View Full Version : Blair Upholstery
|category1=Plaza District
|address=1732 NW 16th
|owner=David Wanzer
|height=1 story
|sq. feet=4,500
Information & Latest News
David Wanzer -- prominent designer/developer who offices in Film Row -- was set to close on 1/10/13 on the old Blair Upholstery building immediately east of Empire Slice House in the Plaza District.
According to reliable sources, the building will be renovated and split between a new pub and retail use.
County Assessor Record (
Oklahoma City developer purchases two neglected buildings | (
Spartan 01-31-2014, 04:10 PM Definitely a prime location on the strip. A bar would be cool and mix well with Empire which wasn't really envisioned as a bar but is used more as one (ie wait staff clearly doesn't know the beer menu as well as the pies)
BoulderSooner 01-31-2014, 04:19 PM Bars (abc3) are not allowed in the plaza
OKCisOK4me 02-01-2014, 10:55 AM Bars (abc3) are not allowed in the plaza
I'm confused. I thought Saint's was a bar...
catch22 02-01-2014, 11:40 AM No it's a full service restaurant. 50% sales are by food sales.
Urbanized 02-01-2014, 04:01 PM ...according to their ABC-2 license application... ..wink, wink...
shawnw 02-01-2014, 04:41 PM I was gonna say... their food service is so slow because they have such limited kitchen capacity (last I was there anyway, and it's been awhile), I don't see how half the people in there when it's packed can be eating. And I've been in there when it was standing room and hardly anyone was eating, just drinking and socializing. I know, though, completely unscientific observation and I'm sure the receipts tell the true story.
catch22 02-01-2014, 11:56 PM i was gonna say... Their food service is so slow because they have such limited kitchen capacity (last i was there anyway, and it's been awhile), i don't see how half the people in there when it's packed can be eating. And i've been in there when it was standing room and hardly anyone was eating, just drinking and socializing. I know, though, completely unscientific observation and i'm sure the receipts tell the true story.
They just received design review approval to clean up and improve the facade of this building.
Still waiting for more information about the proposed pub and retail space.
warreng88 02-13-2014, 08:59 AM I'm a little disappointed they aren't keeping and refurbishing the old door on the left (east) side. I would think that would be a cool entrance to the new restaurant. JMHO.
Urbanized 02-13-2014, 09:13 AM That door cornice was not original and is inappropriate for the building. They are restoring it to its original appearance, including uncovering the transom windows. Trust me, you'll like the results.
My prediction is that this building will win a facade renovation reward at the Oklahoma Main Street conference if submitted. The before and after photos are certain to be starkly dramatic.
Looks like those transom windows may be similar to Saints:
CuatrodeMayo 02-13-2014, 09:20 AM Looks like those transom windows may be similar to Saints:
I really wish they would reconstruct the canopy between the canopy and transom. If you look closely at the picture you can see small, green ornaments above the transom. This is likely where the canopy support chain/rods used to attach.
Urbanized 02-13-2014, 09:27 AM Yeah, it would make the seating area in front of Saints spectacular. Currently it's only nice. There might be a long-term recoup of the investment, though the patio is already well-used.
warreng88 02-13-2014, 09:29 AM That door cornice was not original and is inappropriate for the building. They are restoring it to its original appearance, including uncovering the transom windows. Trust me, you'll like the results.
My prediction is that this building will win a facade renovation reward at the Oklahoma Main Street conference if submitted. The before and after photos are certain to be starkly dramatic.
Didn't know it wasn't original, thanks for the clarification. What are transom windows? From Pete's picture, it says, "New storefront windows and frames in existing openings". Do you mean the original look of the windows? Thanks in advance.
Urbanized 02-13-2014, 09:42 AM Right, that probably means the original transom frames were rotted behind that siding OR (more likely) were removed entirely when the "modern" storefront was installed years ago. So it looks like the developer will be attempting to restore the window openings as closely as possible to what was original. Makes sense, knowing the new owner, who has a strong appreciation for old buildings.
There are a number of examples of this approach in other areas of town. A couple that come to mind for me are Hideaway Pizza and Plenty Mercantile on Broadway. If you saw the before photos (wish I had them handy) you would see storefronts which look NOTHING like what is there today, both of which are close reproductions of the originals. In the case of Plenty they actually had much more of the intact building history to work from, but it was covered by hideous tin. By the way, when I say "before" I don't mean immediately prior to the current tenants; I'm talking about renovations that occurred circa 1998 or 1999.
One thing about Plaza is that it is Main Street affiliated (like Automobile Alley used to be) so the program encourages renovation from an HP bias. It's not always possible, but definitely preferred when it is, and I think it is pretty hard to argue with the results, from a business perspective.
OKC plaza 02-19-2014, 04:30 PM One thing about Plaza is that it is Main Street affiliated (like Automobile Alley used to be) so the program encourages renovation from an HP bias. It's not always possible, but definitely preferred when it is, and I think it is pretty hard to argue with the results, from a business perspective.
We aren't a Main Street organization anymore. Since the Commercial District Revitalization Program with City of OKC came along, it really helped us address issues unique to urban areas that Main Street wasn't focused on. We still operate under the principals and ideas of Main Street. It's a wonderful program.
Urbanized 02-19-2014, 04:33 PM Yeah, I was thinking that might be the case but wasn't sure. But operating on the Main Street model (which does not require actually BEING a Main Street program, past or present) is definitely a recipe for success. Tried and true methodology.
CuatrodeMayo 03-13-2014, 03:08 PM Instagram (
I'm sure Kristen won't mind us post this here:
shawnw 03-13-2014, 03:14 PM are they adding facade or removing it?
UnFrSaKn 03-13-2014, 04:28 PM Looks better already.
warreng88 03-13-2014, 04:58 PM Drove by it last night and it looks like the inside is very close to being emptied out, if not entirely. I would think from the picture above and the good weather over the next week (minus Saturday) they will get a ton done. I am still waiting to hear what is going in there in the way of dining. Sean Cummings expansion?
Urbanized 03-13-2014, 07:31 PM Oh, man. That is going to be fantastic.
warreng88 03-14-2014, 01:08 PM I e-mailed Pete a drive by picture from around noon. Looks like a lot of work is going on there.
Here is the photo from wareng88; good progress in a short amount of time.
Looks like the brick facade is in pretty good shape:
Urbanized 03-14-2014, 03:30 PM Kristen said on Facebook that the 1920s glass in those transoms is original and largely intact.
warreng88 03-14-2014, 03:54 PM Thanks for the repost Pete. Sorry everyone, it was a quick drive by photo.
Here are a couple by Will from yesterday:
John Knight 04-08-2014, 10:39 AM Any new developments on what business/businesses will be moving in?
metro 04-08-2014, 10:41 AM To me, it's mindboggling on why somebody would cover up such a nice structure with such ugly siding. A whole generation did that with our urban "hidden gems" as we're finding out all over the metro (see Pizzeria Gusto as of recent).
warreng88 04-08-2014, 11:41 AM Any new developments on what business/businesses will be moving in?
I was at Clean up the Plaza Saturday and someone said Kristen knew but couldn't tell anyone.
I am curious if there is any roof damage. There seemed to be a lot of pigeons going into the area above the brick and below the roof for some coverage. There also will need to be a lot of work done on where the structure meets the pavement. It feels like if is a lot worse than the pictures make it out to be. Hope everything is pretty structurally sound.
There hasn't been an ABC application as of yet. That would probably be the first step for the pub.
Urbanized 04-08-2014, 04:43 PM To me, it's mindboggling on why somebody would cover up such a nice structure with such ugly siding. A whole generation did that with our urban "hidden gems" as we're finding out all over the metro (see Pizzeria Gusto as of recent).
Yep! I've said it before a number of times here, but somewhere years ago, right after they put the crummy facade on it, someone stepped back from that building and said "dang! That looks soooo much better than that crummy old brick did!" And they MEANT it...
ljbab728 05-01-2014, 11:43 PM Two new additions coming to the district according to Steve.
“The Plaza District has a special mix of tenants already,” Wanzer said. “We wanted to carefully curate and cultivate our tenant mix to add more life into the district.”
The first tenant, Wanzer admits, was determined before he ever bought the building. Oak and Orr, to be operated by Micah Andrews, will add a craft beer restaurant inspired by Andrews’ travels to Chicago. The second tenant, Roxy’s Ice Cream Social, was bought by Wanzer and Bailey after determining it was the one and only candidate they wanted to consider.
dankrutka 05-02-2014, 12:10 AM The Plaza District is on fire. The transformation and momentum is unbelievable.
catch22 05-02-2014, 12:37 AM It's by far my favorite district. Whenever I go out (which isn't much anymore unfortunately due to how busy I am now), it's pretty much always Plaza.
(Not a hipster)
Agreed. My wife and I spend our Saturdays in the Plaza. If we're drinking/eating out of the house, it's in the Plaza 90% of the time. Great energy. We are also not hipsters.
Craft beer bar FTW. Place will kill.
The correct name of the craft beer restaurant is "Oak & Ore":
Dubya61 05-02-2014, 12:01 PM Do I read that right? Is Roxy's Ice Cream Social going to a brick and mortar location?
Do I read that right? Is Roxy's Ice Cream Social going to a brick and mortar location?
Yes, and keeping the truck while adding another.
Dubya61 05-02-2014, 12:47 PM Yes, and keeping the truck while adding another.
^Like. I always had other plans by the time I found out their plans.
A couple of new plans on this project:
catch22 06-13-2014, 10:44 AM This will fantastic!
I bet both businesses will have patios in the front like Empire next door, as there is the same amount of space: pg
HangryHippo 06-13-2014, 11:26 AM It may have been asked previously, so SIAP, but are there plans to turn the lot just east of this building into a small parking garage?
It may have been asked previously, so SIAP, but are there plans to turn the lot just east of this building into a small parking garage?
No plans to do that at this time.
I know the Plaza District recently conducted a parking study.
warreng88 06-13-2014, 11:39 AM It may have been asked previously, so SIAP, but are there plans to turn the lot just east of this building into a small parking garage?
No. It is currently owned by Lyric Theatre for their employees and events at the theatre. Since they are a non-profit, they would have to raise money with donors and I don't think they would like donating money to build a parking garage, something that does not impact the quality of the shows at the theatre. If something were to happen there, it would be a Plaza District thing, not Lyric. And I seriously doubt that will happen either. There was a parking study done by the Plaza District and I don't remember if the outcome of that study was done or not.
Just received this note back from Kristen Vails about the parking study:
We are still waiting to receive the final recommendations. We will make public when received!
Plutonic Panda 06-13-2014, 12:43 PM It may have been asked previously, so SIAP, but are there plans to turn the lot just east of this building into a small parking garage?That would be really cool. A mini parking garage. Don't really see many that small, but I bet it could look neat if were designed well. I'm all for it!
shawnw 06-13-2014, 01:27 PM I wouldn't call a 50-story parking garage "mini".
catch22 06-13-2014, 01:27 PM I wouldn't call a 50-story parking garage "mini".
Plutonic Panda 06-13-2014, 01:53 PM I wouldn't call a 50-story parking garage "mini".Hey man, a 50 story parking garage on that lot would be cool. The footprint is really small, so it would be really skinny. I'm willing to bet it'd be an eye catcher.
catch22 06-17-2014, 06:05 PM Building permit filed today for restaurant conversion. Would probably be either Roxy's or Oak and Ore.
Building permit filed today for restaurant conversion. Would probably be either Roxy's or Oak and Ore.
It was for Oak & Ore; I'm sure the one for Roxy's will soon follow.
Heard great things about the build-out for both. Can't wait to see them take shape.
Some photos just taken by warren88; 2nd photo is Oak & Ore (they are building in their long bar) and the third is Roxy's:
Here is the floor plan for Roxy's: