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12-31-2013, 09:39 AM it seems new NYC mayor de Blasio has decided to abolish the horse-drawn carriage industry in NYC.

I'm unyieldingly amazed how the NYC electorate keeps putting people like this in power. FIrst it was Bloomberg and his absurd pop police, now its the horse patrol. Unreal.

Bill de Blasio On Horse-Drawn Carriage Industry: "It's Over" | New York Daily News (

12-31-2013, 10:04 AM
I agree it's ridiculous.

12-31-2013, 10:05 AM
In related news, Alpo has announced it is willing to provide shiny new compact homes to all displaced horses.

12-31-2013, 10:12 AM
What a great legacy to leave behind .. That your first action in office was to put an entire industry in your city out of work. GOOD JOB!

New York City, your horses and horseman are more than welcome here.

12-31-2013, 12:20 PM
How dare he run that city. Who does he think he is, the mayor?

Good lord, unless you are a horse carriage operator in NYC, or you take a carriage ride along central park every time you go to NYC, who cares?

12-31-2013, 12:22 PM
How dare he run that city. Who does he think he is, the mayor?

Good lord, unless you are a horse carriage operator in NYC, or you take a carriage ride along central park every time you go to NYC, who cares?

Pretty callous attitude to those people and what they do and what it means to a lot of folks.

12-31-2013, 12:24 PM
Pretty callous attitude to those people and what they do and what it means to a lot of folks.

Yeah... it's not like we're talking about taking food stamps away from people during the holidays.

12-31-2013, 12:31 PM
In related news, Alpo has announced it is willing to provide shiny new compact homes to all displaced horses.

Alpo?! Is Alpo now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ralston Purina (Ralston does still make horse chow, don't he)?
(oh . . . i get it . . . bringing cats and dogs up into a different level of the food chain . . . Maybe the Mayor could re-label "Fancy Feast" and toss cans of it to all of the grateful peasants during his next parade. That would be better than Underwood Potted Meat Product . . . or Deviled "Ham". It would be, like, a milestone in repurposing. or at least a kilometerstone in reporpoising.)

Ironically, (in breaking news), the Mayor of New York City just approved a version of the running of the bulls!
In order to add to the amount of robust, ramped-up effluvia (both flotsamwise and jettsonesque) to be found there.
Apparently, The Mayor, wants to leave behind a legacy that everyone can appreciate.

12-31-2013, 12:43 PM
The people of NYC deserve what they vote for.

12-31-2013, 12:46 PM
Yeah... it's not like we're talking about taking food stamps away from people during the holidays.


12-31-2013, 12:52 PM
Having ridden the NYC Surrey's this is just more asshattery in action.

12-31-2013, 01:24 PM
How dare he run that city. Who does he think he is, the mayor?

Good lord, unless you are a horse carriage operator in NYC, or you take a carriage ride along central park every time you go to NYC, who cares?

Because its just another example of certified idiocy in public office, being discussed in a public forum.

Don't like it? Don't reply. Unless you're just that bored.

12-31-2013, 01:31 PM
This is silly -- and I supported Diblasio.

12-31-2013, 01:35 PM
And to think they could have elected Anthony Weiner. What a missed opportunity.

12-31-2013, 01:38 PM
And to think they could have elected Anthony Weiner. What a missed opportunity.

LOL... does the city council have to approve?

12-31-2013, 01:38 PM
And to think they could have elected Anthony Weiner. What a missed opportunity.

LOL...that's simultaneously funny and a pretty sad indictment of the state of NYC politics.

12-31-2013, 02:07 PM
Having ridden the NYC Surrey's this is just more asshattery in action.

"Asshattery" is a term that is used far too rarely.
In the future, it may be used even less.
On account of the new term will be:
The Bloomberg de Blasio Crown.
It will lend greater depth and texture
to the Pace Picante Sauce ad
featuring New York City
As a point of reference
for quality bites.

Boss Tweed is even now
spinning in his grave
under Tammany Hall
Attempting to turn unused horses
into the political glue
holding the big apple together.

That, or a new version of haggis for the masses.

Good luck.

12-31-2013, 02:36 PM
We put an end to the dog fights, cock fights and legally getting your cat stoned. We can no longer turn a blind eye to indentured animal servitude any longer even for the blind. Sorry service animal owners but your master days are numbered. If we won't emancipate enslaved animals then who will? If not now then when? I know I don't want to be on the wrong side of history on this one. Nope, not I.

12-31-2013, 02:55 PM

Would you expect any less from a communist ?

12-31-2013, 03:02 PM
Stupid idea to get rid of the, hopefully it gets blocked.

No need to derail the discussion any further than that.

12-31-2013, 03:31 PM
I was going to mention the lingerie football league. . .

12-31-2013, 03:39 PM

Would you expect any less from a communist ?

"How many times you got t' be reminded? People wit' names ending in vowels are-ent 'communists' . . . 'scuse me, youse be reminded . . .
"In fact, we are currently negotiatin' a contrac' t' produce treats for Sasquatch in the form of meat sticks. Dis all portends a new level of cooperation bridge between Jersey and East Jersey."

12-31-2013, 06:52 PM
I always knew he would end up caving to the rickshaw lobby.

12-31-2013, 10:08 PM
The Complete List of Everything Michael Bloomberg Banned as Mayor of NYC | (

Antler dad
12-31-2013, 11:55 PM
The Complete List of Everything Michael Bloomberg Banned as Mayor of NYC | (

I'm sure Mr. Bloomberg is devastated that you don't agree with his philosophy!

01-01-2014, 12:04 AM
I'm sure Mr. Bloomberg is devastated that you don't agree with his philosophy!

I suspect that everyone who lives in NYC is also very concerned about Garin's thoughts.

Antler dad
01-01-2014, 12:21 AM
I suspect that everyone who lives in NYC is also very concerned about Garin's thoughts.

I certainly would be! Although I don't know why since I'm not concerned with them now and don't really consider them 'thoughts'.

01-01-2014, 12:24 AM
I certainly would be! Although I don't know why since I'm not concerned with them now and don't really consider them 'thoughts'.

Of course, most of Garin's thoughts come from what he reads in "The Blaze". :)

01-01-2014, 01:20 AM
Of course, most of Garin's thoughts come from what he reads in "The Blaze". :)

Reading? I figured it was just copy & pasting without doing anything else. I link to the original content is ever provided most of the time. No additional commentary is ever with the original content - just snide remarks, bashing, or other trolling activities about 17 responses later against those that are sharing their thoughts.

01-01-2014, 01:26 AM
Reading? I figured it was just copy & pasting without doing anything else. I link to the original content is ever provided most of the time. No additional commentary is ever with the original content - just snide remarks, bashing, or other trolling activities about 17 responses later against those that are sharing their thoughts.

That's true, he rarely seems to have any thoughts or original commentary other than a copy and paste. I also think that this proposal about the horses is ludicrous in any case. There are adequate safeguards in place. Does anyone know if OKC has any ordinances that apply to horse carriages here?

01-01-2014, 01:32 AM
That's true, he rarely seems to have any thoughts or original commentary other than a copy and paste. I also think that this proposal about the horses is ludicrous in any case. There are adequate safeguards in place. Does anyone know if OKC has any ordinances that apply to horse carriages here?

Completely agree. Let them stay. If they are impacting traffic too much, find ways to accommodate them in line a dedicated lane that bikes can also use.

01-01-2014, 02:25 AM
Bloomberg the worst? No way as long as there's msnbc and nbc.

No way at all. At least Bloomberg as a sense of objectivity.

01-01-2014, 02:35 AM
Bloomberg the worst? No way as long as there's msnbc and nbc.

No way at all. At least Bloomberg as a sense of objectivity.

Please elaborate on what connection there might be between Bloomberg and a television network, except nothing. LOL

01-01-2014, 02:37 AM
Told you.

01-01-2014, 02:59 AM
Told you.


01-01-2014, 12:09 PM

It's New Years Day...just have pity for one day and walk away. :)

01-01-2014, 12:19 PM
I'm sure Mr. Bloomberg is devastated that you don't agree with his philosophy!

I agree completely with his list actually, deer creek dad. Do you ever have anything to contribute other than your accusations that I don't ?

01-01-2014, 12:27 PM
I agree completely with his list actually, deer creek dad. Do you ever have anything to contribute other than your accusations that I don't ?

What? You are agreeing with someone who you called a communist? I guess we just found out that Garin is a communist himself - if he's agreeing with everything Bloomberg did. At least we got that sorted out.

01-01-2014, 12:48 PM
What? You are agreeing with someone who you called a communist? I guess we just found out that Garin is a communist himself - if he's agreeing with everything Bloomberg did. At least we got that sorted out.

I called de Blasio a commie..... Are your eyes going along with your's a two page thread and the statement is from page one.

01-01-2014, 01:01 PM
Ahhh my mistake. I guess it is bound to happen when someone just posts random links/text with out fully expressing their opinions on what they are posting and to whom its directed. My apologies for not understanding the inner workings of your mind. :)

01-01-2014, 01:10 PM
Ahhh my mistake. I guess it is bound to happen when someone just posts random links/text with out fully expressing their opinions on what they are posting and to whom its directed. My apologies for not understanding the inner workings of your mind. :)

Because it's not allowed and those that throw the stones have never done the same? I can't can't wait till I'm old and senile.

01-01-2014, 01:44 PM
ITs going to be interesting to see if businesses begin to flee NYC for CT, Jersey, the burbs or other parts of the country based on what the new mayor tries to do.

01-01-2014, 01:46 PM
ITs going to be interesting to see if businesses begin to flee NYC for CT, Jersey, the burbs or other parts of the country based on what the new mayor tries to do.

Nah misery loves company.... It wouldn't shock me if OKC starts losing residents to NYC though.

01-01-2014, 01:52 PM
There was an article this last weekend (I think in the NY Times but may have been WSJ) about Bloomberg. He only took one dollar a year in salary and spent approx. $265 million dollars to be mayor. He liked exotic fish so he had salt water tank installed at city hall in which he paid for and the upkeep. Almost all of his travel related to city business was on his private jet that he paid for. He liked to nosh so paid for snacks and light lunch for his office and staff every day. Lived in his own mansion but still donated money for the mayor's mansion to be renovated. Made lots of donations to city programs. Lots of stuff like that. Like him or hate him...he put his money up instead of just talking about ways to improve city

01-01-2014, 02:52 PM
Because it's not allowed and those that throw the stones have never done the same? I can't can't wait till I'm old and senile.

Let me know what it's like, you'll probably be there well before me. :)

01-01-2014, 03:14 PM
There was an article this last weekend (I think in the NY Times but may have been WSJ) about Bloomberg. He only took one dollar a year in salary and spent approx. $265 million dollars to be mayor. He liked exotic fish so he had salt water tank installed at city hall in which he paid for and the upkeep. Almost all of his travel related to city business was on his private jet that he paid for. He liked to nosh so paid for snacks and light lunch for his office and staff every day. Lived in his own mansion but still donated money for the mayor's mansion to be renovated. Made lots of donations to city programs. Lots of stuff like that. Like him or hate him...he put his money up instead of just talking about ways to improve city

Wiki says he has a net worth on $31B. Him spending $265M is less than 1% of his net worth. That would be the equivalent of someone with a net worth of $100,000 spending about $850.

01-01-2014, 04:49 PM
May be true but still didn't have to do it and didn't have to take only $1 for a salary.

01-01-2014, 08:06 PM
Just seen in Central Park

01-01-2014, 08:13 PM
ITs going to be interesting to see if businesses begin to flee NYC for CT, Jersey, the burbs or other parts of the country based on what the new mayor tries to do.

Probably none. Despite Bloomberg's policies, New York real estate never really declined, employment rebounded fairly quickly after the meltdown, and construction and development is huge. People still want to live in and operate businesses in NYC.

01-01-2014, 08:51 PM
ITs going to be interesting to see if businesses begin to flee NYC for CT, Jersey, the burbs or other parts of the country based on what the new mayor tries to do.

Posts like this always make me laugh.

01-01-2014, 09:24 PM
Because of family in NYC, I've been watching the Mayor race pretty closely. Early on, he was way back in the pack but the front runners pretty much self destructed. NYC is primarily a dark blue city with areas of red (think Staten Island) - but they were ready for a democrat and de Blasio is an unabashed far left progressive. He used to be a communist but I am not sure if he still is. I kind of doubt it. He's kind of an odd duck and his prior history doesn't include running anything on the scale of NYC. Or close.

The Bloomberg stop and frisk policy of the NYPD made the progressives crazy and he has vowed to get rid of it/limit it. Bloomberg has been having a heart attack over that and there is a huge divide regarding whether stopping/reducing stop and frisk is going to impact the crime rate. The right says it will skyrocket, the left says those concerns are all made up (by rich people who didn't want him elected because he was going to raise their taxes) and that it is just an excuse to let the NYPD violate civil rights.

Bloomberg has been working without union contracts for years. The unions are demanding new contracts that include back pay for the years they've gone without. That is a huge issue and most people are watching to see how de Blasio deals with it. This is big, big money.

De Blasio ran on a platform of seeking social justice. Again, the NYC right is having heart attacks over losing the tax base but the progressives are giddy. Should be interesting. I appreciate that the man isn't mealy mouthed about it. He is out there as a proud progressive and the whole world that is interested in such things is watching.

The NYC school district is awful. Bloomberg championed charter schools because they could get rid of bad teachers. There are a lot of truly horrible union teachers in NYC regular school that are protected. The progressives want to get rid of the charter schools (the argument is that they aren't doing very well) and de Blasio ran on the promise to support the union and trim down away from the charter school program. He just appointed a chancellor for NYC schools that is not, historically, pro charter school. Bottom line, the unions and progressives are thrilled with de Blasio. The right is horrified. Left or right, if you have money, you don't send your kids to NYC public schools in the first place.

Personally, I think this is their business. The country was set up to allow areas to be little laboratories to see what works and what doesn't. If NYC wants to go the big time progressive route, they can do that. I personally think it is insane but I don't see New Yorkers losing any sleep over my concern. :) De Blasio's initial decision on the horses strikes me as both odd, clueless, ruthless and foolhardy and makes me wonder what in heaven's name he is going to do, next. But at the end of the day, it isn't any of my business. This is just pass the popcorn time.

If I were a progressive who wanted the progressive movement to spread, I would be nervous. The whole country is watching to see how a big city with an unabashed progressive taking over at the helm will manage things. Personally, I would feel better if the progressive in charge wasn't this guy - he strikes me as odd and not the brightest star in the sky.

It might be great, it could leave the city in a smoldering heap - dunno. Time will tell but we can all take some lessons from it. We will be moving from the theoretical to the practical and I am interested in seeing how it turns out. Obviously, I worry about the crime rate escalating, expenses increasing, schools getting worse and taxes going up because I have loved ones there. But, who knows? Maybe the progressive model will work.

01-01-2014, 09:24 PM
Posts like this always make me laugh.


01-01-2014, 09:25 PM
Probably none. Despite Bloomberg's policies, New York real estate never really declined, employment rebounded fairly quickly after the meltdown, and construction and development is huge. People still want to live in and operate businesses in NYC.

But Bloomberg isn't there, now. De Blasio is pretty much his opposite. Although I suspect he would have supported the big soda ban. :)

01-01-2014, 09:34 PM

Makes me laugh because it's a conservative thing to say, assuming companies will automatically relocate to less taxed and regulated states (even though CT is a high tax state). But this isn't even business regulation, we are talking horse drawn carriages. Doubt any businesses will be moving.

Also doesn't hurt that the former "nanny state" type mayor who tried to ban big gulps also did things like set up a free wifi zone in a huge section of Harlem. Things that new businesses love

01-01-2014, 09:44 PM
Makes me laugh because it's a conservative thing to say, assuming companies will automatically relocate to less taxed and regulated states (even though CT is a high tax state). But this isn't even business regulation, we are talking horse drawn carriages. Doubt any businesses will be moving.

Also doesn't hurt that the former "nanny state" type mayor who tried to ban big gulps also did things like set up a free wifi zone in a huge section of Harlem. Things that new businesses love

You seem to be trying to equate Bloomberg's "successful" policies with de Blasio. You are missing the point - de Blasio is saying he is going in another direction. He has been extremely critical of the way Bloomberg was pro business (at least pro business as known in NYC land). People who are pro business are concerned about this.

People weren't just talking about the horses - surely you know that. That was just an oddball thing to do that screams - this guy is weird. What people are concerned/interested in is his progressive agenda that involves higher taxes on the wealthy and businesses. If you are saying that won't drive off business, fine, but it is not an unreasonable position to think that would drive off business to the surrounding areas.

01-01-2014, 10:03 PM
Posts like this always make me laugh.
Why is that? Seriously. Businesses fleeing areas that don't support
them is quite common.

01-01-2014, 10:21 PM
Why is that? Seriously. Businesses fleeing areas that don't support
them is quite common.

Because I've read stuff like this about NYC and California on Okie message boards for the last decade, and both states are doing just fine. We're doing fine, too, but our state domestic product is infinitely smaller than those states. For some reason, hardcore ideological conservatives love predicting the demise of California and New York. Sorry, it just makes me laugh.

01-01-2014, 10:26 PM
Because I've read stuff like this about NYC and California on Okie message boards for the last decade, and both states are doing just fine. We're doing fine, too, but our state domestic product is infinitely smaller than those states. For some reason, hardcore ideological conservatives love predicting the demise of California and New York. Sorry, but it makes me laugh.

I find what you are saying very interesting. Have you been following how many California cities are considering bankruptcy and otherwise having difficulty paying their bills? But as far as de Blasio is concerned, this is different. We aren't talking about a blue state led by a liberal state government. We are talking about a huge urban city with an avowed far left progressive taking over. De Blasio isn't just a liberal - he is as progressive as they come. And those aren't the same thing by a long shot.

01-01-2014, 11:06 PM
I find what you are saying very interesting. Have you been following how many California cities are considering bankruptcy and otherwise having difficulty paying their bills? But as far as de Blasio is concerned, this is different. We aren't talking about a blue state led by a liberal state government. We are talking about a huge urban city with an avowed far left progressive taking over. De Blasio isn't just a liberal - he is as progressive as they come. And those aren't the same thing by a long shot.

Hopefully he's not a Shadid. But if he is, nothing will get done and everything will just be status quo in NYC.

And yes, there are some California cities that have struggled -- and there are cities in the Midwest, East Coast, and South that have as well. My point is that California's demise has been long predicted and it has like the fifth or sixth highest GDP of any country on earth!

01-01-2014, 11:35 PM
... For some reason, hardcore ideological conservatives love predicting
the demise of California and New York. Sorry, it just makes me laugh.
That clears it. Yes New York and California are on the way down.