View Full Version : Tecumseh Situation

12-18-2013, 10:00 AM
Scroll just came on the TV Screen (on in the background): Schools on Lockdown/Middle School Students (two males) threatened to bring weapons to school and didn't show up for class.

Observation/Questions: Since now everything from a plastic squirt gun, to a pen knife, to a sharpened pencil seems to be thought of as a "weapon" how serious is this threat?

I hope they (the police, who are on their trail) act efficiently and effectively here.

Just the facts
12-18-2013, 10:51 AM
This happened in Charlotte. No word if the school had to go on lock-down.

5-Year-Old Suspended For Making Gun Gesture With Hand « CBS Charlotte (

12-18-2013, 04:18 PM
Update! (on breaking news c/o K4): It was a toy gun. One little 8th grade thug is in custody. The other is on the run. The Police Chief and The School Superintendent (in Tecumseh???!!!) are both still shaking in their boots about what might have been.

This makes me pause to reflect upon how quickly we (and when i say we i mean me) misjudged that Alert Officer in Piedmont who popped the parents of that little three year old miscreant for pissing in the front yard out on the edge of the City Limits. More Urbanization is definitely called for here.

I'd insert a Youtube video starring Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention singing: "It Can't Happen Here" but that would be old school overkill and most kidz wouldn't get the ironic attempt at humor regarding a non-humorous incident. so i won't

If MY 8th Grade Earth Science Teacher (Mr. Basil G. Dean) had read the above he probably would have smacked me up side the head with a metaphorical 2x4. My 8th Grade Art Teacher (Mr. Anderson) would probably have applauded. We gave him, Mr. Anderson, hell. For no good reason. And this was in a Public--rather than Parochial--School back in the early '60's. In Colorado . . . hmmmmmm. =)

12-18-2013, 06:30 PM
Update!! (on breaking news c/o K4): Between back to back car commercials--eliciting a question, even from my sweet wife, regarding their frequency--Mike Morgan suggests that upcoming weather events, with rain, snow, or a wintery mix, may aid in or detract from the escape of the 8th Grade Scofflaw, currently on the loose, somewhere in Pottawattome Co. or wherever. He, Mr. Morgan, does not, however, suggest that you drive to your nearest auto dealer for a test drive in order to locate the suspect.