View Full Version : Lost my puppy
PennyQuilts 01-02-2014, 11:05 PM Been kind of down because our 7.5 month puppy died the first week of December. With my kids and grandkids so far away, I am ridiculously attached to my dogs and they are definitely family members. Been grieving.
When she was about 2.5 months old she got really sick and they almost hospitalized her. They did every test in the book on her and finally decided it was some sort of bacterial infection. She seemed to bounce back but developed an irregular heartbeat. More very expensive tests, cardiologist, blah, blah, blah. They said her heart was structurally perfect and speculated that the earlier infection had thickened an area of the heart causing the electrical impulses to be irregular. They thought she'd outgrow it and the cardiologist said it wasn't dangerous and wouldn't get worse and that she should have a normal lifespan. She never slowed down or showed the slightest symptoms. She was just a ray of sunshine.
The day the big ice storm blew in, she was racing in and out of the house to play in the snow. That evening, she raced in and threw herself down by my husband's chair. She did that all the time. Within about twenty seconds she cried out 3-4 times. We were right there but she was GONE. No bringing her back. It was horrifying. I had my stethoscope handy because I checked her, regularly, and it was like listening to a brick - no respiration, heart, not even any stomach sounds. We tried chest compressions and my husband even did mouth to mouth. Nothing.
The whole family was upset and one of our other dogs who just adored her was beside herself and has had a relapse of an auto immune problem. In contrast, our other dog (who seemed to like her) has been acting like she won the lottery, the little sociopath. I suppose she is glad she no longer has a puppy jumping on her head but she isn't even making the effort to look sad.
Rough Christmas. We sure miss the little darling.
flintysooner 01-02-2014, 11:07 PM Sorry for your loss. It is always painful.
PennyQuilts 01-02-2014, 11:09 PM Thank you. Sucks.
Achilleslastand 01-02-2014, 11:31 PM We just lost one of ours Dec 8th which put a damper on the holidays. We have another that is older and just started having seizures and another that they cant figure out why he keeps losing weight.
My heart goes out to you and family big time.
Prayers inbound.......
ljbab728 01-02-2014, 11:39 PM So sorry, PQ.
My sincere condolences Penny, Losing a pet is hard. She will be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
zookeeper 01-02-2014, 11:55 PM I'm sorry, Penny. Losing a pet is tough, tough, tough. Thinking of you.
PennyQuilts 01-02-2014, 11:57 PM Thanks - and I sure am sorry, Achilles, both for your loss and because you other dog is ailing.
Sigh. Every puppy is special but, trust me, this little girl was canine sunshine. We'd just let her sleep outside her crate like a big girl the night before and she was so proud of herself. She was a complete love bug. I am just glad that if she suffered, it wasn't long. I am still shocked at how fast she went. I have to wonder if her heart had stopped before she even got back into the house. Maybe a EMT knows how that works. I don't.
bluedogok 01-03-2014, 12:17 AM Sorry Penny, I know it hurts.
PennyQuilts 01-03-2014, 12:22 AM I could go on and on about all her cute/sweet/happy ways. I know anyone that ever loved a dog could do the same thing. She was just a puppy and was so robust and vibrant. She fit into the family the instant her wee paws hit the ground when I set her on the driveway. And smart? OMG, she was brilliant. :)
Plutonic Panda 01-03-2014, 01:26 AM That is extremely sad. That is the worst part of having a pet(esp. dogs imo) is the bond that forms between you and them. They become part of the family quick and develop a personality you can't replicate. 14 years is 14 years to soon but less than a year, that just sucks. Very sad to hear your loss :(
kevinpate 01-03-2014, 01:34 AM So sorry for your losses folks.
Bunty 01-03-2014, 02:21 AM I could go on and on about all her cute/sweet/happy ways. I know anyone that ever loved a dog could do the same thing. She was just a puppy and was so robust and vibrant. She fit into the family the instant her wee paws hit the ground when I set her on the driveway. And smart? OMG, she was brilliant. :)
I can relate to you how you feel, and I'm sorry for your loss. But it's not a total loss. That dog will remain forever alive in your most cherished memories.
After I had my devoted black cat put to sleep due to cancer, I was real sad about it. It had been awful leading up to it as the vet told me it would be up me to decide when. I knew the time had come to give up all hope when I came home and found that he had lodged his entire body in the narrow space between the clothes dryer and the wall as if trying to hide from pain. As with people, why do bad things happen to good cats? My friend mentioned he handled the loss of his dog by soon going to the shelter to find a new dog to adopt. So I did that and adopted the only black cat they had. Toby has worked out fine.
venture 01-03-2014, 03:23 AM Hang in there Miss Penny, sorry to hear what happened.
bandnerd 01-03-2014, 09:02 AM I'm so sorry for your loss :( I've lost quite a few pets over my lifetime, and it's rough. Hang in there.
kelroy55 01-03-2014, 02:04 PM Sorry for your loss... My animals are like my kids too.
RadicalModerate 01-03-2014, 02:56 PM I lost an unofficially adopted, unclipped, pit-bull to Parvo on account of the neglect of its adoptive "mother" back in the 70's.
It put me off having a dog for a pet unto this very day.
Since I'm thinking about the benefits of (sub)-urban chicken coops, that was probably a rational decision.
No kidding, Penny: I know how much it hurts to lose something one loves.
PennyQuilts 01-03-2014, 08:34 PM Thank you guys. I waited to post about it because, well, it just hurt and I was so sad. I decided to post because I know that the love of the furkids is something so many of us relate to. I must be healing. Bunty, I am so sorry about your cat. I can tell you worried that he suffered and that makes it extra hard. Sometimes you know the death is coming but you never really think the day it happens is the day it will. I am glad you found a new friend.
Losing Fancy was devastating but I keep telling myself that at least she went fast and if she suffered, it was only for a matter of seconds. Not a bad death and she had a wonderful life, if short. But it sure left a hole in our hearts. I changed my avatar to a recent photo of her.
PennyQuilts 01-03-2014, 08:40 PM Radical, we nursed two dogs through parvo decades ago and it is a horrible disease. We had a fountain in the garden and my teenaged son would sit in it at night holding the dogs who were burning up with fever. I give him credit for saving them. One made a complete recovery but the other developed seizures and eventually died several months after we thought's she'd beat it. I am so sorry you lost your friend.
boscorama 01-03-2014, 08:47 PM Tragic. I'm so sorry.
Prunepicker 01-03-2014, 08:58 PM I'm so sorry. Dogs are very important to our well being.
PennyQuilts 01-03-2014, 10:40 PM Thank you. One of those things in life that you know is hard and when it happens, you realize it is REALLY hard.
Achilleslastand 01-04-2014, 12:14 AM That's quite the handsome ladd/lass in your avatar. There is no worse feeling in the world then losing a beloved pet.
Prunepicker 01-04-2014, 12:38 AM When Midge goes it won't be easy to deal with. She's been with me through
thick and thin. I've always managed to make sure that she's been taken
care of even at the abatement of my own, i.e. she eats before I do. She gets
medical treatment before I do.
She always loves. Period. Love conquers all.
1 Corinthians 13 ( Read all of it.
PennyQuilts 01-04-2014, 12:21 PM Losing a long time companion like Midge is painful, Prunie. Sometimes I wish I had fallen in love with those smaller dogs that live well into their teens. Our Samoyeds usually give us 12-14 years and that is not nearly enough. Some dog breeds only live 8-10 years, though, and that just makes me sad for their families.
I've lost an old dog who was ready to go and the grief was really about missing her - but we were happy that she had a good long life and knew it was time for her to go
Lost a dog in her prime in an anesthesia problem about five years ago and I am still grieving and it still hurts. She was my girl, it was a shock to lose her. She was way too young and vibrant - we'd expected another 5-6 years with her and felt cheated. Just didn't see it coming. She'd been such a big part of our life for so long that when she was abruptly gone, we had to adjust to a new normal that didn't feel right.
Losing Fancy (our sweet lass, Achilles) when she was still a puppy is like sunshine going behind a cloud. She had sweet, loving, adorable ways. Because she was just growing up, she hadn't settled into a routine that an older dog has. Accordingly, we don't have the same sense of disorientation we had when we lost Jezebel but we sure miss the love.
mugofbeer 01-04-2014, 07:15 PM I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my dog of 17 years a few months ago. He's been my companion through a previous wife, moves to Dallas, Denver, OKC and back to Denver. Its amazing how attached we get to them. His health deteriorated and in the middle of the night one night I knew it was time to say goodbye. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My sincere condolences.
MsDarkstar 01-04-2014, 07:19 PM My deepest sympathies, PQ. I lost my sweet babies last year, 4 months apart, but they gave me almost 12 wonderful years. I know for a fact that it's possible to love a furkid as much as real kids & I am so so so sorry you're going through this. I hope the happy memories of her can get you through this, as well as the knowledge that even though her life was short, every moment of it was overflowing with love.
PennyQuilts 01-04-2014, 07:24 PM I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my dog of 17 years a few months ago. He's been my companion through a previous wife, moves to Dallas, Denver, OKC and back to Denver. Its amazing how attached we get to them. His health deteriorated and in the middle of the night one night I knew it was time to say goodbye. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My sincere condolences.
Condolences back. It really is hard and you keep looking for them and expecting to see them in the favorite places. When you have them such a long time they become one of the most stable currents running through your life.
One of our dogs was particularly close to Fancy. She seemed to be doing better after a couple of weeks and then I noticed that she was starting to go lay down in Fancy's favorite places and where we kept her crate. They have a lot going on, emotionally. This same dog also abruptly had a health relapse (of an auto immune problem) that I suspect was brought on by stress.
PennyQuilts 01-04-2014, 07:29 PM My deepest sympathies, PQ. I lost my sweet babies last year, 4 months apart, but they gave me almost 12 wonderful years. I know for a fact that it's possible to love a furkid as much as real kids & I am so so so sorry you're going through this. I hope the happy memories of her can get you through this, as well as the knowledge that even though her life was short, every moment of it was overflowing with love.
Thank you. I've had kids and I've had dogs and while they aren't the same, in many ways it can be darn close. Losing two so close together is an awful blow and I feel bad for you. I've actually seen that sort of thing happen a number of times and it makes me wonder if they are like old married couples who seem to do that. When we lost Jezebel, our other dog, Evelyn, wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink. We were frantic that we'd lose her. If she hadn't been so distraught, we'd have waited awhile before getting Pearly (Pearly is the one so sad, this time). When we brought Pearly home, it cheered the whole family up. This time around, Pearly is the one actively grieving but Evelyn acts like she is living in a nonstop party, the heartless hussy. She didn't like the puppy constantly jumping on her head and pestering her.
boscorama 01-04-2014, 09:14 PM Having always had a dog (or more), I've accepted that I would've never had this one, had another not died and broken my heart. It's a dog's gift to us, shorter life spans so we could pass dog love to their next generation. What selfless critters.
I heard once that the reason dogs don't "get" mirrors is they have no sense of self.
Losing a long time companion like Midge is painful, Prunie. Sometimes I wish I had fallen in love with those smaller dogs that live well into their teens. Our Samoyeds usually give us 12-14 years and that is not nearly enough. Some dog breeds only live 8-10 years, though, and that just makes me sad for their families.
I've lost an old dog who was ready to go and the grief was really about missing her - but we were happy that she had a good long life and knew it was time for her to go
Lost a dog in her prime in an anesthesia problem about five years ago and I am still grieving and it still hurts. She was my girl, it was a shock to lose her. She was way too young and vibrant - we'd expected another 5-6 years with her and felt cheated. Just didn't see it coming. She'd been such a big part of our life for so long that when she was abruptly gone, we had to adjust to a new normal that didn't feel right.
Losing Fancy (our sweet lass, Achilles) when she was still a puppy is like sunshine going behind a cloud. She had sweet, loving, adorable ways. Because she was just growing up, she hadn't settled into a routine that an older dog has. Accordingly, we don't have the same sense of disorientation we had when we lost Jezebel but we sure miss the love.