12-21-2013, 12:19 PM
View Full Version : Phil Robertson FIRED from A & E ou48A 12-21-2013, 12:19 PM http://i.imgur.com/cjhIQ63l.jpg kelroy55 12-21-2013, 12:30 PM Oprah Winfrey; An entire generation of white people have to DIE! - YouTube (http://youtu.be/CZua6r8uqLg) Yet this lady is allowed to say a whole generation of white people just need to die. And she gets a free pass its such a lefty move Either you didn't listen to the short clip or choose to ignore what she was referring to. She said "older people that were born and bred in prejudice and racism just have to die." Since that was just a 28 second clip from an interview it's impossible to put in context what led up to her statement, impossible to those who don't have an agenda and use a 28 second clip from a whole interview to try and make somebody look bad. Personally I don't care what Phil had to say and I support his right to say it. I also support his employer's right to suspend him for it. I went out and said stuff that my employer didn't like or could possible affect their business I would be fired. Nobody is attacking his 1st Amendment rights. I'll add if Phil was in the Klan and he said a bunch of stuff about Blacks, Jews, etc that would be ok because he was just expressing himself and his employer should just let it pass? TaoMaas 12-21-2013, 01:21 PM She essentially told the LGBT community to quit getting butt hurt when somebody says something they disagree with. Right! It's not like he said, "Happy Holidays!" That's something worth getting butt hurt over! Garin 12-21-2013, 01:47 PM Either you didn't listen to the short clip or choose to ignore what she was referring to. She said "older people that were born and bred in prejudice and racism just have to die." Since that was just a 28 second clip from an interview it's impossible to put in context what led up to her statement, impossible to those who don't have an agenda and use a 28 second clip from a whole interview to try and make somebody look bad. Personally I don't care what Phil had to say and I support his right to say it. I also support his employer's right to suspend him for it. I went out and said stuff that my employer didn't like or could possible affect their business I would be fired. Nobody is attacking his 1st Amendment rights. I'll add if Phil was in the Klan and he said a bunch of stuff about Blacks, Jews, etc that would be ok because he was just expressing himself and his employer should just let it pass? I actually watched the entire 12 min clip but spared everyone the interview about her movie the butler and went straight to the goods. She said a whole generation of old white people that were born in the south need to die! kelroy55 12-21-2013, 01:55 PM I actually watched the entire 12 min clip but spared everyone the interview about her movie the butler and went straight to the goods. She said a whole generation of old white people that were born in the south need to die! Then please post it for us instead of the 28 seconds you chose to use against her. TaoMaas 12-21-2013, 03:06 PM I actually watched the entire 12 min clip but spared everyone the interview about her movie the butler and went straight to the goods. She said a whole generation of old white people that were born in the south need to die! I think you should start a petition to get OWN to fire her! OSUMom 12-21-2013, 04:18 PM I agree that A & E have every right to drop someone from a show for whatever reason they want. Just like radio stations dropping the Dixie Chicks back in the day. The difference is, the radio stations were responding to the wishes of their listeners. It doesn't sound like Duck Dynasty viewers are behind this move by A & E. And that difference is important. It is one thing to respond to your customers. It is another thing to appear to be dictating to them what they can watch based on someone else's opinion. In the end A & E is in it for the money and making your customer base angry is not a good money move. Garin 12-21-2013, 04:29 PM Then please post it for us instead of the 28 seconds you chose to use against her. EUROPEAN RACISM: Oprah Winfrey - Old Racists "JUST HAVE TO DIE" To Further Racial Progress! - YouTube (http://youtu.be/ivQHjxgb4vU) kelroy55 12-21-2013, 06:27 PM It happens.... (CNN) -- The "tweet heard round the world" was followed by the sound of a slamming door Saturday. Media company IAC has "parted ways" with the company PR executive who tweeted: "Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!" "The offensive comment does not reflect the views and values of IAC. We take this issue very seriously, and we have parted ways with the employee in question," an IAC spokesman said in a statement. "There is no excuse for the hateful statements that have been made and we condemn them unequivocally," he said. "We hope, however, that time and action, and the forgiving human spirit, will not result in the wholesale condemnation of an individual who we have otherwise known to be a decent person at core." kelroy55 12-21-2013, 06:28 PM EUROPEAN RACISM: Oprah Winfrey - Old Racists "JUST HAVE TO DIE" To Further Racial Progress! - YouTube (http://youtu.be/ivQHjxgb4vU) That's still not the full interview. PennyQuilts 12-21-2013, 07:17 PM It happens.... (CNN) -- The "tweet heard round the world" was followed by the sound of a slamming door Saturday. Media company IAC has "parted ways" with the company PR executive who tweeted: "Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!" "The offensive comment does not reflect the views and values of IAC. We take this issue very seriously, and we have parted ways with the employee in question," an IAC spokesman said in a statement. "There is no excuse for the hateful statements that have been made and we condemn them unequivocally," he said. "We hope, however, that time and action, and the forgiving human spirit, will not result in the wholesale condemnation of an individual who we have otherwise known to be a decent person at core." That was just a pathetic mob action and almost frightening how people went rabid with no more than that. I don't know what the woman was thinking and you don't either. What it sounded like, to me, was satire/sarcasm. boscorama 12-21-2013, 07:38 PM LGBTQ. That's not an O. It's Q, for Queer. Garin 12-21-2013, 08:08 PM 5531 Garin 12-21-2013, 08:32 PM I think more people have signed up to boycot Cracker Barrel than have signed up for obummercare. Chadanth 12-21-2013, 08:57 PM 5531 You're aware he got cancelled, right? Chadanth 12-21-2013, 08:58 PM I think more people have signed up to boycot Cracker Barrel than have signed up for obummercare. I boycott Cracker Barrel because their food sucks. Maybe it would be relevant if a place with decent food offended my sensibilities. Just the facts 12-21-2013, 09:19 PM I think more people have signed up to boycot Cracker Barrel than have signed up for obummercare. I go to Cracker Barrel about 3 times a year, but they just made my list as well. 1) No Walmart 2) No McDonalds 3) No High Fructose Corn Syrup 4) No grain-fed beef 5) No A&E and now 6) No Cracker Barrel (which now that I think of it has a racist name). In retrospect - all 6 of those were probably bad for me anyhow. Oh GAWD the Smell! 12-21-2013, 11:06 PM I go to Cracker Barrel about 3 times a year, but they just made my list as well. 1) No Walmart 2) No McDonalds 3) No High Fructose Corn Syrup 4) No grain-fed beef 5) No A&E and now 6) No Cracker Barrel (which now that I think of it has a racist name). In retrospect - all 6 of those were probably bad for me anyhow. You know what else is bad for you? Letting the millionaires and billionaires on TV influence your life to the point where you'd boycott something. stick47 12-22-2013, 07:21 AM You know what else is bad for you? Letting the millionaires and billionaires on TV influence your life to the point where you'd boycott something. As opposed to a small gay rights activist group that influences a media company that airs a show viewed by more people than any reality show ever. At least the millionaires etc are success stories vs what? I'll take the millionaires for 30 minutes Alex. GaryOKC6 12-22-2013, 08:03 AM While I don't watch Duck Dynasty or care about what he said, I do take exception to A&E trying to stop his right to free speech. I was watching other shows on A&E every day and I will no longer watch the channel. There are plenty of other things to watch since I have 280 channels. I already blocked them from my favorites and don't miss them a bit. I am sure that another network would want the show and millions of viewers it brings if A&E does not. FritterGirl 12-22-2013, 08:20 AM I boycott Cracker Barrel because their food sucks. Maybe it would be relevant if a place with decent food offended my sensibilities. I've boycotted Cracker Barrel for years for multiple reasons, but I also have a friend who has because of the color of her skin, been treated differently at Crackel Barrel (seated in a back room with other "non-white" diners, guided toward lesser-priced items on the menu, escorted quickly away from the gift shop area, etc.) and on more than one occasion. Some of these incidents have occurred while accompanied by her children. She travels much throughout the state for her job and sometimes a CB is the best option nearby as much she may not want to go. Back to tbe original post topic, people seem to foget in our technology-driven world that words matter, and technology gives a wider audience than they have ever had before. If getting fired from a job for making statements that are offensive to the public at large and put your employer in a bad light is the worst that happens to you, then to that I say "well, tough luck." Words - and the freedom to express them - comes with responsibility; responsibility to yourself, to the empolyer you represent, and yes, to the world around you. Garin 12-22-2013, 08:52 AM I'm still waiting on Obummer to call a beer summit and get this situation fixed. Chadanth 12-22-2013, 09:18 AM I'm still waiting on Obummer to call a beer summit and get this situation fixed. Log cabin republicans have reached out. I still don't know why this is a thing. No one's free speech rights have been trampled. No one has been locked up, silenced, tortured, or anything. kelroy55 12-22-2013, 09:30 AM While I don't watch Duck Dynasty or care about what he said, I do take exception to A&E trying to stop his right to free speech. I was watching other shows on A&E every day and I will no longer watch the channel. There are plenty of other things to watch since I have 280 channels. I already blocked them from my favorites and don't miss them a bit. I am sure that another network would want the show and millions of viewers it brings if A&E does not. How did they try to stop his right to free speech? He was free to say what he wanted but often times there are consequences. kelroy55 12-22-2013, 09:31 AM That was just a pathetic mob action and almost frightening how people went rabid with no more than that. I don't know what the woman was thinking and you don't either. What it sounded like, to me, was satire/sarcasm. So you don't have a problem with what she said? no1cub17 12-22-2013, 09:51 AM How did they try to stop his right to free speech? He was free to say what he wanted but often times there are consequences. Exactly! That's the great thing about America - everyone (including bigots) have the right to say what they want and not be prosecuted. However, A&E is a private company and can deal with their employees as they see fit. kwhey 12-22-2013, 10:07 AM While I don't watch Duck Dynasty or care about what he said, I do take exception to A&E trying to stop his right to free speech. I was watching other shows on A&E every day and I will no longer watch the channel. There are plenty of other things to watch since I have 280 channels. I already blocked them from my favorites and don't miss them a bit. I am sure that another network would want the show and millions of viewers it brings if A&E does not. Having a reality show is not a right. Garin 12-22-2013, 10:37 AM Cracker Barrel Old Country Store · 1,529,680 like this about an hour ago · Dear Cracker Barrel Customer: When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we've done. You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren't shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And, we apologize for offending you. We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different. We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family. Chadanth 12-22-2013, 10:50 AM Cracker Barrel Old Country Store · 1,529,680 like this about an hour ago · Dear Cracker Barrel Customer: When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we've done. You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren't shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And, we apologize for offending you. We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different. We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family. Their food is still awful. TaoMaas 12-22-2013, 10:52 AM ...a show viewed by more people than any reality show ever. I don't have the exact numbers, but I'm fairly confident Duck Dynasty has never even sniffed the ratings achieved by "Survivor" or "American Idol". Don't be a pawn to the marketing department of A&E. There's a difference between "highest rated ever" and "highest rated ever on a cable network". One is impressive. The other gets beaten by reruns of Wheel of Fortune. TaoMaas 12-22-2013, 10:54 AM Cracker Barrel Old Country Store · 1,529,680 like this about an hour ago · Dear Cracker Barrel Customer: When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we've done. You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren't shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And, we apologize for offending you. We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different. We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family. Values that sway in the breeze, if you ask me. kevinpate 12-22-2013, 10:57 AM Their food is still awful. Sitting here thinking on it, I pretty much only order breakfast grub whenever I eat at CB. Can't really say much as to what the rest of the menu is like. It's hard to mess up breakfast grub. Not impossible, but you kinda have to try hard to make it happen. FritterGirl 12-22-2013, 11:17 AM Cracker Barrel Old Country Store · 1,529,680 like this about an hour ago · Dear Cracker Barrel Customer: When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we've done. You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren't shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And, we apologize for offending you. We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different. We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family. I'm surprised they pulled them in the first place. CB has a pretty long history of being openly anti-homosexual, and engaging in subtle racism in its stores. To each their own. Any decisions made by their corporate HQ with regard to the DD quack-up, is just that, a corporate decision swayed by its consumer base; much like A&E's decision to suspend Phil was just that, a corporate decision made to deflect scandal and to keep the support of advertisers. Not much difference there. kelroy55 12-22-2013, 11:18 AM Sitting here thinking on it, I pretty much only order breakfast grub whenever I eat at CB. Can't really say much as to what the rest of the menu is like. It's hard to mess up breakfast grub. Not impossible, but you kinda have to try hard to make it happen. I like the Uncle Herschel's RadicalModerate 12-22-2013, 11:27 AM Isn't the name "CRACKER" Barrel, itself, enough of a reason to boycott the place (since this is a direct insult to Rednecks, especially of the Georgian variety?) (Or is this related, somehow, to the significant likelihood that almost none of The Phil Robertson Offendees--in this instance--ever tune or tuned into Duck Dynasty?) ctchandler 12-22-2013, 11:27 AM I know it's difficult to mess up breakfast, but I really like their breakfast about as much as any I have had. I didn't care for the hash brown casserole, but that doesn't mean it's not good, just not for me. Then I found out that all you had to do was ask for regular hash browns and they replaced the casserole. And they are good too. I have had three of their dinners and I didn't care for any of them so it's breakfast only at CB for me. C. T. Sitting here thinking on it, I pretty much only order breakfast grub whenever I eat at CB. Can't really say much as to what the rest of the menu is like. It's hard to mess up breakfast grub. Not impossible, but you kinda have to try hard to make it happen. kelroy55 12-22-2013, 11:53 AM I'm not sure I've had any of their dinners except for the pot pie and it wasn't bad. soonerguru 12-22-2013, 11:58 AM CRACKER Barrel is clearly more concerned about offending crackers than they are gays. mugofbeer 12-22-2013, 12:08 PM If you really think the name of the store chain has anything to do with a racist connotation, you need to read more. bluedogok 12-22-2013, 12:20 PM Even Camilla Pagila supported Phil's right to speak his mind. She essentially told the LGBT community to quit getting butt hurt when somebody says something they disagree with. It's amazing how the 60's activists "get it" and the current ones don't understand what an open and frank discussion of the issues could achieve. This is where I first read about the Paglia quote that someone else had posted up: PoliticalOutcast.com - Duck, Duck, Noose (http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/12/duck-duck-noose/) If you want to see the origins of what this world has become, you only need to look to universities and colleges in the late 80's . The students from that era are the ones who are speaking the loudest and are a large part of the media and corporate world who are succumbing to the whims of the loud minority whose main goal is the suppression of free speech and thought. Hence, the origins of our current state of political correctness. The first time that I really read anything about it was in an opinion piece by a college lecturer that was published in the January 1990 Playboy magazine called Flexing Muzzles by Nat Hentoff. There is a Playboy archive where you can see the story (a complete archive of the magazine including images) but there is a cached newspaper reprint of the article here without objectionable images: Clarkson Campus Dining Menu (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7vK8zAUFe94J:news.nnyln.net/clarkson-integrator/clarkson-integrator-1987-september-8-1993-april-26/clarkson-integrator-1987-september-8-1993-april-26%2520-%25200412.pdf) RadicalModerate 12-22-2013, 12:23 PM CRACKER Barrel is clearly more concerned about offending crackers than they are gays. On the other hand . . . Perhaps the name CRACKER Barrel is intended to APPEAL to "Crackers", letting them know that they have a home-away-from-home within the walls of the establishment and others need not apply on account they will probably get offended then bitch, whine and moan? I mean, what says "Cracker" better than rocking chairs and giant checkerboards out on the front porch? kelroy55 12-22-2013, 01:03 PM CRACKER Barrel is clearly more concerned about offending crackers than they are gays. http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/03/01/00/00/0003010000646_500X500.jpg Cracker Barrel execs have cracked after just one day ... lifting their ban on Phil Robertson's merchandise ... and it's the ultimate hypocrisy. A CB rep now says the company had no choice but to cave after "Duck Dynasty" fans blasted them via email, phone and social media. Cracker Barrel decided to pull the products because it was so concerned about "equal treatment of all people" and "mutual respect." In other words, they felt Phil was loathsome. But so much for principles when the almighty dollar gets in the way. Cracker Barrel now says, "You told us we made a mistake and you weren't shy about it ... you flat out told us we were wrong." And this is precious ... They say, "We apologize for offending you." So here's the upshot. On Saturday Cracker Barrel apparently felt Phil had offended gays and that's why they took a stand. But 24 hours later they realized a bigger problem than offending gays is offending customers who pay for CB stuff. So now the CB rep took the position the company should have taken in the first place: "We respect all individuals' rights to express their beliefs." How do CB execs move from office to office ... hard to do when you don't have a spine. Just the facts 12-22-2013, 01:20 PM So now the CB rep took the position the company should have taken in the first place: "We respect all individuals' rights to express their beliefs." Which is exactly what A&E should have done. Phil didn't make his comments on A&E, he didn't mention A&E in his comments, and he did say he spoke on behalf of A&E. It is the equivalent of me saying something about Jax on MetroJacksonville.com and getting banned from OKCTalk for it. mugofbeer 12-22-2013, 01:22 PM The CB executives did the right thing listening to their customers. They are running a business and are not a social engineering organization. They dont cater to the gay community. They will live on and continue to expand their presence around the country because they have good food-not because of any agenda. The LGBT community needs grow some thick skin and accept that not everyone supports their lifestyle and move on. Its no different than Opera saying how all those old people in the south just need to die -- a pretty vile thing to say but she has a right to say it -- and I dont see her getting fired or having her products pulled from the shelf. RadicalModerate 12-22-2013, 01:26 PM So here's the upshot. On Saturday Cracker Barrel apparently felt Phil had offended gays and that's why they took a stand. But 24 hours later they realized a bigger problem than offending gays is offending customers who pay for CB stuff. So now the CB rep took the position the company should have taken in the first place: "We respect all individuals' rights to express their beliefs." How do CB execs move from office to office ... hard to do when you don't have a spine. http://imgs.abduzeedo.com/files/articles/jellyfishes/3043655862_2eceef1fba_z.jpg These don't go well with Crackers. soonerguru 12-22-2013, 01:36 PM The CB executives did the right thing listening to their customers. They are running a business and are not a social engineering organization. They dont cater to the gay community. They will live on and continue to expand their presence around the country because they have good food-not because of any agenda. The LGBT community needs grow some thick skin and accept that not everyone supports their lifestyle and move on. Its no different than Opera saying how all those old people in the south just need to die -- a pretty vile thing to say but she has a right to say it -- and I dont see her getting fired or having her products pulled from the shelf. Sure, but why alienate so many potential customers in the first place? It's bad business. Cracker Barrel has a history of racism. These kinds of things eat away at a company over time. It's just bad business. Their food pretty much blows anyway so no big loss to me. FritterGirl 12-22-2013, 02:17 PM Which is exactly what A&E should have done. Phil didn't make his comments on A&E, he didn't mention A&E in his comments, and he did say he spoke on behalf of A&E. It is the equivalent of me saying something about Jax on MetroJacksonville.com and getting banned from OKCTalk for it. That's not a just comparison in the least. You have no contractual obligation to OKCTalk and are not being paid as a representative of its brand and/or subsidiaries. Many a folk have been fired by their PRIVATELY-OWNED corporations for unsavory and/or poorly-judged comments made on social media and other public forums. We've seen plenty of examples of such this year. This situation is no different. Bunty 12-22-2013, 02:31 PM It's amazing how the 60's activists "get it" and the current ones don't understand what an open and frank discussion of the issues could achieve. This is where I first read about the Paglia quote that someone else had posted up: PoliticalOutcast.com - Duck, Duck, Noose (http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/12/duck-duck-noose/) If you want to see the origins of what this world has become, you only need to look to universities and colleges in the late 80's . The students from that era are the ones who are speaking the loudest and are a large part of the media and corporate world who are succumbing to the whims of the loud minority whose main goal is the suppression of free speech and thought. Hence, the origins of our current state of political correctness. The first time that I really read anything about it was in an opinion piece by a college lecturer that was published in the January 1990 Playboy magazine called Flexing Muzzles by Nat Hentoff. There is a Playboy archive where you can see the story (a complete archive of the magazine including images) but there is a cached newspaper reprint of the article here without objectionable images: Clarkson Campus Dining Menu (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7vK8zAUFe94J:news.nnyln.net/clarkson-integrator/clarkson-integrator-1987-september-8-1993-april-26/clarkson-integrator-1987-september-8-1993-april-26%2520-%25200412.pdf) How do you know Robertson and family didn't sign a contract with A&E agreeing they wouldn't say anything controversial to the media? If so, he should go to another network that allows him to speak his mind, if there is one. Being fired for being anti-gay goes at least as far back as the 1970s when Anita Bryant got dismissed from singing about orange juice. Chadanth 12-22-2013, 02:53 PM A&E is so upset that they're airing dozens of hours of Duck Dynasty. This whole thing is overblown crap. A&E TV Show Schedule - A&E (http://www.aetv.com/schedule) RadicalModerate 12-22-2013, 03:40 PM So . . . If the Robertson's decided to buy Cracker Barrel (and dump the jellyfish currently up near the top of "management") d'ya 'spose they'd change the name to Quacker Barrel? (they could use the restaurant chain's gift shops as outlet for camos, duck calls, overalls and shotguns . . .) mugofbeer 12-22-2013, 04:21 PM Sure, but why alienate so many potential customers in the first place? It's bad business. Cracker Barrel has a history of racism. These kinds of things eat away at a company over time. It's just bad business. Their food pretty much blows anyway so no big loss to me. I not all businesses are there to cater to all people. Cracker Barrel has a huge following and is generally very busy. Their business has grown significantly. The stock price has nearly doubled this year and revenues are up nicely which is hard to do in the restaurant business. I can say I really like the food but the financials really contradictory t your opinion that their food "blows." You're very much in the minority. Just the facts 12-22-2013, 04:31 PM That's not a just comparison in the least. You have no contractual obligation to OKCTalk and are not being paid as a representative of its brand and/or subsidiaries. ...and Phil is not a paid representative of A&E. He is a character on a show they air. He might get paid to be on show, but they pay him to be himself (i.e. reality TV). Alas, the family has $400 million. I am sure they will manage just fine. On the other hand, A&E will be lucky to survive. Just the facts 12-22-2013, 04:39 PM Under Armour gets it right. Under Armour Keeps Ties To Duck Dynasty Despite Controversy « CBS Baltimore (http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2013/12/20/many-question-under-armours-ties-to-duck-dynasty-amid-controversy/) mugofbeer 12-22-2013, 04:43 PM ...and Phil is not a paid representative of A&E. He is a character on a show they air. He might get paid to be on show, but they pay him to be himself (i.e. reality TV). Alas, the family has $400 million. I am sure they will manage just fine. On the other hand, A&E will be lucky to survive. I don't know if the other family members agree with Phil or not philosophically. They are certainly going to defend their daddy when he's being attacked. If Phil is the only one who said something like this, isn't that a little like swearing off Microsoft product for something the CIO of finance said Garin 12-22-2013, 04:56 PM ...and Phil is not a paid representative of A&E. He is a character on a show they air. He might get paid to be on show, but they pay him to be himself (i.e. reality TV). Alas, the family has $400 million. I am sure they will manage just fine. On the other hand, A&E will be lucky to survive. Does that make them 1%ers? Maybe that's the real rub here. mkjeeves 12-22-2013, 05:36 PM ...and Phil is not a paid representative of A&E. High probability they all knew (and agreed ahead of time) it could end like this... A&E knew of Robertson's controversial views - expounded in videotaped sermons and elsewhere - before the show premiered in spring 2012, and warned him not to overshare on hot-button topics such as gay rights and race relations, according to a producer familiar with the situation. Phil and other family members also probably signed contracts containing "morals clauses" in which they promised to, among other things, avoid anything that would embarrass or bring shame to A&E or the brand. Such clauses are standard in the entertainment and sports industries. 'Duck Dynasty': A&E warned Phil Robertson about speaking out too much - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-duck-dynasty-ae-warned-phil-robertson-about-speaking-out-too-much-20131220,0,7276941.story#ixzz2oFlXp1d5) bluedogok 12-22-2013, 05:44 PM How do you know Robertson and family didn't sign a contract with A&E agreeing they wouldn't say anything controversial to the media? If so, he should go to another network that allows him to speak his mind, if there is one. Being fired for being anti-gay goes at least as far back as the 1970s when Anita Bryant got dismissed from singing about orange juice. Nothing I posted was about any kind of contractual agreement they might have had. It was about the politically correct mentality and the suppression of dissenting opinions by groups of people. But since you brought up contracts, it just isn't that simple to say that he was an employee of A+E Networks as nothing is that simple when it comes to television contracts. More than likely he is not a direct employee of A+E Networks (co-owned by Hearst Corporation and Disney–ABC Television Group), he is probably contracted by a separate production company (Gurney Productions) who distributes through A+E Networks. Some of these production companies pay a fee to the distributor to air the show (like the majority of the reality type of shows that were on Speed) and receive all or part of advertising revenue (doubtful on this popular of a show) or the network may pay the production company and retain advertising revenue. There are thousands of permutations to the contracts of these type of shows without reading through that the network may or may not have the right to "ban" someone. In turn the production company may or may not be able to move the show on their own to another network or distributor. It is all pretty convoluted. What it comes down to is A+E knew what his beliefs were and the family as well and were willing to exploit that for ratings. They were not caught off guard by this but they didn't care as long as they were making money. Now that there is some backlash about his beliefs (which is his right to hold) they are throwing him under the bus....the typical corporate response. The one current article by some of the liberals from the past is the correct response, that they need some thicker skin and not everything that could be considered slightly negative is a full on assault of their being, it makes them look ridiculous to act like any perceived negative thought is World War III which is pretty much the response. There are too many "activists" who act without thinking and because they are ensconced in a group of like minded people they never seem to get told not to do something even though it might be the wise decision. Just like the cake issue here, we all know word gets around quick among groups about the quality or attitude of certain shops. I know it does in the motorcycle community and I would imagine the same happens in the gay community. If that gay couple were really looking for a cake to celebrate their happy occasion they wouldn't have gone to that particular bakery, they went there to be activists and I am sure they had prior knowledge of the owners views as there were some comments on various sites to that effect before they went there (my wife is on several cake decorating sites and knew of the shop). The same could be said about the bakery owner, when he refused service for the stated reason he took on an activist role when saying he was booked or just couldn't do it would suffice. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and you need to pick your battles more wisely, there seems to be a whole lot of crying wolf anymore. While I think the shop owner is ridiculous for his response I feel he still should have a right to respond that way, why a gay couple would want to go to a shop where the owner has that attitude is beyond me. Wouldn't going somewhere that accepts and celebrates your values be a better choice? Which you know they did any way after trying to make an example of someone else. What it comes down to is those who preach tolerance and diversity the most means they are in favor of it as long as you agree with them, if not they will go ballistic on you. High probability they all knew (and agreed ahead of time) it could end like this... A&E knew of Robertson's controversial views - expounded in videotaped sermons and elsewhere - before the show premiered in spring 2012, and warned him not to overshare on hot-button topics such as gay rights and race relations, according to a producer familiar with the situation. Phil and other family members also probably signed contracts containing "morals clauses" in which they promised to, among other things, avoid anything that would embarrass or bring shame to A&E or the brand. Such clauses are standard in the entertainment and sports industries. 'Duck Dynasty': A&E warned Phil Robertson about speaking out too much - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-duck-dynasty-ae-warned-phil-robertson-about-speaking-out-too-much-20131220,0,7276941.story#ixzz2oFlXp1d5) They are a pretty shrewd family, they weren't as successful as they were before the show without it. I think this was probably the "out" for they were looking for the show. bluedogok 12-22-2013, 05:50 PM A&E is so upset that they're airing dozens of hours of Duck Dynasty. This whole thing is overblown crap. A&E TV Show Schedule - A&E (http://www.aetv.com/schedule) Marketing hype..... Stew 12-22-2013, 05:57 PM It's touching to see the outpouring of support for a multimillionaire getting shafted by the MAN. It does my heart well. no1cub17 12-22-2013, 06:12 PM The CB executives did the right thing listening to their customers. They are running a business and are not a social engineering organization. They dont cater to the gay community. They will live on and continue to expand their presence around the country because they have good food-not because of any agenda. The LGBT community needs grow some thick skin and accept that not everyone supports their lifestyle and move on. Its no different than Opera saying how all those old people in the south just need to die -- a pretty vile thing to say but she has a right to say it -- and I dont see her getting fired or having her products pulled from the shelf. I'm sorry but who's Opera? |