01-09-2014, 03:45 PM
So we can criminalize a "hobby that produces fresh healthy cheap food" then, under the right criteria?
View Full Version : No Chickens Yet jerrywall 01-09-2014, 03:45 PM So we can criminalize a "hobby that produces fresh healthy cheap food" then, under the right criteria? Mel 01-15-2014, 07:32 PM If this has been mentioned already, sorry. I was at Sam's today picking up some meds and they now have chicken coop kits for $300.00. The display looked nice. Prunepicker 01-15-2014, 07:48 PM An important message. You need to empty your private message files. I can't send you a private message. BBatesokc 01-15-2014, 07:59 PM If this has been mentioned already, sorry. I was at Sam's today picking up some meds and they now have chicken coop kits for $300.00. The display looked nice. Its a great coop for 4 regular hens and maybe 6 bantam. You'd be hard pressed to buy the wood and materials and take the time to cut them up and beat that price. Reinforce the bottom and add some wheels for about $40 and you've got a chicken tractor. The memorial location is the only one selling it I think. Mel 01-15-2014, 08:13 PM Today I just saw it at the SW 5th store. Maybe thay can hear the thunder of chicken feet heading this way.;) ljbab728 01-22-2014, 12:44 AM It's still being discussed. Urban chickens earned a second chance Tuesday. The Oklahoma City Council moved ahead with plans to let residents keep up to six hens for their eggs and for the fertilizer they produce for backyard gardens. Under the proposal, residents who pay $25 could apply to keep chickens. Neighbors would be notified and given the chance to comment in writing or in person. The city's board of adjustment would vote on requests after hearing from neighbors. The five-member board has the authority to act on requests for exceptions to some land-use rules. Requests that are denied can only be appealed in court. Residents with backyard chickens would have to abide by rules including: A prohibition on roosters and outdoor slaughter. A shelter or coop providing at least four square feet per chicken and yard space of at least eight square feet per chicken. Shelters would have to be kept clean and free of pests. Under the proposal, residents who pay $25 could apply to keep chickens. Neighbors would be notified and given the chance to comment in writing or in person. The city's board of adjustment would vote on requests after hearing from neighbors. The five-member board has the authority to act on requests for exceptions to some land-use rules. Requests that are denied can only be appealed in court. Residents with backyard chickens would have to abide by rules including: A prohibition on roosters and outdoor slaughter. A shelter or coop providing at least four square feet per chicken and yard space of at least eight square feet per chicken. Shelters would have to be kept clean and free of pests. There is no mention about what criteria would be used to decide on a denial based on neighbors objections. I still just see this as a "feel good" measure for the food yuppies and having little affect on anything actually pertaining to saving money or healthy eating. BBatesokc 01-22-2014, 07:31 AM It's still being discussed. There is no mention about what criteria would be used to decide on a denial based on neighbors objections. I still just see this as a "feel good" measure for the food yuppies and having little affect on anything actually pertaining to saving money or healthy eating. I'm sure the criteria is fluid and depends on who articulates their side better. Could also come down to a neighbor thinking the licensee is a pig and hoarder and they might bring in some photos of a trash strewn yard, etc. This actually why I'm in favor of licenses in instances where people are on smaller lots and what they do can have an effect on their neighbors. Didn't read the article, but can HOA's override the city policy and ban chickens outright? I also agree - this has zero to do with raising chickens being a good idea for one's food budget. That is unless we are soon going to see Obama Coops handed out to the 'needy.' betts 01-22-2014, 08:38 AM I definitely think you can over-regulate but as someone who won't have chickens but does not oppose them, I'm glad the neighbors will likely have some rights. It gives the chickens some rights as well and I don't see that as a bad thing either. kevinpate 01-22-2014, 08:42 AM Chicken rights - You have the right to participate in my breakfast. You have the right to be committed to my breakfast. You have the right to sit in a biscuit. You have the right to be bathed in gravy. If you catch the lunch train, additional rights will be available to you. LakeEffect 01-22-2014, 09:06 AM I'm sure the criteria is fluid and depends on who articulates their side better. Could also come down to a neighbor thinking the licensee is a pig and hoarder and they might bring in some photos of a trash strewn yard, etc. This actually why I'm in favor of licenses in instances where people are on smaller lots and what they do can have an effect on their neighbors. Didn't read the article, but can HOA's override the city policy and ban chickens outright? I also agree - this has zero to do with raising chickens being a good idea for one's food budget. That is unless we are soon going to see Obama Coops handed out to the 'needy.' I think an HOA can do such, if it is a true Homeowner's Association and not a Neighborhood Association; that distinction would essentially limit the controls to newer subdivisions. Martin 01-22-2014, 09:20 AM Chicken rights - You have the right to participate in my breakfast. You have the right to be committed to my breakfast. You have the right to sit in a biscuit. You have the right to be bathed in gravy. If you catch the lunch train, additional rights will be available to you. we hold these truths to be self evident: that all meat, both light and dark, are created equal. that they are endowed by their creator with certain eleven herbs and spices. -M Plutonic Panda 05-14-2014, 03:04 AM This is dumb. Oklahoma City Council rejects proposal to relax rules on chickens in city | News OK ( David 05-14-2014, 07:43 AM I dunno. I watched the streaming video of a city council meeting a few weeks back where they discussed this issue, and about an hour into the arguments over it I wanted to stab my eyes out. Filing kids past the city council and having them talk about their desire to raise chickens is just blatant emotional manipulation. On a side note, I may be old and grouchy. ljbab728 05-14-2014, 10:55 PM I dunno. I watched the streaming video of a city council meeting a few weeks back where they discussed this issue, and about an hour into the arguments over it I wanted to stab my eyes out. Filing kids past the city council and having them talk about their desire to raise chickens is just blatant emotional manipulation. On a side note, I may be old and grouchy. I helped raise and take care of a slew of chickens when I was a kid and absolutely hated it. Those kids have no idea what they're talking about. LOL kevinpate 05-15-2014, 09:35 AM The grass is always greener and the chickens are always nicer and cleaner on the other side of the fence. disclaimer: though oft believed, the above sentiments are not necessarily factual. gjl 05-15-2014, 02:52 PM we hold these truths to be self evident: that all meat, both light and dark, are created equal. that they are endowed by their creator with certain eleven herbs and spices. -M If that were true your 2 pieces and a biscuit for $1.99 at Church's Chicken would be 2 breasts and not a thigh and a leg. Prunepicker 05-15-2014, 09:50 PM My Sis has chickens. Nobody complains about them. The eggs are free range and absolutely incredible. I believe she get's $3.00 per dozen. Maybe it's $4.00. Most grocers in OKC and the surrounding area sell eggs that are 2 weeks old or older. That includes Braum's. We live in the Bethany/Woodlawn Park area. We can even have one horse per acre. I don't know if that includes a cow or goat. I'm sure they are allowed since it's very reasonable to do so. I'd like to have a cow on my property. I'm going to study the average output and see if it's a viable option. How to Tell If Eggs are Still Good ( Prunepicker 05-15-2014, 10:14 PM Apparently cows produce at least 1 gallon per day. That means I need to find 5 people who will take 1 gallon per week. BBatesokc 05-16-2014, 04:30 AM We live in the Bethany/Woodlawn Park area. We can even have one horse per acre. I don't know if that includes a cow or goat. I'm sure they are allowed since it's very reasonable to do so. I'd like to have a cow on my property. I'm going to study the average output and see if it's a viable option. How to Tell If Eggs are Still Good ( I know in Edmond we can have a horse - neighbor down the street has one. But you can't have a cow, goat, sheep, etc. (anything with a cloven hoof). We have a large flock of guineas in our neighborhood that are pretty cool. They go from yard to yard eating ticks, weed seeds, snakes, etc. We've got ducks and geese too, but they stick to the pond mostly. Plutonic Panda 05-16-2014, 05:22 AM I know in Edmond we can have a horse - neighbor down the street has one. But you can't have a cow, goat, sheep, etc. (anything with a cloven hoof). We have a large flock of guineas in our neighborhood that are pretty cool. They go from yard to yard eating ticks, weed seeds, snakes, etc. We've got ducks and geese too, but they stick to the pond mostly.My cousin Cie who lives in Rolling Creek off of Bryant has one. It stays with two dogs and is pretty quite. Plutonic Panda 05-16-2014, 05:22 AM Apparently cows produce at least 1 gallon per day. That means I need to find 5 people who will take 1 gallon per week.I'll take a gallon per day man ;) I actually drink about 3/4 gallon of chocolate/regular milk a day. ljbab728 05-17-2014, 12:46 AM A loophole, at least temporarily. Backyard chickens are OK in Oklahoma City, for now | News OK ( Urbanized 05-17-2014, 09:52 AM I'm not in any way opposed to backyard chickens, but some the hipsters who want this probably don't know that hens only lay eggs for a portion of their lives, and after that they are only other mouths to feed. On the farm, there is a solution for that; it's called chicken dinner. But I doubt too many of the kids will want to slaughter their pets and eat them. Especially after they artfully curate their flock and knit chicken sweaters for them. kevinpate 05-17-2014, 12:04 PM On the flip side, if there was a true circle of life, then the hipsters and hipster babies could simply acquire new younger and cuter pets on a regular basis and a kindly neighborhood elder or three could gather up the non-layers, and a few eggs for their trouble, and eat quite well. RadicalModerate 05-17-2014, 12:39 PM My wife and I visited an Organic Farm in Wisconsin owned and operated by a couple she knows from years ago. One of the things they raise is chickens. For breakfast, we were served some of the best eggs I've ever eaten, and I'm not a big fan of eggs. The fried chicken, served for dinner, was also awesome. BBatesokc 05-17-2014, 12:52 PM I'm not in any way opposed to backyard chickens, but some the hipsters who want this probably don't know that hens only lay eggs for a portion of their lives, and after that they are only other mouths to feed. On the farm, there is a solution for that; it's called chicken dinner. But I doubt too many of the kids will want to slaughter their pets and eat them. Especially after they artfully curate their flock and knit chicken sweaters for them. A retired hen is not very good eating as the meat gets pretty tough. I guess you could use the meat for stock/soups. People with them that I know usually just put them down and discard them or use them in live traps to catch predators in the area. Dennis Heaton 05-17-2014, 01:06 PM I helped raise and take care of a slew of chickens when I was a kid and absolutely hated it. Count your blessings! I lived with a foster family that raised fryer rabbits and I absolutely, positively, ain't nothing worse in this world...hated it! kevinpate 05-17-2014, 01:08 PM ... raised fryer rabbits and I absolutely, positively, ain't nothing worse in this world...hated it! The raising or the frying? :) ctchandler 05-18-2014, 11:26 AM Dennis, My favorite relative(s), Aunt Veda (Auntie) and Uncle Lafe in Chickasha didn't have much money, but about 3/4 of an acre for a garden, a chicken house, and rabbit pens. I spent every August there until I was about 14 and learned a lot. Most of the food on my plate was from the garden, rabbit pens or Chicken house. My favorite sausage was rabbit sausage. It was good for breakfast, and a patty on a bun was like a hamburger. Great memories for me even though in my early years I used to close my eyes when Uncle Lafe "rabbit chopped" the rabbit's neck in preparation for skinning it. Same thing when my aunt used to put her foot on he chicken's head and pull it's feet to decapitate it prior to turning it over to my uncle to dress. Part of growing up when you were poor or at least not financially well off. Never looked at it that way, had plenty of food and lots of love. It's when I got older that I realized how little they/we really had. C. T. Count your blessings! I lived with a foster family that raised fryer rabbits and I absolutely, positively, ain't nothing worse in this world...hated it! RadicalModerate 05-18-2014, 01:04 PM I had a lady cook something for me one time. Something fried. I thought to myself, "That is the STRANGEST looking cut-up chicken that I've ever seen." Halfway through my second piece, she told me it was rabbit. I don't know if it was the way that it was fried or not, but [yes] it tasted like chicken. It's okay to raise rabbits in the city . . . isn't it? Just don't be tempted to try any of those little "eggs" they lay . . . Those would probably taste more like something else beginning with "s". Dennis Heaton 05-18-2014, 06:03 PM The raising or the frying? :) The fryin was good, the eatin was all good. It was the killin when they got the "disease" that was downright horrible! Snowman 05-18-2014, 08:28 PM At this point I would not be shocked that even if/when the city does allow it the state will ban cities from allowing it state wide. Prunepicker 05-18-2014, 09:34 PM I had a lady cook something for me one time. Something fried. I thought to myself, "That is the STRANGEST looking cut chicken that I've ever seen." Halfway through my second piece, she told me it was rabbit... My experience is that rabbit is similar to the dark meat of a chicken. I went rabbit hunting as a 10 year old who owned a shotgun and .22. Spent many evenings riding on the hood of a car in south OKC (@119th et al). Even picked up some possum. Not sure about the eggs. Prunepicker 05-18-2014, 09:37 PM Those would probably taste more like something else beginning with "s". The only thing that tastes like chikin is chikin. Period. Rattlesnake don't taste like chikin. Sand bass don't taste like chikin. Firestone 721's don't taste like chikin. Dennis Heaton 05-18-2014, 09:54 PM A loophole, at least temporarily. Backyard chickens are OK in Oklahoma City, for now | News OK ( Wonder what my Apartment Manager is gonna say when I set up the Coop? Second thought, we have to pay $10.00/mo in rent for each pet. Nevermind! RadicalModerate 05-19-2014, 06:47 PM I think there are only about two or three rodents that are suitable for plating up: Rabbits (been there, done that), Squirrels (maybe in something like Brunswick Stew) and Guinea Pigs. I'd have a difficult time with the Guinea Pig on account of one of my childhood pets was one of the breed. I hear-tell that you "ain't s'posed t' eat rabbits 'ceptin' fer certain times of year on account of the ["Weebles" or "Warvels" or whatevers]." My granddad told me that once. When HE was a kid, around the time of Statehood, his family had to destroy their entire crop of pigs on account of "The Cholera". The killing and disposal of the product (by burning) made him so ill that he never touched ham, bacon or any other pork product the rest of his life. "I can smell the Cholera in it," he said from time to time. He also used to comment on what a miracle a turtle was: "Did you know that there are seven different meats in a turtle?" It probably gave me a deeper appreciation of a few of those scenes in Forrest Gump involving shrimp. So, since, there seems to be an "elitist" cabal against Chickens (perhaps as some sort of affront to The New Urbanism?), what about Cornish Game Hens? The Organic Ones. The ones that are used to noise and auto exhaust . . . =) RadicalModerate 05-19-2014, 06:53 PM The only thing that tastes like chikin is chikin. Period. Rattlesnake don't taste like chikin. Sand bass don't taste like chikin. Firestone 721's don't taste like chikin. Apparently you ain't never had the chikin at a well known local Cafeteria . . . =) Plutonic Panda 05-19-2014, 09:14 PM The only thing that tastes like chikin is chikin. Period. Rattlesnake don't taste like chikin. Sand bass don't taste like chikin. Firestone 721's don't taste like chikin.Finally!!!!!!!!!! If Alligator taste like chicken, then chicken taste like alligator. I don't know why, it has always kind of bugged me when people say ''frog legs taste like chicken'' "alligator taste like chicken'' ''rattle snake taste like chicken". Well, I've never eaten rattlesnake, but I want to. RadicalModerate 05-19-2014, 10:48 PM Finally!!!!!!!!!! If Alligator taste like chicken, then chicken taste like alligator. I don't know why, it has always kind of bugged me when people say ''frog legs taste like chicken'' "alligator taste like chicken'' ''rattle taste like chicken". Well, I've never eaten rattlesnake, but I want to. Apparently, based upon a previous post, on a different thread, regarding strange and weird, PrayingMantises like Alien Worms? The fact of the matter is, all and none of it is non-Kosher. (or whatever the altreligion phrase du jour of the idea is). The Main Thing is (at least in my "opinion"): Enjoy Life: Be Grateful, Be Joyful, Be Forgiving and Be Not Bitching About The Food. =) Sorry . . . went to a HS Grad Ceremony, yesterday . . . and the clichés are still resonating . . . =) (in addition to a few observations of the current management of a fine dining establishment, we all know and, at least, like) Prunepicker 05-20-2014, 12:47 AM Finally! If Alligator taste like chicken, then chicken taste like alligator. I don't know why, it has always kind of bugged me when people say ''frog legs taste like chicken'' "alligator taste like chicken'' ''rattle snake taste like chicken". Well, I've never eaten rattlesnake, but I want to. Alligator and frog legs taste closer to fish. I've not eaten rattlesnake, either. I have a friend who goes hunting every spring. This guy she knows has a ranch and part of it is for attracting rattlers and there are a lot of dens. oklip955 05-20-2014, 12:33 PM As a backyard chicken owner (legal and on 10 ac) I will say a chicken can live a long life. I have a 13 yo hen. I'm not sure if you has layed any eggs this year or not but she did lay a few last year. I'm taking special care of an injured hen. ( I accidently slammed the door on her beak. She has a facial fracture and is living in a dog kennel right now. She is so sweet and kind. Yes they can make be a pet. She even pottie trained herself. I had her up at OSU vet school for a few days. They took her out for walks on with a harness and leash. Yep they can be pets. Mine are just very friendly layers who live out their lives in the hen house. Dennis Heaton 05-20-2014, 02:08 PM Apparently you ain't never had the chikin at a well known local Cafeteria . . . =) I know ya said "Cafeteria," but I am thinking Joe's Crab Shack...there Chicken is FUNKY! Prunepicker 05-20-2014, 07:21 PM The most important fact that this thread can accept is that President Ronald W. Reagan is the greatest President of the 20th Century and since. He may even be the greatest from a large portion of the 19th Century. Dubya61 05-21-2014, 12:56 PM The most important fact that this thread can accept is that President Ronald W. Reagan is the greatest President of the 20th Century and since. He may even be the greatest from a large portion of the 19th Century. because he raised chickens? how is that pertinent? Dennis Heaton 05-21-2014, 02:01 PM because he raised chickens? how is that pertinent? LOL!!! Because he was a Cattle Rancher. Maybe? trousers 05-21-2014, 05:26 PM because he raised chickens? how is that pertinent? He posts that in every thread. Or maybe he has mayor cornett and gorbachev confused? Jersey Boss 07-15-2014, 03:34 PM No one shows up for back-yard chickens hearing | News OK ( I guess that fad has come and gone. Bullbear 07-15-2014, 04:25 PM No one shows up for back-yard chickens hearing | News OK ( I guess that fad has come and gone. I thought this was a done deal. .I guess I didn't follow that closely. .but I know several people who have chickens now LandRunOkie 07-15-2014, 04:27 PM Cornett before election: Pro backyard chickens Cornett after election: Anti backyard chickens Sorry oKc, you got duped again. Jersey Boss 07-15-2014, 04:31 PM I thought this was a done deal. .I guess I didn't follow that closely. .but I know several people who have chickens now Looks like they will be legal for the next three months. After that they will be at the mercy of the neighbors. betts 07-15-2014, 05:19 PM No one shows up for back-yard chickens hearing | News OK ( I guess that fad has come and gone. If people don't care enough to show up, perhaps they don't care all that much. What will likely happen is that the people who don't care one way or another will ignore people who have them. And some people will have them because they don't pay enough attention to city politics to show up for hearings. betts 07-15-2014, 05:22 PM Cornett before election: Pro backyard chickens Cornett after election: Anti backyard chickens Sorry oKc, you got duped again. To be honest with you, that was probably lowest on the list of reasons I voted for Mick. I have no yard, but do covet one of the attractive coops some of the trendy online stores are selling. My hipster nephew has chickens on his several acres of land. Last time I visited they seemed like a lot of work. And, having watched my mother butcher many a chicken and being the designated feather puller, I'll stick with organic chicken meat from one of the stores that sells it. trousers 07-15-2014, 09:49 PM Cornett before election: Pro backyard chickens Cornett after election: Anti backyard chickens Sorry oKc, you got duped again. The ol' poultry switcheroo. A classic move from the Tammany Hall play book. Or was it Alinsky? But you're right. I'm sure it was the poultry move that swung the election. bchris02 07-15-2014, 10:01 PM It's pretty clear this isn't an issue that a lot of people care about being that nobody showed up for the meeting. kevinpate 07-16-2014, 07:31 AM It's pretty clear this isn't an issue that a lot of people care about being that nobody showed up for the meeting. Maybe they were all stuck in the drive through lane of a Chik Filet. betts 07-16-2014, 08:12 AM Re: West side Slim Chickens closed I'm sure the concept can be resurrected at any time. The plan is already in place. If you get a few committed and vocal people to lobby their council people it will likely happen. If you sit back and hope someone else will do it for you, well then. David 07-16-2014, 08:22 AM It does feel just a little bit odd that nobody managed to show up. A few months back I was watching the stream of a council meeting where this was discussed, and the flood of people who wanted chickens was unending. Maybe the issue simply died down, but it makes me wonder if this new hearing was properly publicized. bchris02 07-16-2014, 01:07 PM It does feel just a little bit odd that nobody managed to show up. A few months back I was watching the stream of a council meeting where this was discussed, and the flood of people who wanted chickens was unending. Maybe the issue simply died down, but it makes me wonder if this new hearing was properly publicized. It is surprising, given how popular this was on OKCTalk. |