View Full Version : Aaron Tuttle facebook weatherman

01-09-2014, 02:10 PM
Some nutty Facebook weatherman troll does not like Aaron Tuttle? | The Lost Ogle (

01-09-2014, 02:59 PM
Yeah, it's a pretty big deal in Aaron's defense. He needs to sue the guy for libel and defamation of character. Dude is a loser anyway who believes wholeheartedly in weather conspiracies (HAARP and chemtrails) and actually dresses up everyday as an impersonation of Johnny Depp, lol.

01-09-2014, 09:21 PM
Personally, Tuttle needs thicker skin. This guy has nothing to take in a lawsuit, which means Tuttle would have to cover the costs of the suit with no hope of recovering them with a monetary verdict.

Tuttle previously inquired with local lawyers about suing TLO over an article they did on him and was most likely told the same thing.

01-10-2014, 12:10 AM
Yeah, it's a pretty big deal in Aaron's defense. He needs to sue the guy for libel and defamation of character. Dude is a loser anyway who believes wholeheartedly in weather conspiracies (HAARP and chemtrails) and actually dresses up everyday as an impersonation of Johnny Depp, lol.

Hauling someone without significant assets into court, even if you happen to have a compelling claim, is a bit like dropping a concrete block on your left foot to protest stepping on a nail with your right foot. It isn't really going to help you, and you're going to be shelling out some money you could have used for more productive purposes.

'It's the principle of the thing; is fine and dandy, but the thing about using hired help to enforce one's principles is, well, someone pays for the hired help on the front end. Prevail or not, there is (way more often than not) little to no assurance of ever being compensated by the trash talker afterwards.