View Full Version : A Short Story to Spark Some New Chat

07-31-2005, 06:31 PM
Folks, I was just sitting here thinking about a few things and thought I'd ask your opinions of the following story.

Long ago, when I was in the ninth grade (at my school ninth grade was in middle school) the school was having a ninth grade prom. We were all off to high school the next year. In my math class, I sat next to a girl who was absolutely gorgeous. But her personality was quiet and reserved.

It was either the Friday of the dance or maybe the dance was Saturday, the next night, can't recall for sure. Anyway I asked her, "Are you going to the dance?"....She said, "No. Nobody asked me." I was shocked! This was the prettiest girl in the entire school and no one asked her to the dance!

That story comes to mind once in a while.

So my question for you folks; do you think she was too beautiful and guys thought they'd never stand a chance with her, or could it be that her quiet, reserved personality made them think that she could never be fun to be around?

07-31-2005, 08:35 PM
IMO I think it has to do with her being the best lookin ggirl in the school. I am that way now, I can't see myself being with a good looking babe. I don't think I am that good looking myself to be with a good looking a girl. I can't even see myself talking to a good looking babe.

07-31-2005, 09:28 PM
Three reasons. Most ninth grade boys are deathly affraid of the good looking ones, so, they were scared to ask her. Two. They may have thought she was jock material. Or third is the reserved personality.

I had similar stories all through high school. One, which did not go to my school, but I knew her turned out to be a well known county singer. Go figure.:fighting2 (<--- me hitting myself)

07-31-2005, 11:38 PM
It was then as it is now, she was just too good looking and the guys were intimidated by her. Still happens.

08-01-2005, 12:11 AM
Questions for you Leon.....did you ask her? If not why not? What did you say to her after she said no one had asked her? Did you think her quietness came across as her being a snob?~~ could be another reason no one had asked her... We beautiful quiet girls always got passed up.....okay okay I'm just kidding you can all stop laughing now....:laughing_

08-01-2005, 06:57 AM
I just get tired of asking all the time only to have them running off and calling the cops on me :)

08-01-2005, 07:43 AM
I just get tired of asking all the time only to have them running off and calling the cops on me :)

It could be worse. Those bright lights they use to take your mugshot hurt your eyes... And the ink from the fingerprints is hard to remove... Oh. I almost forgot. The other inmates... They are brutal. Now you know why I stopped asking.:surrender


08-01-2005, 10:45 AM
What exactly is Jock Material? Never heard that one.......

I'm thinking dating and business are similar in today's world.

It used to be in sales training we were all taught hard sale, cold call, shove the product down their throat, used car salesperson, furniture whatever, we were taught all of these closing techniques regardless if the client even needed the product! Sell, sell, sell!

Now, clients being more savvy won't accept the pushy aggressive salesperson eg: " Hi I'm Karrie, I know you don't know me from Adam, but can I sell your half a million dollar home today? " nah... doesn't work at all. It's all about relationships, trust, repoire, getting to know someone, finding out their needs and trying to meet their needs over your own needs (commission or a date).

I think women are the same - more savvy, not relating to old pick up lines. Develop a relationship, friendship or at least spend some time talking about non- threatening things before asking for a date. People love to talk about themselves or their dog or their job.... I think starting a conversation on the weather or location can lead into a nice conversation and the D word shouldn't be brought up for a lonngg time.

08-01-2005, 10:51 AM
"What exactly is Jock Material? Never heard that one......."

Only dates athletes. I presume the difference between the original message and your comments, Karrie, are (what we called) Junior High vs. adulthood.

08-01-2005, 12:03 PM
:cheerlead Oh dates athletes, got it...

No actually, I'm talking about people today. You'd be surprised how many adults go for the hard sell - using outdated pick up lines or just not giving enough time to build trust before moving forward. Rushing in too quickly without building a solid foundation. Things along those lines.....

08-01-2005, 02:09 PM
Karried I like your way of thinking. Good salemanship and the dating scene in a round-about way have the same things in common.

Taking the time to build rapport can improve your chances of closing the deal/getting a date.

Salesmanship also teaches you that rejection is not the end of it all. You keep going until you make a sale. Salesman know the odds are against them, therefore they keep going until they hit the brass ring. Eight rejections can sometimes lead to two sales that make your quota. Persistence pays off in sales just like it does in dating. As long as you believe in yourself and your product you can do anything your heart desires.

08-01-2005, 04:35 PM
Questions for you Leon.....did you ask her? If not why not? What did you say to her after she said no one had asked her? Did you think her quietness came across as her being a snob?~~ could be another reason no one had asked her... We beautiful quiet girls always got passed up.....okay okay I'm just kidding you can all stop laughing now....:laughing_

No, Kelly, I did not ask her. I would have in a second if I thought my single financially-strapped mother could have accomodated that.

At the time I may have felt that she was a bit of a snob. I myself and typically quiet and reserved. I would think that some people today might think I'm snobbish, but nothing is further from the truth. I'm very accepting of most everybody. I just don't talk much until I'm comfortable with people.

08-01-2005, 04:38 PM
BTW: I think snobs can be recognized by the snobbish company they keep and the regular folks they ignore....birds of a with that in mind, no she wasn't a snob....just quiet and reserved.

08-01-2005, 05:32 PM
Ever see the 'nicest' person treat the wait staff at a restaurant like crap - that's a good indication of being snobby and just downright rude.

I think your little gal was intimidating most of the boys in her class.... most boys are still afraid of girls at that age.

Okla75, we always seem to agree :bow: you make some great points....

08-03-2005, 03:14 AM
I try to be nice to everyone who provides me service in a restaurant or hospital.

Restaurant workers could very easily add a few special ingredients.

Hospital people could make you wait longer or choose the painful or time consuming methods to treat you.

08-03-2005, 01:56 PM
Ever see the 'nicest' person treat the wait staff at a restaurant like crap - that's a good indication of being snobby and just downright rude.

I think your little gal was intimidating most of the boys in her class.... most boys are still afraid of girls at that age.

Okla75, we always seem to agree :bow: you make some great points....

I heard once that if you want to see how your date will treat you in six months, watch how he/she treats the wait staff on your first dinner date.

08-03-2005, 01:59 PM
I heard once that if you want to see how your date will treat you in six months, watch how he/she treats the wait staff on your first dinner date.

That does not always work. The one who dumped me (as noted in another thread) treated the waitstaff with a great deal of respect. See where that got me six months later?