12-24-2013, 01:16 AM
What do you like?
I have three watches made between 1950 and 1970 and they all
have Swiss movement. I like looking at the watch and seeing the
second hand not jerk to the next second. They aren't aren't as
accurate as quartz, well, the Railroad watch is comparable, but I can
deal with it since it only takes a couple of seconds to synchronize
them to my iPhone.
Another positive attribute is the ticking. It's subtle whereas the
quartz goes, "thunk, thunk, thunk..." I refuse to have one in the
bedroom because I'd never go to sleep with that racket. The
grandplums thought it was cool to listen to. "Hey Prunefather, can
we listen to your watch?"
12-24-2013, 05:38 AM
I can't recall the last time I wore my watch. Probably needs a new battery by now.
12-26-2013, 08:35 AM
What do you like?
I have three watches made between 1950 and 1970 and they all
have Swiss movement. I like looking at the watch and seeing the
second hand not jerk to the next second. They aren't aren't as
accurate as quartz, well, the Railroad watch is comparable, but I can
deal with it since it only takes a couple of seconds to synchronize
them to my iPhone.
Another positive attribute is the ticking. It's subtle whereas the
quartz goes, "thunk, thunk, thunk..." I refuse to have one in the
bedroom because I'd never go to sleep with that racket. The
grandplums thought it was cool to listen to. "Hey Prunefather, can
we listen to your watch?"
By Swiss I assume you mean an automatic? I have a couple and love them. I wear a quartz frequently to work to avoid wear and tear on my nicer watches, and it's odd when I put one on and have to reset it, reminding me how long it's been since I wore it. Also, a good automatic can be an heirloom piece.
12-26-2013, 09:50 AM
I wear a watch when flying and when traveling in the backcountry. Usually a Swiss made quartz (as opposed to Swiss automatic movement) and inexpensive digital respectively.
12-26-2013, 10:43 AM
I can't recall the last time I wore my watch. Probably needs a new battery by now.
Same here... I had a nice one but no idea where I put it. I remember my old railroad watch but that was many moons ago and no idea where it's at either.
I'm a klutz. I bang my wrist against things all the time. I can't keep a watch for more than a month before I shatter it.
12-26-2013, 04:43 PM
I have both quartz and Swiss watches. I have an omega that i normally where everyday it keeps perfect time and is very durable and the crystal is very strong and resistant to scratches. I have always worn a watch even though i carry a phone with a clock on it. I good watch will last generations and can be handed down to kids and grand kids. I also have a drawer full of $100 watches that are just that broken or scratched and are more of a throw away item. I love watches and their inter-workings are amazing.
12-26-2013, 05:27 PM
I have a Swiss movement watch that was bought for $10 in the early
70's. I'm wearing it right now.
Uncle Slayton
12-26-2013, 05:30 PM
Railroad time. I carry one of my eleven railroad grade pocket watches, usually a 1941 Hamilton 992B, or a 1922 Ball-Waltham. Both will usually be within +/- 3 seconds per day. My other Elgins, Walthams, and Hammys are similar but not quite as accurate. The '41 Hammy has never had an adjustment since I've owned it and keeps near-perfect time.
I find non-mechanical timepieces to be almost ...vulgar. ;)