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07-28-2005, 07:07 PM
Hey guys believe it or not, we have a nice thread running on talking about all of our new projects in OKC.... I thought at first, it would be a bash fest but I was pleasantly surprised to see some nice comments. Of course, people are always surprised that we even have a skyscraper. Why do people think we are so behind the times and so small?? I might join in the discussion just to share some new projects in OKC.

Doug Loudenback
07-28-2005, 09:31 PM
Thanks, Karrie,

I tried to post there (after joining) but I guess it takes a bit of time for that to be able to happen.

Very nice info and link!

07-30-2005, 11:23 AM
Doug, were you able to post yet? Come over and help me spread the word about our city:

We need some more pics - I added a few but you have a lot more - come Represent!

07-30-2005, 01:18 PM
Karried, I commend you for making your contribution to the skyscraper forum. I check that forum's Oklahoma City thread from time to time, and you are no doubt a great representative for our city thanks to the pictures you posted. It will no doubt leave outsiders who don't know Oklahoma City exists a very good impression.

07-30-2005, 02:31 PM
That's so nice of you to say! But of course, without this board and people like you who contribute so much, I'd no nothing about this state! I hope others will join in and post some updates and pictures.

I just feel that so many people has such a misconception of OK and it keeps this state down & depressed - I'm waiting for the day when we all go around thinking .... 'our future's so bright, we gotta wear shades!' :cool:

Proactive Volunteer
07-30-2005, 06:36 PM

You are awsome!! Terrific photos!!

THANK YOU so much for taking the time to post such a wonderful piece!


Doug Loudenback
08-05-2005, 06:55 AM
Doug, were you able to post yet? Come over and help me spread the word about our city:

We need some more pics - I added a few but you have a lot more - come Represent!

I guess it took a day or two for me to be able to post, Karrie. I don't think I have much to add about new projects (the thread's focus) that hadn't already been posted there, but I did add some stuff about the Colcord Hotel and a downtown skyline pic (the latter really being off-topic), below your last post there, starting here: (edited note: I've just added another about the Skirvin restoration.)

The stuff in my downtownOKC pages is either (1) what IS, or (2) what WAS, and others here at OkcTalk are better than I in dealing with (3) what IS YET TO BE!

Thanks for calling the thread to our attention! You are good!

08-05-2005, 10:15 AM
Great Doug, I just think it's so important for people of other states to see how far we have come and how far we are going. I'll bet most of Oklahoma may not be aware of all of the exciting changes in our city either.

Our state has a negative image but if enough of us try to change that, we might change some minds.

Better for tourism, more companies considering moving here, more people moving and buying houses and better for the economy in general. Plus it doesn't hurt to have pride in our state either!

Thanks Susan and okcpulse for the nice compliments!

08-05-2005, 11:17 AM
I thought I would add a bit of advise. If you register, you are not allowed to register using a "free" email address, such as yahoo or hotmail. I think this is a stupid rule, however, I guess they can do what they wish.

I registered using my Cox address. I doubt they would even allow my okc talk address.

08-05-2005, 11:36 AM
I also tried to register, but since I have free Yahoo service through my employer, I couldn't register. I really wanted to post on there. I guess I need to get a home computer NOW!! BTW, all of the pics were awesome!! Keep on posting pics and replies. Hopefully, people will really see the kind of city this really is and that it is the next hip city to move to. There's no other place I'd rather live than OKC.

08-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Doug, you make me proud!! Getting the word out about OK is only going to help our image - great job!

This is just my opinion but if anyone does post there, I highly recommend spell check and reading your posts before final posting - :eek: this is a national board and we need to show that OK is a state in which many intelligent people reside. :tweeted:

Doug Loudenback
08-05-2005, 06:21 PM
Doug, you make me proud!! Getting the word out about OK is only going to help our image - great job!

This is just my opinion but if anyone does post there, I highly recommend spell check and reading your posts before final posting - :eek: this is a national board and we need to show that OK is a state in which many intelligent people reside. :tweeted:

Karrie, Karrie, Karrie (Judy, Judy, Judy)! :elmer3:

And, EEK to you, too! Do you mean to say that we need to be MORE careful about checking our spelling when posting elsewhere (to put a good face forward) than we do when we're just hanging out and having a good time on the internet, without too much of a care as to what people think? Sorry, but that's phoney baloney! I'm reasonably content with my self-image, and don't need non-Okies to verify/deny that, and so I'll just keep on keepin' on, no spell checker ever used in my internet stuff, and I'll just hide behind the couch if the need exists! :sofa: I mean, if "image" is the essence of how people measure things (local or beyond) and not "substance", then, What's It All About, Alfie comes to mind! I don't mean to say that 'form' is not imporant ... and you are right in thinking that many non-thinking people see "form", i.e., if something "looks" good, it is, as being of greater importance than substance, especially on the internet ... but, run my spell checker? Nada. Never have, never will, on my internet posts.

That said, feel free, on Skyscraper or otherwise to point your finger to any of my posts, and say, 'See that post over there by Doug Loudenback? Well, he means well but he is surely a pitiful creature ... we've been ministering to him and are even thinking about an intervention. He means well, but ... well ... what can I say? We in Oklahoma tender to all of our flock and are reaching out to him to help him do things that will help him improve his image ... even though he drools from his mouth from time to time ... but, hey, who doesn't? And that's one of the great things about this place we call our home! We CARE about our unfortunates' ... or something like that!

PS: KARRIE, trust me: this post is just poking fun ... nothin' serious about it watsover, i promesses! If you weren't such a butiful babe, I'd surly be offended ... but ... as it is ... the REALITY is that I am NEVR offended by attention I receive from any butiful babe, and, so, I am and remaine your humble servant! Feel free to do an intervention on this old geezer, anytime, anywhere, anyplace!

And, by the way, to my OkTalk friend MR ANDERSON, the word is "advice" not "advise". Now, I'd not have mentioned this EXCEPT that our OkTalk sweetheart, KarrieD, is working on improving our image ... an internet makeover! It's high time, and well she should! I'm looking forward to the personal experience, since I'm sure that I'll become a better person! Or, something, and, frankly, it really doesn't matter to me what that might be! Ha Ha and Hot Damn! It's great being a confirmed reprobate over 60 so that you can pretty much say what you want! Apologies extended to all that need them!

08-05-2005, 09:10 PM
Doug, Doug, Doug, I knew I could count on you to tease me about this, but of course, I wasn't referring to your posts at all, you are always articulate and well versed. I was soooo proud to see our fine city represented in such a fine light on

My point is really this, Oklahomans have a slight reputation - undeserved in my opinion, of possibly being less 'in the know' about things of culture and hip, trendy happenings ( don't you know, that's only for the coasts!). So, my mission in life is to let people know all across the nation that some of the finest, most articulate, educated people they could ever meet, hail from Oklahoma.

But, I'm not wanting to critique or point out spelling errors, who has the time? I could care less about spell check on this board, since I feel like I know most of you anyway and we are so comfortable. But, frankly, I cringe when I read posts from other Oklahomans on boards (nationwide, mind you) that just promote the image of 'uneducated hicks', when I know that is not the case. I feel as if it is a lost opportunity to let people know that we have some very intelligent and progressive citizens living here. I know I can't change the world but in some small way, I feel like I might influence the thinking of just a few people who really don't know much about Oklahoma.

And Doug, thanks for the compliments - when I'm having a bad hair day, I'll refer to this post ... which by the way is just about every day in this damn humidity!! :cool18:

Doug Loudenback
08-05-2005, 09:24 PM
And Doug, thanks for the compliments - when I'm having a bad hair day, I'll refer to this post ... which by the way is just about every day in this damn humidity!!

Well! :poke: There you go, bad mouthing Oklahoma again! ;) And, once again, just kidding! I appreicate all that you do, KarrieD! :congrats:

08-08-2005, 09:52 AM
You all have great points, however.

Are you all worrying about something that really isnt an issue? Most people, in fact, have moments where they misspell words during a forum or chat session. Certain words, no matter how educated you are, get misspelled.

I dont think that is a reflection on the state, but rather an indication of the technology we have (seamless readily available internet) as well as some technology limitations (lack of spell check in some forums/chats. We are in the internet age (21 Century) so, people dont really need to know how to spell. :)

Although I agree that we should pay attention to our spelling I dont think it's that big a deal or a reflection of the state or city when words are misspelled. But I do hope it is not just Oklahomans whom are in this category, ...