View Full Version : 2014 Oklahoma Earthquake Discussion
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Bunty 05-12-2014, 04:11 PM Whole Lotta Quakin' Goin' On
On May 2, the US Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Geological Survey issued a joint statement about the remarkable increase in the rate of earthquakes that have been occurring in Oklahoma since 2013:
A new U.S. Geological Survey and Oklahoma Geological Survey analysis found that 145 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater occurred in Oklahoma from January 2014 (through May 2). The previous annual record, set in 2013, was 109 earthquakes, while the long-term average earthquake rate, from 1978 to 2008, was just two magnitude 3.0 or larger earthquakes per year. The statement went on to say:
...analysis suggests that a likely contributing factor to the increase in earthquakes is triggering by waste water injected into deep geologic formations.... OGS studies also indicate that some of the earthquakes in Oklahoma are due to fluid injection.
Stop Fracking Payne County, a local group of concerned citizens will host a public discussion on hydraulic fracturing and its impact on our county at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13th at the Stillwater Public Library, 1107 S Duck.
Earl Hatley, environmentalist, Grand Riverkeeper, Payne County property owner, and a member of Stop Fracking Payne County will lead the discussion.
“We have organized to educate our community about the detrimental effects of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas – ‘fracking’ – which is harmful to water supplies, wildlife, and property values,” Hatley said.
The problem in our county has been so severe that the City of Stillwater has issued emergency procedures in the event of an earthquake and the USGS last week issued an earthquake warning for Oklahoma — the first time such a warning has been issued for a state east of the Rockies.
It's not just the earthquakes we should be concerned about, but also our water supply that's being fouled by toxic chemicals that until recently weren't required to be disclosed because oil and gas companies considered them to be trade secrets. We can't live without clean water.
If you want to find out what's going on and what you can do to help, attend this meeting, get involved. Don't just sit on your ass and do nothing!
Dennis Whiteman, Chair
Payne County Democrats
Bunty 05-14-2014, 12:20 PM It was an interesting meeting. A bit over 100 people attended. The group wants a one year moratorium on oil injection wells in Oklahoma. (That probably won't happen for Payne County, until the earthquakes can prove they can get strong enough to damage OSU buildings.) As was said at the meeting, "Don't underestimate the persistence of red dirt resistance."
There is also an earthquake town hall meeting planned for Logan County to be held by state rep. Jason Murphey. I will likely go to it to see how it will be presented from the conservative point of view, unlike the one above. Earthquake Town Hall Meeting (
venture 05-14-2014, 12:41 PM At this point I don't think any serious look will be done at injection sites and any possible causes for an earthquake until we get a strong enough one to impact the domed building over there on 23rd. Granted something like that could literally knock out two birds with one stone - so to say. :)
Bunty 05-14-2014, 01:39 PM At this point I don't think any serious look will be done at injection sites and any possible causes for an earthquake until we get a strong enough one to impact the domed building over there on 23rd. Granted something like that could literally knock out two birds with one stone - so to say. :)
Maybe someone getting killed from falling debris is a requirement to happen before the capitol can be fixed. I'll never understand the legislative reluctance under the state capitol toward getting it fixed. It seems too wrong to borrow the money to do that and even more wrong to withdraw the funds needed from the $500,000,000 rainy day fund. But I guess Oklahoma needs all the millions it can get tucked away to meet the after effects of a future biggest one like a 6.0 earthquake, or worse, in OKC.
Bunty 05-14-2014, 11:19 PM I experienced this quake this morning. Being only a 2.6, the noise was more noticeable than the jolt. Being that it was another quake within Stillwater city limits was once again unnerving, but glad again I bought earthquake insurance a couple of months ago. But reckon we will just have to keep living with the suspense hanging over our heads that these baby quakes are slowing leading up to a new big one.
Researchers: Central OK Earthquake Swarm Caused By Disposal Well - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
Bunty 05-15-2014, 01:10 PM OUR VIEW: Moratorium on injection wells » Opinion » Stillwater News Press (
Bunty 05-17-2014, 06:57 PM OUR VIEW: Moratorium on injection wells » Opinion » Stillwater News Press (
Earthquakes this weekend have been acting up more often than usual in the Stillwater area. Here is response to the editorial above.
STILLWATER, Okla. — Deanna Homer--a local activist
To the editor:
Congratulations on your editorial, “Moratorium on injection wells,” on May 15. You pointed out the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Geological Survey reporting on the huge increased frequency of 3.0 or higher earthquakes in Oklahoma. You reported that these geologists “traced the increased activity to wastewater injection.” This wastewater is from oil and gas drilling, including hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.”
As you point out, an easy test of whether the injection wells are causing the earthquakes is to require a six-month moratorium on wastewater injection. If the earthquake activity declines, we Oklahomans will know the cause. We have waited much too long for a moratorium.
I am so impressed with your editorial that I am sending it to Governor Fallin.
Also Facebook commentary from Earl Hatley, an environmental scientist from Oklahoma, who owns land in Payne County:
The Stillwater News Press Editorial also believes a moratorium is in order. Personally I think even one month without high pressure disposal would demonstrate the connection. A few weeks of stoppage would show what we and THEY already know!!! The science on this is 60 years old. I don't want Devon Energy to tear up my land or my neighbors, or ruin the quality of life for anyone else. Moratoriums on home earthquake insurance or raised home insurance premiums is unacceptable while the industry collects their profits!! Why do we pay while they play??!! Soon, it will be the ground and surface water contamination, low availability of drinking water, bad air and health issues. How far will we let them take this in our state? This is happening in other states. Stop the earthquakes now and we prevent the rest of the story. Stop Fracking Payne County!!! Join the Persistence of the Red Dirt Resistance!! The scene at 32nd and Macy Lane near Stillwater
Bunty 05-18-2014, 12:20 PM Probably for the first time ever, one of Saturday's quakes was centered directly under OSU. Since then, there has definitely been one more in the Stillwater area and possibly one or two others that came later as of noon Sunday.
Bunty 05-18-2014, 01:11 PM Pictured is a recently completed oil well located northwest of Stillwater on Lake McMurtry Road. There is a quite similar setup hidden in trees in the middle of Stillwater. What's in the tanks? Oil or water?
To the north and northeast of Stillwater there are at least two or three other wells either just completed or just started. There, they got pipe laid alongside the roads for miles around, apparently water for the wells. When it's encountered, they appear to be routing the pipe through steel tubes buried in the ditches, so it will be interesting to see how that works for drainage when it rains. The scene is the same a short distance to the southeast of Stillwater.
At this point I don't think any serious look will be done at injection sites and any possible causes for an earthquake until we get a strong enough one to impact the domed building over there on 23rd. Granted something like that could literally knock out two birds with one stone - so to say. :)
Or many bird brains. Would hate to lose the nice statue on top though.
Jim Kyle 05-19-2014, 02:01 PM Please! Don't insult our feathered friends!
OKCisOK4me 05-20-2014, 12:46 PM The title of this thread is Injection Wells 2014? I didn't think so.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
Bunty 05-20-2014, 03:49 PM The title of this thread is Injection Wells 2014? I didn't think so.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
In other words, OKCisOK4me, what you're trying to get across to us on here is that people should think it's a total farce to link injection wells to the cause of earthquakes in Oklahoma. In other words, you pretty strongly feel that it's pretty wrong and stupid and worse, totally unrelated and incredibly inappropriate on this thread to show this picture of pipeline being installed near a new well. If you live where the earthquakes don't exist or have subsided, that's great, but I don't.
OKCisOK4me 05-20-2014, 09:40 PM Putting pipeline down into the ground around injection wells is not going to cause 2.7 earthquakes. Sorry. It's just ludicrous to assume otherwise. Please show me your scientific data tying injection wells directly to earthquakes....
Still waiting.....
Wait for it....
venture 05-21-2014, 01:31 AM Could you please edit your post to remove the extra spaces? Really no reason to scroll the entire page away to prove a point.
Of Sound Mind 05-21-2014, 07:44 AM Could you please edit your post to remove the extra spaces? Really no reason to scroll the entire page away to prove a point.
Actually, I think the spaces are quite effective in making the point and take up little more room than the giant photos other posters include.
Bellaboo 05-21-2014, 08:01 AM In other words, OKCisOK4me, what you're trying to get across to us on here is that people should think it's a total farce to link injection wells to the cause of earthquakes in Oklahoma. In other words, you pretty strongly feel that it's pretty wrong and stupid and worse, totally unrelated and incredibly inappropriate on this thread to show this picture of pipeline being installed near a new well. If you live where the earthquakes don't exist or have subsided, that's great, but I don't.
Actually, this is a 'temporary' water line used during the drilling or completion process.
Bunty 05-21-2014, 10:57 AM Actually, I think the spaces are quite effective in making the point and take up little more room than the giant photos other posters include.
Then Of Sound Mind, since you certainly don't appreciate my contributions in this forum, or think they have any substance, I strongly suggest you lodge a complaint on me with the forum monitor as other members have already done, assuming you haven't done so already.
Bunty 05-21-2014, 11:08 AM Putting pipeline down into the ground around injection wells is not going to cause 2.7 earthquakes. Sorry. It's just ludicrous to assume otherwise. Please show me your scientific data tying injection wells directly to earthquakes....
Showing pipeline was good for showing the scene around what might be causing these earthquakes. I am not a scientist, so have no scientific data. But actual scientists theorize that earthquakes are being caused by waste water injection wells being operated near faults.
I haven't seen a earthquake centered near Jones in a long time, so I wonder if they shut things down there? But I know the Oklahoma Corporation Commission has established a correlation in Love County, where shutting down a well is associated with a halt in earthquakes.
Meanwhile, earthquakes have been acting up frequently around Choctaw lately. Does anyone know if there has been a lot of drilling activity around there? If so, a correlation backed up by all the drilling activity around Stillwater.
Of Sound Mind 05-21-2014, 11:19 AM Then Of Sound Mind, since you certainly don't appreciate my contributions in this forum, or think they have any substance, I strongl suggest you lodge a complaint on me with the forum monitor as other members have already done, assuming you haven't done so already.
I haven't and don't plan to do so. Nothing you have said or done rises to the level of a complaint. I just don't always agree with you. And my comment wasn't specifically a criticism of that post, just an observation on space utilized.
venture 05-21-2014, 12:12 PM Actually, I think the spaces are quite effective in making the point and take up little more room than the giant photos other posters include.
I see your point.
Bunty 05-21-2014, 12:49 PM Actually, I think the spaces are quite effective in making the point and take up little more room than the giant photos other posters include.
However, low info people, like me, who only have an IQ of 85 or 90 love big pictures to make it easier to grasp and see the point.
Bellaboo 05-21-2014, 03:21 PM Meanwhile, earthquakes have been acting up frequently around Choctaw lately. Does anyone know if there has been a lot of drilling activity around there? If so, a correlation backed up by all the drilling activity around Stillwater.
None at all that I know of.
Plutonic Panda 05-21-2014, 03:43 PM Then Of Sound Mind, since you certainly don't appreciate my contributions in this forum, or think they have any substance, I strongly suggest you lodge a complaint on me with the forum monitor as other members have already done, assuming you haven't done so already.Wasn't me. I've only submitted one complaint since I've been here and it wasn't on you.
ljbab728 05-21-2014, 10:05 PM A 3.9 magnitude around 9:45PM tonight SW of Guthrie.
rezman 05-21-2014, 10:18 PM A 3.9 magnitude around 9:45PM tonight SW of Guthrie.
Yep, I felt that one.. One good jolt by 178th & Western.
If I was a betting man, (which I'm not), I would bet my wife's paycheck there is definitely a correlation between the increased drilling, fracking, and injection process. Has to be. There is no other logical explanation. We need a moratorium placed on the this activity and see if the quakes cease, and SOON. Yes, I understand the serious ramifications economically involving this. But someone, either the Oklahoma Legislature or the Corporation Commission, needs to address this increased earthquake activity and quick before our house of bricks comes tumbling down. This is insane. Nothing has been done by out State officials regarding this sudden and rapid earthquake increase. Place a moratorium NOW.
Why has Gov. Mary Fallin not appointed an impartial task force to investigate this? WHY? Because she fears the results?
I was told a year and one-half ago, Devon had a three year plan to drill 800 wells between Hennessey and Cushing. They should be about half way through there plan now. Is it not possible or probable that a lot of this earthquake activity has been centered in this path??????????
Bunty 05-22-2014, 02:20 AM If I was a betting man, (which I'm not), I would bet my wife's paycheck there is definitely a correlation between the increased drilling, fracking, and injection process. Has to be. There is no other logical explanation. We need a moratorium placed on the this activity and see if the quakes cease, and SOON. Yes, I understand the serious ramifications economically involving this. But someone, either the Oklahoma Legislature or the Corporation Commission, needs to address this increased earthquake activity and quick before our house of bricks comes tumbling down. This is insane. Nothing has been done by out State officials regarding this sudden and rapid earthquake increase. Place a moratorium NOW.
Why has Gov. Mary Fallin not appointed an impartial task force to investigate this? WHY? Because she fears the results?
A town hall meeting is being planned on the earthquakes next month in Logan County. The Corporation Commission will be there. Here is a story about it:
Bunty 05-22-2014, 02:38 AM I was told a year and one-half ago, Devon had a three year plan to drill 800 wells between Hennessey and Cushing. They should be about half way through there plan now. Is it not possible or probable that a lot of this earthquake activity has been centered in this path??????????
It could. But a theory goes that the waste water may be migrating to faults miles away, lubricating them and causing slippage. Perhaps there are hundreds more wells being drilled by other companies. The countryside may end up kinda resembling an industrial zone. Earthquakes coming to be associated with it are bad enough, but hopefully all this drilling won't lead to ground water pollution. Rural property owners should be able as usual to drill for water without it being unfit to use.
A town hall meeting is being planned on the earthquakes next month in Logan County. The Corporation Commission will be there. Here is a story about it:
Earthquake town hall meeting | Guthrie News Page (
Bunty, I read that link and did not see where they mentioned a date for the town hall meeting. The article was from April and said "next month." Could this have already taken place with no action?
venture 05-29-2014, 11:53 AM Quake table is update. May is down by a noticeable amount compared to April. We've also haven't had any 4.0 or stronger quakes this month. The annual daily average so far did tic up slightly since the last update (about 2 tenths). I've also added a fault line map for Central and North Central OK as well, considering this is where the majority of the activity is taking place.
Bunty 05-29-2014, 07:25 PM Bunty, I read that link and did not see where they mentioned a date for the town hall meeting. The article was from April and said "next month." Could this have already taken place with no action?
NO. The Town Hall Meeting with State Representatives Jason Murphey of Guthrie, and Rep. Lewis Moore of Arcadia, along with Oklahoma Corporation Commission reps to answer questions will be held on Thursday, June 26, 7PM, at Waterloo Rd. Baptist Church at 3100 E. Waterloo Rd, Edmond, OK.
Bellaboo 05-30-2014, 09:49 AM I was told a year and one-half ago, Devon had a three year plan to drill 800 wells between Hennessey and Cushing. They should be about half way through there plan now. Is it not possible or probable that a lot of this earthquake activity has been centered in this path??????????
You were told wrong, they drilled 350 wells in the last quarter of 2013 in Payne and Logan counties, but they have since cut back from 15 to 11 rigs in that field, since the fracking crews couldn't keep up with the drilling.
Bunty 05-30-2014, 12:14 PM Oklahoma State professor: No fracking, no quakes » Local News » Stillwater News Press (
OKCisOK4me 05-30-2014, 12:27 PM Oklahoma State professor: No fracking, no quakes » Local News » Stillwater News Press (
Oh's a professor so it must be true!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
venture 05-30-2014, 01:12 PM Alright. We don't need 83 different threads being used to discuss fracking and its impacts. I will ask to get this back on the path of just reporting and discussing earthquake activity and if people want to discuss/debate the causes - there are plenty of other threads for that.
Bunty 05-30-2014, 01:54 PM Alright. We don't need 83 different threads being used to discuss fracking and its impacts. I will ask to get this back on the path of just reporting and discussing earthquake activity and if people want to discuss/debate the causes - there are plenty of other threads for that.
But the earthquakes under 4.0 have become too commonly boring to discuss. I have nothing against others relaying info in this particular thread on how some experts feel fracking can cause earthquakes.
Bunty 05-30-2014, 01:56 PM Oh's a professor so it must be true!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
Then please, by all means, find a professor or scientist working for the oil companies, who can quite easily slice through the nonsense that earthquakes are caused by oil field activity in central Oklahoma.
venture 05-30-2014, 02:03 PM But the earthquakes under 4.0 have become too commonly boring to discuss. I have nothing against others relaying info in this particular thread on how some experts feel fracking can cause earthquakes.
Which is fine...but people need to pick a thread. The same debate is going on in:
I don't have issues with the debate at all. I have an issue with multiple threads going on at the same time for no reason. :)
Martin 05-30-2014, 02:04 PM let's keep politics out of this thread, thanks... -M
OKCisOK4me 05-30-2014, 02:49 PM Then please, by all means, find a professor or scientist working for the oil companies, who can quite easily slice through the nonsense that earthquakes are caused by oil field activity in central Oklahoma.
I will be happy to post a link to that article the day that search may yield a result but honestly we're gonna have to agree to disagree because even if I find an article verifying that earthquakes aren't caused by fracking, you're not going to change your mind, lol.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
Plutonic Panda 05-30-2014, 03:22 PM Yeah, it would be nice to just have this thread only about reporting earthquakes and we can discuss whats causing them in another thread.
Bunty 05-30-2014, 05:38 PM Yeah, it would be nice to just have this thread only about reporting earthquakes and we can discuss whats causing them in another thread.
Then the title of this thread should have been entitled "2014 Oklahoma Earthquake Reports". But the word "Discussion" now in it implies it's more than that.
I thought earthquake topics were supposed to be found under weather, not events and open topic. Am I totally wrong on that?
venture 05-30-2014, 06:45 PM Then the title of this thread should have been entitled "2014 Oklahoma Earthquake Reports". But the word "Discussion" now in it implies it's more than that.
I thought earthquake topics were supposed to be found under weather, not events and open topic. Am I totally wrong on that?
Perhaps we need to modify the category some to be weather and nature. I was thinking weather and science... But worried about creeping away from the purpose of this sub forum too much.
Plutonic Panda 05-31-2014, 05:20 AM First earthquake I've felt in a month just now. Wasn't very strong, but sure lasted longer than normal or what they usually have been
ylouder 05-31-2014, 05:24 AM I'm laying here on couch and flet and sounded like a s.emi rolling. by.
Heard a few pops and groans of our 1 year old house.
venture 05-31-2014, 12:08 PM Looks like it was a 3.9 centered out in Choctaw.
BBatesokc 06-01-2014, 02:56 PM Just felt a little one in our house (East 15th and I-35 - Edmond). Enough to rattle some stuff on the walls.
OKCisOK4me 06-01-2014, 05:01 PM Felt one between 1 & 2am last night while laying in bed. Saw today it was a 3.0 in Boley, which is odd because I live in NW OKC and I never feel the ones (except for that 4.2) north of Edmond.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5
BlackmoreRulz 06-02-2014, 05:41 PM Small little shake about five minutes ago.
Plutonic Panda 06-10-2014, 02:21 AM Pretty good quake just now in n Edmond just now
Plutonic Panda 06-10-2014, 02:30 AM I can still hear little bangs like bombs going off in the distance and we've had a couple after shocks. How big was this one? It's not showing up on OK Geo survey yet on my link.
venture 06-10-2014, 03:03 AM Looks like a 3.0 Plu. Here you go: M3.0 - 10km NNE of Edmond, Oklahoma 2014-06-10 07:19:55 UTC (
Bunty 06-10-2014, 03:06 AM I can still hear little bangs like bombs going off in the distance and we've had a couple after shocks. How big was this one? It's not showing up on OK Geo survey yet on my link.
Interesting. I don't think the earthquakes act like that in the Stillwater area. Didn't notice it in Stillwater.
Another source to check for quakes is this one: List of Recent Earthquakes for Central US (
Plutonic Panda 06-10-2014, 04:04 AM Looks like a 3.0 Plu. Here you go: M3.0 - 10km NNE of Edmond, Oklahoma 2014-06-10 07:19:55 UTC ( man!
Plutonic Panda 06-10-2014, 04:07 AM Interesting. I don't think the earthquakes act like that in the Stillwater area. Didn't notice it in Stillwater.
Another source to check for quakes is this one: List of Recent Earthquakes for Central US (, these earthquakes are weird. I really don't understand it. I've felt tremors in California before and they kind of feel like those more so than what I'd think tectonic plates would cause. I would think those would send in waves whereas these quakes tend to just be a little boom, then a good shake, and perhaps an aftershock or two.
But this tonight had maybe 100+ little booms or aftershocks off in the background as if there were explosions in the background. Oddly enough, I think they just started a fracking right by my house today. I am still hearing them.
This one felt like it was higher than a 3.0 really. Maybe the epicenter was close to Coltrane and Covell.
I personally have not thought that fracking has been causing the earthquakes, but my thinking on that might change after tonight.
I quite honestly don't really mind them, but it is kind of creepy in a way. From the time I posted earlier, I went out for a late night cruise around OKC and got back and am laying in bed about to go to sleep and I swear I can still hear them. Like little booms in the background.
Plutonic Panda 06-10-2014, 04:18 AM BTW, I know this isn't just me because when I was pulling my driveway, my neighbor was standing in the driveway and I stopped and talked to him and he said he was trying to figure out where the noise was coming from and though it might be coming from the sky, but I disagreed as it just started after the initial quake. My sister is in her room and and could feel them to. There has had to be around 100+ plus of these little booms I have heard. This is crazy.
OkieHornet 06-10-2014, 10:54 AM felt one about half an hour ago in edmond located in almost the same exact spot as the one at 2am this morning. it was a 3.1 according to ok geo survey.
Bellaboo 06-10-2014, 12:14 PM I quite honestly don't really mind them, but it is kind of creepy in a way. From the time I posted earlier, I went out for a late night cruise around OKC and got back and am laying in bed about to go to sleep and I swear I can still hear them. Like little booms in the background.
Are you okay Plupan ?