View Full Version : Non-resident OKC Metro Members

12-21-2013, 08:25 PM
I know many participants on OKC Talk do not live in the metro. Not dissing anyone but a sincere curiosity about non-resident members who keep up with OKC through this board. First question is why? Realize that many are ex-residents who left for jobs, school or other reasons. In my case during a 20-year Army career (which ended long before the internet) I subscribed to the Daily Oklahoman and kept my OKC residency for voting and so forth. I grew up here and never considered anyplace else after traveling the world for twenty or so years. But what about the folks who never lived here but keep up with happenings. What draws you to OKC? Will you move back here for prior residents or if never lived here, move to OKC when life changes and you have a chance? Do you visit here frequently, occasionally or have never been here yet? Why OKC and not Dallas or KC or where ever else? Do you follow other cities and participate in similar boards for those places? An inquiring mind wants to know.

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 10:28 PM
I am a member of DWU2, Tulsa Now, City Data, Skyscraper Forum, and HAIF(Houston forum).

12-22-2013, 03:28 AM
Native Lawtonian, always loved my home State, but career led me to leave. Retiring to NC, but visit the State at least 2x year

12-22-2013, 10:22 PM
Most people posting here from afar have lived here at one point or are considering a move here. I am not aware of any frequent poster who has absolutely no OKC connections. I still loosely keep up with development in Little Rock and Charlotte though I am now living in OKC and will likely never live in either of those cities again.

12-23-2013, 08:16 AM
I have only lived in OKC for a summer internship (Summer 2012), and will be moving there full-time once I finish up my field rotation for my job. I started following this forum at the end of that summer after I knew I would be moving to OKC after graduation. I'm originally from the KC area, and went to KU. I don't keep up with any other city's developments, although I would be interested in following KC's if I could find a site/forum the quality of this one.

Just the facts
12-23-2013, 09:22 AM
I lived in Oklahoma on several different occasions with the last stint coming during 4 years at OU. I also served 3 years in the Oklahoma National Guard. My family; mother, 2 brothers, 3 sisters, and untold aunts/uncles/cousins all live in metro OKC. My dad is buried at Ft Gibson National Cemetery. My uncle ran for Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma back in 1990.

OKC was the first big city I lived in and it came at a time when I started be accountable for myself. I used to skip class at OU just to hang out in downtown OKC and was going to Bricktown before Bricktown really existed.

OKC was just one of those place that I saw the potential in and it has been great to see them happen, even if I had to move away. As with Pwitty's coment, having a site like OKCTalk makes it easy and enjoyable to stay in the loop.

12-23-2013, 07:18 PM
I was born and raised in Edmond and spent much of my teenage years in northwest Oklahoma City with friends at PC North and in Piedmont. Currently still in Houston, but awaiting the right job offer to come along so that I can move my family back to Oklahoma City. I had great memories growing up there and I want my children to have the same memories. Plus, they need family. We are kind of flying solo in Houston, and it gets lonely. I had an opportunity at Chesapeake, but that didn't materialize. So, I keep waiting and praying. It's been rough for us here, so we are anxious to start anew in OKC. Plus, my siblings are anxious for us to return home.

Until then, we make frequent visits to OKC, and I stay in the loop here in OKCTalk and on Steve's blog on the happenings. I love OKC!