View Full Version : Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

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Dennis Heaton
12-26-2013, 10:00 PM
Is there a legitimate and real cause for concern that the Bangladesh Mafia has found the perfect hiding place smack dab in the middle of the U S of A? Are they in Oklahoma City or Edmond? Are you concerned? Have you checked with the Oklahoma County Assessor? Have you done any checking with the Oklahoma City Planning Commission? Have you ever called the County Commission? Is the State Attorney and/or Oklahoma Tax Commission investigating (again)? How about OSBI or FBI? Have you done any research on the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network? Have you asked for any Incident Reports from the OKC Police Department?

Oklahoma City Police Department, Crime Report, Case: 13-036584 (POC:

You be the judge...

(PS...Will this subject be aired on News 5, News 25 or appear in a future edition of The Oklahoman? Only The Shadow knows)

12-26-2013, 10:06 PM
What the hell?

12-26-2013, 10:06 PM
I'm not concerned in the least and will lose absolutely no sleep over it.

Plutonic Panda
12-26-2013, 10:09 PM
I just got done installing my new ultimate laser/turret/nuclear missile defense system to protect myself against the mafia, I'm all good. I am little in debt now though... but you got to spend money to make money champ, moving on.

Plutonic Panda
12-26-2013, 10:10 PM
I'm not concerned in the least and will lose absolutely no sleep over it.I'd recommend dropping at least a few mil on a new home defense system just to be safe ;)

12-26-2013, 10:17 PM
I'd recommend dropping at least a few mil on a new home defense system just to be safe ;)

Well, let me know how yours works out first, plupan.

12-26-2013, 10:20 PM
We can only hope so.

12-26-2013, 10:37 PM
Hare Krishna?

12-26-2013, 11:01 PM

12-27-2013, 02:41 AM
Is there a legitimate and real cause for concern that the Bangladesh Mafia has found the perfect hiding place smack dab in the middle of the U S of A? Are they in Oklahoma City or Edmond? Are you concerned? Have you checked with the Oklahoma County Assessor? Have you done any checking with the Oklahoma City Planning Commission? Have you ever called the County Commission? Is the State Attorney and/or Oklahoma Tax Commission investigating (again)? How about OSBI or FBI? Have you done any research on the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network? Have you asked for any Incident Reports from the OKC Police Department?

Oklahoma City Police Department, Crime Report, Case: 13-036584 (POC:

You be the judge...

(PS...Will this subject be aired on News 5, News 25 or appear in a future edition of The Oklahoman? Only The Shadow knows)

Given that article does not mention Edmond, OKC or Oklahoma; what reason do you have to believe they are here?

12-27-2013, 03:02 AM
No, I have no concern, if only because the Travelers would be unlikely to ever permit such encroachment.

Dennis Heaton
12-27-2013, 07:03 AM
Given that article does not mention Edmond, OKC or Oklahoma; what reason do you have to believe they are here?

On 5/14/13, at approximately 2359 hours, Officer Lakin was dispatched to 7933 W. Hefner Rd. (Super Mart, owned by Kawsar Chowdhury) regarding an assault. Upon arrival, Officer Lakin made contact with the victim (VI) - MD Hossain. VI told the Officer that he and his wife are leasing the building from Suspect Number 1 (SU1,) - Mohsen Chowdhury (wife of the owner). SU1, SU2, SU3, SU4, SU5...(OKCPD Crime Report, Case: 13-0036584).

OSCN: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Network ( ...PO-2013-987, PO-2013-988, PO-2013-989, CPC-2013-4285, CJ-2013-4373, CV-2013-2546

Enough to make you curious?

12-27-2013, 07:06 AM

12-27-2013, 08:48 AM
The Lebanese mafia would never allow them to expand here.

12-27-2013, 08:52 AM
"I t'ink youse playin' a little 'fast and loose' wid the term 'mafia' . . .
Dere is no 'mafia' . . . Capice?"

Dennis Heaton
12-27-2013, 09:34 AM
ROFLOL at RadicalModerate!! That's so cool, dude!!

Dennis Heaton
02-09-2014, 05:10 PM
Given that article does not mention Edmond, OKC or Oklahoma; what reason do you have to believe they are here?

I will be updating this next week. Been to the Kwik Track stores in Edmond? For now, If you want additional info...go to the Oklahoma County Assessor's website.

02-09-2014, 06:23 PM

02-09-2014, 06:59 PM
OSCN: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Network ( ...PO-2013-987, PO-2013-988, PO-
2013-989, CPC-2013-4285, CJ-2013-4373, CV-2013-2546

Enough to make you curious?
All I'm getting are system errors. Do you have a specific url that will work.

02-09-2014, 07:42 PM
It worked for me. I'm not sure why you are having problems.
C. T.
All I'm getting are system errors. Do you have a specific url that will work.

02-09-2014, 10:42 PM
If they are from Bangladesh wave a sandwich. It always distracts them.

02-09-2014, 11:18 PM

I went to a Bangladesh Brotherhood [a.k.a. so-called mafia, erroneously, thank you Mr. Soprano] controlled Convenience Store for that and they had an inferior brand.
(instead of tinfoil it was zincfoil)

I bought it anyway.
One can't be too safe.
(or can one?)

it only cost a nickel. (remember the knights who say 'ni'?)
(yet was authentically from the trash pile of Pakistan rather than China)
(perhaps it was "Green" Computer Part recycling?)

02-09-2014, 11:25 PM
If they are from Bangladesh wave a sandwich. It always distracts them.

That could be construed as insensitive or whatever.
(enjoy that freedom while we can. in organic, recycled, Steampunk, cans. =)

"oh . . . you want Soylent Red, White and Blue . . . that's special order")

02-09-2014, 11:43 PM
It worked for me. I'm not sure why you are having problems.
C. T.
Tell me the steps you took. I went to the site and tried to enter
the case numbers and nothing worked.

02-09-2014, 11:55 PM
If a member
of the imaginary
Banglidesh[i] Mafia
were to be given
a proper burial . . .

Would that character
be happier wrapped
in tinfoil or SaranWrap?

In order to
"sleep with the fishes"
in due course

without the involvement
of Local Government "authorities"
with "skechy" websites?

(I think I'm over "wondering" about this topic =)

[yet . . . perhaps a market niche exists
for Refrigerator Magnets
asking the same question?]

Dennis Heaton
02-14-2014, 06:31 PM
Tell me the steps you took. I went to the site and tried to enter
the case numbers and nothing worked.

Prunepicker...Unbeknownst to me, 2 of the OSCN Records were recently expunged. I will post the update sometime this weekend...I want to make sure I get each and every word from the OKCPD Police Report absolutely correct.

Dennis Heaton
02-14-2014, 07:34 PM
Oklahoma County Treasurer - DELINQUENT TAXES DUE (

02-14-2014, 10:03 PM
Prunepicker...Unbeknownst to me, 2 of the OSCN Records were recently expunged. I will post the update sometime this weekend...I want to make sure I get each and every word from the OKCPD Police Report absolutely correct.

The plot thickens...

02-14-2014, 10:34 PM
The plot thickens...

That's what "THEY" (in this case, those pesky Bangladeshi Mafiosi) would HAVE you believe . . .
(it may be only a ploy to distract US from the simple fact that the thick is plotting. which is what REALLY matters.)
(and I'm OUTRAGED about "it" =)

(do The Bangladeshi Mafia have a Facebook page? I want to Unfriend Them)
(every time i attempted to launch a Tweet in their direction, they shot it down like a Passenger Pigeon, Spotted Owl or Flying Snail Darter.)

Dennis Heaton
02-14-2014, 10:52 PM
(do The Bangladeshi Mafia have a Facebook page? I want to Unfriend Them)

LOL!!! They are all over FB...if you know who to look for????? I don't know why, but I can't seem to convince any of the "locals" to add me to their Friends List. Oh well.

02-14-2014, 11:24 PM
LOL!!! They are all over FB...if you know who to look for????? I don't know why, but I can't seem to convince any of the "locals" to add me to their Friends List. Oh well.

ssssshhhhhh! yer givin' away secrets here . . . don't be, like, another SnowdenMartyr . . .. geez . . .

"enough, already . . . apparently youse didn't hear me clearly before:
knock off the so-called "Mafia" references . . .
remember that guy who didn't listen and had a dental encounter with a curb?"

02-15-2014, 12:29 AM
Prunepicker... Unbeknownst to me, 2 of the OSCN Records were recently
Wait! Bangladesh and records. I have some George Harrison records from
the early 70's. Wow. Whodathunk George Harrison had anything to do
with this.

02-15-2014, 12:33 AM
Wait! Bangladesh and records. I have some George Harrison records from
the early 70's. Wow. Whodathunk George Harrison had anything to do
with this.

George Harrison had EVERYTHING to do with this.
He was the "quiet beetle" more of a roach than a proper Beatle.
(that's why his guitar gently wept)

02-15-2014, 06:14 PM
George Harrison had EVERYTHING to do with this.
He was the "quiet beetle" more of a roach than a proper Beatle.
(that's why his guitar gently wept)
And Eric Clapton played the solo for his weeping guitar. The plot
thickens and without corn starch.

02-15-2014, 09:35 PM
If they are from Bangladesh wave a sandwich. It always distracts them.

Surely you jest, and yes I am calling you Shirley.;)

02-15-2014, 10:01 PM
Surely you jest, and yes I am calling you Shirley.;)

Not to mention Nikita K. from the former USSR pounding his shoe on the UN Podium demanding that Cuba be recognized as the sole supplier of cigars to Bangladeshi Mafia Outlets of tobacco products and gasoline.

And where do you think the Palm Tree Winter Olympics in Sochi came from? eh? . . . =)

(how quickly we forget . . .)

[not the Bangladesi Mafia . . . that's for sure.]

02-15-2014, 11:18 PM
Surely you jest, and yes I am calling you Shirley.;)
Who's Shirley? I know it's not plutonic panda. But, and it a big but, Shirley
you jest, it's surely not Shirley.

02-16-2014, 12:42 AM
Who's Shirley? I know it's not plutonic panda. But, and it a big but, Shirley
you jest, it's surely not Shirley.

I just realized that The Bangladeshi Mafia has not only "moved into Oklahoma" but is already in the process of orchestrating the outcome of upcoming elections . . . if you see a poster with Mayor Mick and that Shadid pretender to the throne, standing in front of a pile of tires, ask youself: Which one of these guys would I buy a well-used tire from? (sorry: ended a sentence in a preposition again. don't nit-pick so much.)

Dennis Heaton
02-16-2014, 05:14 PM
This is verbatim from the OKCPD "Crime Report"...

Reported Date: 05/14/13
Time: 23:55
Case: 13-036584
Code: 21-792 SS
Crime: Robbery F&F
Class: 030440
Occurrence Date: 05/14/13
Day: Saturday
Time: 23:55
Status (blank)
Closing Officer (blank)
Location: 7933 W. Hefner Rd., OK
RD: 598

Victim: Hossain MD A.
Business Name: Supermart (Note added: It used to be called Super Mart. It is now called Hefner Stop...Owner changed the name of the business after the Oklahoma Tax Commission shut him down O/A Mar, 2010).

Suspects/Arrests: Redacted

Property: Item 0001: $1600 Currency, Item 0002: $1400 Dell Laptop, Item 0003: $500 Video Camera

Narrative (from the Reporting Officer): At approximately 2359 hours, I was dispatched to 7933 W. Hefner Rd (Super Mart), regarding an assault.

Upon arrival, I made contact with V1-MD Hossain. V1 told me he and his wife have leased the building for the last four years from SU1 (redacted). He showed me a lease agreement stating their monthly payment was $6000.00, and V1 stated he was current on his payments. He said SU1 has been telling them for about three months that they need to get out of the building. V1 told her they have another year on the lease agreement, and they're not leaving. SU will also change the rent on them and say they owe $9,000.00 that month.

Between 2315 to 2345 hours, V1 was working the front counter at the gas station (added: CONOCO). SU1 came into the business with (redacted), SU2, (redacted) SU3, (redacted) SU4, and (redacted) SU5. V1 was behind the counter with the door behind the counter locked. SU3 jumped over the counter and started hitting V1. He struck him 6-7 times with a fist in the right side of the body and head. V1 said SU3 pushed him back several feet while he was hitting him. SU3 told him "(redacted) right now." SU4 also jumped the counter and then unlocked the door, so the other suspects could come behind the counter.

SU1 told V1 to unlock the door to the office area. He said no, so she went out to her car and got her own key. SU1 went into the back office and took a Dell Laptop off the desk and $1,600.00 in cash out of the desk drawer. While the suspects were standing behind the counter, SU4, told V1 to give him the video camera recording system. V1 was blocking the recorder and said "No." SU4 pushed him out of the way and jerked the cords out of the recorder and took it. Before they left, SU3 told V1 (redacted).

I observed red marks to the right side of V1's face. There were also cords laying on the ground that had been disconnected from the video recorder. Lt. (left blank) took photos of V1's injuries and the scene.

I gave VI a Citizen's Assistance card and Victim's Right card so they'd have information on how to obtain a VPO.


Suspect 1 in this incident was the owner's (Kawsar Chowdhury) wife...Mohsen Ara Chowdhury. The other suspects were Momtaz Faysal, Aliur Rahaman, and Mohammad Wali.

Victim filed for Protective Orders on 5/10/13. All PO's were denied by Judge Don Andrews on 5/10/13. A few weeks after this, VI returned to Bangladesh for several weeks. His wife, whom also worked at the store, simply up and vanished about a month later. (Both of them are back working Mon-Fri at Hefner Stop).

The State of Oklahoma filed for Criminal Probable Cause against Mohsen Chowdhury on 5/10/13, where it stagnated in the system for several months without any further court action...until it was recently "expunged."

This particular Chowdhury family has owned and still own several "business" properties in OKC and Edmond (Kwik Track...2020 NW 150th, and 17901 N. Pennsylvania). Some businesses, according to the Oklahoma County Assessor, are still on the rolls, even though the names of the businesses may have changed their names. From what I have uncovered so far, "someone" holds a raffle back in Bangladesh and the winner is somehow relocated to Oklahoma City, and after some training, is made a "leasee" of a convenience store. I have not yet requested copies of the filings from the Oklahoma Secretary of State. And I don't have a clue why the State has not started any action for the unpaid, past due, property taxes at Hefner Stop?

One thing is for certain...they have used a lot of different lawyers over the years.

More details next week...when it becomes "personal."

Word of Caution...Don't buy ANY bagged ice from Hefner Stop!

Dennis Heaton
03-31-2014, 01:27 PM
Just a quick update to those living in "The Square Mile." Look for "Hefner Stop" to being closed or changing hands in the very near future. Seems there is a power struggle at the top per the most recent court filings in Oklahoma County District Court. None too soon IMHO.

03-31-2014, 05:24 PM
So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal in Oklahoma still...

Plutonic Panda
03-31-2014, 10:33 PM
So, honest question here: do you really the Bangladesh Mafia has moved into Oklahoma? Not bashing you or discrediting you, as I have done no research into the matter and they very well could've for all I know... just want to know if this is a joke I was left out of or if it serious.

Plutonic Panda
03-31-2014, 10:33 PM
So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal in Oklahoma still...Why would he be racist?

03-31-2014, 10:50 PM
So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal
in Oklahoma still...
To which thread are you responding? Who's supposed to be a racist?

03-31-2014, 11:14 PM
So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal in Oklahoma still...

If I were a gambler . . .
I'd bet on [super racist]
Yet I'm not.
Nor even [super bored]

The alternative, presented/posited
in your question, above, doesn't exist.
Does it? =)

[please be advised
that I take no sides
in this "debate"
especially not
the side of anyone
who presents
a beehive
with a smokestack
as an avatar =) ]

(formatted to
P.O. the cellphonies
without malice =)

03-31-2014, 11:27 PM
So, honest question here: do you really the Bangladesh Mafia has moved into Oklahoma? Not bashing you or discrediting you, as I have done no research into the matter and they very well could've for all I know... just want to know if this is a joke I was left out of or if it serious.

(pssst: Honest Answer)
There is no Bangladesh Mafia . . .
It doesn't exist in reality.

(but I've been wrong before . . . so who knows? =)

Plutonic Panda
04-01-2014, 12:04 AM
(pssst: Honest Answer)
There is no Bangladesh Mafia . . .
It doesn't exist in reality.

(but I've been wrong before . . . so who knows? =)Hmmmmm. Well, if they do exist and don't want you to know about (it), they are doing a good job and the joke would be on you, or me if I just exposed them and they are now en route to my location, this is my favorite part.

Plutonic Panda
04-01-2014, 12:05 AM
[please be advised
that I take no sides
in this "debate"
especially not
the side of anyone
who presents
a beehive
with a smokestack
as an avatar =) ]
I believe that is your favorite animal, the land snake.

04-01-2014, 07:31 AM
Well, generally someone who hates a certain type of people (maybe it was more hate of people from India... whatever the term is for that) tends to obsess on their comings and goings. Sounds like this guy is completely obsessed to the point where he is making up things that arent really happening.

There was an assault at a gas station. They all happened to be Indian. Our criminal system is **** (this isnt the first case to just be dropped due to undisclosed reasons). All very plausible things.

Could there be a mafia in Oklahoma? I dont know. Probably not though. Does this guy obviously hate these people and try to discredit their business and them? Yes. Hence why I asked if the guy was super racist and obsessing over these people, or if he was just bored and making up fantasy threads on here just to screw with everyone.

04-01-2014, 09:21 AM
Well, generally someone who hates a certain type of people (maybe it was more hate of people from India... whatever the term is for that) tends to obsess on their comings and goings. Sounds like this guy is completely obsessed to the point where he is making up things that arent really happening.

There was an assault at a gas station. They all happened to be Indian. Our criminal system is **** (this isnt the first case to just be dropped due to undisclosed reasons). All very plausible things.

Could there be a mafia in Oklahoma? I dont know. Probably not though. Does this guy obviously hate these people and try to discredit their business and them? Yes. Hence why I asked if the guy was super racist and obsessing over these people, or if he was just bored and making up fantasy threads on here just to screw with everyone.

Based only upon the original complaint, by the OP, from a while back, regarding the business in question and/or under discussion (not diss-cussion), I would have to guess that this isn't a "racist" deal . . . perhaps it's more of a failure to communicate American Justice across cultural paradigms? Therefore, all of us are guilty as charged. Or not.

It's most likely a simple ThoughtCrime in The New World Order. =)

(and why do you assume that the targets of the alleged "hate" of the OP are from India?
couldn't they be from Pakistan or Bangladesh? =)

04-01-2014, 09:24 AM
(pssst: Honest Answer)
There is no Bangladesh Mafia . . .
It doesn't exist in reality.

(but I've been wrong before . . . so who knows? =)

This sounds just like the kind of thing that the Bangladeshi Mafia would have us believe...

04-01-2014, 12:10 PM
This sounds just like the kind of thing that the Bangladeshi Mafia would have us believe...

. . . and the thick plottens . . . =)

btw: the other night i had a potential wise-guy from what might be "The (so-called) 'Bangladesh' 'Mafia'" say to me (after he finally managed to locate the tobacco product i was buying): "You have a Greek European accent . . . Where are you from?" (Yoo haf eh greekeuropean aksent . . . frahm where are yoo?). Me: Uh . . . Oklahoma. via Colorado (with a WTF are you talking about? look on my face.) Cashier: "Ah, you don't know what I'm talking about . . . but I do." Me: Whatever. Thanks. I guess.

I think he might have been referring to my brusque, no nonsense, fairly arrogant/impatient, rude/pushy tone of voice.
But I'm not sure. Reckon I'll have to ask him the next time I'm back there for some smokes. On the other hand, maybe it was some sort of Bangladeshi Mafia Code . . . =)

The Original Illuminati wuz from sum'ers over 'round thet thar area, doncha know . . . It's a Historical Fact* =)

(*"Cheezburgar . . . Cheezburgar . . . Cheezburgar. No Coke. Pepsi." c/o Jake Blues =)

Dennis Heaton
04-01-2014, 08:38 PM
So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal in Oklahoma still...

Definitely NOT racist...I grew up in East San Diego in the 60's (you had to be there). Definitely NOT bored...I have 6 Grandchildren. As for "pot"...I am wide asleep!

Dennis Heaton
04-01-2014, 08:50 PM
So, honest question here: do you really the Bangladesh Mafia has moved into Oklahoma? Not bashing you or discrediting you, as I have done no research into the matter and they very well could've for all I know... just want to know if this is a joke I was left out of or if it serious.

Plutonic Panda...I ain't gonna B.S. you. It's NOT the "mafia" like we know it. It is a "family" that is involved in "stuff" that I hope "someone" is "watching." As for my personal interest in the matter, it has to do with what I "know" and what I am "doing" about it, and I am NOT gonna back down. (Ref: One Man's Demonstration/Protest).

Almost all the businesses in the area and a good many friends and neighbors in "The Square Mile" knows what is going on. This is an on-going matter, and I will keep folks posted.

Plutonic Panda
04-01-2014, 09:40 PM
Plutonic Panda...I ain't gonna B.S. you. It's NOT the "mafia" like we know it. It is a "family" that is involved in "stuff" that I hope "someone" is "watching." As for my personal interest in the matter, it has to do with what I "know" and what I am "doing" about it, and I am NOT gonna back down. (Ref: One Man's Demonstration/Protest).

Almost all the businesses in the area and a good many friends and neighbors in "The Square Mile" knows what is going on. This is an on-going matter, and I will keep folks posted.I appreciate it much. I will be eyes and ears on this one for sure.

Dennis Heaton
04-03-2014, 10:00 AM
7261 7262

Uh-Oh! New construction going on at the corner of Hefner and Council (Fas Gas) across the street from the East Pakistani's Conoco station. Maybe a new Total Express?

What a difference just a few feet can make in Land Values...

Dennis Heaton
04-05-2014, 04:04 PM
7277 7276 727872797280

New pics from this afternoon.

Dennis Heaton
04-06-2014, 06:42 PM

taxes due tax cost interest total
2013 real estate 5,508.67 0.00 247.89 5,756.56
2012 real estate 5,451.05 19.00 1,226.49 6,696.54
2011 real estate 5,491.01 19.00 2,223.86 7,733.87
total due immediately 16,450.73 38.00 3,698.24 20,186.97

Dennis Heaton
04-07-2014, 05:26 PM
Just discovered...thanks to our excellent County Government, that a prominent resident (Doctor) of Gaillardia Country Club has purchased the home of the self-professed head of the "Bengali Family." He also scooped up the home of a Family Lieutenant. I seriously believe that "Hefner Stop" will be closing their business down again very, very soon. My best guess...April-May.


Yes, we have no bananas.

Dennis Heaton
04-08-2014, 12:52 PM
From the Oklahoma County Treasurer's Office..."The county does not have authority to close a business for non payment of property taxes. However, we are required to sell a piece of real estate for non-payment. In the case you referenced, if the taxes remain unpaid the property will be sold for the unpaid property taxes in the annual resale on June 8, 2015."

Sooooo..."Hefner Stop" could be staying in the neighborhood for another year (depending on the outcomes in other matters).