is now where we go, it's not a bad store, has friendly employees as well. I agree. Before the Homeland remodel I would just drive down to Buy for Less on NW Expressway, which was a real pain but its what was necessary if I wanted a half-decent grocery store. Now I just go to the Homeland. I rarely bother with the Crest but would switch in a heartbeat if they built one of their newer stores up here. okatty 04-27-2015, 10:52 AM I agree. Before the Homeland remodel I would just drive down to Buy for Less on NW Expressway, which was a real pain but its what was necessary if I wanted a half-decent grocery store. Now I just go to the Homeland. I rarely bother with the Crest but would switch in a heartbeat if they built one of their newer stores up here. Sounds like we are on same page - Crest is not very good and that Homeland has upgraded a lot but a nice store in this location would be GREAT and do very well. I'd love to know how much money was spend on the creek area with the excavation, rocks etc. bradh 04-27-2015, 11:07 AM Sounds like we are on same page - Crest is not very good and that Homeland has upgraded a lot but a nice store in this location would be GREAT and do very well. I'd love to know how much money was spend on the creek area with the excavation, rocks etc. From what I heard, they cut all those trees down without approval, so that's why they had to do the improvements along the creek with those gabion baskets. okatty 04-27-2015, 11:13 AM From what I heard, they cut all those trees down without approval, so that's why they had to do the improvements along the creek with those gabion baskets. They barely had enough trees left to call it "OAK GROVE" hfry 04-27-2015, 11:20 AM I've been wondering if they were waiting for for the senior community next door to finish before they start but with it almost done I guess we will find out soon traxx 04-29-2015, 10:51 AM If that's truly what it looks like now, then that's just awful. They had plenty of room to build, they could've saved the trees that lined the creek like how they did on the west side of MacArthur. As for a grocery store, what about the old Foodworld site? Is it a viable location for another grocery store? bradh 04-29-2015, 11:03 AM I think it's been discussed that the old Foodworld (assuming you are talking about the opposite side of Mac) failed because of that location and the crappy access to it. traxx 04-29-2015, 12:30 PM I think it's been discussed that the old Foodworld (assuming you are talking about the opposite side of Mac) failed because of that location and the crappy access to it. If it failed, it took its sweet time doing it. From '83 to about '95, that whole strip with the grocery store, Time Out, the video rental store, the drug store, and Little Ceaser's was a hopping area. Those businesses only started closing or moving in the late '90s early 2000s. I think that's more attibutable to sprawl carrying the money north. While neighborhoods like Warwick and The Greens have stayed relatively nice even as they age, other neighborhoods like Canyon North and Fox Run have gone downhill. I think this is what caused those places to go out of business or move more than the location or access. Neither of which were ever bad when the strip was full of life. Pete 06-04-2015, 09:27 AM OKCTalk - Sprouts Farmers Market coming to NW 122nd and MacArthur ( bradh 06-04-2015, 09:43 AM sweeeeeeeeet okatty 06-04-2015, 09:44 AM I had not heard about the Corner Bakery part of this. Very interesting. Glad that it sounds like it is coming to be! Good news! bchris02 06-04-2015, 11:01 AM Great news. This should really put pressure on the Homeland at 122nd and Rockwell. okatty 06-04-2015, 02:35 PM This may be covered someplace but what is happening nearby - at the corner of NW 122nd and Rockwell - SW corner. Moving dirt last few days. claudius maximus 06-04-2015, 02:51 PM This may be covered someplace but what is happening nearby - at the corner of NW 122nd and Rockwell - SW corner. Moving dirt last few days. New Autozone location. MikeLucky 06-04-2015, 11:22 PM I live in Warwick Estates and I am both excited and a little horrified what this will do to our traffic situation. I'm SERIOUSLY hoping we get a stoplight put at the MacArthur exit from our neighborhood when this development is all done. Otherwise it's going to be a mess trying to get in and out of our hood. But, I am very excited for the Sprouts, Corner Bakery and whatever else will find it's way in there. OKCisOK4me 06-06-2015, 01:40 AM This is so sweet. I can't wait until this opens. So glad that this has been confirmed! hfry 07-01-2015, 08:34 AM Looks like site work and such has begun! It will be fun watching this corner transform. Pete 07-05-2015, 02:46 PM A couple of new images for this project. Pete 07-05-2015, 02:56 PM BTW, this Sprouts will be much larger than the 63rd & May location: 30,265 square feet vs. 18,729. bchris02 07-05-2015, 03:02 PM BTW, this Sprouts will be much larger than the 63rd & May location: 30,265 square feet vs. 18,729. This will be nice. Is this the first Sprouts in the OKC metro being constructed from the ground up? I believe the Edmond location went in a former Homeland and the 63rd and May location used to be CompUSA. Dustin 07-05-2015, 05:36 PM I think the one in Edmond used to be a Homeland. I'm not sure about the one in Norman, but I'm pretty sure this is the first one being built from the ground up. okatty 07-05-2015, 05:41 PM Any idea on what dining establishment might be planned - summary says 8500 sq ft available. Pete 09-30-2015, 09:35 AM Drove by this weekend and they are well along on getting the foundations laid. warreng88 09-30-2015, 04:46 PM Drove by this weekend and they are well along on getting the foundations laid. Finally. Those foundations are looking tense and need to... oops, read that wrong... heyerdahl 10-01-2015, 11:27 AM > Remove actual grove of trees along creek, put creek into concrete ditch > Construct typical strip mall > Call it "Oak Grove" rezman 10-01-2015, 12:30 PM > Remove actual grove of trees along creek, put creek into concrete ditch > Construct typical strip mall > Call it "Oak Grove" I still don't get that. In this day and age, Developers still mow down everything to reveal their scorched earth blank canvas. And yes, give them names that bear no trace to their origins. A couple of years ago, I worked on an experimental highway project on I-80 for a few days in Northern Califorina, which involved people from my company and a few other entities. At the end of the project, We all met for dinner at one of the team members place at Lake Tahoe. ... Beautiful area with trees 100 -150 ft tall. In talking with the home's owner, she told me that if you wanted to build up there, and had to remove any trees, it would cost $100 per foot, per tree. I wish that some similar form of conservation, or incentive could be implemented here as a way of keeping so many trees from being mowed down. bradh 10-01-2015, 02:02 PM From what I know about that little area, the trees were cut down by the owner and they got in trouble for it, thus they had to pay for the erosion work that was done along the creek, which included all the gabion baskets. Over time, vegetation will grown through the gabions and should hopefully look similar to what's behind Whole Foods. okatty 10-01-2015, 04:06 PM Lots of activity now. that one house that backs up to the construction seems close to all the action, and they have what appears to be a very nice yard. Yikes. rezman 10-01-2015, 06:08 PM I still don't get that. In this day and age, Developers still mow down everything to reveal their scorched earth blank canvas. And yes, give them names that bear no trace to their origins. A couple of years ago, I worked on an experimental highway project on I-80 for a few days in Northern Califorina, which involved people from my company and a few other entities. At the end of the project, We all met for dinner at one of the team members place at Lake Tahoe. ... Beautiful area with trees 100 -150 ft tall. In talking with the home's owner, she told me that if you wanted to build up there, and had to remove any trees, it would cost $100 per foot, per tree. I wish that some similar form of conservation, or incentive could be implemented here as a way of keeping so many trees from being mowed down. I must make a correction here though... I left out a zero. It was $1000 a foot, per tree up at Lake Tahoe. traxx 10-02-2015, 10:05 AM Finally. Those foundations are looking tense and need to... oops, read that wrong... Glad to know that I'm not the only one here with the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy. Pete 10-05-2015, 05:31 PM Color renderings (from Plutonic Panda 10-05-2015, 05:43 PM thats a nice parking lot. Any renderings of the store? Richard at Remax 10-07-2015, 11:34 AM Move on. It's getting tiring. Urbanized 10-07-2015, 12:13 PM Based on his posting history, he's probably being serious rather than sarcastic. You're being too touchy on this topic. LakeEffect 10-07-2015, 01:43 PM Those renderings are enough to make me cry. Pete 10-07-2015, 01:47 PM One of the really weird and sad things about OKC development standards is that almost no one puts trees or landscaping in the parking lots. They usually scatter a few bits around the periphery and that's it. So, you get this massive sea of asphalt or concrete with no shade or aesthetics. Very different than most other cities and it makes shopping centers look even more ugly than need be. Richard at Remax 10-07-2015, 01:56 PM Based on his posting history, he's probably being serious rather than sarcastic. You're being too touchy on this topic. It not that I am being touchy it is just more annoying that anything when a thread about a suburban strip mall gets derailed about parking. There are legitimate places in this town where a proposed overload of parking justifies an outcry. This, along with Chisholm creek (although they have garages in the future) and other suburban developments it just isn't necessary. And I am with Pete, at least have some decent landscaping. Its not that expensive. LakeEffect 10-07-2015, 02:03 PM One of the really weird and sad things about OKC development standards is that almost no one puts trees or landscaping in the parking lots. They usually scatter a few bits around the periphery and that's it. So, you get this massive sea of asphalt or concrete with no shade or aesthetics. Very different than most other cities and it makes shopping centers look even more ugly than need be. Maybe it's just small enough to fit under the code requirements, but I think OKC landscape and parking code does require more landscaping and parking islands than the rendering shows. Also a defined walking path from the back... but I could be recalling incorrectly. Pete 10-07-2015, 02:16 PM ^ Has the code changed recently? I know places like the massive center at I-40 and MacArthur -- spanning all the way to Rockwell -- has virtually zero landscaping in the parking lots. And they are in the process of doing some major additions to that center. okatty 10-07-2015, 02:39 PM Walls are going up along the back as speak (or type). LakeEffect 10-07-2015, 02:47 PM ^ Has the code changed recently? I know places like the massive center at I-40 and MacArthur -- spanning all the way to Rockwell -- has virtually zero landscaping in the parking lots. And they are in the process of doing some major additions to that center. About 3-4 years ago? I'd have to look, but I know Planning did quite a bit of work on parking islands and walking paths through parking lots. There was a BOA case recently to request a variance to some of these requirements. Case No. 14129, heard on October 1, 2015. Plutonic Panda 10-12-2015, 01:30 PM Based on his posting history, he's probably being serious rather than sarcastic. You're being too touchy on this topic.Yes, I was being serious. I'm not overly upset about it, it's just a ton of parking. I get that it is suburban but it seems they always go overkill with parking even in the car oriented areas. Like Pete said, it would be a lot nicer if they landscaped it with trees and stuff. |