01-08-2014, 09:40 PM
OKCMOA Film and discussion
The Human Scale
Co-presented by Urban Land Institute (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VMQg9NdPrckxRfbP9k--A9RzMWUVs7eeXomken3RWqQCJoX5udwgVHsBr8cs95LRJ9QZD0 enH0xs2ko9M2tQqUoQ0X7N4HvGX7PKyJmMeYOuNZCR5deABnJF RkCc_2JQJyziRnj6mwj98QV2IzJ_Ek1bVGnK0M7AjtiLaRlElY a4pOfsq-i4PyVjsvpspuSFgDhQMu8VCM6JjBGXpmnWppnRDD5E6vABchVf b7vrwLZdjOtlJA2krOl0rMCjv0RBYpK1NHfLcf2XnJywQ0WOBd TzXrnQ6-TAt11FWR7wpxk=&c=YXHF5moVvQrJ__Qwe11y2oWk_dGRQiSS5mDHSIQe2o05x-V66pEuvw==&ch=GkKA5qEglIX5_w9-clPap164rxfLRMoaGMWUy566ADiw1ajCsq8SHg==), Q & A following the film with Russell Claus, OKC City Planner
Thursday, January 9, 7:30 p.m.
50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas; by 2050 it will be 80%. Cities have become the primary human habitat. According to revolutionary Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl, if we are to make cities sustainable and livable for people we must re-imagine the very foundations of modern urban planning. Rather than examining buildings and urban structures themselves, Gehl and his team meticulously studies the in between spaces of urban life. To the places where people meet, interact, live, and behave. Stunningly photographed, the film travels around the world to explore how Gehl and other like-minded designers, city planners, and urban activists have begun to transform such cities as diverse as New York, Beijing, Christchurch, and London.
Director: Andreas Dalsgaard 2012 Denmark 77min. NR DCP
Official Trailer
Second Trailer can be seen at http://vimeo.com/61855138
The Human Scale
Co-presented by Urban Land Institute (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VMQg9NdPrckxRfbP9k--A9RzMWUVs7eeXomken3RWqQCJoX5udwgVHsBr8cs95LRJ9QZD0 enH0xs2ko9M2tQqUoQ0X7N4HvGX7PKyJmMeYOuNZCR5deABnJF RkCc_2JQJyziRnj6mwj98QV2IzJ_Ek1bVGnK0M7AjtiLaRlElY a4pOfsq-i4PyVjsvpspuSFgDhQMu8VCM6JjBGXpmnWppnRDD5E6vABchVf b7vrwLZdjOtlJA2krOl0rMCjv0RBYpK1NHfLcf2XnJywQ0WOBd TzXrnQ6-TAt11FWR7wpxk=&c=YXHF5moVvQrJ__Qwe11y2oWk_dGRQiSS5mDHSIQe2o05x-V66pEuvw==&ch=GkKA5qEglIX5_w9-clPap164rxfLRMoaGMWUy566ADiw1ajCsq8SHg==), Q & A following the film with Russell Claus, OKC City Planner
Thursday, January 9, 7:30 p.m.
50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas; by 2050 it will be 80%. Cities have become the primary human habitat. According to revolutionary Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl, if we are to make cities sustainable and livable for people we must re-imagine the very foundations of modern urban planning. Rather than examining buildings and urban structures themselves, Gehl and his team meticulously studies the in between spaces of urban life. To the places where people meet, interact, live, and behave. Stunningly photographed, the film travels around the world to explore how Gehl and other like-minded designers, city planners, and urban activists have begun to transform such cities as diverse as New York, Beijing, Christchurch, and London.
Director: Andreas Dalsgaard 2012 Denmark 77min. NR DCP
Official Trailer
Second Trailer can be seen at http://vimeo.com/61855138