View Full Version : Proper Prounciation of "Air Depot Road"

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01-15-2014, 08:37 PM
I've heard people pronounce Air Depot Road as "Air Depp-poh road", like Johnny Depp. I thought this was a little weird.

I always thought it was pronounced "deep-poh", such as on this commercial from the Home Depot:

So which is the proper way to say the street name? Deppo or Deepo?

01-15-2014, 09:53 PM
I live .3 miles from Air Depp O and have lived here since 1975, but I really don't know the correct pronunciation. That's just the way I pronounce it.
C. T.

01-15-2014, 09:54 PM
Air Dee' poe.

01-15-2014, 10:02 PM
I can't believe this is an issue.

Jim Kyle
01-15-2014, 10:04 PM
To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...

01-15-2014, 10:05 PM
to-may-toe or to-mah-toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it
depp-o and the rest of us say deep-o...

01-15-2014, 10:58 PM
Must be a local thing.

01-15-2014, 11:11 PM
It seems like official sources and the news always went with Air Dep-oh, I just always guessed it was the air force pronunciation, not really in my part of town so that is why I went with that. Though my natural tendency if I had not ever heard that would have been to say like deep o

01-15-2014, 11:50 PM
Kind of like how some pronounce Tecumseh Rd in Norman Tay-cum-suh and some say Tay-cum-see.

I say Air Dee-poh but Depp-oh is pretty common.

01-16-2014, 12:12 AM
Kind of like how some pronounce Tecumseh Rd in Norman Tay-cum-suh and some say Tay-cum-see.

I say Air Dee-poh but Depp-oh is pretty common.

Except Tecumseh is a proper name and Tay-cum-see is a mispronunciation of that

01-16-2014, 01:33 AM
I say "deep-oh."

And for Tecumseh, I say "teh-cum-suh."

01-16-2014, 01:35 AM
Air DEE-poe.

01-16-2014, 06:56 AM

Even though I pronounce the noun deep-o, I've always heard the street pronounced depp-o so that's how my mind sees it. Interesting.

Roger S
01-16-2014, 06:56 AM
Well I've always called it Air Dee-pot..... so there's a 3rd option for ya.

01-16-2014, 09:41 AM
To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...
like x2

Oh GAWD the Smell!
01-16-2014, 09:52 AM

Jim Kyle
01-16-2014, 10:04 AM
Except Tecumseh is a proper name and Tay-cum-see is a mispronunciation of thatOver the years I've enjoyed lots of mispronounciations of place names, on radio and TV. For example: MUSK-o-GEE, ta-LEAK-wah, BAT-i-est, or my favorite most recent from an imported local-TV weatherman: hoe-BART.

01-16-2014, 12:09 PM
I grew up in Ponca City and there is a creek there: Bois d'Arc Creek that all the locals call BO Dock Crik.

Joe Kimball
01-16-2014, 12:56 PM
How do you pronounce "Wilshire"? (

You've inspired a new thread.

01-17-2014, 03:59 AM
Over the years I've enjoyed lots of mispronounciations of place names, on radio and TV. For example: MUSK-o-GEE, ta-LEAK-wah, BAT-i-est, or my favorite most recent from an imported local-TV weatherman: hoe-BART.

On TV, I've heard Chickasha pronounced "shih-KAY-shuh." Lol.

01-17-2014, 11:39 AM
To-May-Toe or To-Mah-Toe; take your pick. Military usually pronounces it Depp-o and the rest of us say Deep-o...
I never really thought about it, but this makes sense. I grew up in MWC as the child of a retired serviceman. Around the house it was Dep-o, but I have heard it also pronounced Deep-o forever. I can't really vote in the poll because I just realized that I use them both, although Dep-o is the more prevalent.

01-17-2014, 12:28 PM
It's dee-po.

For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

01-17-2014, 12:44 PM
It's dee-po.

For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

Home Depo uses Deep-o in TV & radio ads, so most people will use that. Since the road was almost surely named for the military base an argument could be made for the millitary version being the correct pronunciation but both deep-o and dep-o are considered valid in American English

01-17-2014, 12:56 PM
If you are saying that is your way of pronouncing it, that's one thing, but if you are stating as fact that dee-po is the correct and only pronunciation, you need to do some searching. Both pronunciations are correct in America according to multiple sources. Home Depot is a company name and they can pronounce it Home Dipu if they want. Personally, I do call it Home Depp-oh, simply because that's the way I learned to pronounce Air Depot when I was growing up.
C. T.
It's dee-po.

For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

01-17-2014, 02:39 PM
Home Depo uses Deep-o in TV & radio ads, so most people will use that. Since the road was almost surely named for the military base an argument could be made for the millitary version being the correct pronunciation but both deep-o and dep-o are considered valid in American English

I've heard the word used in the military sense, as in we picked him up at the truck depot, and again it was always dee-po. I've never heard anyone pronounce the word depot as depp-o except for that road, and even then the person would use both interchangeably.

This reminds me of how finance is pronounced. Most pronounce is fi-nance, with emphasis on the fi, whereas in an educational setting I tend to her fin-ance, with the first sounding more like fin from fish fin. What's odd is most people probably pronounce finance the first way mentioned, while pronouncing financial more closely to the second way mention. I'm almost positive that again like CT said, both are technically correct.

01-17-2014, 02:58 PM
Things evolve with the English language. I could list hundreds (maybe not quite that many) of words that have changed over the years. One of my favorites is "comptroller". The original pronunciation was "controller", the "P" is silent, but so many people pronounce it "comp troller" with the "P" enunciated that it has become acceptable and I believe the more common pronunciation. I still say it the old way, I guess that's because I'm old.
C. T.

01-17-2014, 03:19 PM
Things evolve with the English language. I could list hundreds (maybe not quite that many) of words that have changed over the years. One of my favorites is "comptroller". The original pronunciation was "controller", the "P" is silent, but so many people pronounce it "comp troller" with the "P" enunciated that it has become acceptable and I believe the more common pronunciation. I still say it the old way, I guess that's because I'm old.
C. T.

That one is definitely interesting. I've never heard it any other way and I working in the industry.

01-17-2014, 03:35 PM
Do you mean you've never heard it without or with the "P"?
C. T.
That one is definitely interesting. I've never heard it any other way and I working in the industry.

01-17-2014, 03:41 PM
Obviously, it's "air deep-oh" except when it's depp-o
A related question might be: is it ZUP-ler . . . ZUP-lahr . . . ZOOP-ler . . . or ZOOP-lahr. =)
I guess I'm non-plussed . . . (NAHN-ploos-AYED)

(i jest loves me summadis semanticsstuff. really. i does.)

01-17-2014, 03:55 PM
Do you mean you've never heard it without or with the "P"?
C. T.

I've never heard without the P.

01-17-2014, 03:57 PM
Obviously, it's "air deep-oh" except when it's depp-o
A related question might be: is it ZUP-ler . . . ZUP-lahr . . . ZOOP-ler . . . or ZOOP-lahr. =)
I guess I'm non-plussed . . . (NAHN-ploos-AYED)

(i jest loves me summadis semanticsstuff. really. i does.)

It's just a word I made up, (as far as I know, I've been using if for a S/N for years), so I've never thought about it. In my head it's Zoo-plahr.

01-17-2014, 04:18 PM
You are obviously a young man/woman. Mirriam-Webster shows the following, which also includes the pronunciation "comp" as well as "con". That's due to the mispronunciation over the years being accepted as legitimate. Notice the first one shows my (the original) way of pronouncing it and the second shows the new way.
C. T.
comp·trol·ler noun \kən-ˈtrō-lər, ˈkäm(p)-ˌ, käm(p)-ˈ\
I've never heard without the P.

01-17-2014, 04:22 PM
You are obviously a young man/woman. Mirriam-Webster shows the following, which also includes the pronunciation "comp" as well as "con". That's due to the mispronunciation over the years being accepted as legitimate. Notice the first one shows my (the original) way of pronouncing it and the second shows the new way.
C. T.
comp·trol·ler noun \kən-ˈtrō-lər, ˈkäm(p)-ˌ, käm(p)-ˈ\

I'm younger but like I said I work in the financial industry, I've heard comptroller and controller, but never heard anyone even the people who have been doing this 40 years pronounce it com(p)troller. Don't take this as arguing, as I've said it's interesting to me, I've just never heard it pronounced that way.

01-17-2014, 04:31 PM
It's just a word I made up, (as far as I know, I've been using if for a S/N for years), so I've never thought about it. In my head it's Zoo-plahr.

I can dig it. Thank you for the clarification.
fyi: "Tinker Field" didn't used to be "Tinker Field" it used to be a Nameless Army Air Force Depot.
a place to store aircraft, back before i wuz borned. and thet thar' ancient tornaduh run all up over it.
i larnt thet later from my ma who worked in the pentagon a few years after that.
during "the Korean conflict" . . .

01-17-2014, 04:41 PM
Must be a local thing.

Yup. It is. =)
Even if Air Depot Road" exists only in the imaginations and memories of what it represents
And isn't in OKC "proper" . . .

01-17-2014, 05:48 PM
It's dee-po.

For those that say it the other way how do you pronounce Home Depot?

Depp-o. . . .and it's Home Depp-O. . .because I was pronouncing Air Depp-O long before Home Depp-O came to Oklahoma :wink:

01-17-2014, 06:24 PM
I misunderstood you, I thought you said "co(mp)" was the only way you had heard it pronounced, in fact you said "I've never heard without the P". Where am I going wrong? Regardless, outside of the financial groups, it's pronounced with the "M and P", maybe not so much in the financial business.
C. T.
I'm younger but like I said I work in the financial industry, I've heard comptroller and controller, but never heard anyone even the people who have been doing this 40 years pronounce it com(p)troller. Don't take this as arguing, as I've said it's interesting to me, I've just never heard it pronounced that way.

01-17-2014, 06:26 PM
When you call it "Tinker Field" you are showing your maturity, it hasn't been that for about sixty years.
C. T.
I can dig it. Thank you for the clarification.
fyi: "Tinker Field" didn't used to be "Tinker Field" it used to be a Nameless Army Air Force Depot.
a place to store aircraft, back before i wuz borned. and thet thar' ancient tornaduh run all up over it.
i larnt thet later from my ma who worked in the pentagon a few years after that.
during "the Korean conflict" . . .

01-17-2014, 06:30 PM
RM. . .close, but not exactly. It was not just a "place to store aircraft. From the Tinker history book. . . ". . . Oklahoma City
businessmen formed the Oklahoma Industries Foundation to attract a bomber base, an aircraft plant or an air repair depot to
the area. Their efforts proved successful when the War Department announced, on April 8, 1941, Oklahoma City as the site of a new air
materiel depot that would cover more than 1,500 acres and employ 3,500 people. Construction on the new Midwest Air Depot began on
July 18, 1941. Since the airfield was not ready for occupancy until March 1, 1942, official depot operations began in a downtown office building on
January 15, 1942. Just eight days later, Oklahoma citizens learned that the Army Air Forces had decided to build a huge Douglas Aircraft
Assembly Plant next to the depot. Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker, an Oklahoma native and part Osage Indian, lost his life
while leading a group of LB-30 bombers on a mission against the Japanese in the region of Wake
Island on June 7, 1942. Accordingly, Gen. H.H. "Hap" Arnold ordered the installation named
Tinker Field on Oct. 14, 1942. During World War II, more than 18,000 military and civilian
employees repaired and modified B-17, B-24 and B-29 bombers as well as C-47 and C-54 cargo
planes. They also overhauled thousands of aircraft engines and shipped supplies around the
world. Meanwhile, the Douglas Plant, employing close to 24,000 people, produced more than
5,300 C-47 Skytrain aircraft and parts to build 400 C-54 Skymaster cargo planes and 900 A-26
Invader attack bombers.
At the end of the war, the Oklahoma City Air Depot acquired the adjacent Douglas Plant
complex and moved new workloads into the facilities after the War Department declared Tinker
Field a permanent air base. Renamed the Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area (OCAMA) on July 2,
1946, the depot continued work on bombers, engines and aircraft parts and played an important
role in supporting the Berlin Airlift. Following the creation of the Department of the Air Force in
1947, the installation officially became Tinker Air Force Base on January 13, 1948.

01-17-2014, 06:37 PM
I've just spent a few moments studying how I pronounce Depot. I say
Dee-poh. However, when speaking French I say Dep-oh. I believe it's a
French word.

01-17-2014, 06:38 PM
How about Durant? LOL!

01-17-2014, 07:04 PM
I've just spent a few moments studying how I pronounce Depot. I say
Dee-poh. However, when speaking French I say Dep-oh. I believe it's a
French word.

Internationally, Dep-oh seems much more common, which is probably why the military says it that way

01-17-2014, 07:08 PM
RM. . .close, but not exactly. It was not just a "place to store aircraft. From the Tinker history book. . . ". . . Oklahoma City
businessmen formed the Oklahoma Industries Foundation to attract a bomber base, an aircraft plant or an air repair depot to
the area. Their efforts proved successful when the War Department announced, on April 8, 1941, Oklahoma City as the site of a new air
materiel depot that would cover more than 1,500 acres and employ 3,500 people. Construction on the new Midwest Air Depot began on
July 18, 1941. Since the airfield was not ready for occupancy until March 1, 1942, official depot operations began in a downtown office building on
January 15, 1942. Just eight days later, Oklahoma citizens learned that the Army Air Forces had decided to build a huge Douglas Aircraft
Assembly Plant next to the depot. Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker, an Oklahoma native and part Osage Indian, lost his life
while leading a group of LB-30 bombers on a mission against the Japanese in the region of Wake
Island on June 7, 1942. Accordingly, Gen. H.H. "Hap" Arnold ordered the installation named
Tinker Field on Oct. 14, 1942. During World War II, more than 18,000 military and civilian
employees repaired and modified B-17, B-24 and B-29 bombers as well as C-47 and C-54 cargo
planes. They also overhauled thousands of aircraft engines and shipped supplies around the
world. Meanwhile, the Douglas Plant, employing close to 24,000 people, produced more than
5,300 C-47 Skytrain aircraft and parts to build 400 C-54 Skymaster cargo planes and 900 A-26
Invader attack bombers.
At the end of the war, the Oklahoma City Air Depot acquired the adjacent Douglas Plant
complex and moved new workloads into the facilities after the War Department declared Tinker
Field a permanent air base. Renamed the Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area (OCAMA) on July 2,
1946, the depot continued work on bombers, engines and aircraft parts and played an important )orrole in supporting the Berlin Airlift. Following the creation of the Department of the Air Force in
1947, the installation officially became Tinker Air Force Base on January 13, 1948.

Okay . . . I'll accept that . . . even with the GoogleCheatin' . . . rather than "hearsay" or sumpin' like it. =)
Sidebar: My ex-wife, who worked at "Tinker Field" (or "Tinker" fer short) and rebuilt parts of jet aircraft so's they could defend our liberty and kick ass at the same time, used to refer to everything they did as having a connection with "Tinker Toys" (down there at the southern terminus of Air DEE-POH.)

It just occurred to me that if someone wanted to know the correct pronunciation of "Depot" they might wish to ask Bill Atkinson?
If that is too unlikely, I used to know a guy who made a fortune buying Air Base Surplus and selling it back to them from his warehouse just outside the fenceline. I think he pronounced it DEE-pot too. But I've been wrong before . . . was his name Nossaman . . .?

p.s. it's Du-rant. rather than DooRant. =)
so, how's 'bout "Cyril"? just SW o' Cement? =)

01-17-2014, 07:11 PM
RM. . .close, but not exactly. It was not just a "place to store aircraft. From the Tinker history book. . . ". . . Oklahoma City
businessmen formed the Oklahoma Industries Foundation to attract a bomber base, an aircraft plant or an air repair depot to
the area. Their efforts proved successful when the War Department announced, on April 8, 1941, Oklahoma City as the site of a new air
materiel depot that would cover more than 1,500 acres and employ 3,500 people. Construction on the new Midwest Air Depot began on
July 18, 1941. Since the airfield was not ready for occupancy until March 1, 1942, official depot operations began in a downtown office building on
January 15, 1942. Just eight days later, Oklahoma citizens learned that the Army Air Forces had decided to build a huge Douglas Aircraft
Assembly Plant next to the depot. Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker, an Oklahoma native and part Osage Indian, lost his life
while leading a group of LB-30 bombers on a mission against the Japanese in the region of Wake
Island on June 7, 1942. Accordingly, Gen. H.H. "Hap" Arnold ordered the installation named
Tinker Field on Oct. 14, 1942. During World War II, more than 18,000 military and civilian
employees repaired and modified B-17, B-24 and B-29 bombers as well as C-47 and C-54 cargo
planes. They also overhauled thousands of aircraft engines and shipped supplies around the
world. Meanwhile, the Douglas Plant, employing close to 24,000 people, produced more than
5,300 C-47 Skytrain aircraft and parts to build 400 C-54 Skymaster cargo planes and 900 A-26
Invader attack bombers.
At the end of the war, the Oklahoma City Air Depot acquired the adjacent Douglas Plant
complex and moved new workloads into the facilities after the War Department declared Tinker
Field a permanent air base. Renamed the Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area (OCAMA) on July 2,
1946, the depot continued work on bombers, engines and aircraft parts and played an important
role in supporting the Berlin Airlift. Following the creation of the Department of the Air Force in
1947, the installation officially became Tinker Air Force Base on January 13, 1948.

The first time I heard that story I thought it was ironic they named the town created to serve the soon to be base after the base, which by quickly changed to a different name. It also answered the question why was a town named midwest city on the east side of OKC?

01-17-2014, 07:11 PM
Internationally, Dep-oh seems much more common, which is probably why
the military says it that way
I don't like having LIKES on this whatchamacallit forum box.


Yo' Pete, we need likes!

01-17-2014, 07:23 PM
When you call it "Tinker Field" you are showing your maturity, it hasn't been that for about sixty years.
C. T.

I fear that you are confusing age with maturity, Sir.
(or vice-versa . . . whatever =)

01-17-2014, 07:42 PM
Okay . . . I'll accept that . . . even with the GoogleCheatin' . . . rather than "hearsay" or sumpin' like it. =)
Sidebar: My ex-wife, who worked at "Tinker Field" (or "Tinker" fer short) and rebuilt parts of jet aircraft so's they could defend our liberty and kick ass at the same time, used to refer to everything they did as having a connection with "Tinker Toys" (down there at the southern terminus of Air DEE-POH.)

It just occurred to me that if someone wanted to know the correct pronunciation of "Depot" they might wish to ask Bill Atkinson?
If that is too unlikely, I used to know a guy who made a fortune buying Air Base Surplus and selling it back to them from his warehouse just outside the fenceline. I think he pronounced it DEE-pot too. But I've been wrong before . . . was his name Nossaman . . .?

p.s. it's Du-rant. rather than DooRant. =)
so, how's 'bout "Cyril"? just SW o' Cement? =)

eh. . "we" always just referred to it as the "bomber plant". . .and it "twernt" GoogleCheatin. . .have the book. . . but it absolutely WAS easier to find it on line and "Control V" v. keyboarding it in from the book. "Lotsa" people (local included) have sold "lotsa" stuff to the "BP". . .or done "lotsa" work for the "BP". . . doesn't make them the authority on how to pronounce "depot". . .or on the history of the "BP" for that matter (Bill Atkinson. . . now that might be a different matter. . .although it may have "evolved" from his original intent!!). End of it all is that some farsighted folks worked to locate it here, it has been a major player in support to the war fighter. . .and has made up a major part of the economy of central Oklahoma for over 60 years. Three Cheers for the Bomber Plant!! And Air De. . . . .whatever :p

01-17-2014, 07:51 PM
C.T.....I'm like you. I'm in my fifties and it was always "controller" with silent "m" and "p" and then it morphed into a mispronunciation using the "m" and "p" and now it's accepted. English is strange that way.

01-17-2014, 07:53 PM
eh. . "we" always just referred to it as the "bomber plant". . .and it "twernt" GoogleCheatin. . .have the book. . . but it absolutely WAS easier to find it on line and "Control V" v. keyboarding it in from the book. "Lotsa" people (local included) have sold "lotsa" stuff to the "BP". . .or done "lotsa" work for the "BP". . . doesn't make them the authority on how to pronounce "depot". . .or on the history of the "BP" for that matter (Bill Atkinson. . . now that might be a different matter. . .although it may have "evolved" from his original intent!!). End of it all is that some farsighted folks worked to locate it here, it has been a major player in support to the war fighter. . .and has made up a major part of the economy of central Oklahoma for over 60 years. Three Cheers for the Bomber Plant!! And Air De. . . . .whatever :p

I sit corrected, enlightened and educated.
Not a bad place to be. Thanks!

(mos'ly it's DEE-poh , , , never felt the need t' add "Road" to the expression. =)

01-17-2014, 07:59 PM
I sit corrected, enlightened and educated.
Not a bad place to be. Thanks!

(mos'ly it's DEE-poh , , , never felt the need t' add "Road" to the expression. =)

naaaaaahhhh. . .ya had me at "not a bad place to be. . .thanks"!! but I'm still "Depp-o". . so I'll leave you with . . . whatever. . . :p

01-17-2014, 08:50 PM
I was trying to be kind.
C. T.
I fear that you are confusing age with maturity, Sir.
(or vice-versa . . . whatever =)

01-17-2014, 08:57 PM
There is a quote somewhere that states that "proper English" is that which is spoken today. The language kind of evolves, and we have to accept the bad with the good. Who would have thought that the word "irregardless" would have been acceptable, but even the spell checkers don't see it as wrong.
C. T.
C.T.....I'm like you. I'm in my fifties and it was always "controller" with silent "m" and "p" and then it morphed into a mispronunciation using the "m" and "p" and now it's accepted. English is strange that way.

01-17-2014, 10:14 PM
I was trying to be kind.
C. T.

I know you were.
Now I'm wondering about the proper pronunciation of the extension to Air Depot, that is, Road.
Have you ever, actually referred to Air Depot and added Road? =)
me neither. it might be considered to be "rood" . . . in some parts of England.
if we still spoke The King's English.

01-17-2014, 11:43 PM
I've just spent a few moments studying how I pronounce Depot. I say
Dee-poh. However, when speaking French I say Dep-oh. I believe it's a
French word.

Actually, this one time that you're correct. The french, depot, means deposit.

01-18-2014, 04:39 PM
I was talking to my friend in London today (looking forward to her visit this month and next) and I asked her about how she pronounces it and she said "depp-oh" not "deep-oh". She also sent this youtube link.
C. T.
How to Pronounce Depot - YouTube (

01-18-2014, 04:43 PM
I was talking to my friend in London today (looking forward to her visit this month and next) and I asked her about how she pronounces it and she said "depp-oh" not "deep-oh". She also sent this youtube link.
C. T.
How to Pronounce Depot - YouTube (

Very interesting, it sounds like this is an other side of the pond thing. This happens a lot and I often find myself using, "British English," because I watch a lot of drama from the UK. When there's an argument, I always defer to the Brits ain't called English for nothin'!

01-18-2014, 04:56 PM
I call it...the street Mr. Spriggs BBQ is on.

01-18-2014, 05:21 PM
I don't agree with a lot of their pronunciations, which by the way, there is no such word as "pronunciations" across the pond, I was just interested and thought I would post it. Also, the youtube link indicates that both pronunciations are acceptable in America. I am always telling her that she talks funny, and doesn't speak "the King's/Queen's English". I'm surprised she still talks to me!
C. T.
Very interesting, it sounds like this is an other side of the pond thing. This happens a lot and I often find myself using, "British English," because I watch a lot of drama from the UK. When there's an argument, I always defer to the Brits ain't called English for nothin'!

01-18-2014, 05:46 PM
I don't agree with a lot of their pronunciations, which by the way, there is no such word as "pronunciations" across the pond, I was just interested and thought I would post it. Also, the youtube link indicates that both pronunciations are acceptable in America. I am always telling her that she talks funny, and doesn't speak "the King's/Queen's English". I'm surprised she still talks to me!
C. T.

I understand what you're saying except for one thing. There is no such word as "pronunciations" in the UK?

BBC: BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips (
British Library: Received Pronunciation (
Oxford Dictionary: Pronunciation guide | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at (

Not trying to be obstinate, just wondering what you meant?

01-18-2014, 06:58 PM
I don't think you are being obstinate, but maybe it's her "pronunciation" of the word. She is a retired Head Mistress (school principal) and says "pronounciations". I will have to ask her to spell it. We are skypeing tomorrow in preparation for her trip, so I will let you know what she says. By the way, an old friend from Alabama used to say he wasn't very good at spelling but he didn't have any trouble with his pronounciations! Just a redneck joke of course.
C. T.
I understand what you're saying except for one thing. There is no such word as "pronunciations" in the UK?

BBC: BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips (
British Library: Received Pronunciation (
Oxford Dictionary: Pronunciation guide | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at (

Not trying to be obstinate, just wondering what you meant?