View Full Version : Should Shadid drop out now?

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12-24-2013, 03:45 PM
Mick quit a couple of years ago. It'd be like electing Sara Palin again in Alaska., but that's ok you all probably voted for her to be an old man's ticker away from the presidency didn't you.

Check the facts, Edgar. Ask your buddy Ed who he voted for. For the record, he didn't support Obama in either election. He said on his Facebook that Romney and Obama were the same. Perhaps you should direct your anger at Ed, because he tried to undermine both of Barack Obama's campaigns.

The only presidential candidate I've seen Ed Shadid publicly support is Ralph Nader. Hmm. I take it you hate Bush, right? You think maybe Nader's 95,000 votes in Florida had an impact in a race decided by hundreds of votes? Are you a Nader guy like your buddy Ed, too?

12-24-2013, 04:11 PM
Check the facts, Edgar. Ask your buddy Ed who he voted for. For the record, he didn't support Obama in either election. He said on his Facebook that Romney and Obama were the same. Perhaps you should direct your anger at Ed, because he tried to undermine both of Barack Obama's campaigns.

The only presidential candidate I've seen Ed Shadid publicly support is Ralph Nader. Hmm. I take it you hate Bush, right? You think maybe Nader's 95,000 votes in Florida had an impact in a race decided by hundreds of votes? Are you a Nader guy like your buddy Ed, too?

Totally support Nader's crusade against the corrupting influence of pay for play money in politics and reestablishing actual representative government, ending corporate plutocracy that's created an unhealthy society in America. Pragmatically I'm angry he refused to drop out when he knew it would quite possibly give the lection to Bush. 1000s of 1,000s of Iraqis would agree.

12-24-2013, 04:14 PM
That is not a fair description of the mayor -- not at all. You're not winning me over with arguments like that. For the record, I know both men, and I have found the mayor to be far more open-minded than Shadid. It's not even close. And yes, I'm a committed liberal voter and have been my whole life. But thanks for the insult.

Also, though he has tried numerous times, Ed Shadid cannot get the endorsement of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. The Democrats want nothing to do with Ed Shadid or his candidacy. Why do you think that is?
Apparently I'm the only one who remembers the ads Mick ran when vying to represent the district that elected church camp boy- blowing the dog whistle to get the attention of the religious bigots.

12-24-2013, 04:36 PM
Agree, Sid Burgess. Agree.

12-24-2013, 04:37 PM
Totally support Nader's crusade against the corrupting influence of pay for play money in politics and reestablishing actual representative government, ending corporate plutocracy that's created an unhealthy society in America. Pragmatically I'm angry he refused to drop out when he knew it would quite possibly give the lection to Bush. 1000s of 1,000s of Iraqis would agree.

I remember arguing with people like yourself and Ed Shadid. I had friends who followed Nader over the cliff. Unlike Ed Shadid and some of my friends, you at least recognized where he was taking us.

12-24-2013, 11:13 PM
W. Bush a hard drinking cokehead and I bet most of you voted for him twice. Probably would have surfed porn on the internets if Al had invented it yet. Barack a charter member of the choom club, and now he's the leader of the free world. Ed's qualified. Vote Shadid! really if you truly want a "faith based community" Jesus would approve, Mick for a continued plutocracy of a few secretive filthy rich white guys.

I'm beginning to think that Edgar is just Ed Shadid in disguise. Come on Ed, fess up.

12-25-2013, 01:09 AM
I'm beginning to think that Edgar is just Ed Shadid in disguise. Come on Ed, fess up.

Or he's a Cornett plant who is here to make such unbelievably dumb statements in support of Shadid that he actually helps Cornett.... Nah, that would require Ed(gar) could have a coherent thought.

12-25-2013, 06:57 AM
I'm beginning to think that Edgar is just Ed Shadid in disguise. Come on Ed, fess up.

I've thought that for a long time, now. It would actually close the loop on a lot of things said that don't make sense - and that's saying something.

12-25-2013, 09:29 AM
FWIW, I do not think Edgar is the candidate. Edgar seems far more restrained in print than the rambling blather one seems to often see tied to the name of the candidate.

12-25-2013, 12:48 PM
As a Democrat who voted for Obama twice, I am rather amused by Edgar's assumptions. Not much complexity of thought there. SQUIRREL! What I would be worried about, were I Ed, is that he's lost the middle, even those of us who lean left. What he's got left is some of the anti-tax wackos on the right (who haven't figured out that Ed can't be anti-tax at all with his grandiose plans to end poverty, fix the education system and provide public transit for all), and some knee-jerk Dems who are willing to look past his past but can't see beyond his empty feel-good rhetoric.

12-25-2013, 12:59 PM
FWIW, I do not think Edgar is the candidate. Edgar seems far more restrained in print than the rambling blather one seems to often see tied to the name of the candidate.

Ha! I was thinking just the opposite that the candidate couldn't really be as bad as Edgar

12-25-2013, 07:04 PM
Shadid was at red andrews much of the day, washing serving trays with several other volunteers. Nothing implied, just what i observed.

12-25-2013, 07:49 PM
Shadid was at red andrews much of the day, washing serving trays with several other volunteers. Nothing implied, just what i observed.

Where was he last year? Nothing implied.

12-31-2013, 09:44 AM
FWIW, I do not think Edgar is the candidate. Edgar seems far more restrained in print than the rambling blather one seems to often see tied to the name of the candidate.

But that's just it - how better to hide oneself from the public in this forum but in "plain sight," under the same name, with the implicit assumption by any passing reader that it would be anyone but the candidate himself. Do I really, in my heart of hearts, think "The Edgar" is Shadid? No, not really, especially considering how long "The Edgar" has been posting here (which mitigates my other suspicion that he was just a troll), Would it surprise me if it were discovered he was Shadid? Not at all.

01-04-2014, 12:57 PM
Maybe it's time to bump this thread.

01-04-2014, 01:01 PM
I'm beginning to think that Edgar is just Ed Shadid in disguise. Come on Ed, fess up.

I see no reason for "Ed" to start telling the truth now.

01-04-2014, 04:10 PM
So I know it's been discussed but can we start the recall process for his council seat? Even if it wasn't successful, it would be a pretty symbolic "F You" from the city.

01-04-2014, 05:16 PM
It looks like you have to be living in Ward 2. It would take someone willing to commit a lot of effort. I suspect you might be able to get the signatures but it wouldn't be easy. I live in Ward 7, or I might be willing to give it a go.

01-04-2014, 06:24 PM
It would just give him more publicity.

01-04-2014, 06:30 PM
It would just give him more publicity.

True. I sometimes wonder if two of his handlers haven't gotten themselves into a side bet after one of them remarked to the other "hey, no such thing as bad publicity."

01-04-2014, 11:50 PM
It looks like you have to be living in Ward 2. It would take someone willing to commit a lot of effort. I suspect you might be able to get the signatures but it wouldn't be easy. I live in Ward 7, or I might be willing to give it a go.

I don't live in his district but would gladly donate to the cause. Already donated to Mick but would be nice to be on the offense here

01-06-2014, 01:20 AM
I don't live in his district but would gladly donate to the cause. Already donated to Mick but would be nice to be on the offense here

Same here