01-03-2014, 09:39 AM
This just in, via Facebook . . .
27 Delightful Obsolete Words It's High Time We Revived (http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/27-delightful-obsolete-words-its-high-time-we-revived)
01-03-2014, 12:04 PM
My three favorites, in chronological order only, are:
Meaning: To argue loudly about something inconsequential.
Origin: 1530s
As in: I can’t stand Question Time, it always descends into brabbling.
(Also As In: Why do so many threads in here involve so much brabbling?)
Meaning: A little man with a high opinion of himself.
Origin: 1710s
As in: He’s a boastful shortarse. Total cockalorum.
(Also As In: Why does it seem to be a prerequisite for "modern management" that a candidate be a cockalorum?)
Meaning: The seemingly malevolent behaviour displayed by inanimate objects.
Origin: 1940s
As in: That water bottle looks like it wants to kill me. It exhibits resistentialism.
(Also As In: This laptop is frightening in its resistentialism. I hope it outgrows it.)
01-03-2014, 12:08 PM
twitter-light: new social media site specifically for brabbling about how much we hate Twilight
01-03-2014, 12:21 PM
twitter-light: new social media site specifically for brabbling about how much we hate Twilight
"Excellent" doesn't even begin to describe that quip.
I'd try to think of a better term, yet I need to go run a comb through my elflocks.
Like, posthaste.
01-03-2014, 07:01 PM
It seems fitting most of those are no longer used, a few seem like they only had any popularity in commonwealth countries after we had split off from the Empire.
01-03-2014, 08:08 PM
I didn't know Grumpish and Twattle were considered obsolete.
01-03-2014, 09:03 PM
It seems fitting most of those are no longer used, a few seem like they only had any popularity in commonwealth countries after we had split off from the Empire.
Unless yer up fer a whole lotta brabblin', pilgrim, I reckon y' need t' make clear whutcha mean by "we" . . . 'specially since ya' done already confused singular and plural third person pronouns in the same danged sentence . . . =)
01-03-2014, 09:03 PM
This just in, via Facebook . . .
27 Delightful Obsolete Words It's High Time We Revived (http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/27-delightful-obsolete-words-its-high-time-we-revived)
This is a lovely topic.
The next time you're at Ingrid's try not to be a groak. After all it was my
pineapple cheese pocket.
01-03-2014, 09:07 PM
This is a lovely topic.
The next time you're at Ingrid's try not to be a groak. After all it was my
pineapple cheese pocket.
Groak is a verb. Not a noun. At least it's verbish.
01-03-2014, 09:12 PM
Meaning: The seemingly malevolent behaviour displayed by inanimate objects.
Origin: 1940s
As in: That water bottle looks like it wants to kill me. It exhibits resistentialism.
All of a sudden it's like I can only deal with inanimate objects.
01-03-2014, 09:14 PM
Groak is a verb. Not a noun. At least it's verbish.
Very good. Then don't groak. It's my pineapple cheese pocket and NO you
can't have any part of it. IT'S MINE!
Does groakish fit in this diatribe?