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Plutonic Panda
03-27-2015, 05:27 PM
No way. Traffic backs up in Dallas at rush hour just like I said it does!? You're kidding me.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2015, 05:28 PM
You know what else, for a city of 7 million, there sure is a lot of green there.

Video Expert
03-27-2015, 05:37 PM
You know what else, for a city of 7 million, there sure is a lot of green there.

Yeah...a lot of green South of I-30. Majority of that 7 Million lives north of I-30 though. Nothing personal, but I've been driving DFW highways for 30 years...and the traffic in Dallas, Denton, Collin, and Tarrant Counties between 6-10am and 3:00PM- 7:00PM is terrible no matter how you want to spin it.

However, I believe Houston traffic is actually worse.

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2015, 05:39 PM
I agree with you man. Listen, I'm not trying to say traffic in Dallas is a walk in the park. During rush hour, it is nightmarish conpared to OKC.

But if you reall think about it, for the most part traffic in Dallas moves with a few exceptions.

03-27-2015, 07:04 PM
Rush hour in Dallas is rush (4-5) hour(s). If you're downtown past 3 PM and headed north, you might want to wait until 7 or 8. I've been down there quite a bit in the past 6 months, and honestly I'm astonished at how bad 35E is vs just last year. If you're leaving after 3 PM from the downtown or market areas, a trip to OKC that has taken between 3 and 3-1/2 hours as long as I remember now takes 5. Taking the NDT makes it quite a bit better, but avoid 380 to Denton. Used to be my secret weapon, but now it's terrible with construction too. I think next time I will cut north before Denton on 289 or 377 to 82 and meet back up with 35 in Gainesville. It's that excruciating.

According to that map, I'm pretty sure that if a gun was held to my head and I was forced to move to a Dallas suburb that I would move to Duncanville.

03-27-2015, 07:36 PM
35E is especially bad because of construction.

It's a city of 7 million people though. A city that size is going to have some congestion. For a metro area that size, Dallas traffic flows remarkably smoothly. People who can't handle a little traffic congestion probably won't be happy in a big city.

And Urbanized, you should get off on university in Denton and take the NDT instead of 35E. It's much faster.

03-27-2015, 09:35 PM
Did you read the part that I wrote specifically about having switched to the NDT recently? But now University/380 is torn up and running two lanes throughout most of Denton and presents a nightmare on its own.

Regarding your comment that people who don't care for congestion shouldn't live in a big city? I'm reasonably well-traveled and can think of multiple cities I would consider moving to under the right circumstances, all of them at least as vibrant as Dallas if not more ("vibrancy" not necessarily being an economic term but also referring to quality of life).

Cities like Portland, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, New York, London, and even Denver ALL offer similar or better economic opportunities to those in Dallas, yet VASTLY better quality of life thanks in large part to the chance to live, work, play and generally function without spending half of your existence behind a windshield.

Accepting congestion as a condition of your existence is not a requirement for all big-city living; only those lives which are confined to cities planned exclusively - though "planned" is not really a good term here - around the automobile.

03-28-2015, 03:18 AM
Drove down to Dallas tonight after rush hour and still sat backed up on 35E... And, by the way, the 35E drive has so many potholes.

The funny thing is that I'm not saying Dallas is an unusually bad place for traffic is considering the sprawl layout and population of the city. It's all expected. If you'd quit claiming that generally "traffic flows smoothly" and Dallas highways are utopias then no one would feel the need to counter your arguments, Pluplan. There are definitely worse cities than Dallas. But there's no argument you can make that Dallas traffic is better than OKC's. Of course, it's due to metro size and growth, but for someone driving, that's not what matters. Driving in OKC is way, way better than DFW. Just like driving in Wichita is way, way better than OKC. Dallas is a great city in a lot of ways. I really enjoy it. But it's transportation isn't ideal. That's okay. Let's move on...

Plutonic Panda
03-28-2015, 04:12 AM
I agree with that.

03-28-2015, 01:09 PM
But there's no argument you can make that Dallas traffic is better than OKC's. Of course, it's due to metro size and growth, but for someone driving, that's not what matters. Driving in OKC is way, way better than DFW. Just like driving in Wichita is way, way better than OKC. Dallas is a great city in a lot of ways. I really enjoy it. But it's transportation isn't ideal. That's okay. Let's move on...

I don't think anybody has tried to claim that Dallas traffic is better than OKC's. Of course a small city is going to have much lighter traffic than a large one. When PluPan, myself, or anybody else says Dallas traffic flows smoothly, that is ONLY in comparison to Houston, Atlanta, Bay Area, Los Angeles, etc. Dallas traffic, as much as people complain about it compared to OKC's, is heaven compared to its peer cities.

03-28-2015, 01:46 PM
According to a recent study by TomTom, OKC actually shows up at the 47th worse traffic in the Americas. Dallas' traffic has improved in the last decade, so it is down compared to many of its peers.

03-28-2015, 02:20 PM
According to a recent study by TomTom, OKC actually shows up at the 47th worse traffic in the Americas. Dallas' traffic has improved in the last decade, so it is down compared to many of its peers.

This seems about right. DFW traffic is just a hair worse than Charlotte's. Metro DFW is three times the size of Charlotte though. They have achieved this by their investment in their infrastructure. It really is remarkable.

I guess that's why DFW traffic doesn't seem that bad to me. After living in Charlotte for three years and dealing with the traffic there, I have come to accept traffic as being a part of living in a big city.

03-28-2015, 02:33 PM
I have lived in many cities, and they all have bad traffic if you have to drive in it every day. San Diego seems to have really easy traffic, but then I only have to drive on about 5 miles of freeway a day. If I had to slog downtown everyday, it would be a different experience.

03-29-2015, 12:21 AM
Dallas' interstate expressway system is very navigable for a city of its size. The giant loops, mixing bowls, master mixers or mix masters as they call them, can be mesmerizing if you're not familiar with their system. There are probably 8 or 9 loops throughout the I-635, I-35, I-20 spoke wheel that are very impressive and confusing for those who aren't familiar with Dallas. The CB channels are full of discourteous nut cases upon entering Dallas from the outskirts. Stay focused! xDbx32plUf5-f3Ns7elgA

I've lived in the Fort Worth & Arlington area; owned a franchise in Dallas, so I'm familiar with that area. My sister lived there for many years. Like all super big cities, you have your share of jerks on the freeways who don't show courtesy toward anyone.

Would like to say that Houston where my cousin (Rev. James T. Porter) lives have motorists who seem to go out of their way to help and extend courtesy especially when they see an out-of-state license plate.

I'll never forget a peak traffic period on I-30 which was manned by about 13 uniform law enforcement officers who appear to be on the door of retirement between Ferguson Road & Loop 12 (Buckner Boulevard) exits , these troopers had stopped an automobile that was in the HOV LANE (must have passenger); there laid on the shoulder of the road a 'blow up doll' taken from the passenger side of the vehicle, the driver was handcuffed and taken from the scene. It was hilarious. :wink:

03-29-2015, 10:35 AM
Laramie, I've heard stories about women buying car seats for babies and putting dolls in them just to be able to use the HOV lanes. Never heard about the blow up doll, though. That takes the cake! I wonder if the guy was more upset about being arrested, or about losing his "girlfriend".

Plutonic Panda
03-29-2015, 06:54 PM
I saw article where a guy had a sex doll in his passenger seat and was pulled over and ticketed. This sex doll was of great quality apparently as it was worth north of $15,000. Ill try and find the article. This was awhile back though. If I recall to, it was a replica of Madonna or some other celebrity so he got bonus points for that.

03-29-2015, 07:49 PM
Is the HOV lane that much faster, or do these people do this for publicity? We were there over the weekend, so what we saw wasn't applicable.

Plutonic Panda
03-29-2015, 07:51 PM
I'd say the HOV lanes help. I really like them and wish they'd widen 35 to Norman and include an HOV lane. If I remember rigjt, they were going to have an HOV lane on the 44 in Tulsa but for some reason didn't do it.

I'd say in Dallas during rush hour they do help and car pooling is a good way to commute so you can use them. I also think you can use them if you have an electric car.

Now from what I see in LA, even the HOV lanes get backed up.

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:10 PM
Oh man this is so awesome! I really hope OKC gets a highway like this someday.

This outlines plans for expansion of the Central Expressway

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:12 PM
Tolled tunnels included in long-term Central Expressway study | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:13 PM

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:28 PM
Here's a cool map of what the street car system used to look like in Dallas.

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:33 PM
Downtown Streetcar expansion

D2 - Phase 1

Construction of the northern segment of D2, known as Phase 1, would allow DART to relieve some congestion in the current CBD transitway mall until the entire second alignment can be built. Under Phase 1, the Orange Line would be rerouted to an alignment that branches off at Victory Station and terminates at a new station serving the Union Station/Convention Center area.

The agency would construct two additional stations: one in the Victory Park district and one near the transit hub comprised of West End Station, CBD West Transfer Center and Rosa Parks Plaza.
DART and the city of Dallas hope to build a central Dallas streetcar link that would connect the Dallas Streetcar line to the M-Line Trolley line, which will soon loop through the Dallas Arts District.

The Orange Line would directly connect the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field with the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center and Omni Dallas Hotel. Regular rail service also would connect the convention center district to the American Airlines Center at Victory Station, replacing supplemental bus service currently provided during major conferences and special events.

Central Dallas Streetcar Link

By mid-2015, both the Dallas Streetcar and the M-Line Trolley Urban Circulator projects (see page 2) will be open. DART is assisting the city of Dallas in the development and review of alternatives for a new streetcar alignment through downtown that would connect the two systems, and by extension, the Dallas Arts District and the Oak Cliff/Bishop Arts District.

This streetcar line through the city center will enhance transit access and capacity within downtown, extending the reach of the DART Rail System. Until the entire D2 alignment is built, expanding the modern streetcar line will serve as a second east-west rail transit connection within the CBD. Also, the location of the streetcar route will impact where the D2 line goes.

- DART Priorities Report 2015 (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:37 PM
Dart ridership was 92.1 million down 14% from 2013.

- DART Priorities Report 2015 (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:42 PM
This is cool

In a few months, the Park Lane Starbucks will become the first in North Texas to serve beer and wine, said Michelle Davis, director of marketing at Park Lane. Stores in Starbucks’ new “evenings program” serve beer and wine after 4 p.m. along with appetizers and light meals.

- The Shops at Park Lane adds Forever 21 concept, J. Crew Factory stores | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:44 PM
North Texas Housing Market Surge

Denver, Miami and Dallas are leading the country in home price gains.

All three cities saw prices of preowned homes rise by more than 8 percent in January, according to the latest Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Home Price Index.

Dallas-area prices were 8.1 percent higher than in January 2014, according to the closely watched home price report.

Nationwide, prices were up 4.5 percent in the Case-Shiller survey.

“The combination of low interest rates and strong consumer confidence based on solid job growth, cheap oil and low inflation continue to support further increases in home prices,” S&P’s David M. Blitzer said in the report. “Regional patterns in recent months continue: strength in the West and Southwest paced by Denver and Dallas.”

Dallas’ year-over-year price gains in January were the largest since early 2014.;1043138249'

Read more here: Dallas among top U.S. markets for home price increases | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:45 PM
As a comparison OKC's went up 3.7%.

- Oklahoma City Home Prices and Home Values | Zillow (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:48 PM
Huge mixed-use development for North UT Campus

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:51 PM
900,000-square-foot development will include a 32-story residential tower and a 19-story office high-rise.

- Developers promise new Uptown tower project won?t cast a light on nearby neighbors | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:54 PM
Turtle Creek Condo Tower | $225 Million | 22 Stories

- Developer retools plans for Turtle Creek condo tower | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 03:58 PM
Legacy at Fitzhugh | 360 units | Eastside | Under-Construction

Another East Dallas apartment project in the works | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 04:35 PM
Picture of the new I-30 bridge by downtown thanks to Dallasite87(Dallas Fort Worth Urban Forum (

This thing is going to be beautiful. I really wish they'd construct a massive 5 stack for the I-40/235 interchange and build a new iconic bridge with pedestrian bridge running parallel and high-speed maglev going to Norman running elevated in the middle of I-35.

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 04:41 PM
Dallas’ landmark Ambassador Hotel sells for redevelopment

Developers have purchased a century-old Dallas hotel with plans to restore the property.

The landmark Ambassador Hotel is located just south of downtown Dallas and is one of the city’s oldest surviving residential hotels.

A partnership led by developer Jim Lake Jr. bought the 6-story building located on South Ervay Street across from downtown.

The hotel is next door to Dallas Heritage Village Park and is in an area that is seeing redevelopment.

The Ambassador opened in 1905 as the Majestic Hotel. The building was once considered Dallas’ most luxurious residential property, and was touted as the city’s “first suburban luxury hotel.”

And in the late 1930s the brick and stone


Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 04:47 PM
Dream Hotel in Uptown

A super cool boutique hotel coming to Uptown Dallas.

Plans for an upscale boutique hotel in Uptown are moving forward now that developers have incorporated millions of dollars in suggestions from neighbors and an area residents’ group.

Construction is expected to begin next month on the 128-room Dream Hotel at McKinney Avenue near Bowen Street in Uptown, an investor told The Dallas Morning News Thursday.

The official announcement is expected next week.

Construction of a Dallas Dream hotel originally was expected to begin in January of 2014, with an estimated opening date of April 2015.

The project team spent the additional time adjusting the hotel plans after seeking input from neighboring condo owners and from the Oak Lawn Committee, said investor Abteen Vaziri.



oh, and look at this

Going underground

To address some concerns about cars and parking, the five-story garage design was amended to move three floors below ground with two stories above. Previously only one story was below ground.

“It’s a little more expensive,” Vaziri said, but noted, “it makes the building overall look better.”
Why is this such a foreign concept here!?

Read more here:

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 04:50 PM
New Office/Retail building coming to Tuttle Creek

The developers of an office project in the works in Dallas’ Turtle Creek neighborhood hope to catch a boost from the boom next door in Uptown.

Prescott Group has purchased a 5.5-acre property next door to the Mansion on Turtle Creek where it plans to build a 14-story, 380,000-square-foot office and retail project.

The development — called 2727 Turtle Creek — is just the latest in a series of new deals in the Oak Lawn market.

- read more here: Turtle Creek office development is among several projects coming to the area north of Uptown | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 04:57 PM
Canyons at Oak Cliff | Huge 211 Acre Mixed-Use project along I-30 | Proposed(about to break ground)

Possible second Ikea is being looked at for here as well.

Here is an interactive map on their website: The Canyon In Oak Cliff (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:00 PM
Alexan West | 340 Units | Under-Construction

- Construction kicks off on two West Dallas apartment communities | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:11 PM
Alexan Skyline Apartments | 10 Stories | 365 Luxury Apartments | Under-Construction

Some renderings:

A couple of construction updates thanks to Kingpin (

- Dallas building designs are in the eye of the beholder | Dallas Morning News (

- Trammell Crow Residential starts work on Goat Hill apartments near downtown Dallas | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:14 PM
Butler Brothers Building Renovations

Owners of a historic downtown Dallas building have begun demolition to prepare for renovation of the property.

The 104-year-old Butler Brothers Building at 500 S. Ervay is one of the last large vacant commercial buildings downtown.

Owner Alterra International has announced plans to spend more than $85 million turning the 8-story former warehouse building into a mixed-use project with retail, apartments and hotel rooms.

- read more here: Demo starts to rehab downtown Dallas historic building | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:19 PM
Gables McKinney Ave | Uptown | 8 Stories | 239 Units w/ Whole Foods at the bottom | Under-Construction

Gables Residential has broken ground on its newest Dallas development located in the prominent Uptown district at the intersection of McKinney Avenue and Routh Street. Anchored by Whole Foods MarketŪ, Gables Residential plans on opening the mixed-use community in early 2015. On approximately three acres, the community is located on McKinney Avenue, one block from The Crescent, two blocks from the Ritz Carlton and surrounded by restaurants and retailers. In addition, the community is a quarter mile from Downtown Dallas, Klyde Warren Park and the Arts District.

Sue Ansel, CEO of Gables stated, “Gables is pleased to begin construction on our exciting new development which is designed to complement the neighborhood. We believe our community, with the addition of the Whole Foods Market, will enhance the amenity offering in the Uptown area. We are excited Whole Foods Market chose Gables to showcase their next store within the Dallas city limits.”

The community will be comprised of 222 apartment homes and 17 townhomes totaling 239 residences. The eight story high-rise and three story townhome style apartments will feature Whole Foods Market as the sole retail tenant occupying 39,500 sf on the main floor of the building. The eight story concrete high-rise will offer top quality finishes and amenities along with garage parking incorporating separate garages for Whole Foods Market and residents. The design is a contemporary warehouse aesthetic to complement the townhome portion of the community, which is located in the State-Thomas Historic District. The three-story townhomes will have internal garages and are designed to be historically contextual brownstones in the Queen Anne Victorian architectural style.

The community design is focused on the pedestrian experience, including patio seating along McKinney Avenue, and the Whole Foods Market entry adjacent to the McKinney Avenue Trolley. The garage will provide easy access for Whole Foods Market’s customers to enter the store for ease of shopping. Gables will be adding historic markers for the State-Thomas Historic District, open space for neighbors to enjoy green space, brick crosswalks and other enhancements for the neighborhood. In addition, Gables donated $85,000 of mature trees to the nearby Griggs Park renovation.

- Gables Residential Breaks Ground on New McKinney Routh Mixed-Use Development (

Coming Summer 2015. This brand new community will offer a superior living option in the Dallas Uptown neighborhood. Amenities will include an Infiniti edge pool, pet park with a rooftop view, 2 level fitness facility with on-demand fitness and 24 hour concierge service, to name a few. All this with the added convenience of having a brand new Whole Foods store right on the ground level. Be sure to share your contact information so that we can share more exciting details with you and ensure you are one of the first to receive updates. Pre-leasing will begin in early May 2015. We look forward to introducing you to all that Gables McKinney Ave will have to offer!

- Gables McKinney Ave Apartments: Photos, Floorplans, Availability and Pricing. Address: 2500 McKinney Avenue, Dallas, TX. Luxury Gables Apartments for Rent. (

Update from their website

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:30 PM
Dallas is considering giving up the city hall to a private developer.

04-02-2015, 05:33 PM
Pretty amazing how much that city is growing

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:34 PM
Dallas is waiting and watching on Love Field gate spat | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:38 PM
Philip Kingston Says Trinity Toll Road Is Built on a "Pack of Lies" | Dallas Observer (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:40 PM
Plans for the Houston St. Viaduct

Jefferson bridge: A look at changes coming now and perhaps down the road | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:41 PM
Toyota Relocation Update

Hundreds of outside contractors will make the massive move to Toyota’s new headquarters in Plano, joining the 4,000 regular employees asked to relocate.

A company spokesman said Monday that Toyota has not determined how many additional people — or jobs — will be part of the move.

“It’s just a finger in the wind at this point, but I think ultimately we will hire several hundred people and up to 1,000 for these jobs,” spokesman Scott Vazin said.

- Toyota to bring nearly 1,000 contract workers in Plano move | Dallas Morning News (

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:50 PM
Las Colina's Update | 309 Units | 4 Stories | Under-Construction

Construction is kicking off in Las Colinas on a major new apartment community.

Trammell Crow Residential has started the project in the Las Colinas Urban Center near Northwest Highway and Riverside Drive.

The 309-unit rental community is located near DART’s light rail line and is close to the Irving Convention Center and the new entertainment district that’s under construction.

Crow Residential’s Steve Bancroft said the project will be finished in mid 2016.

Crow is one of the busiest apartment builders in North Texas, with projects underway in Dallas’ Uptown district, in West Dallas and near the Design District.

- Crow Residential starts Las Colinas apartment community | Dallas Morning News (

Las Colina's

"It’s more than a place. We’re a thriving community! Nestled in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, just minutes from the DFW International Airport, Las Colinas attracts thousands of people each day. A booming business community, Las Colinas also offers eclectic shopping, vibrant restaurants and a fast-growing nightlife. With safe neighborhoods featuring lush landscaping and distinctive architecture, “The Hills” invite you to settle down, not for just a day, but for life!"


Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 05:55 PM
Old Texas Stadium Site Redevelopment

The former Texas Stadium site took center stage at Thursday's Irving State of the City Address, with a three-dimensional model showcasing the possible redesign of the high-profile acreage.

A San Diego firm, OliverMcMillan, has been working on a redevelopment plan of the 78-acre former Texas Stadium site for the past year, hoping to turn the acreage into a corporate magnet and high-end retail destination for Irving residents.

The tract could hold millions of square feet of corporate office space and house thousands of corporate employees, fueling speculation that Fort Worth-based American Airlines Inc. could be wooed to the property.

Mayor Beth Van Duyne wouldn't comment on American Airlines Inc., but said the property could attract a major corporation. She also said details of the project on the former Texas Stadium site are still being developed.

In the past, she's said she can't comment, citing a non-disclosure agreement with a real estate broker representing an undisclosed company. Previously, Troy Barron of Weston Commercial Realty has represented American Airlines in its real estate deals.

"I can confirm there's a lot of interest and a lot of negotiating, but it's too soon to speculate on who the future tenant will be," Van Duyne has said.

Texas Stadium hasn't existed since it was imploded in 2010. The land is being used to hold highway construction materials for the expansion of State Highway 183.

read more here: Former Texas Stadium site gets makeover as city hopes to land big tenant - Dallas Business Journal (

04-02-2015, 06:36 PM
PluPan, you have Dallas on the brain today! :)

Thanks for all the information. They sure are doing a bunch of stuff down there. It's mind-boggling.

Plutonic Panda
04-02-2015, 06:38 PM
Haha always! I love Dallas. Haven't posted any good updates in awhile. There is still tons more to post.

04-02-2015, 09:30 PM Dr. Plutonic Panda 46geJ8OSLlB3s1J9m78Bg
Thanks for a wonderful doctoral dissertation written about Dallas.

04-02-2015, 10:01 PM
I've always been one to feel lucky we live just three hours from one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the country. I don't see any kind of comparison with OKC as you can't compare a metro area that has a population of ours? Many parts of Dallas I like a lot, but to me Ft. Worth is one of the most underestimated, overlooked cities in the nation.

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2015, 01:10 AM
I am actually flying into Love on Tuesday as well.

This project isn't urban or anything, but the scale is insane.

Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas, said to be the largest furniture store in America

$400 Million
560,000 SF showroom
1,300,000 SF warehouse
2200 garage parking stalls/2000 surface lot stalls

It is projected to do over a billion in sales annually and has 6 miles worth of racking in the warehouse.'t realize it, but this is being built around it.

O'Brien Architects (

Plutonic Panda
04-07-2015, 01:51 AM
Rawlings: Highway officials cleared Trinity Parkway | Dallas Morning News (

04-07-2015, 08:05 AM
I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart last's like IKEA on steroids, size wise. It's incredibly large and we didn't even make it through the entire store...after 2.5 HOURS.

If you're ever in DFW and looking for some cool neighborhoods or districts to check out, I highly recommend Near Southside Fort Worth along Magnolia, Bishop Arts in Oak Cliff, downtown Grapevine, and the TCU/Berry area.

04-10-2015, 01:33 AM
Liberty Mutual confirms it’s bringing 5,000 jobs to new Plano campus

The 2-tower, more than 900,000-square-foot Liberty Mutual campus is being designed by Dallas-based architect Omniplan.

Final designs for the project have not been disclosed.

“There are still several critical steps we must complete before we provide definitive plans for the project,” Cusolito said.

Liberty Mutual confirms it?s bringing 5,000 jobs to new Plano campus | | Dallas Morning News (

05-16-2015, 11:30 AM
Another corporate exodus from CA to DFW. DFW is becoming quite the economic powerhouse!

Kubota Tractor Corp. relocating U.S. headquarters to Grapevine from California - Dallas Business Journal (

Plutonic Panda
05-16-2015, 07:12 PM
I just for the life of me don't understand why they'd want to locate in a sprawled out, cookie cutter, highway infested, un walkable, city like Dallas where the traffic is so bad people like adaniel can't even go out.

05-16-2015, 07:27 PM
If you can figure that out maybe you could also tell us why the line is always so long for the McDonalds drive-thru.

Plutonic Panda
05-16-2015, 07:39 PM
If you can figure that out maybe you could also tell us why the line is always so long for the McDonalds drive-thru.
I'm not a big fan of McDonalds but my chocolate chip cookies ain't gonna cook themselves ;)