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12-21-2013, 11:08 AM
I will also say this: I am a very clean-living person who has literally never even smoked pot, yet I would be mortified if a spurned and motivated ex was allowed to place into court proceedings and thus public record any and all wild, hurt-fueled accusations and opinions.

Absolutely no one would look good when cast in this light.

As an example, one of my best friends went through a very ugly divorce. His wife cheated on him and ultimately left, and continued the relationship with the new lover, even though he himself was married. They had two school-aged kids.

I knew both the man and wife very well in this situation, and considered her a close friend as well. And I happened to know for a fact my male friend was an absolutely fantastic father and husband, helping out around the house, leaving work early to pick the kids up from school, providing a beautiful home and unlimited spending money for his wife.

So, when she cheated, left and filed for divorce, I thought, "How on earth can she spin this? What is she telling her parents and friends?" You just knew she had to find the right way to save face.

And then the divorce proceedings began and it all came out: He was verbally abusive, had a terrible temper, paid her no attention... She feared for the children's safety due to his outbursts. (Nevermind they had never even had a heated argument in their 10-year marriage.)

She had to say something, so that's what she said. She certainly didn't need any proof or witnesses, but if you read their divorce proceedings it's all in there. He never said anything negative about her, other than she cheated which was completely true. She ended up marrying the new guy the DAY her alimony expired.

This is what happens when people divorce and I personally would not put stock into anything an ex-wife says in the heat of these battles.

Great points, but Shadid admitted to this stuff. So does that change your view here?

12-21-2013, 11:16 AM
Its amazing how slanted the Oklahoman's coverage of the mayor's race has been and how unnoticed it has been on this board. Virtually no one is satisfied with city government in this city, yet most here are mesmerized with the opponent's personal life. I would remind you of Spitzer, the rock star New York Attorney General and Governor who was forced to step down in the midst of a prostitution scandal. He worked rabidly to fight corruption and better the lives of constituents, yet they stabbed him in the back when personal details emerged. :doh:Small minded people get small minded leadership.

12-21-2013, 11:17 AM
Its amazing how slanted the Oklahoman's coverage of the mayor's race has been and how unnoticed it has been on this board. Virtually no one is satisfied with city government in this city, yet most here are mesmerized with the opponent's personal life. I would remind you of Spitzer, the rock star New York Attorney General and Governor who was forced to step down in the midst of a prostitution scandal. He worked rabidly to fight corruption and better the lives of constituents, yet they stabbed him in the back when personal details emerged. :Smiley130Small minded people get small minded leadership.

That is not true at all. The last citizen survey showed like 75% are happy with the city and the way it's being run, trash service, etc.

Fortunately, we don't have small-minded leadership here. I was a huge Spitzer fan, but he brought that on himself, as did Weiner. Not the standard I want as a Democrat. There are other smart people who won't anonymously post pictures of their genitalia on the Internet. And having lived in NYC, I can assure you the voters are quite educated and they wanted nothing to do with Wiener after his mea culpa and "time in the wilderness."

12-21-2013, 11:17 AM
Great points, but Shadid admitted to this stuff. So does that change your view here?

For what I saw, he's admitted to using cocaine twice and being formerly addicted to pot, and that's already been discussed.

He hasn't responded to this information that was just released.

12-21-2013, 11:23 AM
For what I saw, he's admitted to using cocaine twice and being formerly addicted to pot, and that's already been discussed.

He hasn't responded to this information that was just released.

Have you watched the link on FOX 25?

12-21-2013, 12:09 PM
I did. They should have held off on reporting and gone the extra mile to attempt to get a response to the allegations. The bit about the male prostitute, watching porn in front of the kids... all reported with context of whether Shadid disputes those allegations or if his ex-wife (who appeared with him at his press conference) recants what she said.

I favor print (online) reports over broadcast reports anyway. Details are glossed over on TV, and context is rarely provided.

12-21-2013, 12:17 PM
What better way for a "faith based community" to prove it's credentials than endorse a man who has met his demons, vanquished them and is actively pursuing redemption by being a voice for OKC's much scorned least of us. Really, the plutocrats have had a great run. You all realize of course weed is legal in two states and on the way in many more. Be a long time in this righteous hick state, especially now with our dip speaker promoting private prisons as the way to go. We'll be that ratifier of change around 2050 probably. this redneck state needs many more like Dr Shadid in politics. If he wasn't such a conniving control freak you could almost feel sorry for Mick. He lost interest in the job right after the timeline vote, his work was finished, and planned to sail off and cash in some promised chits. Now he has an adult in the room asking the obvious questions.

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 12:24 PM
I don't know where it is and don't care. If you want to file perjury charges against someone for saying it exists when it doesn't that is always a possibility. I doubt very seriously that will happen because I don't think a lawyer would allow a client to make a statement like that without being able to back it up. In any case, I don't think the audio will be posted here for you to listen to.You don't know where it is, exactly. That is all I need to know. Don't make a claim when there is nothing to back it up, done.

12-21-2013, 12:29 PM
Its amazing how slanted the Oklahoman's coverage of the mayor's race has been and how unnoticed it has been on this board. Virtually no one is satisfied with city government in this city, yet most here are mesmerized with the opponent's personal life. I would remind you of Spitzer, the rock star New York Attorney General and Governor who was forced to step down in the midst of a prostitution scandal. He worked rabidly to fight corruption and better the lives of constituents, yet they stabbed him in the back when personal details emerged. :doh:Small minded people get small minded leadership.

I'm reasonably satisfied with city government, although I think there's room for improvement. I'm very satisfied with the direction the city has been going. I've been very dissatisfied with Shadid's performance as a city councilman. I do not think he is a good person or an effective politician, even were he happily married with no skeletons in his closet. My political views are definitely to the left of center, so my views of him are not those of someone with a completely different political orientation. I support the legalization of marijuana. However, it is still illegal and I don't think our political leaders should be visible lawbreakers. That's why I think Anthony Spitzer did not belong in government, no matter how capable, especially as Attorney General who should, if anyone, follow the laws of the state. What kind of message does it send if our lawmakers are above the law?

And while I am sure people lie and exaggerate during divorce proceedings, his wife told people other than the judge some of this stuff. Regardless, it doesn't change my opinion of whether he should be mayor, because I think electing him would be a disaster for Oklahoma City.

12-21-2013, 02:53 PM
That is not true at all. The last citizen survey showed like 75% are happy with the city and the way it's being run, trash service, etc.
I've been waiting for a link, or do expect me to take this as gospel? Even if you can prove it, my observation was about people on this board, who purport to have a deeper interest in city government and deeper dissatisfaction if they are to be believed.

And having lived in NYC, I can assure you the voters are quite educated and they wanted nothing to do with Wiener after his mea culpa and "time in the wilderness."
You changed the subject by bringing in Weiner. Spitzer fought for accountability and fought hard, which is what Shadid has done. The education level of people in NYC has nothing to do with it. They were small minded in pushing out Spitzer despite his work ethic and achievements and a similar dynamic is at play against Shadid.

12-21-2013, 03:01 PM
I've been waiting for a link, or do expect me to take this as gospel? Even if you can prove it, my observation was about people on this board, who purport to have a deeper interest in city government and deeper dissatisfaction if they are to be believed.

For your viewing pleasure

12-21-2013, 04:26 PM
I really hope he doesn't drop out. As much as I don't like his family being brought into it, he brought it upon himself. I hope he stays in long enough for his lies and his inability to work with people to be exposed enough where not only does he not win mayor, he doesn't even win his own Ward again in reelection next year.

12-21-2013, 06:13 PM

Ed Shadid = Anti-Downtown

He would make a good mayor for the city of Edmond.:p

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 08:09 PM

Ed Shadid = Anti-Downtown

He would make a good mayor for the city of Edmond.:pThat's funny because it both ways. Never ceases to amaze nor amuse me how people on this site like to attack Edmond.

Just the facts
12-21-2013, 08:12 PM
Not only is being Mayor a long shot at this point, he'll be lucky to finish his term on the council.

12-21-2013, 09:41 PM
You don't know where it is, exactly. That is all I need to know. Don't make a claim when there is nothing to back it up, done.

Plupan, the claim was made in court. I didn't make it. Please tell me if anyone in the court case questioned the existence of the recording and has Ed ever denied that it exists. If the parties involved don't question this, why would you?

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 09:59 PM
Plupan, the claim was made in court. I didn't make it. Please tell me if anyone in the court case questioned the existence of the recording and has Ed ever denied that it exists. If the parties involved don't question this, why would you?Ok, but I'm only saying, has anyone ever heard it? That is my question! There are irrational people that would likely make a false claim under certain conditions(divorce) without thinking of the repercussions. Did she show the tape to the authorities? I just want to know if someone other than her or her friends have heard this supposedly recording of Shadid saying these things, that's all I want.

Also, Ed never denied it nor did he admit to it. If everyday you came and accused me of stupid things like supporting Hitler or trying to eradicate Asians from the earth and one day I just got tired of it and stopped trying to defend myself and you came and said "I suspect you are collecting peoples garbage to entice flies and collect the acid from their saliva so I can shoot it a vault in a bank and steal the money like MC PEE PANTS" and I never denied it, would that mean I am automatically guilty?

12-21-2013, 10:01 PM
Ok, but I'm only saying, has anyone ever heard it? That is my question! There are irrational people that would likely make a false claim under certain conditions(divorce) without thinking of the repercussions. Did she show the tape to the authorities? I just want to know if someone other than her or her friends have heard this supposedly recording of Shadid saying these things, that's all I want.

Also, Ed never denied it nor did he admit to it. If everyday you came and accused me of stupid things like supporting Hitler or trying to eradicate Asians from the earth and one day I just got tired of it and stopped trying to defend myself and you came and said "I suspect you are collecting peoples garbage to entice flies and collect the acid from their saliva so I can shoot it a vault in a bank and steal the money like MC PEE PANTS" and I never denied it, would that mean I am automatically guilty?

Who knows? Why don't you wait until you can actually read the court docs? Why would anyone here have heard the recording?

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 10:05 PM
Who knows? Why don't you wait until you can actually read the court docs? Why would anyone here have heard the recording?Never said anyone here has heard the recordings.

Why don't you wait until you can actually read the court docs?
(a)I thought they have already been released (b) I only say this because it seems plenty of people have already gotten worked over something that hasn't even been proven yet.

If this is indeed true, go ahead and work yourself up over something stupid. If it is indeed false, then whoever was worked up will look really dumb.

The only question I have here is, has anyone heard the tape? That is all I want to know, not expecting anyone here to have heard it. Has a judge heard it, has a lawyer heard it, has a place officer heard it? Has anyone heard the tape besides her or her friends(person with no conflict of interest).

12-21-2013, 10:22 PM
Well you seem obsessed with that one thing. I don't think people here know. I'm not an attorney. Some people who post here are. It was stated that there was a recording. Who knows? Why does it matter?

I suggest looking at the bigger picture. You think this guy is qualified to be mayor of OKC?

As for the court docs, I don't have access to them in spite of the fact they have been unsealed. I'm awaiting the Oklahoman article on the matter.

Plutonic Panda
12-21-2013, 10:23 PM
omg, never mind...

12-22-2013, 11:25 AM
Ok, but I'm only saying, has anyone ever heard it? That is my question! There are irrational people that would likely make a false claim under certain conditions(divorce) without thinking of the repercussions. Did she show the tape to the authorities? I just want to know if someone other than her or her friends have heard this supposedly recording of Shadid saying these things, that's all I want.

Also, Ed never denied it nor did he admit to it. If everyday you came and accused me of stupid things like supporting Hitler or trying to eradicate Asians from the earth and one day I just got tired of it and stopped trying to defend myself and you came and said "I suspect you are collecting peoples garbage to entice flies and collect the acid from their saliva so I can shoot it a vault in a bank and steal the money like MC PEE PANTS" and I never denied it, would that mean I am automatically guilty?

Well, I am an attorney. I don't know Ed Shadid, never met him, and have no opinion on the guy other than he appears to be anti-streetcar and I don't like that. He's apparently pissed a lot of people off. I really like Mick Cornett and so was going to support him anyway, regardless of whether any of this Shadid stuff was true.

Judge Hammond unsealed the records on Friday. The courthouse is closed until this next Thursday, so if you didn't get in there and get a copy of the file, you're out of luck until then. I seriously doubt there are any recordings that have been included in the court file. As far as I know the court clerk's office doesn't retain any physical evidence like that. I didn't run down and get a copy of the records on Friday, and I don't intend to, so I can't say what the exact contents of the file are.

What it sounds like is that Shadid's ex-wife recorded some conversations, not necessarily the ones people are focusing on today. She made other claims as well, and then when Shadid was questioned about some of it in depositions, he took the 5th. We don't have the transcripts of those depositions to see the exact back and forth that went on. He also admits to some of that activity but denies anything that could get him in more serious trouble. His wife didn't present any of this stuff to the police, or the District Attorney, or the medical licensing board, because she's just trying to get the kids and she's not trying to kill the goose that lays the golden alimony payments. The allegations of watching porn in front of the kids (depending on the exact circumstances) could actually get him sent to prison, so he totally needed to take the 5th as far as that goes, if there's even the slightest little shred of truth. If your answer is anything other than "no, never" and you never deviate from it, I'd advise any client to do the same. You never know when an overzealous DA will charge someone with a sex offense for watching Girls Gone Wild when their kid is asleep in the same room.

Without reviewing everything there's no way to know who has those recordings, who has heard them, whether they were ever admitted into evidence or played for the court, etc. I'm not particularly concerned with the "rape and kill the kids" statement, it seems like it's a very poorly worded attempt to show how serious he is. Like "if I do this again, may God strike me dead" kind of thing, just a more extreme and more shocking example. Poor judgment and phrasing on his part, but it doesn't necessarily make him a horrible person.

12-22-2013, 11:57 AM
Records contradict Shadid claims

By Nolan Clay and Robby Trammell , The Oklahoman
Modified: December 22, 2013 at 12:45 am • Published: December 21, 2013

Oklahoma City mayoral candidate Ed Shadid has made claims this month about his past drug abuse and his invoking of the Fifth Amendment to avoid criminal prosecution that conflict with divorce records just made public.

He also made assertions about episodes of domestic violence that are inconsistent with the records.

Records contradict Shadid claims | News OK (

12-22-2013, 10:15 PM
I've read this story a couple times and have been thinking about it. I think the old saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction" may hold true here. While people do lie and exaggerate in court (and as a pediatrician at Children's, we deal with people who lie to us and in court), What I've found, after years of doing this, and perhaps the attorneys here could corroborate, is that people are generally not very creative liars. Shadid's wife, if she was lying, was telling some whoppers worthy of a creative writing class. They sound true precisely because of how odd they are.

12-22-2013, 11:09 PM
During the trial when she was making these statements, did Shadid or his attorney ever deny them or call her a liar? If not then that seems to be an acknowledgement that they are factual.

12-23-2013, 12:35 AM
This wasn't a jury trial, it was a custody trial tried before a judge. I've tried cases to this judge and considering the allegations, she'll let the party testify about them and she'll decide what sort of weight to attach to them. I would have to think that if the wife could corroborate very much of what she was saying, Dr. Shadid was having a less than spectacular time in court.

Who knows what horse trading happened in the end? I do know that this particular judge, had she heard all of this and believed there to still be continuing threats of harm to the children would probably not have signed off on something which could place the children in the way of harm.

I have mixed feelings of this sideshow. I'm still interested in how Shadid has conducted himself since his election--and I'm not giving him very high marks at all.

12-23-2013, 03:04 AM
This wasn't a jury trial, it was a custody trial tried before a judge. I've tried cases to this judge and considering the allegations, she'll let the party testify about them and she'll decide what sort of weight to attach to them. I would have to think that if the wife could corroborate very much of what she was saying, Dr. Shadid was having a less than spectacular time in court.

Who knows what horse trading happened in the end? I do know that this particular judge, had she heard all of this and believed there to still be continuing threats of harm to the children would probably not have signed off on something which could place the children in the way of harm.

I have mixed feelings of this sideshow. I'm still interested in how Shadid has conducted himself since his election--and I'm not giving him very high marks at all.

The Oklahoman article was much more detailed than anything else we've seen.

1. The reporters question whether Shadid lied to the medical licensing authorities to ensure his medical license.

2. The reporters clearly outline how Shadid has lied IN THE LAST WEEK about the matters for which he pled the fifth. He said it was "only" about marijuana, when the testimony shows his plea was also about cocaine and pornography.

3. The issue that Plutonic Panda has raised -- the existence of a recording of the "vile" quote the Oklahoman refused to publish -- seems to have been answered. The Oklahoman states that a recording of the controversial statement exists.

Most importantly, the article provides a little context for the bizarre public statements Shadid has made.

12-23-2013, 08:27 AM
I've read this story a couple times and have been thinking about it. I think the old saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction" may hold true here. While people do lie and exaggerate in court (and as a pediatrician at Children's, we deal with people who lie to us and in court), What I've found, after years of doing this, and perhaps the attorneys here could corroborate, is that people are generally not very creative liars. Shadid's wife, if she was lying, was telling some whoppers worthy of a creative writing class. They sound true precisely because of how odd they are.

Knowing her version of the truth, whatever it is, she still supports Ed over Mick.

“I care deeply about Oklahoma City and wish to support our elected officials. But I care more that Oklahoma City is in the best hands. Those hands are Ed Shadid’s.”

Shadid defiant in face of potential divorce doc ruling | Red Dirt Report (

12-23-2013, 08:40 AM
Sounds like they, Ed and his X-wife, could both be liars at this point.....We know for a fact Ed is an established liar, the verdict is out on his X, which could go either way.

What a mess.

12-23-2013, 11:39 AM
Either she was lying then or now or she has really poor judgement. We know he lies because he's still doing it. As I've said, as unsavory as all these details are, there are plenty of reasons not to vote for him had he been a perfect angel when married.

12-23-2013, 12:03 PM
Either she was lying then or now or she has really poor judgement. We know he lies because he's still doing it. As I've said, as unsavory as all these details are, there are plenty of reasons not to vote for him had he been a perfect angel when married.

Agree. These new details didn't change my view of him. I didn't trust him to begin with.

12-23-2013, 04:59 PM
On another note, that Red Dirt Report guy definitely reads this board. His facebook has a picture of the "Time Fades Away" Neil Young album cover that he posted on the same day as someone posted it in the Century Center thread. Accompanying the picture is an explanation similar to what was posted with it in the thread. No way that's just a coincidence.

So the question is, if he also posts here...which unabashed Ed supporter is he?

12-23-2013, 05:40 PM
He should rename his publication Ed's Dirt Reporter.

12-23-2013, 06:24 PM
On another note, that Red Dirt Report guy definitely reads this board. His facebook has a picture of the "Time Fades Away" Neil Young album cover that he posted on the same day as someone posted it in the Century Center thread. Accompanying the picture is an explanation similar to what was posted with it in the thread. No way that's just a coincidence.

So the question is, if he also posts here...which unabashed Ed supporter is he?

Since there appear to be about 3 of them, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

12-23-2013, 06:25 PM
He should rename his publication Ed's Dirt Reporter.


Dennis Heaton
12-23-2013, 06:28 PM
Just for the sake of keeping it interesting, Mr. Shadid should hang in there, if he is a true Libertarian.

12-23-2013, 06:52 PM
I expect he will hang around and attempt to talk about the city. Mick will keep hiding under the bed and Mick's henchmen will keep flogging Ed's past.

Speaking of the RDR, as far as I can tell the most avid readers are Ed haters. You missed quoting from it today, so here's a bit from this morning:

Putting the "low" in "yellow journalism," The Oklahoman engages in unprecedented smear campaign


And as a young reporter in the late 1990’s, many of my colleagues noted, at the time, how the influential Columbia Journalism Review revealed just how bad Oklahoma City’s only daily newspaper was, noting that “The Daily Oklahoman has become a newspaper in reverse, sucking intelligence from its readers.”


Putting the "low" in "yellow journalism," The Oklahoman engages in unprecedented smear campaign | Red Dirt Report (

12-23-2013, 06:58 PM
It's easy to criticize the DOK. It deflects attention from the issue, which is Ed's fitness to hold public office.

Why should Mick say anything? Ed is doing a great job of hanging himself.

But yellow journalism is sensationalistic "news" that has little basis in fact. I don't think we have data that documents that there is little or no basis in fact for what was published.

12-23-2013, 07:13 PM
On another note, that Red Dirt Report guy definitely reads this board. His facebook has a picture of the "Time Fades Away" Neil Young album cover that he posted on the same day as someone posted it in the Century Center thread. Accompanying the picture is an explanation similar to what was posted with it in the thread. No way that's just a coincidence.

So the question is, if he also posts here...which unabashed Ed supporter is he?

Since there appear to be about 3 of them, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

Inquiring minds want to know.

12-23-2013, 09:31 PM
Just for the sake of keeping it interesting, Mr. Shadid should hang in there, if he is a true Libertarian.

Props to you for posting under your real name, but this sort of thing is just exactly the problem with Shadid supporters--a bunch of Johnny come latelies to politics in OKC. Are you aware that Shadid not too long ago, in 2010, Shadid was part of Ralph Nader's more-liberal-than-Democrat Green Party?

In Oklahoma, Dr. Edward Shadid announces historic bid for State House, Seeks Green Party endorsement | Green Party Watch (

He may be a lot of things, but a libertarian he ain't. He's at the polar opposite of the political spectrum... or at least he was in 2010 when that's what he thought spoke to voters. If now, he's a "reformed" libertarian, that might be concerning as well.

12-24-2013, 12:43 AM
Ed's latest clarification:

Oklahoma City mayoral candidate Ed Shadid responds to media reports on divorce records | News OK (

In a statement about the unsealing of his divorce records, Oklahoma City mayoral candidate Ed Shadid said Sunday “there were many false allegations during our divorce.”

“I will not engage in further dialogue on these matters,” he wrote at the end of the statement posted on Facebook.

That should certainly settle everything.

12-24-2013, 05:51 AM
So now I am again confuzzled. It seems as though the candidate now suggests Hammam was capable of being extremely untruthful during court, even though at the time she under the guidance of counsel, who must balance advocacy for a client with the obligations inherent in being an officer of the court.

If one is to believe Hammam capable of repeatedly lying in court during the proceedings, what does it say about a candidate who seeks out, one might even opine parades out, that very same person to vouch for, even praise, the candidate as the next best hope for the city?

Interesting poster.

12-24-2013, 07:17 AM
Once you accuse a person of lying, everything they say is suspect, including now. Once you catch a person lying, as we have found Ed doing multiple times, everything they say is suspect. To quote a relative of Ed's wife, however, "She's the queen of over sharing." I'm inclined to believe there's at least a big kernel of truth to what she said in court, in front of a judge.

12-24-2013, 10:33 AM
My opposition to Ed is issue-based. I didn't know all of this stuff. I only know my own experience and what the guy says he will do versus what he does, and how ineffective he would be as mayor.

The only thing that should concern supporters about this stuff, however, is that he lied to them as recently as last week when he said his Fifth Amendment pleas were only about his marijuana addiction. The Oklahoman reports he pled the Fifth after three questions, pertaining to MJ, cocaine use, and pornography. So while it may be true that his transgressions were in the past, apparently he also has recently lied to the public about those court proceedings.

12-24-2013, 11:28 AM
From Shadid's Facebook page (as reported in the Oklahoman): “I will not engage in further dialogue on these matters,” he wrote at the end of the statement posted on Facebook."

He's quiet when he wants to hide the truth and deny accusations, but when he wants to spin his version of events he is available to the Oklahoman, Gazette, Red Dirt Report, Facebook, etc.

Similarly, his ex-wife says he's an abusive, terrible husband & father when it suits her needs as an estranged wife and protector of her children, but now he's "father of the year" when he's running for office.

What began as an amusing candidacy has become pathetic, and now I wish that it - and he - would simply go away.

12-24-2013, 11:51 AM
So now I am again confuzzled. It seems as though the candidate now suggests Hammam was capable of being extremely untruthful during court, even though at the time she under the guidance of counsel, who must balance advocacy for a client with the obligations inherent in being an officer of the court.

If one is to believe Hammam capable of repeatedly lying in court during the proceedings, what does it say about a candidate who seeks out, one might even opine parades out, that very same person to vouch for, even praise, the candidate as the next best hope for the city?

Interesting poster.

If she's ready to admit she lied, I'd sure like to see the District Attorney follow up with charges. Lying about that sort of thing in a child custody case is reprehensible (but not uncommon). This would be a fine example to have someone be made an example of.

12-24-2013, 12:39 PM
W. Bush a hard drinking cokehead and I bet most of you voted for him twice. Probably would have surfed porn on the internets if Al had invented it yet. Barack a charter member of the choom club, and now he's the leader of the free world. Ed's qualified. Vote Shadid! really if you truly want a "faith based community" Jesus would approve, Mick for a continued plutocracy of a few secretive filthy rich white guys.

12-24-2013, 01:08 PM
W. Bush a hard drinking cokehead and I bet most of you voted for him twice. Probably would have surfed porn on the internets if Al had invented it yet. Barack a charter member of the choom club, and now he's the leader of the free world. Ed's qualified. Vote Shadid! really if you truly want a "faith based community" Jesus would approve, Mick for a continued plutocracy of a few secretive filthy rich white guys.

Again, the bigger issue are his ridiculous views about where the city should go next and his opposition to public projects that have already been voter approved...and his lying about previously supporting those projects. Obviously the no holds bared attempts to overthrow MAPS all together (that he of course had nothing to do with) were just the cherry on top. The guy is a dirt bag when it comes to that.

Btw, did you ever give us an answer as to what Ed is actually going to do better then Cornett? He certainly beat his ex wife, smoked the reefer (not that that really bothers me, but still), and watched porn better than Mick, but what will he do better for OKC?

Maybe we can give his campaign a remember the Alamo type battle cry... I'm all for something to the effect of "Rape and murder the children!"

12-24-2013, 01:09 PM
W. Bush a hard drinking cokehead and I bet most of you voted for him twice. Probably would have surfed porn on the internets if Al had invented it yet. Barack a charter member of the choom club, and now he's the leader of the free world. Ed's qualified. Vote Shadid! really if you truly want a "faith based community" Jesus would approve, Mick for a continued plutocracy of a few secretive filthy rich white guys.

Give it up, Ed. Seriously.

Just give it up already.

12-24-2013, 01:44 PM
W. Bush a hard drinking cokehead and I bet most of you voted for him twice. Probably would have surfed porn on the internets if Al had invented it yet. Barack a charter member of the choom club, and now he's the leader of the free world. Ed's qualified. Vote Shadid! really if you truly want a "faith based community" Jesus would approve, Mick for a continued plutocracy of a few secretive filthy rich white guys.

Also, with the wealth of so many filthy rich white guys on this board...maybe we could all purchase the stage center site and build a 70 story tower on it.

12-24-2013, 02:06 PM
Mick quit a couple of years ago. It'd be like electing Sara Palin again in Alaska., but that's ok you all probably voted for her to be an old man's ticker away from the presidency didn't you.

12-24-2013, 02:15 PM
Mick quit a couple of years ago. It'd be like electing Sara Palin again in Alaska., but that's ok you all probably voted for her to be an old man's ticker away from the presidency didn't you.

I think the majority of the people in this thread would consider themselves liberal.

I think that speak volumes as to how bad Shadid would be; liberal and conservatives uniting against a candidate. Almost unheard of in today's political climate.

12-24-2013, 02:21 PM
Also, with the wealth of so many filthy rich white guys on this board...maybe we could all purchase the stage center site and build a 70 story tower on it.

yeah, and while you're at it, rip up the stately Centennial Plaza for some hick olies soulless ugly totally inappropriate vision.

12-24-2013, 02:22 PM
I think the majority of the people in this thread would consider themselves liberal.

I think that speak volumes as to how bad Shadid would be; liberal and conservatives uniting against a candidate. Almost unheard of in today's political climate.

You can't possibly call yourself a liberal and support an intolerant religious right conservative like Cornett.

12-24-2013, 02:26 PM
You can't possibly call yourself a liberal and support an intolerant religious right conservative like Cornett.

That is not a fair description of the mayor -- not at all. You're not winning me over with arguments like that. For the record, I know both men, and I have found the mayor to be far more open-minded than Shadid. It's not even close. And yes, I'm a committed liberal voter and have been my whole life. But thanks for the insult.

Also, though he has tried numerous times, Ed Shadid cannot get the endorsement of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. The Democrats want nothing to do with Ed Shadid or his candidacy. Why do you think that is?

12-24-2013, 02:35 PM
You can't possibly call yourself a liberal and support an intolerant religious right conservative like Cornett.

Considering our conservative mayor has been leading the way on "liberal" issues (streetcar, bus system improvements, sidewalks, trails, commuter rail, etc.). I'd vote for him any day of the week compared to Ed Shadid, who seems to flip-flop on many of those issues.

In fact, I'd hire a school bus to pick people up on voting day if it came down to it. Wait....that sounds familiar.

12-24-2013, 03:02 PM
You can't possibly call yourself a liberal and support an intolerant religious right conservative like Cornett.

The few people I personally know who support Shadid are all tea party/libertarian types. FWIW Cornett has criticized the national GOP's rightward lurch and their subsequent erosion in urban areas. Not something I would expect from a hardcore RW conservative.

With municipal races officially non-partisan here, I don't think you can put people into neatly defined camps like you can with state or national politics.

12-24-2013, 03:11 PM
You can't possibly call yourself a liberal and support an intolerant religious right conservative like Cornett.

I don't think you know the definition of intolerant

12-24-2013, 03:26 PM
... Vote Shadid! really if you truly want ... secretive filthy rich ... .

There, cut through the clutter for you.

12-24-2013, 03:29 PM
Edgar, you realize I hope that you're getting into the realm of perhaps telling more lies than Shadid has apparently suggested were being told back in the court hearing days.

bad form old bean. bad form.