View Full Version : Personal Trainer in or near Midwest City

01-08-2014, 08:04 AM
Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm over 50 so not looking to be a super athlete but would like to be fitter and more toned. I don't mind driving a short distance. Also, has anyone used an in home trainer?

01-08-2014, 08:17 AM
I have a good friend who runs Conquer Training. His name is Ryan Ellis and he mostly trains triathletes, but will do in-home training as well if you want. Here is the website and his information:


Click on training plans to get more of his training info and contact us for his contact information. He is a really nice guy but will push you as far as you can go.

01-08-2014, 08:46 AM
Its great you're looking to improve your health (at any age). Personal trainers can be great for those whose needs are best met with one (people who like one-on-one training, people too embarrassed or feel out of place at a gym, people who are more motivated through personal training, etc.).

I've known a few people who used them - with mixed results. None did it for more than 9 months as it got expensive and they soon felt confident and motivated enough to workout without the expense and scheduling of a trainer.

Just be sure the person has well rounded qualifications. If your desire isn't to try and 'get buff' but to be more healthy all around, then i'd make sure the trainer has an education in dietary concerns - like a degreed nutritionist. Someone who doesn't push a certain 'diet' but instead instills good eating habits that are not unrealistically restrictive.

I tried a trainer at the YMCA before. I only did it a handful of times as I just wanted to make sure my form was correct and that I was working out to my most benefit in the shortest amount of time.

The downtown YMCA has some good trainers and you don't have to commit to a long term with them.

I ended up just taking cardio and toning classes at the downtown and now Edmond Y's to meet my goals.

A really popular instructor there is a nutritionist at a local hospital and has been teaching for over 12 years. She doesn't do private training, but her classes are excellent and she is always available to give guidance on exercises, circuit training and healthy realistic eating.

I lost 50+ pounds in less than a year by going to classes there and getting tips from her and my doctor on my eating. Years later and its still all off and I'm in my 40's.

Whatever you choose, good luck!

01-08-2014, 09:40 AM
What about the YMCA? I see they offer one on one training. Has anyone been to the one in MWC?

01-08-2014, 09:44 AM
What about the YMCA? I see they offer one on one training. Has anyone been to the one in MWC?

See my comments above. I used the YMCA and know others that have to. Like anywhere, the training is only as good as the trainer. So make sure you read their bio and pick one with real world experience and education.

I've never used one at the MWC YMCA location, but I have worked out there. Its okay, but I prefer the downtown location and the drive was about the same for me when I lived in SE OKC/MWC/Del City.

01-08-2014, 03:31 PM
I'm sorry, but a personal trainer is a complete waste of money.

01-08-2014, 03:47 PM
I'm sorry, but a personal trainer is a complete waste of money.

Would love to hear your validation for that - because I strongly disagree - and I doubt you can form any foundation beyond personal preference.

If your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle mass, get in better shape and/or improve your diet then a personal trainer is absolutely one possible path to take in achieving that goal (if you find a qualified trainer)

Is it always (or even often) necessary to use a personal trainer? No.

But if the only way you can motivate yourself in a healthy direction is with the help of a personal trainer, then it is absolutely NOT a waste of money.

People choose personal trainers for all different reasons. I used one (very briefly) to make sure I was doing things correctly and get tips on time management.

Others use them because they are embarrassed to go to a gym or can't find the time to go (there are dozens of other reasons).

I may be of the opinion that Crossfit is 'a complete waste of money' - but that opinion would only apply to me and not to Crossfit in general. I could say the same for people who pay to go to Boot Camp or buy workout DVD's (like Insanity).

Again, it would only be a waste of money for me - because I realize I can workout without those added expenses and don't need the motivation they provide.

Some people would say a YMCA membership is 'a compete waste of money' because it is so expensive compared to other cheaper gyms. However, for me, the $60/month we pay is definitely worth it because I only go for the classes because I get bored so quickly with just machines and free weights.

Not trying to start a back and forth argument, I just think your comment was knee-jerk at best and not productive to the discussion unless I'm missing some foundation for your opinion that applies to the thread author and not just yourself.

Roger S
01-08-2014, 04:00 PM
Not trying to start a back and forth argument, I just think your comment was knee-jerk at best and not productive to the discussion unless I'm missing some foundation for your opinion that applies to the thread author and not just yourself.

I just assumed he misread the OP's post and thought they were asking for financial advice.

I used a PT for pretty much the same reasons you listed. Worked out with him for a month after not being in a gym for years to make sure I was using good technique and to learn a good regimen and then went off on my own. On the plus side we developed a friendship and whenever I would run into him in or out of the gym he would ask me how I was doing and give me encouragement and tips.

Yes, it was pricey but in the end it was money well spent.

I recently joined a new gym near my home and took a personal fitness test. The person administering the test commented on my form and technique and how she notices that most people did not do some of the things I did correctly and I told her it was because my PT had drilled them into my head.

01-08-2014, 04:01 PM

Not trying to start anything, and not a knee jerk reaction. If a person really wants to get in shape, then there are plenty of avenues available online to learn from. No need to spend money. How about this......... watch what/amount you eat, and exercise. I run 4 to 5 times a week in the hood. I can count on one hand how many people I "run" into, and I've been doing it for years. How about starting out walking? Then go to a walk/jog? Then a jog/run? Then more of a jog. Then more of a run?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you don't need to spend money to put your shoes on, tie them up, and get out and walk, jog, run, or all three. You don't need a personal trainer to tell you what to eat or how much to eat.

Now in your case, I agree. You want to make sure you are doing things right. But for so many, it is as simple as putting your shoes on and getting out there and doing it.

01-08-2014, 04:07 PM
I just assumed he misread the OP's post and thought they were asking for financial advice.

I used a PT for pretty much the same reasons you listed. Worked out with him for a month after not being in a gym for years to make sure I was using good technique and to learn a good regimen and then went off on my own. On the plus side we developed a friendship and whenever I would run into him in or out of the gym he would ask me how I was doing and give me encouragement and tips.

Yes, it was pricey but in the end it was money well spent.

I recently joined a new gym near my home and took a personal fitness test. The person administering the test commented on my form and technique and how she notices that most people did not do some of the things I did correctly and I told her it was because my PT had drilled them into my head.

Good for you, I mean it. I guess I don't get it. The OP stated he/she didn't want to be super athlete, just wanted to get in some kind of shape. So therefore, why not tie the shoes, put some warm clothes on, and start jogging in the hood? Get online, get some good apps (there are plenty) on running and eating right? I mean, if a person is serious, why not just do it, so to speak?

Roger S
01-08-2014, 04:17 PM
Good for you, I mean it. I guess I don't get it. The OP stated he/she didn't want to be super athlete, just wanted to get in some kind of shape. So therefore, why not tie the shoes, put some warm clothes on, and start jogging in the hood? Get online, get some good apps (there are plenty) on running and eating right? I mean, if a person is serious, why not just do it, so to speak?

Because strength training is also an integral part of the process. You don't have to put on mass but the older we get the more muscle we begin to lose. The older we get the more critical it gets to use proper technique. One of the biggest killers of consistent exercise is an injury. It disrupts your routine and next thing you know you stop working out.

For some of us a PT is a great source of motivation too. I know mine was able to get me to do things I didn't think I was capable of.

01-08-2014, 05:04 PM
The best thing for me with a PT was that having an appointment with someone kept me in line and made sure I made it to the gym.

01-08-2014, 05:14 PM
The best thing for me with a PT was that having an appointment with someone kept me in line and made sure I made it to the gym.

Also, it makes you accountable to someone besides yourself. For made me work out at that time because I was paying for it either way. Without the trainer, would be very easy to just say...I'll get to it (workout later). it isn't as easy as just getting off the couch and doing it when you have the demands of working, kids, kid's activities and a dozen other responsibilities. It makes you carve the time out.

01-08-2014, 05:19 PM

Not trying to start anything, and not a knee jerk reaction. If a person really wants to get in shape, then there are plenty of avenues available online to learn from. No need to spend money. How about this......... watch what/amount you eat, and exercise. I run 4 to 5 times a week in the hood. I can count on one hand how many people I "run" into, and I've been doing it for years. How about starting out walking? Then go to a walk/jog? Then a jog/run? Then more of a jog. Then more of a run?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you don't need to spend money to put your shoes on, tie them up, and get out and walk, jog, run, or all three. You don't need a personal trainer to tell you what to eat or how much to eat.

Now in your case, I agree. You want to make sure you are doing things right. But for so many, it is as simple as putting your shoes on and getting out there and doing it.

All of what you said is 100% true...... however, in the real world I think we all realize that motivation, confidence and make it as easy as possible are often key ingredients. Why do you think they sell/sold so many of those dang Thigh Masters, Nortic Tracks, Total Gyms and Insanity DVD"s? Not to mention all the 'fitness in a bottle' potions that are out there.

I know a few people in those expensive Cross Fit classes. Honestly they are the types who wear Tap Out t-shirts and forget they are not in high school anymore - but the classes and circle of friends they make seems to be the motivation they need. It would be a waste of money for me - but not for them.

Science tell us exactly what you said, just get up and move and you'll get in better shape. Problem is, that reality isn't often enough to motivate.

People laugh at me for going to cardio classes that are 75% female attended. But, my wife goes and she appreciates when we go together and once I'm there I know I'm going to work my ass off for an hour. Which is more than I would have accomplished with the guys in the free weight area. My proof is the fact I lost 50+ pounds in less than a year. But, I also know people (some are even instructors at the Y), that workout more than I do and they look every bit as overweight as they did 4 years ago.

As for diet, the best advice I get is from our cardio instructor and nutritionist friend. A qualified trainer can definitely guide someone on the proper diet for them.

I'm just not one to poo-poo someone who's willing to try 'something' to get in better shape - as long as its safe, realistic and they can afford it.

01-08-2014, 07:52 PM
The best thing for me with a PT was that having an appointment with someone kept me in line and made sure I made it to the gym.

This is one of the reasons that I thought it might be a good idea for me.
My husband is and will become increasingly more disabled as time goes on, so it's important for me to remain healthy so that I can be a caregiver. In the past I've tried working out on my own, going to the gym etc, but now I feel that having someone waiting for me to show up would be a better motivator. I don't have anyone to be my workout partner, so this would be the next best thing for me.

01-08-2014, 08:18 PM
All of what you said is 100% true...... however, in the real world I think we all realize that motivation, confidence and make it as easy as possible are often key ingredients. Why do you think they sell/sold so many of those dang Thigh Masters, Nortic Tracks, Total Gyms and Insanity DVD"s? Not to mention all the 'fitness in a bottle' potions that are out there.

I know a few people in those expensive Cross Fit classes. Honestly they are the types who wear Tap Out t-shirts and forget they are not in high school anymore - but the classes and circle of friends they make seems to be the motivation they need. It would be a waste of money for me - but not for them.

Science tell us exactly what you said, just get up and move and you'll get in better shape. Problem is, that reality isn't often enough to motivate.

People laugh at me for going to cardio classes that are 75% female attended. But, my wife goes and she appreciates when we go together and once I'm there I know I'm going to work my ass off for an hour. Which is more than I would have accomplished with the guys in the free weight area. My proof is the fact I lost 50+ pounds in less than a year. But, I also know people (some are even instructors at the Y), that workout more than I do and they look every bit as overweight as they did 4 years ago.

As for diet, the best advice I get is from our cardio instructor and nutritionist friend. A qualified trainer can definitely guide someone on the proper diet for them.

I'm just not one to poo-poo someone who's willing to try 'something' to get in better shape - as long as its safe, realistic and they can afford it.

Yeah I hear you. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but many times it comes down to just doing it. I mean, in many cases it's as easy as putting on running shoes, going outside, and just doing it. If you're not willing to do that, what makes a person think they'll spend hundreds of dollars to have someone tell them what to do in a hot gym they have to drive to? Plus, there is so much on nutrition advice on the internet and apps that is free.