View Full Version : Covell and I-35 Development Updates

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07-24-2018, 11:09 PM
Has anyone heard what is going into the strip mall that is next door to Starbucks at Covell and I35? Hopefully, not a doughnut shop or nail salon! :)
Also, any more news about the retail development in that area? I hope it's like Chisholm Creek or the University Park in Norman. They are really different but both seem pretty well designed to me.

Isn't having a nail salon and either a donut shop or goodwill in every strip center a law in Edmond/NW OKC?

07-27-2018, 09:14 AM
UGH! I noticed one of the first tenants at the small retails space between Starbucks and Braums is a....a....a... nail salon! Of course, lol.

07-27-2018, 09:45 AM
UGH! I noticed one of the first tenants at the small retails space between Starbucks and Braums is a....a....a... nail salon! Of course, lol.

We have a new strip mall development going up as you head into Yukon, at Rt66 and Sara Rd. The first thing opening is a nail salon as well. My wife commented on how can there possibly be demand for more nail salons when we drove past the other night.

07-27-2018, 02:43 PM
The need must be great in the Edmond area for: nail salons; donuts shops and dry cleaners when it comes to retail space. But I wonder at what point is there a saturation of such businesses. I cannot imagine what lease/rent would be in this particular location in Edmond. I suspect you'd have to do a lot of nails and sale a ton of donuts to pay for your space.

We have a new strip mall development going up as you head into Yukon, at Rt66 and Sara Rd. The first thing opening is a nail salon as well. My wife commented on how can there possibly be demand for more nail salons when we drove past the other night.

07-27-2018, 03:53 PM
My family did a lot of strip mall development back in the 80's. The thing about these type of businesses mentioned, while not sexy, the are commoditized. Basically, except for the gimmick options like Voodoo Donuts, most strip mall donut places are pretty much interchangeable. Just like dry cleaners and nail salons. So it's about location and convenience. This makes these types of shops easy to get to infill a new center. Ideally, yes, you want a strong anchor, and some unique shops. Not every complex can be Chisholm Creek. Strip malls are basically just a real estate game. Filled with generic junk is better than empty.

10-10-2018, 03:02 PM
We definitely have choices . . .

A realtor friend of mine told me there's a rumor that Whole Foods is looking at the future big commercial development at I35 and Covell. Fingers crossed everyone!!!

Plutonic Panda
12-01-2018, 05:04 PM
I don't have the article but I read on NewsOKm IIRC, that the opening date for ShowBiz Cinema is December 14th or somewhere around that.

12-02-2018, 04:48 AM
I don't have the article but I read on NewsOKm IIRC, that the opening date for ShowBiz Cinema is December 14th or somewhere around that.
Dec. 14? As in 2 weeks? That's awesome! I thought it'd be mid-next year or something. I guess i should drive over to that area!

jonny d
12-02-2018, 07:32 AM
A realtor friend of mine told me there's a rumor that Whole Foods is looking at the future big commercial development at I35 and Covell. Fingers crossed everyone!!!

What "future big commercial development" is coming to this area where a WF would fit in?

12-02-2018, 08:19 AM
What "future big commercial development" is coming to this area where a WF would fit in?.

I hear Qdoba is coming...they make a big burrito! ��

Plutonic Panda
12-02-2018, 10:51 AM
What "future big commercial development" is coming to this area where a WF would fit in?
Mixed use urban village with 800 or so residential units(IIRC) above retail will be built in between showbiz and the Hilton Garden Inn.

I’m sure we’ll learn more about it soon.

Plutonic Panda
12-02-2018, 10:54 AM
Dec. 14? As in 2 weeks? That's awesome! I thought it'd be mid-next year or something. I guess i should drive over to that area!


12-02-2018, 06:49 PM
I drive by almost everyday, they have been working hard to get the place ready.

12-03-2018, 10:14 AM

I hear Qdoba is coming...they make a big burrito! ��

I'd be happy with a Qdoba... any dining options would be appreciated? Any one heard any other rumors?

Plutonic Panda
12-03-2018, 04:18 PM
Dec. 14? As in 2 weeks? That's awesome! I thought it'd be mid-next year or something. I guess i should drive over to that area!
PS, you might see Chuck Norris LOL

Edmond sure is excited for their movie theatre.

On a side note it would be nice to see Kicking Bird square remodel with structured parking and a new mixed-use building placed on the parking lot in front of kicking bird... they could downsize the cinema, play more indie films, and create a 3 way roundabout with a stand alone box office like old fashioned movie theatres. My pockets aren’t deep enough yet.

12-04-2018, 01:34 PM
PS, you might see Chuck Norris LOL

Edmond sure is excited for their movie theatre.

On a side note it would be nice to see Kicking Bird square remodel with structured parking and a new mixed-use building placed on the parking lot in front of kicking bird... they could downsize the cinema, play more indie films, and create a 3 way roundabout with a stand alone box office like old fashioned movie theatres. My pockets aren’t deep enough yet.

Well they did give over $5 million to Showbiz to make this happen, and they have given over $12 million total towards Covell and 35 projects. So I guess the excitement better be there. They seem quite desperate to see something happen at Covell & 35. Why that is THE spot for city officials, Im not sure.

12-04-2018, 03:16 PM
Well they did give over $5 million to Showbiz to make this happen, and they have given over $12 million total towards Covell and 35 projects. So I guess the excitement better be there. They seem quite desperate to see something happen at Covell & 35. Why that is THE spot for city officials, Im not sure.

i think the demographics are particularly strong in that area (see, e.g,

it's a no-brainer for a big commercial development. and it's far enough away from residential to keep Edmond's NIMBY crowd at bay.

12-04-2018, 03:33 PM
We stopped at the Starbucks there on the way down on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving for a coffee and bathroom break. It was the first time that I have been on Covell in that area since before I moved to Austin in 2003. I was shocked at how much has been built there and looks like to be built in the future. I know that one of the discussion points when we did the Henderson Hills Baptist Church master plan for the I-35 location one point that was made often was Edmond's growth was in that direction and how the I-35 corridor is close to the geographic middle of the Edmond city limits.

12-04-2018, 03:39 PM
i think the demographics are particularly strong in that area (see, e.g,

it's a no-brainer for a big commercial development. and it's far enough away from residential to keep Edmond's NIMBY crowd at bay.

As for demographics, whats there is good. Its just that there isnt much desnity. Look north, NE and East and its quite sparse. You right on the NIMBY part, but that shouldnt be an excuse to derail or ignore other good areas of Edmond a far as development goes.

12-04-2018, 04:12 PM
I imagine they are just looking to the future and probably counting on it to be similar to when folks were building up in the middle of nowhere in the Quail Springs area, like Mercy Hospital, and the growth followed them later.

12-14-2018, 09:36 AM
Moved the posts on Showbiz to that thread:

05-14-2019, 09:39 PM
Any updates on this area? Expected more development to closely follow Showbiz, but it seems to have stalled out.

05-25-2019, 10:03 AM
Any updates on this area? Expected more development to closely follow Showbiz, but it seems to have stalled out.

I noticed large earth moving equipment continue to rearrange soil in the development. They are either preparing for new projects or simply creating the development for possible new development. Either way it costs big bucks to have that much equipment moving soil.

06-25-2019, 07:52 PM
I recently noticed a new development sign on the westside of the hotel entrance off of Covell. And, as you an imagine, it looks like a another strip mall type of development. While the sign indicates it will be a brick structure I can't but think it's just the same o, same o regarding commercial development. It's unfortunate that something very unique isn't being built which could set a part the hotel, theater development area. Yawn.

06-26-2019, 08:59 AM
I recently noticed a new development sign on the westside of the hotel entrance off of Covell. And, as you an imagine, it looks like a another strip mall type of development. While the sign indicates it will be a brick structure I can't but think it's just the same o, same o regarding commercial development. It's unfortunate that something very unique isn't being built which could set a part the hotel, theater development area. Yawn.

Doing something unique. large or transformative in Edmond is always met with resistance. Heck, even hotels along I35 is met with resistance. Thats why you see so many small, boring strip centers. They are easy to get approved and are usually small enough no citizens complain much about them.

06-26-2019, 08:11 PM
How many more strip malls can be approved or supported, when many of them are sitting empty? That has to hurt some form of an economic report on square footage available across the city?

06-26-2019, 10:27 PM
Spring Creek North, Lol

Plutonic Panda
06-18-2021, 03:26 PM
The McDonalds is open! Very excited to have a McDonald’s here as opposed going to central Edmond.

06-20-2021, 07:16 AM
It's my understanding that the proposed sport complex at Covell and I35 will actually take place. If so, that area with food establishments and hotel will be super busy. Don't be surprised if you see additional hotel(s) being built in that area.

Plutonic Panda
06-20-2021, 12:05 PM
^^^ have you heard anything lately regarding the sports center?

06-21-2021, 09:49 AM
The person who shared the info with me is pretty solid with their insight with the development. Stay tuned......

06-21-2021, 08:09 PM
The person who shared the info with me is pretty solid with their insight with the development. Stay tuned......

They need to put in the stoplights soon for the I-35 off ramps. Those left turns are dangerous.

06-22-2021, 12:26 AM
The rumor mill is hot and heavy that Buc-ee’s was seriously eyeing Covell and 35. But the owner of the target property was wanting above and beyond the value of the lot. Got to the point Buc-ee’s corporate could only roll their eyes and walk away. That’d been a HIT and fit perfectly.

Plutonic Panda
06-22-2021, 03:15 AM
I was just thinking a Bucees would kill it somewhere between Guthrie and Edmond. Lots of land at Waterloo and Seward interchanges.

06-22-2021, 10:28 AM
Has there been any rumors of restaurants or stores on the land in front of Showbiz Movies?

The rumor mill is hot and heavy that Buc-ee’s was seriously eyeing Covell and 35. But the owner of the target property was wanting above and beyond the value of the lot. Got to the point Buc-ee’s corporate could only roll their eyes and walk away. That’d been a HIT and fit perfectly.

06-23-2021, 08:12 AM
Has there been any rumors of restaurants or stores on the land in front of Showbiz Movies?

This is what I want to know. So few restaurants for such a busy area...

06-23-2021, 11:39 AM
This is what I want to know. So few restaurants for such a busy area...

Rooftops, there needs to be more rooftops. Edmond desperately wants Covell and 35 to be the center for everything, even giving about $15 million in incetnives to bring hotel and movie theater, not too mention more incentives for the sports complex on other side of 35. Yet even with those anchors being in place for several years, there still isnt much to show. That may change in a couple years but it shows you cant put the cart (economic development) before the horse (rooftops).

06-23-2021, 12:17 PM
Rooftops, there needs to be more rooftops. Edmond desperately wants Covell and 35 to be the center for everything, even giving about $15 million in incetnives to bring hotel and movie theater, not too mention more incentives for the sports complex on other side of 35. Yet even with those anchors being in place for several years, there still isnt much to show. That may change in a couple years but it shows you cant put the cart (economic development) before the horse (rooftops).

it has little to do with rooftops ....

it has much more to do with who has owned the property ..

06-23-2021, 12:38 PM
it has little to do with rooftops ....

it has much more to do with who has owned the property ..

What, they are against selling land or developing the property at the moment? Rooftops and demographics are definitely at play here. Yes there is solid avg household income in the area, just not enough households to move the needle for most retailers and restaurants.

06-23-2021, 04:08 PM
Rooftops, there needs to be more rooftops. Edmond desperately wants Covell and 35 to be the center for everything, even giving about $15 million in incetnives to bring hotel and movie theater, not too mention more incentives for the sports complex on other side of 35. Yet even with those anchors being in place for several years, there still isnt much to show. That may change in a couple years but it shows you cant put the cart (economic development) before the horse (rooftops).

It's a tough chicken-and-egg situation. Edmond is focusing so much on Covell and I-35 because they're trying to actually look forwards and plan. Over the next 30 years the largest growth in Edmond will be East and North. But you're right, it's hard to get the economic development there to take off until there is more density. But on the flip it's harder to get that density until you have more economic development. I do think the pandemic slowed things down, but that eventually the efforts will pay off.

06-25-2021, 05:45 PM
Seems like I recall and rather large apartment complex was in the plans between the hotel and the theater. It seems that location would be a perfect fit for additional restaurants and other shops to have success in that area. Does anyone else recall possible apartments to be built in that area?

Plutonic Panda
06-25-2021, 05:51 PM
^^^ yes it was to be apartments around 700-800 with retail on the bottom and a paseo type street going straight from the theatre to the hotel. It’s been years since it was proposed though same sh!t with the McDonald’s and it still happened so maybe they’re just waiting.

06-26-2021, 09:19 PM
Here y’all go even though it’s city wide.

06-27-2021, 02:08 AM
Rooftops, there needs to be more rooftops. Edmond desperately wants Covell and 35 to be the center for everything, even giving about $15 million in incentives to bring hotel and movie theater, not too mention more incentives for the sports complex on other side of 35. Yet even with those anchors being in place for several years, there still isnt much to show. That may change in a couple years but it shows you cant put the cart (economic development) before the horse (rooftops).

The city of Edmond is surely eyeing city sales tax money from customers of the new businesses at Covell and I-35 coming in from Enid and Stillwater. Both towns don't have a lot of things that Edmond has, such as that fabulous new movie theater complex for starters. Neither have the two towns been able to attract major new business and especially industry. So not much distracting competition from there to discourage from going to Edmond.

06-14-2022, 02:31 PM
looks like Puppy Paws is going to relocate to this area

from the last planning commission meeting

Public Hearing and Consideration for a Final Plat for Puppy Paws, located south of Covell and Market Street. (Covell 35 Development LLC)

10-19-2022, 03:25 PM
Construction is ongoing behind the McDonald's at this development (I-35 and Covell SW Corner) Any idea what is being built? I have seen plans for a new Mercy ER but that land is closer to I-35 than this property that is being worked on at this time.

10-19-2022, 08:43 PM
Construction is ongoing behind the McDonald's at this development (I-35 and Covell SW Corner) Any idea what is being built? I have seen plans for a new Mercy ER but that land is closer to I-35 than this property that is being worked on at this time.

The owner on the county website says AG PUPPY COVELL RE HOLDINGS LLC so maybe it is the new Puppy Paws location.

10-20-2022, 09:05 AM
Construction is ongoing behind the McDonald's at this development (I-35 and Covell SW Corner) Any idea what is being built? I have seen plans for a new Mercy ER but that land is closer to I-35 than this property that is being worked on at this time.

The owner on the county website says AG PUPPY COVELL RE HOLDINGS LLC so maybe it is the new Puppy Paws location.

yep as i posted right above his post in

10-20-2022, 10:29 AM
yep as i posted right above his post in

Thank you Boulder, confused that with the new vet hospital on the East side of 35 on Covell.

10-20-2022, 10:44 AM
Thank you Boulder, confused that with the new vet hospital on the East side of 35 on Covell.

no problem ..

i really hope development continues in this area

Plutonic Panda
10-20-2022, 11:01 AM
no problem ..

i really hope development continues in this area
It will. You know this. Lots of development planned. They’ve already approved a lot just it’s just up to developers to fund it which the existing development is already killing it!

10-26-2022, 11:38 AM
no problem ..

i really hope development continues in this area

Slowly, it will. It better, the city has put about $20 million in incentives into the area.

01-18-2023, 08:56 PM
This might have been already posted as it has been in the works for a few years but Crossings Church is planning a new campus in this area at air depot and covell. I think this is something that will start in the next year possibly.17840

01-19-2023, 06:46 AM
There is a proposed townhome development on the north side of Covell between Air Depot and Midwest called Easton Woods. This agenda says that the planning commission will discuss on Jan 17th but I think it may have been pushed Feb 21st.

01-19-2023, 10:04 AM
There is a proposed townhome development on the north side of Covell between Air Depot and Midwest called Easton Woods. This agenda says that the planning commission will discuss on Jan 17th but I think it may have been pushed Feb 21st.

Calling it meadow brook now. Premium land LLC is what is listed which means this will be a taber homes development 😐

01-19-2023, 01:10 PM
There is a proposed townhome development on the north side of Covell between Air Depot and Midwest called Easton Woods. This agenda says that the planning commission will discuss on Jan 17th but I think it may have been pushed Feb 21st.

And citizens are already lined up ready to fight it.

04-06-2023, 12:55 PM
^^^ yes it was to be apartments around 700-800 with retail on the bottom and a paseo type street going straight from the theatre to the hotel. It’s been years since it was proposed though same sh!t with the McDonald’s and it still happened so maybe they’re just waiting.

I thought the area between the hotel and movie theatre was going to be condo's. Heard that prior to Covid but maybe it's changed. All apartments due is bring density not value to the area. Most people that live out that way would prefer a sub-division similar to Town Square between Coltrane and Air Depot off Danforth.

04-06-2023, 01:17 PM
I thought the area between the hotel and movie theatre was going to be condo's. Heard that prior to Covid but maybe it's changed. All apartments due is bring density not value to the area. Most people that live out that way would prefer a sub-division similar to Town Square between Coltrane and Air Depot off Danforth.

i've never heard anything about condos. Doesnt really seem like a market for those in Edmond.

Why do apartments bring no value? They bring value for would be renters and nearby retailers.

04-06-2023, 01:39 PM
i've never heard anything about condos. Doesnt really seem like a market for those in Edmond.

Why do apartments bring no value? They bring value for would be renters and nearby retailers.

Which also brings a ton of value to homeowners but some people refuse to believe that apartments even well done ones contribute to valuation.

04-06-2023, 07:10 PM
And citizens are already lined up ready to fight it.

didn't they do the same with that Walmart several years ago on Coltrane and Covell