View Full Version : Police Officer Down (Time for Thoughts and Prayers)

01-03-2014, 12:54 PM
A shooting just took place about a mile from the house. A perp is dead. A police officer is on the way to the hospital. It happened at a "low rent" convenience store on the Northeast Corner of Hefner and Penn. I hope you will join me in helping the officer recover.

01-03-2014, 01:38 PM
I just saw this on the news, hopefully the officer makes a full recovery. The suspect however is as dead as Julius Caesar and will never have another gallic campaign.

01-03-2014, 02:02 PM
Thoughts and prayers to the officer.

01-03-2014, 03:27 PM
Thoughts to the officer and his family - hopes for a speedy recovery.

Radical, It's still strange to think about Hefner & Western being anything but a great area. Those days are gone, but it hit me again when you described the store as "low rent." So true and so sad. My, how things change.

01-03-2014, 03:46 PM
The place "creeped me out" the first time I ever went in there and every time thereafter.
Eventually, I stopped stopping in there (during the course of the last decade or so).

Can't say why, but it did.

Thank [goodness] I didn't have to be the police officer "called to the scene" of a crime.

I pray that the young man, with a badge and the backing of "authority", standing between all the rest of us and anarchy will be both healed and strengthened from the experience.


01-03-2014, 05:52 PM
Thoughts to the officer and his family - hopes for a speedy recovery.

Radical, It's still strange to think about Hefner & Western being anything but a great area. Those days are gone, but it hit me again when you described the store as "low rent." So true and so sad. My, how things change.

Right in between the two most exclusive and expensive private schools in OKC.

01-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Right in between the two most exclusive and expensive private schools in OKC.

Good Observation. (sorta cold?)
Go . . . Figure. (implied ?)

(and not too far south of the next commercial clusterfukke--KommercialKlusterFukke--up around memorial rd.)
(so . . . are you, like, studying business administration 'r whut?) (like, at a crummy public skool?)
(if so, watch a lot of Rodney Dangerfield vids. on the topic "I don't get no respect" vis-a-vis [hecklers]) =)

01-05-2014, 10:55 AM
I was in that area, and at the same intersection only a couple days prior to this incident. I remember thinking how much of a s***hole that area has become.

RadMod,.. I'll second the Amen.

01-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Prayers to the officer and his family.

Bill Robertson
01-05-2014, 06:08 PM
My prayers are with him and his family.