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12-19-2013, 09:11 AM
So, I read in the paper that someone is up-in-arms about the traditional NORAD coverage of Santa's trip from the North Pole on account of it introduces "militarism" into the event because the animation shows Santa's sleigh being escorted by fighter jets.

Apparently, The Upset and Offended isn't overly concerned with NORAD and its function . . . just the cartoon fighter jets.

What do you suppose the current cost of Getting a Life is?

12-19-2013, 09:21 AM
I remember seeing them follow Santa but don't recall seeing any military escort. It sounds like the War on Xmas has jumped the shark.

12-19-2013, 09:21 AM
Brought to you by the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood. Here we have a group or an individual whose job--what they get paid for--is to make press releases over things like this. I guess someone thinks it's worth money to stake out pie in the sky positions and advocate them.

I'm not too concerned.

Just the facts
12-19-2013, 09:24 AM
It is laughable that a fighter jet can even keep up with Santa.

12-19-2013, 09:38 AM
You know . . . This whole deal might make a better Lifetime made-for-tv movie than the current crop of schlock they are beaming into our homes this time of year. Maybe they could throw in a whole subplot about Santa accidentally venturing into one "no fly zone" or another and frantic diplomatic efforts to rescue Christmas . . . along with rescuing a relationship--involving a female single parent who works for the State Department and, oh, I dunno, a fighter pilot--conflicted by differing opinions about the best way to handle the situation while her unbearably cute little kid frets about one thing or another . . . etc. (and so forth)

12-19-2013, 09:41 AM
So, I read in the paper that someone is up-in-arms about the traditional NORAD coverage of Santa's trip from the North Pole on account of it introduces "militarism" into the event because the animation shows Santa's sleigh being escorted by fighter jets.

Apparently, The Upset and Offended isn't overly concerned with NORAD and its function . . . just the cartoon fighter jets.

What do you suppose the current cost of Getting a Life is?

Obviously WAAAAY outside these guys' discretionary income....I mean, seriously? Make jokes at times about folks having too much spare time, but man, I think these guys take the cake.

12-19-2013, 09:42 AM
You know . . . This whole deal might make a better Lifetime made-for-tv movie than the current crop of schlock they are beaming into our homes this time of year. Maybe they could throw in a whole subplot about Santa accidentally venturing into one "no fly zone" or another and frantic diplomatic efforts to rescue Christmas . . . along with rescuing a relationship conflicted by differing opinions about the best way to handle the situation . . . etc. (and so forth)

If LIfetime network were banished from the earth forever, I think I might even tolerate an increase in my cable bill for the expense in shutting it down and having their entire library of, ahem, content stuffed in a capsule and shot into the sun to be incinerated.

Just the facts
12-19-2013, 09:49 AM

12-19-2013, 09:52 AM
I'm more concerned with the NSA's regular program of debriefing the elf on the shelf.

12-19-2013, 09:55 AM
If LIfetime network were banished from the earth forever, I think I might even tolerate an increase in my cable bill for the expense in shutting it down and having their entire library of, ahem, content stuffed in a capsule and shot into the sun to be incinerated.

Or . . . The content is put on Santa's sleigh and evil doers dope Rudolph, then brainwash him that the destination he should be heading toward is actually the SUN instead of various rooftops here on earth at which point a former astronaut--with a single parent female acquaintance who he would like to have a relationship with (and who has an unbearably cute kid)--is enlisted to fly a prototype interplanetary fighter jet to rescue . . .

btw: The Vidclip at #8^is classic. =)

12-19-2013, 10:34 AM
The next Snowden leak: The NSA has been reading all of those letters to Santa.

12-19-2013, 03:51 PM
The next Snowden leak: The NSA has been reading all of those letters to Santa.

I wonder if Bruce Willis, Wally Cox and Don Knotts are available for the film version of that . . .

12-19-2013, 05:29 PM
I wonder if Bruce Willis, Wally Cox and Don Knotts are available for the film version of that . . .
If only Leslie Nielsen was still with us...