View Full Version : Ed Shadid Launches Formal Attack on MAPS 3 Conv Center in tandem with Mayoral Bid

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04-07-2014, 09:18 AM
But there is this, which says that future petitions will need 12,000 signatures:
Petition signature requirement goes up due to turnout | News OK (

Maybe Shadid's petition gets grandfathered in?

04-07-2014, 09:21 AM
But there is this, which says that future petitions will need 12,000 signatures:
Petition signature requirement goes up due to turnout | News OK (

Maybe Shadid's petition gets grandfathered in?

Looks like you are right about the 6000:
Signatures sought to raise minimum wage in Oklahoma City | News OK (

I was thinking about state-wide petitions apparently.

Not sure. That is interesting. Maybe since he started it before the election it is 6,000 but if the language was not right it might have had to be redone and is now 12,000?

04-07-2014, 10:36 AM
Not sure. That is interesting. Maybe since he started it before the election it is 6,000 but if the language was not right it might have had to be redone and is now 12,000?

It's funny how quiet he has gone on this since losing the election... you would almost think he was only doing it to get votes...

04-07-2014, 06:36 PM
pandering for votes? if so, that seems almost dredful

04-15-2014, 06:30 PM
Just saw this on Twitter:

Advocates of initiative to call vote on MAPS 3 convention center miss deadline to submit signatures. #OKC #MAPS

04-15-2014, 07:56 PM
Just saw this on Twitter:

Advocates of initiative to call vote on MAPS 3 convention center miss deadline to submit signatures. #OKC #MAPS 1VtUZIhwRHc38vf2oQq

Thanks for the good news for now!

Heard that the 6,000 signatures needed to recall the convention center for a vote had already been collected?

Maybe Dr. Ed Shadid has found time to chill following the election. "Oklahoma City looks oh-so pretty... I get my kicks on Route 66." --Nat King Cole.

04-15-2014, 08:40 PM
Thanks for the good news for now!

Heard that the 6,000 signatures needed to recall the convention center for a vote had already been collected?

Maybe Dr. Ed Shadid has found time to chill following the election.

Maybe he's realized people aren't buying his crap...?

04-16-2014, 09:04 AM
My prediction: this turns into yet another Ed-head conspiracy theory.

(1) Ed had the signatures but was blackmailed/had his family threatened by "downtown business interests" (hint; the name rhymes with Hairy Pickles).

(2) The signatures were stolen from Ed's home by a team of burglars. Ed didn't file a police report or go to the press, yet. He doesn't want to tip his hand. He's digging for more. Seeing how deep this thing really goes.

(3) Ed had the signatures in time, but he discovered that buried underneath the new convention center is the Arc of the Covenant. This, he realizes, is the real reason Cornett wants the CC built so badly. Shadid must keep it out of Cornett's hands! The only sure way to do it is to allow the project to go forward and then take the Arc to safety. To get the Arc he'll need to form a team of infamous safe-crackers, hackers, triggermen, Chinese acrobats, getaway drivers and one sultry femme-fatale. Will he succeed?

One City Councilor. One Covert Operation. One Chance To Save The World.

Urban Pioneer
04-16-2014, 11:04 AM
Maybe Dr. Ed Shadid has found time to chill following the election.

Maybe the signatures got rolled up into little papers and smoked.

04-16-2014, 11:08 AM
Maybe Dr. Ed Shadid has found time to chill following the election.

Or maybe he actually went to a meeting in the CCC and then went to another one out of town (anywhere really) and realized there was a need for a new convention center AND an adjacent hotel.

04-17-2014, 01:22 AM
My prediction: this turns into yet another Ed-head conspiracy theory.

(1) Ed had the signatures but was blackmailed/had his family threatened by "downtown business interests" (hint; the name rhymes with Hairy Pickles).

(2) The signatures were stolen from Ed's home by a team of burglars. Ed didn't file a police report or go to the press, yet. He doesn't want to tip his hand. He's digging for more. Seeing how deep this thing really goes.

(3) Ed had the signatures in time, but he discovered that buried underneath the new convention center is the Arc of the Covenant. This, he realizes, is the real reason Cornett wants the CC built so badly. Shadid must keep it out of Cornett's hands! The only sure way to do it is to allow the project to go forward and then take the Arc to safety. To get the Arc he'll need to form a team of infamous safe-crackers, hackers, triggermen, Chinese acrobats, getaway drivers and one sultry femme-fatale. Will he succeed?

One City Councilor. One Covert Operation. One Chance To Save The World.

You missed the part about the Chamber Junta. Where do they come in?

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