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12-24-2013, 03:11 PM
Why aren't comedians and rappers held to this same example? Tosh says something about queers on his show nightly. And rappers say the dreaded n word every time that open their mouth. Pretty soon we'll all the bad words will be gone and life will be great.

Some are, some aren't. Context and offense are rarely equal. Michael Richards certainly suffered for his onstage N-storm. Others have as well.

As for rappers, context is everything. I don't like how some use language, but I am not the audience.

Any sub-culture has mores which are exclusive to it. For some black folks, the double standard is part of their feelings of empowerment and believe this is one way they can turn the tables on society which continues to have double standards for it.

I don't agree with it, I'm merely stating one rationale.

White subculture's have the same idiomatic idiosyncrasies. My family comes from the ozarks. That gives me the ability to self-apply the term "hillbilly" to myself and my family. I wouldn't, however, go to LeFlore county and say, "hey hillbilly" to any stranger at the walmart even though they might be wearing a "hillbillies luv dert" T-shirt.

Life isn't fair and this story isn't likely to turn out well for the Robertson family.

I'd lay odds there will be some divorces and social stigma attatched to this event in store for some of the younger family members. This aspect is likely to hit the grandkids hardest. One of Jase's kids has talked about how the pressures of being associated with the show--before the controversy--caused him suicidal depression. Now, these kids will have to bear the stigma of being seen as gay-bashers.

West Monroe isn't much different from any other part of the country--I visit there 4 or 5 times a year--and the locals aren't likely to be in lockstep with the fundamentalism of Phil's statements. I doubt Phil has any idea how this

12-24-2013, 03:48 PM
Hmmmm anyone think this is a violation of his 1st Amendment?

Colorado State defensive line coach Greg Lupfer was suspended for two weeks without pay on Monday due to his actions during the Rams’ 48-45 victory over Washington State in the New Mexico Bowl on Saturday.

Cameras caught Lupfer making an anti-gay slur to Cougars quarterback Connor Halliday from the sidelines during the game.

The punishment for Lupfer includes the suspension, plus mandatory anger management and diversity training to be paid by Lupfer. He will also receive a letter of reprimand and be put on a zero-tolerance status by the university.

“I accept these consequences — two weeks without pay and the training programs — and I am thankful for this second chance to continue coaching at Colorado State and be a part of the Ram Family,” Lupfer said in a statement. “I am deeply sorry for my behavior, which does not represent who I am or my values. I embrace the opportunity to participate in anger management and diversity sensitivity training. I was angry and careless with my words, and my words hurt many people. I sincerely apologize to the GLBTQ community for causing pain by using a slur without considering its meaning. I take ownership of my words and fully understand why people are very upset.”
More than likely it is a violation of campus policy and possibly the Colorado Civil Rights Laws as the interpretation of that is rather broad.

12-24-2013, 05:09 PM
Colorado State actually beat another team? Inconceivable!

12-24-2013, 06:27 PM
...and Phil is not a paid representative of A&E. He is a character on a show they air. He might get paid to be on show, but they pay him to be himself (i.e. reality TV). Alas, the family has $400 million. I am sure they will manage just fine. On the other hand, A&E will be lucky to survive.

A&E has been around since 1985 and is owned by Disney. They will be fine.

12-24-2013, 07:06 PM
...the Constitution OVER-RIDES any contract or law.

So can I go to my boss and him and asshole and think "freedom of speech" protects me from being fired? Let me quote the first amendment for you:

"The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

All this says is that Congress cannot interfere abridge your free speech. In other words you can't go to jail for mocking the the powers that be. It does not address what rules individuals, private enterprise, companies and groups can impose on personnel.

12-24-2013, 07:22 PM
Why aren't comedians and rappers held to this same example? Tosh says something about queers on his show nightly. And rappers say the dreaded n word every time that open their mouth. Pretty soon we'll all the bad words will be gone and life will be great.

Why? Because those companies choose not fire or suspend them. Simple as that.

12-24-2013, 08:30 PM
So can I go to my boss and him and asshole and think "freedom of speech" protects me from being fired? Let me quote the first amendment for you:

"The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

All this says is that Congress cannot interfere abridge your free speech. In other words you can't go to jail for mocking the the powers that be. It does not address what rules individuals, private enterprise, companies and groups can impose on personnel.

I agree that The Phil Robertson Tempest in a TV Pot doesn't have much to do with Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech. However, he didn't actually go up to his "A&E boss" and call him an asshole. All he did was express his personal beliefs in a Metrosexual Magazine interview. Phil needs to correct his error and actually call his "A&E boss" an asshole to his face (if he can figure out which end of the blob of corporate protoplasm to speak toward). That way, there could possibly be a rational reason for "exiling" him back to his mansion by the bayou to hunt, fish, play with his duck calls and count his money.

Even if his (imagined) opinion of his "A&E boss" is spot on.

Hell, even YOU know that this is true.
(C'mon . . . Admit it: You KNOW that this "summary judgment" of the situation is right . . . =)

One thing about it all . . . At least we ain't a-wastin' time talkin' 'bout Honey Boo Boo and Street Outlaws . . .

12-24-2013, 09:12 PM
... At least we ain't a-wastin' time talkin' 'bout Honey Boo Boo and Street Outlaws . . .

And why aren't we. good grief man, Farmtruck got beat out for the gatekeeper spot .... by a gurl! That jes' ain't right bubba, ain't right at all.

Oh man, and I'm all outta deathnog too. What's da world a comin' too?

*no useful brain cells were killed in the writing of this post, just some long unused ones.

12-24-2013, 09:57 PM
^^^ Dang. =)

Uncle Slayton
12-25-2013, 09:16 AM
Read one article this morning that 'industry insiders' are calling A&E's reaction to this a 'rookie mistake', one of them saying (dead-nuts on point) that "here's a multimillionaire who lives in a *swamp*. I don't think he gives a flying f**k what A&E thinks."

The truly entertaining part of this whole little bit of nothin' is watching the media's reaction when they realize that "there's a whole lot more of them than there are of us" and trying in vain to hide their disgust with the increasingly large number of people who support Robertson. The face they make is the same one you make when you step in a fresh pile of dog droppings.

For whatever you may believe about him, Robertson has been pretty consistent all the way throughout. WYSIWYG, take it or leave it. Worst case scenario, he walks away only worth $200 million?

Hurt me some more like that.

12-25-2013, 10:37 AM
I'm not going to wade (get it...waders?) into this debate. It's a no-win regardless of which side you're on. You won't change any minds.

What is more interesting to me anyway is the business aspects of the whole mess, and particularly the PR aspects, since that is an industry I have had some involvement in. My question was how it happened in the first place. This franchise is a monstrous money-maker for a number of companies, and as others have mentioned there was surely knowledge of Phil's evangelical views, which he has not been shy about sharing publicly.

So how did these companies with so much to win or lose allow this interview to happen to begin with? I mean, dozens of contest shows have succeeded for more than a decade in keeping contestants from revealing show outcomes before the appointed times, and these shows are often populated by desperate, certifiable nut cases.

I don't think it has really been discussed here (or many other places) but Forbes had a pretty good breakdown of where the PR breakdown apparently happened. ( Seems the reporter got Phil alone on an ATV during a time when he assumed the conversation was off-the-record, and he let his guard down. The rest is history. Major fail on A&E's part.

I myself have had a reporter try to get "the real story" when the camera was "off" (but not really off), and all I can say is that there is no such thing as off-the-record when dealing with media, unless it is someone you know well and trust implicitly. In 20 plus years of dealing with media I have only dealt with one reporter ever who I absolutely trust to honor that agreement between a reporter and a source.

Uncle Slayton
12-25-2013, 02:55 PM
I just read that the Rev'run Jack'hnnn (to use the Buckley pronunciation) has jumped in. He and his Rainbow Push Coalition have demanded a pre-extortion conference...uh...meeting with A&E and Cracker Barrel (whose resolve seems to have weakened under an onslaught of pissed off customers).

Nothing brings out ol' Jesse like the smell of a good shakedown in the air and the prospect of a few shekels in his pocket. Sharpton can't be far behind.

Just the facts
12-25-2013, 08:02 PM
Read one article this morning that 'industry insiders' are calling A&E's reaction to this a 'rookie mistake', one of them saying (dead-nuts on point) that "here's a multimillionaire who lives in a *swamp*. I don't think he gives a flying f**k what A&E thinks."

The truly entertaining part of this whole little bit of nothin' is watching the media's reaction when they realize that "there's a whole lot more of them than there are of us" and trying in vain to hide their disgust with the increasingly large number of people who support Robertson. The face they make is the same one you make when you step in a fresh pile of dog droppings.

For whatever you may believe about him, Robertson has been pretty consistent all the way throughout. WYSIWYG, take it or leave it. Worst case scenario, he walks away only worth $200 million?

Hurt me some more like that.

Here is the story you read.

'Duck Dynasty' Debacle Has TV Industry Abuzz As A&E Charts New Territory - (

Where have we heard this before?

Said one exec, “Their statement … should have been simply along the lines of, ‘The opinion stated by Phil is his opinion only; it’s not the opinion of A&E’ — and let it go.”

Just the facts
12-25-2013, 08:09 PM
A&E has been around since 1985 and is owned by Disney. They will be fine.

Well, you are half right. ABC-TV Group owns 50% of A&E and ABC-TV Group is a subsidiary of Disney. They'll survive as a network but some of the executives might not.

'Duck Dynasty' Debacle Has TV Industry Abuzz As A&E Charts New Territory - (

Added another: “Gay groups and others can come after [the network], but that’s a lot better to deal with than to have the stars of your [hit] show want to take it elsewhere for not supporting them.”


“Someone’s going to have to back down,” said one industry vet, predicting it’s not going to be the Robertsons. “Either [A+E Networks CEO] Nancy [Dubuc] says, ‘This is not the position of the network and we respect Phil’s religious beliefs,’ and we all move on from there, or I don’t think the show survives on A&E,” the source continued.

“They’re going to have to apologize,” agreed another. “If they want them back, they’re going to have to eat crow. They’ll probably do it right after Christmas. Look for a note sometime over the next week and a half.”

12-27-2013, 03:47 PM
He's back on the show... shocker!

A&E reverses course on 'Duck Dynasty', will resume filming (

12-27-2013, 04:05 PM
Same publicist as Miley Cyrus...Look for Phil to be singing between bedsheets in the near future

12-27-2013, 04:42 PM
Phil is reportedly Happy, Happy, Happy.

The Network remains somewhat Anxious and Edgy on whether the Duck can still lay down golden eggs.

The Critics are not angry. After all, the decision is probably good for an extra call to action fundraising email or mailout in 2014.

And Uncle Si, well he heard tea party and wondered what the fuss was about. Every day is a tea party for Si.

And over at Quacker Barrel, the gift shop is struggling to keep Duck stock on the shelves.

And somewhere in Hollywood, Rick Dees is still trying to figure out when Ducks went redneck.

Uncle Slayton
12-27-2013, 05:26 PM
He's back on the show... shocker!

A&E reverses course on 'Duck Dynasty', will resume filming (

Guess Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Shakedown Train didn't get the meetings they 'demanded' with A&E and Crapper Barrel.

12-27-2013, 06:01 PM
Guess Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Shakedown Train didn't get the meetings they 'demanded' with A&E and Crapper Barrel.

Frankly, it disappoints me that they didn't.
'Course, Phil could invite them out to The Mansion on The Bayou
In order to determine the difference between a Reverend, a Pastor,
And [a] Shakedown Con Artist(s).

Yet, that is unlikely to happen
In the Modern Whirld.

'ceptin' maybe at that little beer-fest
at the white house over an unrelated issue.
a while back . . .
what don't count
no ways.

12-28-2013, 07:56 AM
Same publicist as Miley Cyrus...Look for Phil to be singing between bedsheets in the near future
I'm more worried about the future tie-ins. Twerk Dynasty.

12-28-2013, 07:57 AM
And does this subject really deserve 3 threads?

12-28-2013, 08:05 AM
And does this subject really deserve 3 threads?

I sort of wonder that, too, especially since I don't ever watch the show, yet I think this isn't about Duck Dynasty, it's about "the principle of the thing." And it's about The Culture War, a topic that is probably involved in 3000 threads in here.

Variety Headline:
Phil un-FIRED

Look for Phil on the cover of Rolling Stone in the near future.

12-28-2013, 08:17 AM
I'll tell you some other folks who are happy happy gay brother and his lover of 20+ years who were legally married the day after Christmas. The winds aren't blowing Phils direction even though his novelty is still appealing in some duck blinds.

12-28-2013, 08:21 AM
I'll tell you some other folks who are happy happy gay brother and his lover of 20+ years who were legally married the day after Christmas. The winds aren't blowing Phils direction even though his novelty is still appealing in some duck blinds.

Well . . . I'm happy happy happy for your brother, too.
Just out of curiousity . . . How do they decide which one is the "wife"?
Or do they have some sort of role rotation here?

12-28-2013, 08:30 AM
What, some rule says they can't both be wives at the same time?

12-28-2013, 08:39 AM
What, some rule says they can't both be wives at the same time?

I guess that would be okay if they are lesbians . . .

12-28-2013, 08:44 AM
You know these Duck Dynasty guys do look like they could be Beliebers.

12-28-2013, 10:12 AM
Same publicist as Miley Cyrus...Look for Phil to be singing between bedsheets in the near future

There's a visual I didn't need

12-28-2013, 10:14 AM
And does this subject really deserve 3 threads?

I'm still surprised people are so upset about a multi-millionaire not getting a check for a few weeks.

12-28-2013, 10:17 AM
I'm still surprised people are so upset about a multi-millionaire not getting a check for a few weeks.

Dude . . . It ain't the checks . . . It's the balances.

12-28-2013, 11:05 AM
I'm not upset, I don't even watch their show, I did once when somebody mentioned how good it was, but I'm not a reality show person. In our republic, the majority (mob) doesn't rule (and I'm a believer in our republic), but this was fun watching A & E lose in the "court of public opinion". Now if Phil had done something totally distasteful, or criminal, say gay bashing or truly racist comments, I wouldn't feel that way, but quoting from the bible, albeit "loosely" didn't bother me. I do hope he's a little more thoughtful next time he gets into a one-on-one interview.
C. T.
I'm still surprised people are so upset about a multi-millionaire not getting a check for a few weeks.

12-28-2013, 11:15 AM
If this isn't on their Quackmas album, it oughta be

Oh ducky blind, oh ducky blind
You keep the wind off my behind
Oh ducky blind, oh ducky blind
You keep the wind off my behind
I heard a quack, up in the sky
I took my shot, as it flew by
Oh ducky blind, oh ducky blind
My aim was true, tonight we dine.

12-30-2013, 06:40 AM
I'm not upset, I don't even watch their show, I did once when somebody mentioned how good it was, but I'm not a reality show person. In our republic, the majority (mob) doesn't rule (and I'm a believer in our republic), but this was fun watching A & E lose in the "court of public opinion". Now if Phil had done something totally distasteful, or criminal, say gay bashing or truly racist comments, I wouldn't feel that way, but quoting from the bible, albeit "loosely" didn't bother me. I do hope he's a little more thoughtful next time he gets into a one-on-one interview.
C. T.

I don't watch it either and I only read a small portions of his interview. I still don't see what happened as a 1st Amendment issue as many do and I'm also not too upset a multi-millionaire has to go a couple weeks without an A&E paycheck because he said something stupid. Life will go on and DD will continue to attract lots of rednecks to A&E. The dollar is mightier than stupidity.

12-30-2013, 06:48 AM
I don't watch it either and I only read a small portions of his interview. I still don't see what happened as a 1st Amendment issue as many do and I'm also not too upset a multi-millionaire has to go a couple weeks without an A&E paycheck because he said something stupid. Life will go on and DD will continue to attract lots of rednecks to A&E. The dollar is mightier than stupidity.

Could have been a publicity stunt for all we know. If it was it really worked. I never had any interest in the show at all until this happened. I have watched it several times in the last week and it is actually pretty entertaining. It is also interesting that A&E would have a Duck dynasty marathon over the holidays.

12-30-2013, 09:13 AM
I believe the marathon was already scheduled and let's face it, it's A & E's "cash cow". I suppose it could have been a publicity stunt, but in today's "politically correct" society, in my opinion, it wasn't a stunt, they made a decision and then with the outcry, backed down.
C. T.
Could have been a publicity stunt for all we know. If it was it really worked. I never had any interest in the show at all until this happened. I have watched it several times in the last week and it is actually pretty entertaining. It is also interesting that A&E would have a Duck dynasty marathon over the holidays.

12-30-2013, 10:30 AM
never attribute to clever marketing what can be more easily explained as knee jerk stupidity.

Just the facts
12-30-2013, 11:49 PM
Well . . . I'm happy happy happy for your brother, too.
Just out of curiousity . . . How do they decide which one is the "wife"?
Or do they have some sort of role rotation here?

If you watch "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" they will tell you the answer. Few movies have made me laugh that much.

12-31-2013, 10:08 AM
I guess old Phil doesn't like homosexuality, but a little pedophilia never hurt anyone, right?

Phil Robertson on marriage: Duck Dynasty star advised men to find 15-year-old girls who will ?pick your ducks.? ( ed_men_to_find_15_year.html)

12-31-2013, 10:30 AM
Wow . . . That sounds almost Mormonian . . . or even, allyah forbid, Islamesque . . . on the surface.
(next thing ya' know, Phil will be ending the dinner table prayer with "all'y'all quackbar" and that's the day that i boycott the show i never watch on account of it would add insensitivity to boredom.)

12-31-2013, 10:46 AM
I read the article. He is talking about marriage, about how girls should be married by 15 or 16. It's really not far off from the Oklahoma norm of marrying your high school sweetheart at 18 or 19. In some states its legal to marry younger than that with parental consent.

12-31-2013, 01:53 PM
I read the article. He is talking about marriage, about how girls should be married by 15 or 16. It's really not far off from the Oklahoma norm of marrying your high school sweetheart at 18 or 19. In some states its legal to marry younger than that with parental consent.

That is factually incorrect. The median age of first marriage for an okie sweetheart is 24 years old. So, I'd say its about a decade from the Okie norm.

12-31-2013, 02:46 PM
Interesting Factoid: When you even mention "Mormons" in the course of a conversation, even if you apply the camo-extension of "-ian" or "-esque" you get bombarded with banner ads for The Book of Mormon.

That is factually incorrect. The median age of first marriage for an okie sweetheart is 24 years old. So, I'd say its about a decade from the Okie norm.

That may be true, but how do the sidewalk and/or borrow ditch ages factor into that demographic.
(sorry, just failed that where is you from quiz regarding semantics over on that other thread. I think I said "parkway" instead of median or boulevard. =).

(carry on . . .)

01-01-2014, 01:44 AM
Interesting Factoid: When you even mention "Mormons" in the course
of a conversation, even if you apply the camo-extension of "-ian" or
-esque" you get bombarded with banner ads for The Book of Mormon.
One must understand that mormons aren't Christian. They aren't
even close.

01-01-2014, 11:37 AM
One must understand that mormons aren't Christian. They aren't
even close.

Well now Romney disagrees with ya

01-01-2014, 08:37 PM
Oh, come on, people. He married his wife when she was fifteen and he wasn't that much older. It's how they used to do things when he was young and he is stuck in his ways. Cut him some slack. Pedophilia? Please.

01-01-2014, 08:57 PM
Well now Romney disagrees with ya
That's because Romney isn't a Christian. He's a mormon. They
believe that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers. This fits with the Marvel
comic book Thor and not the Bible.

01-01-2014, 09:00 PM
That is factually incorrect. The median age of first marriage for an okie
sweetheart is 24 years old. So, I'd say its about a decade from the
Okie norm.
You are correct, sir.

01-01-2014, 09:34 PM
Oh, come on, people. He married his wife when she was fifteen and he wasn't that much older. It's how they used to do things when he was young and he is stuck in his ways. Cut him some slack. Pedophilia? Please.
Yep, my mother was 17 (just graduated high school) and she is around the same age that he is. My parents have been married for 53 years.

01-02-2014, 12:38 PM
Yep, my mother was 17 (just graduated high school) and she is around the same age that he is. My parents have been married for 53 years.
I married at 16 (marriage lasted 24 years). My mom married at 17. Her mother (my grandmother) married at 14 and HER mother (my great grandmother) at 13. Craziness but that is how it used to be done. Back in the days when premarital sex was frowned upon and birth control was more iffy (and those concepts were in their last gasps when I was in my teens), families strongly encouraged teenagers in love to tie the knot. When you consider the times, it made sense because the alternative was enough to ruin a young girl's life and damn her to a lifetime of poverty.

01-02-2014, 03:00 PM
That's probably because the constitution has been misinterprted by so many judges over the years that it has almost lost all original meaning on most subjects. Now it is mostly a "make it up as you go" system.

By adopting the English Common Law doctrine and in holding with the prevailing opinion in Marbury v. Madison, since right around the beginning, we've observed res judicata and the judiciary's power to interpret all federal laws, including how the Constitution will be applied. If you think Marbury v. Madison was the wrong holding, I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but you're going to have to unravel about 210 years of "making it up as we go along," which is entirely how the system was designed to work.

And again you're speaking as if you believe that the founding fathers were some monochrome monolithic organization where everyone agreed on everything, which couldn't be further from the truth. Hamilton wanted to install Washington as the King of an all-powerful monarchy. Hamilton also didn't think the concept of a Bill of Rights was really relevant because the Constitution wasn't granting the government the power to inflict harm on free speech, so what use was a citizen's right to it? If you really make a go of studying the early legal underpinnings of the Constitution and the people involved in crafting it, you'll see how perilously close we got to a lot of things being very very bad.

History aside though, "original meaning" is something one particular group of judges and justices champion... of course those same folks think it's great that everyone can have a gun whether or not they are involved in the state's militia. So there's that.

01-02-2014, 04:14 PM
People. People. People.

I have only watched "Duck Dynasty" as of late. This family is not a group of slack-jawed, hay-bailing, group of swamp rats. Please listen to their collective vernacular. The "Dynasty" stars are more discerningly intelligent than the image they project. Please be aware this was a conflict between a family of the super wealthy, and a broadcast organization with serious financial clout.

This, in my opinion, is a contractual dispute; nothing more, nothing less.

Both parties entered into the agreement several years ago, presumably under the advice and recommendation of adequate counsel.

Both parties have now made peace. The program will be more exposed and popular than ever, and everyone goes to the bank.

01-02-2014, 05:32 PM
This dude was only less smarter than Mr. Haney and Einstein's country cousin.
Oh. And the Robertson clan.

01-02-2014, 06:02 PM
FWIW to the A&E folk:

The Robertson clan have just announced their upcoming line of Duck Commander shotguns, semi-auto rifles and semi-auto pistols, featuring the slogan - Faith...Family...Ducks and every purchase includes a bandanna like the one Willie R regularly (aka all the freakin' time) wears.

Now, not only does the family have legions of followers on and off the internet, the boys down south and their pappy are fixin' to help arm them as well.

Take that to the duck blind and chaw on it fer a spell.

01-02-2014, 06:51 PM
Word on the street (outside of a courthouse that shall remain nameless) says that negotiations are underway with these guys to produce a remake of this classic substituting "beards" for "legs" . . . Apparently, the musicians are amenable to the suggestion. (they will get a cut of the profits from the beards, some of which were left over from George Clooney's wardrobe in "O! Brother Where Art Thou?")


01-02-2014, 06:56 PM
Re-doing a ZZ-Top songs seems a bit blasphemous.

01-02-2014, 06:57 PM
They are forgiven.

01-02-2014, 07:06 PM
Maybe officially but I have been a fan of Top for a long time. If it's done well musically and with respect I guess it would be ok.

01-02-2014, 08:36 PM
Word on the street (outside of a courthouse that shall remain nameless) says that negotiations are underway with these guys to produce a remake of this classic substituting "beards" for "legs" . . . Apparently, the musicians are amenable to the suggestion. (they will get a cut of the profits from the beards, some of which were left over from George Clooney's wardrobe in "O! Brother Where Art Thou?")


Funny, considering they didn't even have beards before the show.

01-02-2014, 08:46 PM
Funny, considering they didn't even have beards before the show.

Neither did The Soggy Bottom Boys . . .

01-05-2014, 12:51 PM